Exemple #1
IPCCommandResult ES::DeleteTicket(const IOCtlVRequest& request)
  if (!request.HasNumberOfValidVectors(1, 0) ||
      request.in_vectors[0].size != sizeof(IOS::ES::TicketView))
    return GetDefaultReply(ES_EINVAL);
  return GetDefaultReply(DeleteTicket(Memory::GetPointer(request.in_vectors[0].address)));
Exemple #2
ReturnCode ES::DeleteTicket(const u8* ticket_view)
  const auto fs = m_ios.GetFS();
  const u64 title_id = Common::swap64(ticket_view + offsetof(IOS::ES::TicketView, title_id));

  if (!CanDeleteTitle(title_id))
    return ES_EINVAL;

  auto ticket = FindSignedTicket(title_id);
  if (!ticket.IsValid())
    return FS_ENOENT;

  const u64 ticket_id = Common::swap64(ticket_view + offsetof(IOS::ES::TicketView, ticket_id));

  const std::vector<u8>& new_ticket = ticket.GetBytes();
  const std::string ticket_path = Common::GetTicketFileName(title_id);
  if (!new_ticket.empty())
    const auto file = fs->OpenFile(PID_KERNEL, PID_KERNEL, ticket_path, FS::Mode::ReadWrite);
    if (!file || !file->Write(new_ticket.data(), new_ticket.size()))
      return ES_EIO;
    // Delete the ticket file if it is now empty.
    fs->Delete(PID_KERNEL, PID_KERNEL, ticket_path);

  // Delete the ticket directory if it is now empty.
  const std::string ticket_parent_dir =
      StringFromFormat("/ticket/%08x", static_cast<u32>(title_id >> 32));
  const auto ticket_parent_dir_entries =
      fs->ReadDirectory(PID_KERNEL, PID_KERNEL, ticket_parent_dir);
  if (ticket_parent_dir_entries && ticket_parent_dir_entries->empty())
    fs->Delete(PID_KERNEL, PID_KERNEL, ticket_parent_dir);

  return IPC_SUCCESS;
Exemple #3
int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
    int fd; // ファイルディスクリプタ。サーバーとの接続
    uint32_t r_buf[DATA_NUM];

    const char *host = argv[1]; // 第一引数 ex) localhost
    const char *service = argv[2]; // 第二引数 ex) 1111

    /* サーバーとの接続 */
    fd = get_stream(host, service);
    if (fd == -1)
        printf("get_stream error!!\n");

    /* 一回目のデータ取得 */
    int len = -1;

    len = getData(fd, r_buf);
    printf("finish read\n");
    printf("len: %d\n", len);
    // dumpBuf(r_buf);

    /* ゲームに必要なデータの初期化 */
    struct Company companies[COMPANY_NUM];
    struct Tickets* tickets = InitTickets();
    uint32_t key, tmp_key, tmp_code;
    int money = 10000;
    int state = 0;

    key = InitCompanies(r_buf, companies);


    /* メインルーチン。ターン数分実行される */
    for (int t = 0; t < TURNS; t++) {

        printf("\n\n------------------------%d th turn  money: %d------------------------\n", t, money);

        /* strategy部分 */

        if (t == 0) {
            InitStrategy(fd, key, tickets, companies);
        } else if (t % 2 == 1) {
            SecondStrategy(fd, key, tickets, companies);
        } else if (t % 2 == 0) {
            ThirdBuyStrategy(fd, key, money, tickets, companies);
        } else {

        /* ターン内で投げたリクエストに対する反応を取得する */
        state = 0;
        // stateでゲームの進行状況を管理
        // state 0: 同一ターン内
        // state 1: 次のターンに進行
        // state 2: ゲーム終了。結果の出力へ
        while (state == 0) {

            getData(fd, r_buf);


            tmp_code = 0;
            tmp_key = 0;
            tmp_key = getKey(r_buf);
            if (key != tmp_key) {
                state = 1;
                printf("next turn\n");
            tmp_code = getCode(r_buf);
            if (tmp_code == REQ_ACCEPT) {
                int accepted_idx = isContain(MakeTicketFromBuf(r_buf), tickets);
                printf("%d th ticket accepted!!\n", accepted_idx);
                if (accepted_idx != -1) {
                    money += ApplyTicket(accepted_idx, tickets, companies);
            } else if (tmp_code == UNKOWN_CODE || tmp_code == INVALID_KEY ||
                       tmp_code == TOO_MUCH_REQ || tmp_code == ID_NOT_EXIST ||
                       tmp_code == TOO_MUCH_BUY || tmp_code == TOO_MUCH_SELL) {
                printf("code error type: %s\n", getCodeName(tmp_code));
                int rejected_idx = isContain(MakeTicketFromBuf(r_buf), tickets);
                printf("rejected ticket: %d\n", rejected_idx);
                if (rejected_idx != -1) {
                    DeleteTicket(rejected_idx, tickets);
            } else if (tmp_code == TURN_START) {
                key = Parse(r_buf, companies);
                state = 1;
            } else if (tmp_code == GAME_END) {
                state = 2;
            } else {
                printf("something wrong in code\n");

        if (state == 2) {



    printf("your rank: %d\n", getID(0, r_buf));
    printf("your budget: %u\n", getValue(0, r_buf));


    return 0;