Exemple #1
void DrawMenu(MenuInfo* currMenu, u32 index, bool fullDraw, bool subMenu)
    u32 emunand_state = CheckEmuNand();
    bool top_screen = true;
    u32 menublock_x0 = (top_screen) ? 76 : 36;
    u32 menublock_x1 = (top_screen) ? 52 : 12;
    u32 menublock_y0 = 40;
    u32 menublock_y1 = menublock_y0 + currMenu->n_entries * 10;

    if (fullDraw) { // draw full menu
        ClearScreenFull(true, !top_screen);
        DrawStringF(menublock_x0, menublock_y0 - 20, top_screen, "%s", currMenu->name);
        DrawStringF(menublock_x0, menublock_y0 - 10, top_screen, "==============================");
        DrawStringF(menublock_x0, menublock_y1 +  0, top_screen, "==============================");
        DrawStringF(menublock_x0, menublock_y1 + 10, top_screen, (subMenu) ? "A: Elegir  B: Volver" : "A: Elegir");
        DrawStringF(menublock_x0, menublock_y1 + 20, top_screen, "SELECT: Desmontar la tarjeta SD");
        DrawStringF(menublock_x0, menublock_y1 + 30, top_screen, "START:  Reiniciar / [+\x1B] Apagar");
        DrawStringF(menublock_x1, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 20, top_screen, "Tarjeta SD: %lluMB/%lluMB & %s", RemainingStorageSpace() / 1024 / 1024, TotalStorageSpace() / 1024 / 1024, (emunand_state == EMUNAND_READY) ? "EmuNAND lista" : (emunand_state == EMUNAND_GATEWAY) ? "GW EmuNAND" : (emunand_state == EMUNAND_REDNAND) ? "RedNAND" : (emunand_state > 3) ? "MultiNAND" : "no EmuNAND");
        DrawStringF(menublock_x1, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 30, top_screen, "Directorio de juego: %s", GAME_DIR);
        if (DirOpen(WORK_DIR)) {
            DrawStringF(menublock_x1, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 40, top_screen, "Directorio de trabajo: %s", WORK_DIR);

    if (!top_screen)
        DrawStringF(10, 10, true, "Selected: %-*.*s", 32, 32, currMenu->entries[index].name);

    for (u32 i = 0; i < currMenu->n_entries; i++) { // draw menu entries / selection []
        char* name = currMenu->entries[i].name;
        DrawStringF(menublock_x0, menublock_y0 + (i*10), top_screen, (i == index) ? "[%s]" : " %s ", name);
Exemple #2
void DrawMenu(MenuInfo* currMenu, u32 index, bool fullDraw, bool subMenu)
    u32 emunand_state = CheckEmuNand();
    bool top_screen = true;
    u32 menublock_x0 = (top_screen) ? 76 : 36;
    u32 menublock_x1 = (top_screen) ? 52 : 12;
    u32 menublock_y0 = 40;
    u32 menublock_y1 = menublock_y0 + currMenu->n_entries * 10;
    if (fullDraw) { // draw full menu
        ClearScreenFull(true, !top_screen);
        DrawStringF(menublock_x0, menublock_y0 - 20, top_screen, "%s", currMenu->name);
        DrawStringF(menublock_x0, menublock_y0 - 10, top_screen, "==============================");
        DrawStringF(menublock_x0, menublock_y1 +  0, top_screen, "==============================");
        DrawStringF(menublock_x0, menublock_y1 + 10, top_screen, (subMenu) ? "A: Choose  B: Return" : "A: Choose");
        DrawStringF(menublock_x0, menublock_y1 + 20, top_screen, "SELECT: Unmount SD");
        DrawStringF(menublock_x0, menublock_y1 + 30, top_screen, "START:  Reboot");
        DrawStringF(menublock_x1, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 20, top_screen, "SD card: %lluMB/%lluMB & %s", RemainingStorageSpace() / 1024 / 1024, TotalStorageSpace() / 1024 / 1024, (emunand_state == EMUNAND_READY) ? "EmuNAND ready" : (emunand_state == EMUNAND_GATEWAY) ? "GW EmuNAND" : (emunand_state == EMUNAND_REDNAND) ? "RedNAND" : (emunand_state > 3) ? "MultiNAND" : "no EmuNAND");
        DrawStringF(menublock_x1, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 30, top_screen, "Game directory: %s", GAME_DIR);
        if (DirOpen(WORK_DIR)) {
            DrawStringF(menublock_x1, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 40, top_screen, "Work directory: %s", WORK_DIR);
    if (!top_screen)
        DrawStringF(10, 10, true, "Selected: %-*.*s", 32, 32, currMenu->entries[index].name);
    for (u32 i = 0; i < currMenu->n_entries; i++) { // draw menu entries / selection []
        char* name = currMenu->entries[i].name;
        DrawStringF(menublock_x0, menublock_y0 + (i*10), top_screen, (i == index) ? "[%s]" : " %s ", name);
Exemple #3
void DrawMenu(MenuInfo* currMenu, u32 index, bool fullDraw, bool subMenu)
    bool top_screen = true;
    u32 menublock_x0 = (top_screen) ? 76 : 36;
    u32 menublock_x1 = (top_screen) ? 50 : 10;
    u32 menublock_y0 = 40;
    u32 menublock_y1 = menublock_y0 + currMenu->n_entries * 10;
    if (fullDraw) { // draw full menu
        ClearScreenFull(true, !top_screen);
        DrawStringF(menublock_x0, menublock_y0 - 20, top_screen, "%s", currMenu->name);
        DrawStringF(menublock_x0, menublock_y0 - 10, top_screen, "==============================");
        DrawStringF(menublock_x0, menublock_y1 +  0, top_screen, "==============================");
        DrawStringF(menublock_x0, menublock_y1 + 10, top_screen, (subMenu) ? "A: Choose  B: Return" : "A: Choose");
        DrawStringF(menublock_x0, menublock_y1 + 20, top_screen, "SELECT: Unmount SD");
        DrawStringF(menublock_x0, menublock_y1 + 30, top_screen, "START:  Reboot");
        DrawStringF(menublock_x1, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 20, top_screen, "Remaining SD storage space: %llu MiB", RemainingStorageSpace() / 1024 / 1024);
        DrawStringF(menublock_x1, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 30, top_screen, "Game directory: %s", GAME_DIR);
        if (DirOpen(WORK_DIR)) {
            DrawStringF(menublock_x1, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 40, top_screen, "Work directory: %s", WORK_DIR);
    if (!top_screen)
        DrawStringF(10, 10, true, "Selected: %-*.*s", 32, 32, currMenu->entries[index].name);
    for (u32 i = 0; i < currMenu->n_entries; i++) { // draw menu entries / selection []
        char* name = currMenu->entries[i].name;
        DrawStringF(menublock_x0, menublock_y0 + (i*10), top_screen, (i == index) ? "[%s]" : " %s ", name);
Exemple #4
int CfSecOpenDirectory(ServerConnectionState *conn, char *sendbuffer, char *dirname)
    Dir *dirh;
    const struct dirent *dirp;
    int offset, cipherlen;
    char out[CF_BUFSIZE];

    if (!IsAbsoluteFileName(dirname))
        sprintf(sendbuffer, "BAD: request to access a non-absolute filename\n");
        cipherlen = EncryptString(conn->encryption_type, sendbuffer, out, conn->session_key, strlen(sendbuffer) + 1);
        SendTransaction(&conn->conn_info, out, cipherlen, CF_DONE);
        return -1;

    if ((dirh = DirOpen(dirname)) == NULL)
        Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Couldn't open dir %s", dirname);
        snprintf(sendbuffer, CF_BUFSIZE, "BAD: cfengine, couldn't open dir %s\n", dirname);
        cipherlen = EncryptString(conn->encryption_type, sendbuffer, out, conn->session_key, strlen(sendbuffer) + 1);
        SendTransaction(&conn->conn_info, out, cipherlen, CF_DONE);
        return -1;

/* Pack names for transmission */

    memset(sendbuffer, 0, CF_BUFSIZE);

    offset = 0;

    for (dirp = DirRead(dirh); dirp != NULL; dirp = DirRead(dirh))
        if (strlen(dirp->d_name) + 1 + offset >= CF_BUFSIZE - CF_MAXLINKSIZE)
            cipherlen = EncryptString(conn->encryption_type, sendbuffer, out, conn->session_key, offset + 1);
            SendTransaction(&conn->conn_info, out, cipherlen, CF_MORE);
            offset = 0;
            memset(sendbuffer, 0, CF_BUFSIZE);
            memset(out, 0, CF_BUFSIZE);

        strncpy(sendbuffer + offset, dirp->d_name, CF_MAXLINKSIZE);
        /* + zero byte separator */
        offset += strlen(dirp->d_name) + 1;

    strcpy(sendbuffer + offset, CFD_TERMINATOR);

    cipherlen =
        EncryptString(conn->encryption_type, sendbuffer, out, conn->session_key, offset + 2 + strlen(CFD_TERMINATOR));
    SendTransaction(&conn->conn_info, out, cipherlen, CF_DONE);
    return 0;
Exemple #5
int CfOpenDirectory(ServerConnectionState *conn, char *sendbuffer, char *oldDirname)
    Dir *dirh;
    const struct dirent *dirp;
    int offset;
    char dirname[CF_BUFSIZE];

    TranslatePath(dirname, oldDirname);

    if (!IsAbsoluteFileName(dirname))
        sprintf(sendbuffer, "BAD: request to access a non-absolute filename\n");
        SendTransaction(&conn->conn_info, sendbuffer, 0, CF_DONE);
        return -1;

    if ((dirh = DirOpen(dirname)) == NULL)
        Log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Couldn't open dir '%s'", dirname);
        snprintf(sendbuffer, CF_BUFSIZE, "BAD: cfengine, couldn't open dir %s\n", dirname);
        SendTransaction(&conn->conn_info, sendbuffer, 0, CF_DONE);
        return -1;

/* Pack names for transmission */

    memset(sendbuffer, 0, CF_BUFSIZE);

    offset = 0;

    for (dirp = DirRead(dirh); dirp != NULL; dirp = DirRead(dirh))
        if (strlen(dirp->d_name) + 1 + offset >= CF_BUFSIZE - CF_MAXLINKSIZE)
            SendTransaction(&conn->conn_info, sendbuffer, offset + 1, CF_MORE);
            offset = 0;
            memset(sendbuffer, 0, CF_BUFSIZE);

        strncpy(sendbuffer + offset, dirp->d_name, CF_MAXLINKSIZE);
        offset += strlen(dirp->d_name) + 1;     /* + zero byte separator */

    strcpy(sendbuffer + offset, CFD_TERMINATOR);
    SendTransaction(&conn->conn_info, sendbuffer, offset + 2 + strlen(CFD_TERMINATOR), CF_DONE);
    return 0;
Exemple #6
static bool GetAcpi(double *cf_this)
    Dir *dirh;
    FILE *fp;
    const struct dirent *dirp;
    int count = 0;
    char path[CF_BUFSIZE], buf[CF_BUFSIZE], index[4];
    double temp = 0;

    if ((dirh = DirOpen("/proc/acpi/thermal_zone")) == NULL)
        Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Can't open directory '%s'. (opendir: %s)", path, GetErrorStr());
        return false;

    for (dirp = DirRead(dirh); dirp != NULL; dirp = DirRead(dirh))
        if (!strcmp(dirp->d_name, ".") || !strcmp(dirp->d_name, ".."))

        snprintf(path, CF_BUFSIZE, "/proc/acpi/thermal_zone/%s/temperature", dirp->d_name);

        if ((fp = fopen(path, "r")) == NULL)
            Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Couldn't open '%s'", path);

        if (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp) == NULL)
            Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Failed to read line from stream '%s'", path);

        sscanf(buf, "%*s %lf", &temp);

        for (count = 0; count < 4; count++)
            snprintf(index, 2, "%d", count);

            if (strstr(dirp->d_name, index))
                switch (count)
                case 0:
                    cf_this[ob_temp0] = temp;
                case 1:
                    cf_this[ob_temp1] = temp;
                case 2:
                    cf_this[ob_temp2] = temp;
                case 3:
                    cf_this[ob_temp3] = temp;

                Log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Set temp%d to %lf", count, temp);

    return true;
void LocateFilePromiserGroup(EvalContext *ctx, char *wildpath, Promise *pp, void (*fnptr) (EvalContext *ctx, char *path, Promise *ptr))
    Item *path, *ip, *remainder = NULL;
    char pbuffer[CF_BUFSIZE];
    struct stat statbuf;
    int count = 0, lastnode = false, expandregex = false;
    uid_t agentuid = getuid();
    int create = PromiseGetConstraintAsBoolean(ctx, "create", pp);
    char *pathtype = ConstraintGetRvalValue(ctx, "pathtype", pp, RVAL_TYPE_SCALAR);

/* Do a search for promiser objects matching wildpath */

    if ((!IsPathRegex(wildpath)) || (pathtype && (strcmp(pathtype, "literal") == 0)))
        Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Using literal pathtype for '%s'", wildpath);
        (*fnptr) (ctx, wildpath, pp);
        Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Using regex pathtype for '%s' (see pathtype)", wildpath);

    pbuffer[0] = '\0';
    path = SplitString(wildpath, '/');  // require forward slash in regex on all platforms

    for (ip = path; ip != NULL; ip = ip->next)
        if ((ip->name == NULL) || (strlen(ip->name) == 0))

        if (ip->next == NULL)
            lastnode = true;

        /* No need to chdir as in recursive descent, since we know about the path here */

        if (IsRegex(ip->name))
            remainder = ip->next;
            expandregex = true;
            expandregex = false;

        if (!JoinPath(pbuffer, ip->name))
            Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Buffer has limited size in LocateFilePromiserGroup");

        if (stat(pbuffer, &statbuf) != -1)
            if ((S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) && ((statbuf.st_uid) != agentuid) && ((statbuf.st_uid) != 0))
                    "Directory '%s' in search path '%s' is controlled by another user (uid %ju) - trusting its content is potentially risky (possible race condition)",
                      pbuffer, wildpath, (uintmax_t)statbuf.st_uid);
                PromiseRef(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, pp);

    if (expandregex)            /* Expand one regex link and hand down */
        char nextbuffer[CF_BUFSIZE], nextbufferOrig[CF_BUFSIZE], regex[CF_BUFSIZE];
        const struct dirent *dirp;
        Dir *dirh;

        memset(regex, 0, CF_BUFSIZE);

        strncpy(regex, ip->name, CF_BUFSIZE - 1);

        if ((dirh = DirOpen(pbuffer)) == NULL)
            // Could be a dummy directory to be created so this is not an error.
            Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Using best-effort expanded (but non-existent) file base path '%s'", wildpath);
            (*fnptr) (ctx, wildpath, pp);
            count = 0;

            for (dirp = DirRead(dirh); dirp != NULL; dirp = DirRead(dirh))
                if (!ConsiderLocalFile(dirp->d_name, pbuffer))

                if ((!lastnode) && (!S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)))
                    Log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Skipping non-directory '%s'", dirp->d_name);

                if (FullTextMatch(regex, dirp->d_name))
                    Log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Link '%s' matched regex '%s'", dirp->d_name, regex);


                strncpy(nextbuffer, pbuffer, CF_BUFSIZE - 1);
                strcat(nextbuffer, dirp->d_name);

                for (ip = remainder; ip != NULL; ip = ip->next)
                    strcat(nextbuffer, ip->name);

                /* The next level might still contain regexs, so go again as long as expansion is not nullpotent */

                if ((!lastnode) && (strcmp(nextbuffer, wildpath) != 0))
                    LocateFilePromiserGroup(ctx, nextbuffer, pp, fnptr);
                    Promise *pcopy;

                    Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Using expanded file base path '%s'", nextbuffer);

                    /* Now need to recompute any back references to get the complete path */

                    snprintf(nextbufferOrig, sizeof(nextbufferOrig), "%s", nextbuffer);

                    if (!FullTextMatch(pp->promiser, nextbuffer))
                        Log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Error recomputing references for '%s' in '%s'", pp->promiser, nextbuffer);

                    /* If there were back references there could still be match.x vars to expand */

                    pcopy = ExpandDeRefPromise(ctx, ScopeGetCurrent()->scope, pp);
                    (*fnptr) (ctx, nextbufferOrig, pcopy);

        Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Using file base path '%s'", pbuffer);
        (*fnptr) (ctx, pbuffer, pp);

    if (count == 0)
        Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "No promiser file objects matched as regular expression '%s'", wildpath);

        if (create)
            (*fnptr)(ctx, pp->promiser, pp);

Exemple #8
bool TraverseDirectoryTreeInternal(const char *base_path,
                                   const char *current_path,
                                   int (*callback)(const char *, const struct stat *, void *),
                                   void *user_data)
    Dir *dirh = DirOpen(base_path);
    if (!dirh)
        if (errno == ENOENT)
            return true;

        Log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Unable to open directory '%s' during traversal of directory tree '%s' (opendir: %s)",
            current_path, base_path, GetErrorStr());
        return false;

    bool failed = false;
    for (const struct dirent *dirp = DirRead(dirh); dirp != NULL; dirp = DirRead(dirh))
        if (!strcmp(dirp->d_name, ".") || !strcmp(dirp->d_name, ".."))

        char sub_path[CF_BUFSIZE];
        snprintf(sub_path, CF_BUFSIZE, "%s" FILE_SEPARATOR_STR "%s", current_path, dirp->d_name);

        struct stat lsb;
        if (lstat(sub_path, &lsb) == -1)
            if (errno == ENOENT)
                /* File disappeared on its own */

            Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Unable to stat file '%s' during traversal of directory tree '%s' (lstat: %s)",
                current_path, base_path, GetErrorStr());
            failed = true;
            if (S_ISDIR(lsb.st_mode))
                if (!TraverseDirectoryTreeInternal(base_path, sub_path, callback, user_data))
                    failed = true;
                if (callback(sub_path, &lsb, user_data) == -1)
                    failed = true;

    return !failed;
Exemple #9
static bool DeleteDirectoryTreeInternal(const char *basepath, const char *path)
    Dir *dirh = DirOpen(path);
    const struct dirent *dirp;
    bool failed = false;

    if (dirh == NULL)
        if (errno == ENOENT)
            /* Directory disappeared on its own */
            return true;

        Log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Unable to open directory '%s' during purge of directory tree '%s' (opendir: %s)",
            path, basepath, GetErrorStr());
        return false;

    for (dirp = DirRead(dirh); dirp != NULL; dirp = DirRead(dirh))
        if (!strcmp(dirp->d_name, ".") || !strcmp(dirp->d_name, ".."))

        char subpath[CF_BUFSIZE];
        snprintf(subpath, CF_BUFSIZE, "%s" FILE_SEPARATOR_STR "%s", path, dirp->d_name);

        struct stat lsb;
        if (lstat(subpath, &lsb) == -1)
            if (errno == ENOENT)
                /* File disappeared on its own */

            Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Unable to stat file '%s' during purge of directory tree '%s' (lstat: %s)", path, basepath, GetErrorStr());
            failed = true;
            if (S_ISDIR(lsb.st_mode))
                if (!DeleteDirectoryTreeInternal(basepath, subpath))
                    failed = true;

                if (rmdir(subpath) == -1)
                    failed = true;
                if (unlink(subpath) == -1)
                    if (errno == ENOENT)
                        /* File disappeared on its own */

                    Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Unable to remove file '%s' during purge of directory tree '%s'. (unlink: %s)",
                        subpath, basepath, GetErrorStr());
                    failed = true;

    return !failed;
Exemple #10
static PromiseResult VerifyFileSystem(EvalContext *ctx, char *name, Attributes a, Promise *pp)
    struct stat statbuf, localstat;
    Dir *dirh;
    const struct dirent *dirp;
    off_t sizeinbytes = 0;
    long filecount = 0;
    char buff[CF_BUFSIZE];

    Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Checking required filesystem %s", name);

    if (stat(name, &statbuf) == -1)
        return PROMISE_RESULT_NOOP;

    if (S_ISLNK(statbuf.st_mode))
        KillGhostLink(ctx, name, a, pp);
        return PROMISE_RESULT_NOOP;

    if (S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode))
        if ((dirh = DirOpen(name)) == NULL)
            Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Can't open directory '%s' which checking required/disk. (opendir: %s)", name, GetErrorStr());
            return PROMISE_RESULT_NOOP;

        for (dirp = DirRead(dirh); dirp != NULL; dirp = DirRead(dirh))
            if (!ConsiderLocalFile(dirp->d_name, name))


            strcpy(buff, name);

            if (buff[strlen(buff)] != FILE_SEPARATOR)
                strcat(buff, FILE_SEPARATOR_STR);

            strcat(buff, dirp->d_name);

            if (lstat(buff, &localstat) == -1)
                if (S_ISLNK(localstat.st_mode))
                    KillGhostLink(ctx, buff, a, pp);

                Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Can't stat volume '%s'. (lstat: %s)", buff, GetErrorStr());

            sizeinbytes += localstat.st_size;


        if (sizeinbytes < 0)
            Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Internal error: count of byte size was less than zero!");
            return PROMISE_RESULT_NOOP;

        if (sizeinbytes < a.volume.sensible_size)
            cfPS(ctx, LOG_LEVEL_ERR, PROMISE_RESULT_INTERRUPTED, pp, a, "File system '%s' is suspiciously small! (%jd bytes)", name,
                 (intmax_t) sizeinbytes);

        if (filecount < a.volume.sensible_count)
            cfPS(ctx, LOG_LEVEL_ERR, PROMISE_RESULT_INTERRUPTED, pp, a, "Filesystem '%s' has only %ld files/directories.", name,

    cfPS(ctx, LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PROMISE_RESULT_NOOP, pp, a, "Filesystem '%s' content seems to be sensible as promised", name);
Exemple #11
int IsNewerFileTree(const char *dir, time_t reftime)
    const struct dirent *dirp;
    Dir *dirh;
    struct stat sb;

// Assumes that race conditions on the file path are unlikely and unimportant

    if (lstat(dir, &sb) == -1)
        Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Unable to stat directory '%s' in IsNewerFileTree. (stat: %s)", dir, GetErrorStr());
        // return true to provoke update
        return true;

    if (S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode))
        if (sb.st_mtime > reftime)
            Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, " >> Detected change in %s", dir);
            return true;

    if ((dirh = DirOpen(dir)) == NULL)
        Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Unable to open directory '%s' in IsNewerFileTree. (opendir: %s)", dir, GetErrorStr());
        return false;
        for (dirp = DirRead(dirh); dirp != NULL; dirp = DirRead(dirh))
            if (!strcmp(dirp->d_name, ".") || !strcmp(dirp->d_name, ".."))

            char path[CF_BUFSIZE];
            size_t ret = (size_t) snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s%c%s",
                                           dir, FILE_SEPARATOR, dirp->d_name);

            if (ret >= sizeof(path))
                    "Internal limit reached in IsNewerFileTree(),"
                    " path too long: '%s' + '%s'",
                    dir, dirp->d_name);
                return false;

            if (lstat(path, &sb) == -1)
                Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Unable to stat directory '%s' in IsNewerFileTree. (lstat: %s)", path, GetErrorStr());
                // return true to provoke update
                return true;

            if (S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode))
                if (sb.st_mtime > reftime)
                    Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, " >> Detected change in %s", path);
                    return true;
                    if (IsNewerFileTree(path, reftime))
                        return true;

    return false;
Exemple #12
static int VerifyFileSystem(EvalContext *ctx, char *name, Attributes a, Promise *pp)
    struct stat statbuf, localstat;
    Dir *dirh;
    const struct dirent *dirp;
    off_t sizeinbytes = 0;
    long filecount = 0;
    char buff[CF_BUFSIZE];

    CfOut(OUTPUT_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "", " -> Checking required filesystem %s\n", name);

    if (cfstat(name, &statbuf) == -1)
        return (false);

    if (S_ISLNK(statbuf.st_mode))
        KillGhostLink(ctx, name, a, pp);
        return (true);

    if (S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode))
        if ((dirh = DirOpen(name)) == NULL)
            CfOut(OUTPUT_LEVEL_ERROR, "opendir", "Can't open directory %s which checking required/disk\n", name);
            return false;

        for (dirp = DirRead(dirh); dirp != NULL; dirp = DirRead(dirh))
            if (!ConsiderFile(ctx, dirp->d_name, name, a, pp))


            strcpy(buff, name);

            if (buff[strlen(buff)] != FILE_SEPARATOR)
                strcat(buff, FILE_SEPARATOR_STR);

            strcat(buff, dirp->d_name);

            if (lstat(buff, &localstat) == -1)
                if (S_ISLNK(localstat.st_mode))
                    KillGhostLink(ctx, buff, a, pp);

                CfOut(OUTPUT_LEVEL_ERROR, "lstat", "Can't stat volume %s\n", buff);

            sizeinbytes += localstat.st_size;


        if (sizeinbytes < 0)
            CfOut(OUTPUT_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "", "Internal error: count of byte size was less than zero!\n");
            return true;

        if (sizeinbytes < a.volume.sensible_size)
            cfPS(ctx, OUTPUT_LEVEL_ERROR, PROMISE_RESULT_INTERRUPTED, "", pp, a, " !! File system %s is suspiciously small! (%jd bytes)\n", name,
                 (intmax_t) sizeinbytes);
            return (false);

        if (filecount < a.volume.sensible_count)
            cfPS(ctx, OUTPUT_LEVEL_ERROR, PROMISE_RESULT_INTERRUPTED, "", pp, a, " !! Filesystem %s has only %ld files/directories.\n", name,
            return (false);

    cfPS(ctx, OUTPUT_LEVEL_INFORM, PROMISE_RESULT_NOOP, "", pp, a, " -> Filesystem %s's content seems to be sensible as promised\n", name);
    return (true);
Exemple #13
int EView::ExecCommand(int Command, ExState &State) {
    switch (Command) {
    case ExSwitchTo:
        return SwitchTo(State);
    case ExFilePrev:
        return FilePrev();
    case ExFileNext:
        return FileNext();
    case ExFileLast:
        return FileLast();
    case ExFileOpen:
        return FileOpen(State);
    case ExFileOpenInMode:
        return FileOpenInMode(State);
    case ExFileSaveAll:
        return FileSaveAll();
    case ExListRoutines:
        return ViewRoutines(State);
    case ExDirOpen:
        return DirOpen(State);
    case ExViewMessages:
        return ViewMessages(State);
    case ExCompile:
        return Compile(State);
    case ExRunCompiler:
        return RunCompiler(State);
    case ExCompilePrevError:
        return CompilePrevError(State);
    case ExCompileNextError:
        return CompileNextError(State);
    case ExCvs:
        return Cvs(State);
    case ExRunCvs:
        return RunCvs(State);
    case ExViewCvs:
        return ViewCvs(State);
    case ExClearCvsMessages:
        return ClearCvsMessages(State);
    case ExCvsDiff:
        return CvsDiff(State);
    case ExRunCvsDiff:
        return RunCvsDiff(State);
    case ExViewCvsDiff:
        return ViewCvsDiff(State);
    case ExCvsCommit:
        return CvsCommit(State);
    case ExRunCvsCommit:
        return RunCvsCommit(State);
    case ExViewCvsLog:
        return ViewCvsLog(State);
    case ExSvn:
        return Svn(State);
    case ExRunSvn:
        return RunSvn(State);
    case ExViewSvn:
        return ViewSvn(State);
    case ExClearSvnMessages:
        return ClearSvnMessages(State);
    case ExSvnDiff:
        return SvnDiff(State);
    case ExRunSvnDiff:
        return RunSvnDiff(State);
    case ExViewSvnDiff:
        return ViewSvnDiff(State);
    case ExSvnCommit:
        return SvnCommit(State);
    case ExRunSvnCommit:
        return RunSvnCommit(State);
    case ExViewSvnLog:
        return ViewSvnLog(State);
    case ExViewBuffers:
        return ViewBuffers(State);
    case ExShowKey:
        return ShowKey(State);
    case ExToggleSysClipboard:
        return ToggleSysClipboard(State);
    case ExSetPrintDevice:
        return SetPrintDevice(State);
    case ExShowVersion:
        return ShowVersion();
    case ExViewModeMap:
        return ViewModeMap(State);
    case ExClearMessages:
        return ClearMessages();
    case ExTagNext:
        return TagNext(this);
    case ExTagPrev:
        return TagPrev(this);
    case ExTagPop:
        return TagPop(this);
    case ExTagClear:
        return 1;
    case ExTagLoad:
        return TagLoad(State);
    case ExShowHelp:
        return SysShowHelp(State, 0);
    case ExConfigRecompile:
        return ConfigRecompile(State);
    case ExRemoveGlobalBookmark:
        return RemoveGlobalBookmark(State);
    case ExGotoGlobalBookmark:
        return GotoGlobalBookmark(State);
    case ExPopGlobalBookmark:
        return PopGlobalBookmark();
    return Model ? Model->ExecCommand(Command, State) : 0;
Exemple #14
int IsNewerFileTree(char *dir, time_t reftime)
    const struct dirent *dirp;
    char path[CF_BUFSIZE] = { 0 };
    Dir *dirh;
    struct stat sb;

// Assumes that race conditions on the file path are unlikely and unimportant

    if (lstat(dir, &sb) == -1)
        Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Unable to stat directory '%s' in IsNewerFileTree. (stat: %s)", dir, GetErrorStr());
        // return true to provoke update
        return true;

    if (S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode))
        if (sb.st_mtime > reftime)
            Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, " >> Detected change in %s", dir);
            return true;

    if ((dirh = DirOpen(dir)) == NULL)
        Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Unable to open directory '%s' in IsNewerFileTree. (opendir: %s)", dir, GetErrorStr());
        return false;
        for (dirp = DirRead(dirh); dirp != NULL; dirp = DirRead(dirh))
            if (!strcmp(dirp->d_name, ".") || !strcmp(dirp->d_name, ".."))

            strncpy(path, dir, CF_BUFSIZE - 1);

            if (!JoinPath(path, dirp->d_name))
                Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Internal limit: Buffer ran out of space adding %s to %s in IsNewerFileTree", dir,
                return false;

            if (lstat(path, &sb) == -1)
                Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Unable to stat directory '%s' in IsNewerFileTree. (lstat: %s)", path, GetErrorStr());
                // return true to provoke update
                return true;

            if (S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode))
                if (sb.st_mtime > reftime)
                    Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, " >> Detected change in %s", path);
                    return true;
                    if (IsNewerFileTree(path, reftime))
                        return true;

    return false;
Exemple #15
exp bool DirUp() {
    return DirOpen("..         ");