 * \test ProtoTestParse03 is a test to make sure that we parse the
 *  protocol correctly, when given "ip" as proto option.
static int ProtoTestParse03 (void)
    DetectProto dp;

    int r = DetectProtoParse(&dp, "ip");
    if (r >= 0 && dp.flags & DETECT_PROTO_ANY) {
        return 1;

    SCLogDebug("ProtoTestParse03: Error in parsing the \"ip\" string");
    return 0;
 * \test ProtoTestParse02 is a test to make sure that we parse the
 *  protocol correctly, when given "tcp" as proto option.
static int ProtoTestParse02 (void)
    DetectProto dp;

    int r = DetectProtoParse(&dp, "tcp");
    if (r >= 0 && dp.proto[(IPPROTO_TCP/8)] & (1<<(IPPROTO_TCP%8))) {
        return 1;

    SCLogDebug("ProtoTestParse02: Error in parsing the \"tcp\" string");
    return 0;
 * \test ProtoTestParse01 is a test to make sure that we parse the
 *  protocol correctly, when given valid proto option.
static int ProtoTestParse01 (void)
    DetectProto dp;

    int r = DetectProtoParse(&dp, "6");
    if (r < 0) {
        return 1;

    SCLogDebug("DetectProtoParse should have rejected the \"6\" string");
    return 0;
 * \test ProtoTestParse05 is a test to make sure that we do not parse the
 *  protocol, when given an invalid proto option.
static int ProtoTestParse05 (void)
    DetectProto dp;

    /* Check for a bad string */
    int r = DetectProtoParse(&dp, "tcp/udp");
    if (r < 0) {
        return 1;

    SCLogDebug("ProtoTestParse05: it should not parsing the \"tcp/udp\" string");
    return 0;
 * \test ProtoTestParse04 is a test to make sure that we do not parse the
 *  protocol, when given an invalid proto option.
static int ProtoTestParse04 (void)
    DetectProto dp;

    /* Check for a bad number */
    int r = DetectProtoParse(&dp, "4242");
    if (r < 0) {
        return 1;

    SCLogDebug("ProtoTestParse04: it should not parsing the \"4242\" string");
    return 0;
 * \test make sure that we properly parse tcp-stream
static int ProtoTestParse07 (void)
    DetectProto dp;

    /* Check for a bad string */
    int r = DetectProtoParse(&dp, "tcp-stream");
    if (r < 0) {
        printf("parsing tcp-stream failed: ");
        return 0;

    if (!(dp.flags & DETECT_PROTO_ONLY_STREAM)) {
        printf("DETECT_PROTO_ONLY_STREAM flag not set: ");
        return 0;

    return 1;
 * \brief this function is used to initialize the detection engine context and
 *        setup the signature with passed values.
static int DetectProtoInitTest(DetectEngineCtx **de_ctx, Signature **sig,
                               DetectProto *dp, char *str)
    char fullstr[1024];
    int result = 0;

    *de_ctx = NULL;
    *sig = NULL;

    if (snprintf(fullstr, 1024, "alert %s any any -> any any (msg:\"DetectProto"
            " test\"; sid:1;)", str) >= 1024)
        goto end;

    *de_ctx = DetectEngineCtxInit();
    if (*de_ctx == NULL) {
        goto end;

    (*de_ctx)->flags |= DE_QUIET;

    (*de_ctx)->sig_list = SigInit(*de_ctx, fullstr);
    if ((*de_ctx)->sig_list == NULL) {
        goto end;

    *sig = (*de_ctx)->sig_list;

    if (DetectProtoParse(dp, str) < 0)
        goto end;

    result = 1;

    return result;