Exemple #1
//Dialog main function
//  Max. items in the listbox       dDLGMAXLISTBOXSIZE
//  Max. item size in the listbox   dDLGMAXITEMSIZE
//  Dialogbox sizes  dDLGWIN_* values
//No dynamic memory allocation
//Selection is accepted if, list item is selected and
// - user pressed "Ok" button
// - user double-clicks on the listbox item
// - user pressed <Enter> key
//If no items in the psList or psList is NULL,
//then Ok button is disabled
//psList         - pointer arrays of listbox elements
//                 last item must be NULL
//psCaption      - dialog caption/title
//                 if NULL, then no caption
//psHeader       - listbox header
//                 if NULL, then no header
//psOkButton     - Ok button label
//                 if NULL or zero length string, then "&Ok"
//psCancelButton - Cancel button label
//                 if NULL or zero length string, then "&Cancel"
//iWinWidth      - dialogbox width, if 0 then default size
//iWinHeight     - dialogbox height, if 0 then default size
//returns -1 (dDLGNOSELECTION) if listbox item not selected (Cancel button)
//       >=0  selected item index in the psList array
int RunDialogUnitSimple(char *psList[], char *psCaption, char *psHeader, char *psOkButton, char *psCancelButton, int iWinWidth, int iWinHeight)
char  sTemp[dDLGTEMPBUFLEN];
DWORD dwRes;
//Set global data
psDlgCaption = psCaption;
psGrpHeader = psHeader;
psOkButtonText = psOkButton;
psCancelButtonText = psCancelButton;
iDlgWidth  = iWinWidth;
iDlgHeight = iWinHeight;
//if not allowed value, then default size
if (iDlgWidth < dDLGWIN_MINWIDTH || iDlgWidth > dDLGWIN_MAXWIDTH)
  iDlgWidth = 0;
//if not allowed value, then default size
if (iDlgHeight < dDLGWIN_MINHEIGHT || iDlgHeight > dDLGWIN_MAXHEIGHT)
  iDlgHeight = 0;
//if not specified, then empty string
if (psDlgCaption == NULL)
  psDlgCaption = "";
//if not specified, then empty string
if (psGrpHeader == NULL)
  psGrpHeader = "";
//if not specified, then Ok string
if (psOkButtonText == NULL || lstrlen(psOkButtonText) == 0)
  psOkButtonText = "&Ok";
//if not specified, then Ok string
if (psCancelButtonText == NULL || lstrlen(psCancelButtonText) == 0)
  psCancelButtonText = "&Cancel";
//set items
psListItems = psList;
//Starts dialog, return value from function Dialog_End

if (Dialog_Create() == TRUE)
  iRes = DialogBoxIndirect(NULL, (LPDLGTEMPLATE) hgbl, GetActiveWindow(), (DLGPROC) WndDlgUnitProc);
  iRes = dDLGERROR;
//if GetLastError returns nonzero, then dialog opening error
if (iRes == dDLGERROR)
  dwRes = GetLastError();
  if (dwRes != 0)
    //prints Windows errorcode
    sprintf(sTemp,"Windows Error=%d",dwRes);
  iRes = dDLGERROR;
if (hgbl != NULL)
Exemple #2
 * OnInitDialog()
BOOL mfd_OnInitDialog(HWND mtfDlg, HWND focusCtrl, LPARAM lParam)
    HWND ctrl;
    int i;
    SPECIALLCDINIT noteLcdInit = { IDC_MT_NOTE_1,  3, 13, 109
        , Prog_keyNameStrings[13], NULL };
    NUMLCDINIT fineLcdInit = { IDC_MT_FINE_1,  3,  0,   63, -31, NULL };
    NUMLCDINIT fullLcdInit = { IDC_MT_FULL_1,  4,  0, 6143,   0, NULL };
    _TUCHAR noteName[5];

    mfd_dlgData.wnd = Prog_mtfDlg = mtfDlg;
     * Adjust the window position.
    if (IsRectEmpty(&Prog_mtfDlgPlacement.rcNormalPosition)) {
        Window_Center(mtfDlg, mfd_parentWnd);
        GetWindowPlacement(mtfDlg, &Prog_mtfDlgPlacement);
     * Set up dialog controls.
    for (i = 0; i < mfd_initCnt; i++) {
        int topOffset = 34 * i;

         * Create note label.
        KybdCtrl_KeyToText(i, noteName);
        ctrl = CreateWindow(
                _T("Static")                           /* window class */
                , noteName                             /* caption text */
                , WS_CHILD | WS_GROUP | WS_VISIBLE     /* styles */
                    | SS_LEFT
                , 3, 7 + topOffset                    /* left, top */
                , 26, 13                               /* width, height */
                , mtfDlg                               /* parent window */
                , (HMENU) IDC_STATIC                   /* control ID */
                , Prog_instance                        /* program instance */
                , NULL                                 /* creation data */
        if (!ctrl) {
            Error_LastErrorF(_T("Error creating %s note label"), noteName);
            return FALSE;
        SetWindowFont(ctrl, Prog_tahomaFont, FALSE);
         * Create Note LCD.
        ctrl = CreateWindow(
                _T("LcdCtrl")                          /* window class */
                , NULL                                 /* caption text */
                , WS_CHILD | WS_TABSTOP | WS_VISIBLE   /* styles */
                    | LCS_SMALL | LCS_TEXT | LCS_LEFT_SB
                , 32, topOffset                        /* left, top */
                , 324, 13                              /* width, height */
                , mtfDlg                               /* parent window */
                , (HMENU) (IDC_MT_NOTE_1 + (i << 1))   /* control ID */
                , Prog_instance                        /* program instance */
                , NULL                                 /* creation data */
        if (!ctrl) {
            Error_LastErrorF(_T("Error creating %s note LCD"), noteName);
            return FALSE;
        LcdCtrl_SpecialInit(ctrl, &noteLcdInit);
         * Create fine LCD.
        ctrl = CreateWindow(
                _T("LcdCtrl")                          /* window class */
                , NULL                                 /* caption text */
                , WS_CHILD | WS_TABSTOP | WS_VISIBLE   /* styles */
                , 360, topOffset                       /* left, top */
                , 143, 13                              /* width, height */
                , mtfDlg                               /* parent window */
                , (HMENU) (IDC_MT_FINE_1 + (i << 1))   /* control ID */
                , Prog_instance                        /* program instance */
                , NULL                                 /* creation data */
        if (!ctrl) {
            Error_LastErrorF(_T("Error creating %s fine LCD"), noteName);
            return FALSE;
        LcdCtrl_NumInit(ctrl, &fineLcdInit);
         * Create full range LCD.
        ctrl = CreateWindow(
                _T("LcdCtrl")                          /* window class */
                , NULL                                 /* caption text */
                , WS_CHILD | WS_TABSTOP | WS_VISIBLE   /* styles */
                    | LCS_SMALL | LCS_NUMERIC | LCS_LEFT_SB
                , 32, 15 + topOffset                   /* left, top */
                , 471, 13                              /* width, height */
                , mtfDlg                               /* parent window */
                , (HMENU) (IDC_MT_FULL_1 + i)          /* control ID */
                , Prog_instance                        /* program instance */
                , NULL                                 /* creation data */
        if (!ctrl) {
            Error_LastErrorF(_T("Error creating %s full range LCD"), noteName);
            return FALSE;
        LcdCtrl_NumInit(ctrl, &fullLcdInit);
         * Create frequency static control.
        ctrl = CreateWindow(
                _T("Static")                           /* window class */
                , NULL                                 /* caption text */
                , WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | SS_RIGHT     /* styles */
                    | SS_SUNKEN
                , 508, 7 + topOffset                   /* left, top */
                , 40, 16                               /* width, height */
                , mtfDlg                               /* parent window */
                , (HMENU) (IDC_MT_FREQ_1 + i)          /* control ID */
                , Prog_instance                        /* program instance */
                , NULL                                 /* creation data */
        if (!ctrl) {
            Error_LastErrorF(_T("Error creating %s frequency display"), noteName);
            return FALSE;
        SetWindowFont(ctrl, Prog_tahomaFont, FALSE);
     * Set up the undo infrastructure.
    mfd_dlgData.menu = GetMenu(mtfDlg);
    mfd_dlgData.undo = Undo_Create();
     * Init control values.
     * Set up the scrolling dialog module.
    if (!(mfd_dialog = Dialog_Create(mtfDlg)))
        return FALSE;
     * Adjust and display the window.
#define RC Prog_mtfDlgPlacement.rcNormalPosition
    MoveWindow(mtfDlg, RC.left, RC.top
            , RECT_W(RC) + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXHSCROLL)
            , RECT_H(RC) + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYVSCROLL), TRUE);
    MoveWindow(mtfDlg, RC.left, RC.top, RECT_W(RC), RECT_H(RC), TRUE);
#undef RC
    ShowWindow(mtfDlg, SW_SHOWNORMAL);

    return TRUE;