Exemple #1
DeprecatedString String::deprecatedString() const
    if (!m_impl)
        return DeprecatedString::null;
    if (!m_impl->characters())
        return DeprecatedString("", 0);
    return DeprecatedString(reinterpret_cast<const DeprecatedChar*>(m_impl->characters()), m_impl->length());
int RegularExpression::match(const DeprecatedString &str, int startFrom, int *matchLength) const
#ifdef __OWB_JS__
    d->lastMatchString = str;
    // First 2 offsets are start and end offsets; 3rd entry is used internally by pcre
    d->lastMatchCount = pcre_exec(d->regex, NULL, reinterpret_cast<const uint16_t *>(d->lastMatchString.unicode()), d->lastMatchString.length(), startFrom, startFrom == 0 ? 0 : PCRE_NOTBOL, d->lastMatchOffsets, maxOffsets);
    if (d->lastMatchCount < 0) {
        if (d->lastMatchCount != PCRE_ERROR_NOMATCH)
            LOG_ERROR("RegularExpression: pcre_exec() failed with result %d", d->lastMatchCount);
        d->lastMatchPos = -1;
        d->lastMatchLength = -1;
        d->lastMatchString = DeprecatedString();
        return -1;
    // 1 means 1 match; 0 means more than one match. First match is recorded in offsets.
    //ASSERT(d->lastMatchCount < 2);
    d->lastMatchPos = d->lastMatchOffsets[0];
    d->lastMatchLength = d->lastMatchOffsets[1] - d->lastMatchOffsets[0];
    if (matchLength != NULL) {
        *matchLength = d->lastMatchLength;
    return d->lastMatchPos;
    return -1;
Exemple #3
static DeprecatedString getTagName(void *node)
    SVGStyledElement *elem = static_cast<SVGStyledElement *>(node);
    if (elem)
        return String(elem->nodeName()).deprecatedString();
    return DeprecatedString();
Exemple #4
void XMLHttpRequest::open(const String& method, const KURL& url, bool async, const String& user, const String& password, ExceptionCode& ec)
    m_aborted = false;

    // clear stuff from possible previous load
    m_requestHeaders = DeprecatedString();
    m_responseHeaders = String();
    m_response = DeprecatedString();
    m_createdDocument = false;
    m_responseXML = 0;


    if (m_aborted)

    if (!urlMatchesDocumentDomain(url))

    if (!isValidToken(method)) {
        ec = SYNTAX_ERR;
    m_url = url;

    if (!user.isNull())

    if (!password.isNull())

    // Method names are case sensitive. But since Firefox uppercases method names it knows, we'll do the same.
    String methodUpper(method.upper());
    if (methodUpper == "CONNECT" || methodUpper == "COPY" || methodUpper == "DELETE" || methodUpper == "GET" || methodUpper == "HEAD"
        || methodUpper == "INDEX" || methodUpper == "LOCK" || methodUpper == "M-POST" || methodUpper == "MKCOL" || methodUpper == "MOVE" 
        || methodUpper == "OPTIONS" || methodUpper == "POST" || methodUpper == "PROPFIND" || methodUpper == "PROPPATCH" || methodUpper == "PUT" 
        || methodUpper == "TRACE" || methodUpper == "UNLOCK")
        m_method = methodUpper.deprecatedString();
        m_method = method.deprecatedString();

    m_async = async;

bool DOMImplementation::isXMLMIMEType(const String& mimeType)
    if (mimeType == "text/xml" || mimeType == "application/xml" || mimeType == "text/xsl")
        return true;
    static const char* validChars = "[0-9a-zA-Z_\\-+~!$\\^{}|.%'`#&*]"; // per RFCs: 3023, 2045
    static RegularExpression xmlTypeRegExp(DeprecatedString("^") + validChars + "+/" + validChars + "+\\+xml$");
    if (xmlTypeRegExp.match(mimeType.deprecatedString()) > -1)
        return true;
    return false;
Exemple #6
DeprecatedString RegularExpression::cap(int n) const
    const pcre_char *substring = NULL;
    int substringLength = pcre_get_substring(reinterpret_cast<const uint16_t *>(d->lastMatchString.unicode()), d->lastMatchOffsets, d->lastMatchCount, n, &substring);
    if (substringLength > 0) {
       DeprecatedString capture(reinterpret_cast<const DeprecatedChar *>(substring), substringLength);
       return capture;
    return DeprecatedString();
DeprecatedString StreamingTextDecoderICU::convertUsingICU(const unsigned char* chs, int len, bool flush)
    // Get a converter for the passed-in encoding.
    if (!m_converterICU) {
        if (!m_converterICU)
            return DeprecatedString();

    DeprecatedString result("");

    UChar buffer[ConversionBufferSize];
    const char* source = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(chs);
    const char* sourceLimit = source + len;
    int32_t* offsets = NULL;
    UErrorCode err;

    do {
        UChar* target = buffer;
        const UChar* targetLimit = target + ConversionBufferSize;
        err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        ucnv_toUnicode(m_converterICU, &target, targetLimit, &source, sourceLimit, offsets, flush, &err);
        int count = target - buffer;
        appendOmittingBOM(result, reinterpret_cast<const UChar*>(buffer), count * sizeof(UChar));
    } while (err == U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR);

    if (U_FAILURE(err)) {
        // flush the converter so it can be reused, and not be bothered by this error.
        do {
            UChar *target = buffer;
            const UChar *targetLimit = target + ConversionBufferSize;
            err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
            ucnv_toUnicode(m_converterICU, &target, targetLimit, &source, sourceLimit, offsets, true, &err);
        } while (source < sourceLimit);
        LOG_ERROR("ICU conversion error");
        return DeprecatedString();

    return result;
Exemple #8
void setCookies(const KURL& url, const KURL& policyURL, const String& value)
    DeprecatedString str = url.url();
    DeprecatedString result("Set-Cookie:");

    DeprecatedString val = value.deprecatedString();

    //add everything in the cookie

    //Check if it had appended domain, path
    bool noDomainSet = !val.contains(DeprecatedString("domain="));
    bool noPathSet = !val.contains(DeprecatedString("path="));

    if(noDomainSet || noPathSet)
        char pathBuffer[SIZE_OF_LATIN1_BUFFERS];
        char domainBuffer[SIZE_OF_LATIN1_BUFFERS];

        int tl_domainLocationInUrlBegins = str.find("://") + SIZE_OF_COLONSLASHSLASH;
        int tl_domainLocationInUrlEnds = str.find("/",tl_domainLocationInUrlBegins) - 1;
            str.copyLatin1(domainBuffer, tl_domainLocationInUrlBegins, 
                           tl_domainLocationInUrlEnds - tl_domainLocationInUrlBegins + 1);
            domainBuffer[tl_domainLocationInUrlEnds - tl_domainLocationInUrlBegins + 1] = '\0';
            result.append(DeprecatedString(" domain="));

            int tl_pathLocationInUrlEnds = str.findRev("/");
            str.copyLatin1(pathBuffer, tl_domainLocationInUrlEnds + 1, // 1 because it'll include '/'
                           tl_pathLocationInUrlEnds - tl_domainLocationInUrlEnds ); 
            pathBuffer[tl_pathLocationInUrlEnds = tl_domainLocationInUrlEnds] = '\0';
            result.append(DeprecatedString(" path="));

        result.append(DeprecatedString(" secure"));

    //Connect with Runtime.    
DeprecatedStringList DeprecatedStringList::split(const DeprecatedChar &separator, const DeprecatedString &s, bool allowEmptyEntries)
    return DeprecatedStringList::split(DeprecatedString(separator), s, allowEmptyEntries);
JSValue* JSXMLHttpRequestPrototypeFunction::callAsFunction(ExecState* exec, JSObject* thisObj, const List& args)
    if (!thisObj->inherits(&JSXMLHttpRequest::info))
        return throwError(exec, TypeError);

    JSXMLHttpRequest* request = static_cast<JSXMLHttpRequest*>(thisObj);

    ExceptionCode ec = 0;

    switch (id) {
        case JSXMLHttpRequest::Abort:
            return jsUndefined();

        case JSXMLHttpRequest::GetAllResponseHeaders:
            return jsStringOrUndefined(request->m_impl->getAllResponseHeaders());

        case JSXMLHttpRequest::GetResponseHeader:
            if (args.size() < 1)
                return throwError(exec, SyntaxError, "Not enough arguments");

            return jsStringOrNull(request->m_impl->getResponseHeader(args[0]->toString(exec)));

        case JSXMLHttpRequest::Open: {
            if (args.size() < 2)
                return throwError(exec, SyntaxError, "Not enough arguments");

            String method = args[0]->toString(exec);
            Frame* frame = Window::retrieveActive(exec)->impl()->frame();
            if (!frame)
                return jsUndefined();
            KURL url = frame->loader()->completeURL(DeprecatedString(args[1]->toString(exec)));

            bool async = true;
            if (args.size() >= 3)
                async = args[2]->toBoolean(exec);

            if (args.size() >= 4 && !args[3]->isUndefined()) {
                String user = valueToStringWithNullCheck(exec, args[3]);

                if (args.size() >= 5 && !args[4]->isUndefined()) {
                    String password = valueToStringWithNullCheck(exec, args[4]);
                    request->m_impl->open(method, url, async, user, password, ec);
                } else
                    request->m_impl->open(method, url, async, user, ec);
            } else
                request->m_impl->open(method, url, async, ec);

            setDOMException(exec, ec);
            return jsUndefined();
        case JSXMLHttpRequest::Send: {
            String body;

            if (args.size() >= 1) {
                if (args[0]->toObject(exec)->inherits(&JSDocument::info)) {
                    Document* doc = static_cast<Document*>(static_cast<JSDocument*>(args[0]->toObject(exec))->impl());
                    body = doc->toString().deprecatedString();
                } else {
                    // converting certain values (like null) to object can set an exception
                    if (exec->hadException())
                        body = args[0]->toString(exec);

            request->m_impl->send(body, ec);
            setDOMException(exec, ec);

            return jsUndefined();
        case JSXMLHttpRequest::SetRequestHeader:
            if (args.size() < 2)
                return throwError(exec, SyntaxError, "Not enough arguments");

            request->m_impl->setRequestHeader(args[0]->toString(exec), args[1]->toString(exec), ec);
            setDOMException(exec, ec);
            return jsUndefined();

        case JSXMLHttpRequest::OverrideMIMEType:
            if (args.size() < 1)
                return throwError(exec, SyntaxError, "Not enough arguments");

            return jsUndefined();
        case JSXMLHttpRequest::AddEventListener: {
            Document* doc = request->m_impl->document();
            if (!doc)
                return jsUndefined();
            Frame* frame = doc->frame();
            if (!frame)
                return jsUndefined();
            JSUnprotectedEventListener* listener = KJS::Window::retrieveWindow(frame)->findOrCreateJSUnprotectedEventListener(args[1], true);
            if (!listener)
                return jsUndefined();
            request->m_impl->addEventListener(args[0]->toString(exec), listener, args[2]->toBoolean(exec));
            return jsUndefined();
        case JSXMLHttpRequest::RemoveEventListener: {
            Document* doc = request->m_impl->document();
            if (!doc)
                return jsUndefined();
            Frame* frame = doc->frame();
            if (!frame)
                return jsUndefined();
            JSUnprotectedEventListener* listener = KJS::Window::retrieveWindow(frame)->findOrCreateJSUnprotectedEventListener(args[1], true);
            if (!listener)
                return jsUndefined();
            request->m_impl->removeEventListener(args[0]->toString(exec), listener, args[2]->toBoolean(exec));
            return jsUndefined();
        case JSXMLHttpRequest::DispatchEvent: {
            bool result = request->m_impl->dispatchEvent(toEvent(args[0]), ec);
            setDOMException(exec, ec);
            return jsBoolean(result);

    return jsUndefined();
DeprecatedString StreamingTextDecoderICU::toUnicode(const char* chs, int len, bool flush)
    ASSERT_ARG(len, len >= 0);
    if (!chs)
        return DeprecatedString();

    if (len <= 0 && !flush)
        return "";

    // Handle normal case.
    if (!m_atStart)
        return convert(chs, len, flush);

    // Check to see if we found a BOM.
    int numBufferedBytes = m_numBufferedBytes;
    int buf1Len = numBufferedBytes;
    int buf2Len = len;
    const unsigned char* buf1 = m_bufferedBytes;
    const unsigned char* buf2 = reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(chs);
    unsigned char c1 = buf1Len ? (--buf1Len, *buf1++) : buf2Len ? (--buf2Len, *buf2++) : 0;
    unsigned char c2 = buf1Len ? (--buf1Len, *buf1++) : buf2Len ? (--buf2Len, *buf2++) : 0;
    unsigned char c3 = buf1Len ? (--buf1Len, *buf1++) : buf2Len ? (--buf2Len, *buf2++) : 0;
    int BOMLength = 0;
    if (c1 == 0xFF && c2 == 0xFE) {
        if (m_encoding != TextEncoding(UTF16Encoding, LittleEndian)) {
            m_encoding = TextEncoding(UTF16Encoding, LittleEndian);
            m_littleEndian = true;
        BOMLength = 2;
    } else if (c1 == 0xFE && c2 == 0xFF) {
        if (m_encoding != TextEncoding(UTF16Encoding, BigEndian)) {
            m_encoding = TextEncoding(UTF16Encoding, BigEndian);
            m_littleEndian = false;
        BOMLength = 2;
    } else if (c1 == 0xEF && c2 == 0xBB && c3 == 0xBF) {
        if (m_encoding != TextEncoding(UTF8Encoding)) {
            m_encoding = TextEncoding(UTF8Encoding);
        BOMLength = 3;

    // Handle case where we found a BOM.
    if (BOMLength != 0) {
        ASSERT(numBufferedBytes + len >= BOMLength);
        int skip = BOMLength - numBufferedBytes;
        m_numBufferedBytes = 0;
        m_atStart = false;
        return len == skip ? DeprecatedString("") : convert(chs + skip, len - skip, flush);

    // Handle case where we know there is no BOM coming.
    const int bufferSize = sizeof(m_bufferedBytes);
    if (numBufferedBytes + len > bufferSize || flush) {
        m_atStart = false;
        if (numBufferedBytes == 0) {
            return convert(chs, len, flush);
        unsigned char bufferedBytes[sizeof(m_bufferedBytes)];
        memcpy(bufferedBytes, m_bufferedBytes, numBufferedBytes);
        m_numBufferedBytes = 0;
        return convert(bufferedBytes, numBufferedBytes, false) + convert(chs, len, flush);

    // Continue to look for the BOM.
    memcpy(&m_bufferedBytes[numBufferedBytes], chs, len);
    m_numBufferedBytes += len;
    return "";
Exemple #12
DeprecatedString SSLKeyGenerator::signedPublicKeyAndChallengeString(unsigned keySizeIndex, const DeprecatedString &challengeString, const KURL &url){return DeprecatedString();};