void DictionarySuite_TestSet( DictionarySuiteData* data ) {
   Dictionary_Entry_Value* currValue;
   Dictionary_Entry_Value* listValue;
   double                  newVal1 = 34.3, newVal2 = 38.9;
   Index                   ii=0;

   DictionarySuite_PopulateDictWithTestValues( data->dict, data->testDD );

   listValue = Dictionary_Get( data->dict, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"test_list" );
   /* getting dictionary out of a list */
   currValue = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetFirstElement( listValue  );
   /* do something to this value */
   Dictionary_Entry_Value_SetFromDouble( currValue, newVal1 );
   currValue = currValue->next;
   /* do something to this value */
   Dictionary_Entry_Value_SetFromDouble( currValue, newVal2 );
   pcu_check_true( 5 == Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetCount( listValue ) );
   currValue = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetFirstElement( listValue );
   pcu_check_le( fabs(newVal1 - Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsDouble( currValue )), 0.01 );
   currValue = currValue->next;
   pcu_check_le( fabs(newVal2 - Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsDouble( currValue )), 0.01 );
   currValue = currValue->next;
   for ( ii=2; ii<data->testDD->testListCount; ii++ ) {
      pcu_check_le( fabs(data->testDD->testList[ii]
         - Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsDouble( currValue )), 0.01 );
      currValue = currValue->next;
void DictionarySuite_TestAddElement( DictionarySuiteData* data ) {
   Dictionary_Entry_Value* yValue;
   Dictionary_Entry_Value* testStruct;
   Dictionary_Entry_Value* currValue;
   double                  newVal = -45.0;

   DictionarySuite_PopulateDictWithTestValues( data->dict, data->testDD );

   /* turning the starty value into a list using add element */
   testStruct = Dictionary_Get( data->dict, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"test_struct"  );
   yValue = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetMember( Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetMember(testStruct, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"geom" ), "starty");
   Dictionary_Entry_Value_AddElement( yValue, Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromDouble(newVal) );

   pcu_check_true( Dictionary_Entry_Value_Type_List == yValue->type );
   pcu_check_true( 2 == Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetCount( yValue ) );

   currValue = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetFirstElement( yValue );
   pcu_check_le( fabs( data->testDD->testStruct->geom.starty - Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsDouble( currValue )), 0.01 );
   currValue = currValue->next;
   pcu_check_le( fabs( newVal - Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsDouble( currValue )), 0.01 );
void _SnacHillSlope_InitialConditions( void* _context, void* data ) {
    Snac_Context		*context = (Snac_Context*)_context;
    SnacHillSlope_Context	*contextExt = ExtensionManager_Get(context->extensionMgr,
								   SnacHillSlope_ContextHandle );
    Mesh			*mesh = context->mesh;
    MeshLayout			*layout = (MeshLayout*)mesh->layout;
    HexaMD			*decomp = (HexaMD*)layout->decomp;
    BlockGeometry		*geometry = (BlockGeometry*)layout->elementLayout->geometry;
    Node_GlobalIndex		node_g, node_gI, node_gJ;

    const int			full_I_node_range=decomp->nodeGlobal3DCounts[0];
    const int			full_J_node_range=decomp->nodeGlobal3DCounts[1];

    double			new_x[full_I_node_range], new_y[full_J_node_range];
    double			reg_dx, reg_dy, new_xMax, new_xMin, new_xHalf, midOffset, old_yMax, new_yMax, new_yMin;

    double			slopeAngle = contextExt->slopeAngle * M_PI/180.0;
    double			resolveHeight = geometry->max[1]-contextExt->resolveDepth;

    double			xLeftFlatRamp = (contextExt->leftFlatFraction<0.0 ? 0.0 : 
					     (contextExt->leftFlatFraction>1.0 ? 1.0 : contextExt->leftFlatFraction));
    double			xRightRampFlat = (contextExt->rightFlatFraction<0.0 ? 
					     1.0-contextExt->leftFlatFraction : (contextExt->rightFlatFraction>1.0 ? 
										  1.0 : contextExt->rightFlatFraction));
    const double		smoothFactor = contextExt->rampFlatSmoothFactor;

    int				restart = FALSE;
    Dictionary_Entry_Value 	*pluginsList, *plugin;
#ifdef DEBUG
    int imax=0;

    pluginsList = PluginsManager_GetPluginsList( context->dictionary );
    if (pluginsList) {
	plugin = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetFirstElement(pluginsList);
	while ( plugin ) {
	    if ( 0 == strcmp( Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsString( plugin ),
			      "SnacRestart" ) ) {
		restart = TRUE;
	    plugin = plugin->next;
    if(context->restartTimestep > 0) {
	restart = TRUE;
    if( restart ) {
	fprintf(stderr, "Restarting: thus bailing from hillSlope/InitialConditions.c to avoid overwriting the mesh geometry\n");

#ifdef DEBUG
    printf( "In: %s\n", __func__ );
    //    fprintf(stderr, "Slope angle = %g degrees\n", slopeAngle/(M_PI/180.0));

    /*  Report HillSlope plugin variables picked up (?) from xml parameter file */
    Journal_Printf( context->snacInfo, "\nSlope angle = %g degrees\n", slopeAngle/(M_PI/180.0) );

    reg_dx = (geometry->max[0]-geometry->min[0])/(double)(full_I_node_range-1);
    reg_dy = (geometry->max[1]-geometry->min[1])/(double)(full_J_node_range-1);
     *  Decide at what height (prior to shearing) to switch from rombhoid to parallelopiped geometry, 
     *     i.e., at what depth to resolve using "regular" elements parallel to the surface
     *           versus "irregular" elements deformed to fit to a horizontal bottom
     * If contextExt->resolveDepth is negative, resolveHeight is set to zero and the whole domain is "regular"
    if(contextExt->resolveDepth<0.0 || resolveHeight<0.0) {
	resolveHeight = 0.0;
    } else if(resolveHeight>geometry->max[1]) {
	resolveHeight = geometry->max[1];
    for( node_gI = 0; node_gI < full_I_node_range; node_gI++ )
	new_x[node_gI] = geometry->min[0] + node_gI*reg_dx;
    for( node_gJ = 0; node_gJ <= (full_J_node_range-1); node_gJ++ )
	new_y[node_gJ] = geometry->min[1] + node_gJ*reg_dy;
/*     if((full_J_node_range-1)<4) { */
/* 	for( node_gJ = 0; node_gJ <= (full_J_node_range-1); node_gJ++ ) */
/* 	    new_y[node_gJ] = geometry->min[1] + node_gJ*reg_dy; */
/*     } else { */
/* 	for( node_gJ = 0; node_gJ <= (full_J_node_range-1)/4; node_gJ++ ) */
/* 	    new_y[node_gJ] = geometry->min[1] + node_gJ*reg_dy*(stretchFactor/(1.0+stretchFactor)); */
/* 	for(            ; node_gJ <= (full_J_node_range-1); node_gJ++ ) */
/* 	    new_y[node_gJ] = geometry->min[1] + ((full_J_node_range-1)/4)*reg_dy*(stretchFactor/(1.0+stretchFactor))  */
/* 		+ (node_gJ-((full_J_node_range-1)/4))*reg_dy*(1.0/(1.0+stretchFactor)); */
/*     } */
     *  Assume highest point in x,y is at the last mesh node
    new_xMin = new_x[0];
    new_xMax = new_x[full_I_node_range-1];
    new_xHalf = new_xMin+(new_xMax-new_xMin)/2.0;
    new_yMin = new_y[0];
    old_yMax = new_yMax = new_y[full_J_node_range-1];  /*+ tan(mesh_slope)*geometry->max[0]; */


    fprintf(stderr, "Left flat <= %g -> %g\n", contextExt->leftFlatFraction, xLeftFlatRamp);
    fprintf(stderr, "Right flat >= %g -> %g\n", contextExt->rightFlatFraction, xRightRampFlat);
    fprintf(stderr, "Ramp-flat smoothness = %g\n", smoothFactor);
    fprintf(stderr, "Flat/ramp/flat ranges:  %g <-> %g <-> %g <-> %g\n", new_xMin, xLeftFlatRamp, xRightRampFlat, new_xMax);
     *  Loop across all nodes in mesh
     *    - total of x*y*z nodes is given by context->mesh->nodeGlobalCount+1
    for( node_g = 0; node_g < context->mesh->nodeGlobalCount; node_g++ ) {
	Node_LocalIndex			node_l = Mesh_NodeMapGlobalToLocal( mesh, node_g );
	Index				i_g;
	Index				j_g;
	Index				k_g;
	Coord*				coord = 0;
	Coord				tmpCoord;

	 *  If a local node, directly change the node coordinates else use a temporary location
	if( node_l < context->mesh->nodeLocalCount ) { /* a local node */
	    coord = Snac_NodeCoord_P( context, node_l );
	else {
	     *  If the node is running on another CPU, use dummy ptr
	     *   - wouldn't it be better to just skip (continue) to next node?
	    coord = &tmpCoord;
	 *  Convert 1d mesh node index to 3d i,j,k mesh node position
	RegularMeshUtils_Node_1DTo3D( decomp, node_g, &i_g, &j_g, &k_g );

	 *  Do nothing to x coordinate
	(*coord)[0] = new_x[i_g];

	 *  Transform y coordinates by shearing mesh parallel to vertical axis
	(*coord)[1] = new_y[j_g];
	midOffset=( (xRightRampFlat-(xRightRampFlat-new_xHalf)*( 1.0-exp(-smoothFactor*(xRightRampFlat-new_xHalf)/old_yMax) )) 
		    - (new_xHalf-xLeftFlatRamp)*( 1.0-exp(-smoothFactor*(new_xHalf-xLeftFlatRamp)/old_yMax) ) )*tan(slopeAngle);
	if(new_x[i_g]<=new_xHalf) {
	    /* LHS */
	    (*coord)[1] +=
		( (new_x[i_g]<xLeftFlatRamp ? 0 :  
		   (new_x[i_g]-xLeftFlatRamp)*( 1.0-exp(-smoothFactor*(new_x[i_g]-xLeftFlatRamp)/old_yMax) )*tan(slopeAngle) )
		  *(new_y[j_g]>=resolveHeight ? 1.0 : new_y[j_g]/resolveHeight) );
	} else {
	    /* RHS */
	    (*coord)[1] +=
		( (new_x[i_g]>=xRightRampFlat ? xRightRampFlat*tan(slopeAngle)-midOffset :  
		   (xRightRampFlat-(xRightRampFlat-new_x[i_g])*( 1.0-exp(-smoothFactor*(xRightRampFlat-new_x[i_g])/old_yMax) ))*tan(slopeAngle) - midOffset)
		  *(new_y[j_g]>=resolveHeight ? 1.0 : new_y[j_g]/resolveHeight) );

	 *  Track maximum y as mesh deforms
	if((*coord)[1]>new_yMax) new_yMax=(*coord)[1];
#ifdef DEBUG
	fprintf( stderr, "\tnode_l: %2u, node_g: %2u, i: %2u, j: %2u, k: %2u, ",
		 k_g );
	fprintf( stderr, "x: %12g, y: %12g, z: %12g\n", (*coord)[0], (*coord)[1], (*coord)[2] );
     *  Reset vertical max
    geometry->max[1] = new_yMax;
