Exemple #1
void StarSeemTest::star_external_ffem()
    QFETCH(QString, data);

    AudioBuffer c;

    QVERIFY2(c.read(data), ("Failed reading test wave; " + data).toUtf8().data());

    /*=== WORLD による分析 ===*/
    int timeLength = GetSamplesForDIO(c.format().sampleRate(), c.length(), msFramePeriod);
    int fftLength = GetFFTSizeForStar(c.format().sampleRate());
    double *f0 = new double[timeLength];
    double *t = new double[timeLength];
    double **specgram = new double*[timeLength];
    specgram[0] = new double[timeLength * (fftLength / 2 + 1)];
    for(int i = 1; i < timeLength; i++)
        specgram[i] = specgram[0] + i * (fftLength / 2 + 1);

    Dio(c.data()[0], c.length(), c.format().sampleRate(), msFramePeriod, t, f0);
    Star(c.data()[0], c.length(), c.format().sampleRate(), msFramePeriod, f0, timeLength, specgram);
    /*=== WORLD による分析ここまで ===*/

    /*=== StarSeem による分析 === */
    Envelope *e = new Envelope;
    QVERIFY2(DioFfem().estimate(e, c.data()[0], c.length(), c.format().sampleRate(), msFramePeriod), "Failed dio FFEM");
    // Envelope が正しいか確認する
    for(int i = 0; i < e->size(); i++)
        QVERIFY2(e->value(i) == f0[i], "Error; invalid f0 envelope");
    Specgram *testset = new Specgram;
    QVERIFY2(StarSeem(e).estimate(testset, c.data()[0], c.length(), fftLength, c.format().sampleRate(), msFramePeriod), "Failed STAR SEEM");
    /*=== StarSeem による分析ここまで === */

    // 比較開始
    for(int t = 0; t < timeLength; t++)
        for(int f = 0; f <= fftLength / 2; f++)
            if(testset->value(t, f) != specgram[t][f])
                QString s;
                s = "t = " + QString::number(t) + ", f = " + QString::number(f);
                s += " actual :" + QString::number(testset->value(t, f)) + " , expceted :" + QString::number(specgram[t][f]);
                // WORLD 自体は同じだから値が全く同じでないとおかしい。
                QFAIL(("Error ;" + s).toUtf8().data());

    delete[] specgram[0];
    delete[] specgram;
    delete[] t;
    delete[] f0;
Exemple #2
static void F0Estimation(double *x, int x_length, WorldParameters *world_parameters) {
  DioOption option = {0};

  // Modification of the option
  // When you You must set the same value.
  // If a different value is used, you may suffer a fatal error because of a
  // illegal memory access.
  option.frame_period = world_parameters->frame_period;

  // Valuable option.speed represents the ratio for downsampling.
  // The signal is downsampled to fs / speed Hz.
  // If you want to obtain the accurate result, speed should be set to 1.
  option.speed = 1;

  // You should not set option.f0_floor to under world_kFloorF0.
  // If you want to analyze such low F0 speech, please change world_kFloorF0.
  // Processing speed may sacrify, provided that the FFT length changes.
  option.f0_floor = 71.0;

  // You can give a positive real number as the threshold.
  // Most strict value is 0, but almost all results are counted as unvoiced.
  // The value from 0.02 to 0.2 would be reasonable.
  option.allowed_range = 0.1;

  // Parameters setting and memory allocation.
  world_parameters->f0_length = GetSamplesForDIO(world_parameters->fs,
    x_length, world_parameters->frame_period);
  world_parameters->f0 = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double) * (world_parameters->f0_length));
  world_parameters->time_axis = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double) * (world_parameters->f0_length));
  double *refined_f0 = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double) * (world_parameters->f0_length));

  DWORD elapsed_time = timeGetTime();
  Dio(x, x_length, world_parameters->fs, &option, world_parameters->time_axis,
  printf("DIO: %d [msec]\n", timeGetTime() - elapsed_time);

  // StoneMask is carried out to improve the estimation performance.
  elapsed_time = timeGetTime();
  StoneMask(x, x_length, world_parameters->fs, world_parameters->time_axis,
      world_parameters->f0, world_parameters->f0_length, refined_f0);
  printf("StoneMask: %d [msec]\n", timeGetTime() - elapsed_time);

  for (int i = 0; i < world_parameters->f0_length; ++i)
    world_parameters->f0[i] = refined_f0[i];

  if(refined_f0 != NULL) {
    refined_f0 = NULL;
Exemple #3
DLLEXPORT void DioByOptPtr(double *x, int x_length, int fs, const DioOption* option,
    double *time_axis, double *f0) {
  Dio(x, x_length, fs, *option, time_axis, f0);