ConstantDamping::ConstantDamping(const Inputs& sp, MPIdata& mpi, fftwPlans& fft) :
numMF_(1), numLin_(4),
f_noise_(sp.f_noise), nu_(, eta_(sp.eta),
dont_drive_ky0_modes_(0),// If true, no driving ky=0 modes
Model(sp.NZ, sp.NXY , sp.L), // Dimensions - stored in base
mpi_(mpi), // MPI data
fft_(fft) // FFT data
    // Setup MPI
    mpi_.Split_NXY_Grid( Dimxy_full() ); // Work out MPI splitting
    // Assign K data
    K = new Kdata(this, &mpi_); // Stores all the K data
    // Fourier transform plans
    fft_.calculatePlans( N(2),NZ() );
    // Random generator
    mt_ = boost::random::mt19937(1.0 + mpi_.my_n_v());  // Seed is 1.0, could change
    ndist_ = boost::random::normal_distribution<double>(0,f_noise_/sqrt(2)); // Normal distribution, standard deviation f_noise_ (factor 2 is since it's complex)
    noise_buff_ = dcmplxVec(num_Lin()*(NZ()-1));// NZ-1 since ky=kz=0 mode is not driven
    // Sizes of various arrays used for normalizing things
    totalN2_ = N(0)*N(1)*N(2); // Total number of grid points
    totalN2_ = totalN2_*totalN2_; // Squared
    mult_noise_fac_ = 1.0/(16*32*32); // Defined so that consistent with (16, 32, 32) results
    mult_noise_fac_ = mult_noise_fac_*mult_noise_fac_;
    // NZ^2 for normalizing  mean field energy
    nz2_ = N(2)*N(2);
    // Temps for evaulation of main equations
    uy_ = dcmplxVec( NZ() );
    by_ = dcmplxVec( NZ() );
    //               TEMPORARY ARRAYS                 //
    //  These are used during evaluation of the various parts of the model
    // There should never be any need to keep their value over more than 1 time-step
    // These arrays are used for all sets of equations
    lapFtmp_ = doubVec( NZ() ); //For (time-dependent) k^2
    ilapFtmp_ = doubVec( NZ() ); // Inverse
    lap2tmp_ = doubVec( NZ() ); // For ky^2+kz^2 - could be pre-assigned
    ilap2tmp_ = doubVec( NZ() ); // Inverse

Exemple #2
ConstantDamping::ConstantDamping(const Inputs& sp, MPIdata& mpi, fftwPlans& fft) :
numMF_(1), numLin_(1),
f_noise_(sp.f_noise), nu_(, eta_(sp.eta),
Model(sp.NZ, sp.NXY , sp.L), // Dimensions - stored in base
mpi_(mpi), // MPI data
fft_(fft) // FFT data
    // Assign K data 
    K = new Kdata(this); // Stores all the K data
    // Setup MPI
    mpi_.Split_NXY_Grid( Dimxy_full() ); // Work out MPI splitting
    // Fourier transform plans
    fft_.calculatePlans( NZ() );