UINT WINAPI DokanLoop( PDOKAN_INSTANCE DokanInstance ) { HANDLE device; char buffer[EVENT_CONTEXT_MAX_SIZE]; BOOL status; ULONG returnedLength; DWORD result = 0; DWORD lastError = 0; RtlZeroMemory(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); device = CreateFile( GetRawDeviceName(DokanInstance->DeviceName), // lpFileName GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, // dwDesiredAccess FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, // dwShareMode NULL, // lpSecurityAttributes OPEN_EXISTING, // dwCreationDistribution 0, // dwFlagsAndAttributes NULL // hTemplateFile ); if (device == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DbgPrint("Dokan Error: CreateFile failed %ws: %d\n", GetRawDeviceName(DokanInstance->DeviceName), GetLastError()); result = (DWORD)-1; _endthreadex(result); return result; } status = TRUE; while (status) { status = DeviceIoControl( device, // Handle to device IOCTL_EVENT_WAIT, // IO Control code NULL, // Input Buffer to driver. 0, // Length of input buffer in bytes. buffer, // Output Buffer from driver. sizeof(buffer), // Length of output buffer in bytes. &returnedLength, // Bytes placed in buffer. NULL // synchronous call ); if (!status) { lastError = GetLastError(); DbgPrint("Ioctl failed for wait with code %d.\n", lastError); if (lastError == ERROR_NO_SYSTEM_RESOURCES) { DbgPrint("Processing will continue\n"); status = TRUE; Sleep(200); continue; } DbgPrint("Thread will be terminated\n"); break; } //printf("#%d got notification %d\n", (ULONG)Param, count++); if(returnedLength > 0) { PEVENT_CONTEXT context = (PEVENT_CONTEXT)buffer; if (context->MountId != DokanInstance->MountId) { DbgPrint("Dokan Error: Invalid MountId (expected:%d, acctual:%d)\n", DokanInstance->MountId, context->MountId); continue; } switch (context->MajorFunction) { case IRP_MJ_CREATE: DispatchCreate(device, context, DokanInstance); break; case IRP_MJ_CLEANUP: DispatchCleanup(device, context, DokanInstance); break; case IRP_MJ_CLOSE: DispatchClose(device, context, DokanInstance); break; case IRP_MJ_DIRECTORY_CONTROL: DispatchDirectoryInformation(device, context, DokanInstance); break; case IRP_MJ_READ: DispatchRead(device, context, DokanInstance); break; case IRP_MJ_WRITE: DispatchWrite(device, context, DokanInstance); break; case IRP_MJ_QUERY_INFORMATION: DispatchQueryInformation(device, context, DokanInstance); break; case IRP_MJ_QUERY_VOLUME_INFORMATION: DispatchQueryVolumeInformation(device ,context, DokanInstance); break; case IRP_MJ_LOCK_CONTROL: DispatchLock(device, context, DokanInstance); break; case IRP_MJ_SET_INFORMATION: DispatchSetInformation(device, context, DokanInstance); break; case IRP_MJ_FLUSH_BUFFERS: DispatchFlush(device, context, DokanInstance); break; case IRP_MJ_QUERY_SECURITY: DispatchQuerySecurity(device, context, DokanInstance); break; case IRP_MJ_SET_SECURITY: DispatchSetSecurity(device, context, DokanInstance); break; case IRP_MJ_SHUTDOWN: // this case is used before unmount not shutdown DispatchUnmount(device, context, DokanInstance); break; default: break; } } else { DbgPrint("ReturnedLength %d\n", returnedLength); } } CloseHandle(device); _endthreadex(result); return result; }
void DrawEngineCommon::SubmitBezier(const void *control_points, const void *indices, int tess_u, int tess_v, int count_u, int count_v, GEPatchPrimType prim_type, bool computeNormals, bool patchFacing, u32 vertType) { PROFILE_THIS_SCOPE("bezier"); DispatchFlush(); // TODO: Verify correct functionality with < 4. if (count_u < 4 || count_v < 4) return; u16 index_lower_bound = 0; u16 index_upper_bound = count_u * count_v - 1; bool indices_16bit = (vertType & GE_VTYPE_IDX_MASK) == GE_VTYPE_IDX_16BIT; const u8* indices8 = (const u8*)indices; const u16* indices16 = (const u16*)indices; if (indices) GetIndexBounds(indices, count_u*count_v, vertType, &index_lower_bound, &index_upper_bound); // Simplify away bones and morph before proceeding // There are normally not a lot of control points so just splitting decoded should be reasonably safe, although not great. SimpleVertex *simplified_control_points = (SimpleVertex *)(decoded + 65536 * 12); u8 *temp_buffer = decoded + 65536 * 18; u32 origVertType = vertType; vertType = NormalizeVertices((u8 *)simplified_control_points, temp_buffer, (u8 *)control_points, index_lower_bound, index_upper_bound, vertType); VertexDecoder *vdecoder = GetVertexDecoder(vertType); int vertexSize = vdecoder->VertexSize(); if (vertexSize != sizeof(SimpleVertex)) { ERROR_LOG(G3D, "Something went really wrong, vertex size: %i vs %i", vertexSize, (int)sizeof(SimpleVertex)); } // Bezier patches share less control points than spline patches. Otherwise they are pretty much the same (except bezier don't support the open/close thing) int num_patches_u = (count_u - 1) / 3; int num_patches_v = (count_v - 1) / 3; BezierPatch* patches = new BezierPatch[num_patches_u * num_patches_v]; for (int patch_u = 0; patch_u < num_patches_u; patch_u++) { for (int patch_v = 0; patch_v < num_patches_v; patch_v++) { BezierPatch& patch = patches[patch_u + patch_v * num_patches_u]; for (int point = 0; point < 16; ++point) { int idx = (patch_u * 3 + point % 4) + (patch_v * 3 + point / 4) * count_u; if (indices) patch.points[point] = simplified_control_points + (indices_16bit ? indices16[idx] : indices8[idx]); else patch.points[point] = simplified_control_points + idx; } patch.u_index = patch_u * 3; patch.v_index = patch_v * 3; patch.index = patch_v * num_patches_u + patch_u; patch.primType = prim_type; patch.computeNormals = computeNormals; patch.patchFacing = patchFacing; } } int count = 0; u8 *dest = splineBuffer; // Simple approximation of the real tesselation factor. // We shouldn't really split up into separate 4x4 patches, instead we should do something that works // like the splines, so we subdivide across the whole "mega-patch". if (num_patches_u == 0) num_patches_u = 1; if (num_patches_v == 0) num_patches_v = 1; if (tess_u < 4) tess_u = 4; if (tess_v < 4) tess_v = 4; u16 *inds = quadIndices_; int maxVertices = SPLINE_BUFFER_SIZE / vertexSize; for (int patch_idx = 0; patch_idx < num_patches_u*num_patches_v; ++patch_idx) { BezierPatch& patch = patches[patch_idx]; TesselateBezierPatch(dest, inds, count, tess_u, tess_v, patch, origVertType, maxVertices); } delete[] patches; u32 vertTypeWithIndex16 = (vertType & ~GE_VTYPE_IDX_MASK) | GE_VTYPE_IDX_16BIT; UVScale prevUVScale; if (g_Config.bPrescaleUV) { // We scaled during Normalize already so let's turn it off when drawing. prevUVScale = gstate_c.uv; gstate_c.uv.uScale = 1.0f; gstate_c.uv.vScale = 1.0f; gstate_c.uv.uOff = 0; gstate_c.uv.vOff = 0; } int bytesRead; DispatchSubmitPrim(splineBuffer, quadIndices_, primType[prim_type], count, vertTypeWithIndex16, &bytesRead); DispatchFlush(); if (g_Config.bPrescaleUV) { gstate_c.uv = prevUVScale; } }
void DrawEngineCommon::SubmitBezier(const void *control_points, const void *indices, int tess_u, int tess_v, int count_u, int count_v, GEPatchPrimType prim_type, bool computeNormals, bool patchFacing, u32 vertType, int *bytesRead) { PROFILE_THIS_SCOPE("bezier"); DispatchFlush(); u16 index_lower_bound = 0; u16 index_upper_bound = count_u * count_v - 1; IndexConverter idxConv(vertType, indices); if (indices) GetIndexBounds(indices, count_u*count_v, vertType, &index_lower_bound, &index_upper_bound); VertexDecoder *origVDecoder = GetVertexDecoder((vertType & 0xFFFFFF) | (gstate.getUVGenMode() << 24)); *bytesRead = count_u * count_v * origVDecoder->VertexSize(); // Real hardware seems to draw nothing when given < 4 either U or V. // This would result in num_patches_u / num_patches_v being 0. if (count_u < 4 || count_v < 4) { return; } // Simplify away bones and morph before proceeding // There are normally not a lot of control points so just splitting decoded should be reasonably safe, although not great. SimpleVertex *simplified_control_points = (SimpleVertex *)(decoded + 65536 * 12); u8 *temp_buffer = decoded + 65536 * 18; u32 origVertType = vertType; vertType = NormalizeVertices((u8 *)simplified_control_points, temp_buffer, (u8 *)control_points, index_lower_bound, index_upper_bound, vertType); VertexDecoder *vdecoder = GetVertexDecoder(vertType); int vertexSize = vdecoder->VertexSize(); if (vertexSize != sizeof(SimpleVertex)) { ERROR_LOG(G3D, "Something went really wrong, vertex size: %i vs %i", vertexSize, (int)sizeof(SimpleVertex)); } float *pos = (float*)(decoded + 65536 * 18); // Size 4 float float *tex = pos + count_u * count_v * 4; // Size 4 float float *col = tex + count_u * count_v * 4; // Size 4 float const bool hasColor = (origVertType & GE_VTYPE_COL_MASK) != 0; const bool hasTexCoords = (origVertType & GE_VTYPE_TC_MASK) != 0; // Bezier patches share less control points than spline patches. Otherwise they are pretty much the same (except bezier don't support the open/close thing) int num_patches_u = (count_u - 1) / 3; int num_patches_v = (count_v - 1) / 3; BezierPatch *patches = nullptr; if (g_Config.bHardwareTessellation && g_Config.bHardwareTransform && !g_Config.bSoftwareRendering) { int posStride, texStride, colStride; tessDataTransfer->PrepareBuffers(pos, tex, col, posStride, texStride, colStride, count_u * count_v, hasColor, hasTexCoords); float *p = pos; float *t = tex; float *c = col; for (int idx = 0; idx < count_u * count_v; idx++) { SimpleVertex *point = simplified_control_points + (indices ? idxConv.convert(idx) : idx); memcpy(p, point->pos.AsArray(), 3 * sizeof(float)); p += posStride; if (hasTexCoords) { memcpy(t, point->uv, 2 * sizeof(float)); t += texStride; } if (hasColor) { memcpy(c, Vec4f::FromRGBA(point->color_32).AsArray(), 4 * sizeof(float)); c += colStride; } } if (!hasColor) { SimpleVertex *point = simplified_control_points + (indices ? idxConv.convert(0) : 0); memcpy(col, Vec4f::FromRGBA(point->color_32).AsArray(), 4 * sizeof(float)); } } else { patches = new BezierPatch[num_patches_u * num_patches_v]; for (int patch_u = 0; patch_u < num_patches_u; patch_u++) { for (int patch_v = 0; patch_v < num_patches_v; patch_v++) { BezierPatch& patch = patches[patch_u + patch_v * num_patches_u]; for (int point = 0; point < 16; ++point) { int idx = (patch_u * 3 + point % 4) + (patch_v * 3 + point / 4) * count_u; patch.points[point] = simplified_control_points + (indices ? idxConv.convert(idx) : idx); } patch.u_index = patch_u * 3; patch.v_index = patch_v * 3; patch.index = patch_v * num_patches_u + patch_u; patch.primType = prim_type; patch.computeNormals = computeNormals; patch.patchFacing = patchFacing; } } } int count = 0; u8 *dest = splineBuffer; // We shouldn't really split up into separate 4x4 patches, instead we should do something that works // like the splines, so we subdivide across the whole "mega-patch". // If specified as 0, uses 1. if (tess_u < 1) { tess_u = 1; } if (tess_v < 1) { tess_v = 1; } u16 *inds = quadIndices_; if (g_Config.bHardwareTessellation && g_Config.bHardwareTransform && !g_Config.bSoftwareRendering) { tessDataTransfer->SendDataToShader(pos, tex, col, count_u * count_v, hasColor, hasTexCoords); TessellateBezierPatchHardware(dest, inds, count, tess_u, tess_v, prim_type); numPatches = num_patches_u * num_patches_v; } else { int maxVertices = SPLINE_BUFFER_SIZE / vertexSize; // Downsample until it fits, in case crazy tessellation factors are sent. while ((tess_u + 1) * (tess_v + 1) * num_patches_u * num_patches_v > maxVertices) { tess_u /= 2; tess_v /= 2; } for (int patch_idx = 0; patch_idx < num_patches_u*num_patches_v; ++patch_idx) { const BezierPatch &patch = patches[patch_idx]; TessellateBezierPatch(dest, inds, count, tess_u, tess_v, patch, origVertType); } delete[] patches; } u32 vertTypeWithIndex16 = (vertType & ~GE_VTYPE_IDX_MASK) | GE_VTYPE_IDX_16BIT; UVScale prevUVScale; if (origVertType & GE_VTYPE_TC_MASK) { // We scaled during Normalize already so let's turn it off when drawing. prevUVScale = gstate_c.uv; gstate_c.uv.uScale = 1.0f; gstate_c.uv.vScale = 1.0f; gstate_c.uv.uOff = 0; gstate_c.uv.vOff = 0; } uint32_t vertTypeID = GetVertTypeID(vertTypeWithIndex16, gstate.getUVGenMode()); int generatedBytesRead; DispatchSubmitPrim(splineBuffer, quadIndices_, primType[prim_type], count, vertTypeID, &generatedBytesRead); DispatchFlush(); if (origVertType & GE_VTYPE_TC_MASK) { gstate_c.uv = prevUVScale; } }
void DrawEngineCommon::SubmitSpline(const void *control_points, const void *indices, int tess_u, int tess_v, int count_u, int count_v, int type_u, int type_v, GEPatchPrimType prim_type, bool computeNormals, bool patchFacing, u32 vertType) { PROFILE_THIS_SCOPE("spline"); DispatchFlush(); // TODO: Verify correct functionality with < 4. if (count_u < 4 || count_v < 4) return; u16 index_lower_bound = 0; u16 index_upper_bound = count_u * count_v - 1; bool indices_16bit = (vertType & GE_VTYPE_IDX_MASK) == GE_VTYPE_IDX_16BIT; const u8* indices8 = (const u8*)indices; const u16* indices16 = (const u16*)indices; if (indices) GetIndexBounds(indices, count_u*count_v, vertType, &index_lower_bound, &index_upper_bound); // Simplify away bones and morph before proceeding SimpleVertex *simplified_control_points = (SimpleVertex *)(decoded + 65536 * 12); u8 *temp_buffer = decoded + 65536 * 18; u32 origVertType = vertType; vertType = NormalizeVertices((u8 *)simplified_control_points, temp_buffer, (u8 *)control_points, index_lower_bound, index_upper_bound, vertType); VertexDecoder *vdecoder = GetVertexDecoder(vertType); int vertexSize = vdecoder->VertexSize(); if (vertexSize != sizeof(SimpleVertex)) { ERROR_LOG(G3D, "Something went really wrong, vertex size: %i vs %i", vertexSize, (int)sizeof(SimpleVertex)); } // TODO: Do something less idiotic to manage this buffer SimpleVertex **points = new SimpleVertex *[count_u * count_v]; // Make an array of pointers to the control points, to get rid of indices. for (int idx = 0; idx < count_u * count_v; idx++) { if (indices) points[idx] = simplified_control_points + (indices_16bit ? indices16[idx] : indices8[idx]); else points[idx] = simplified_control_points + idx; } int count = 0; u8 *dest = splineBuffer; SplinePatchLocal patch; patch.tess_u = tess_u; patch.tess_v = tess_v; patch.type_u = type_u; patch.type_v = type_v; patch.count_u = count_u; patch.count_v = count_v; patch.points = points; patch.computeNormals = computeNormals; patch.primType = prim_type; patch.patchFacing = patchFacing; int maxVertexCount = SPLINE_BUFFER_SIZE / vertexSize; TesselateSplinePatch(dest, quadIndices_, count, patch, origVertType, maxVertexCount); delete[] points; u32 vertTypeWithIndex16 = (vertType & ~GE_VTYPE_IDX_MASK) | GE_VTYPE_IDX_16BIT; UVScale prevUVScale; if (g_Config.bPrescaleUV) { // We scaled during Normalize already so let's turn it off when drawing. prevUVScale = gstate_c.uv; gstate_c.uv.uScale = 1.0f; gstate_c.uv.vScale = 1.0f; gstate_c.uv.uOff = 0; gstate_c.uv.vOff = 0; } int bytesRead; DispatchSubmitPrim(splineBuffer, quadIndices_, primType[prim_type], count, vertTypeWithIndex16, &bytesRead); DispatchFlush(); if (g_Config.bPrescaleUV) { gstate_c.uv = prevUVScale; } }
void DrawEngineCommon::SubmitSpline(const void *control_points, const void *indices, int tess_u, int tess_v, int count_u, int count_v, int type_u, int type_v, GEPatchPrimType prim_type, bool computeNormals, bool patchFacing, u32 vertType, int *bytesRead) { PROFILE_THIS_SCOPE("spline"); DispatchFlush(); u16 index_lower_bound = 0; u16 index_upper_bound = count_u * count_v - 1; IndexConverter idxConv(vertType, indices); if (indices) GetIndexBounds(indices, count_u * count_v, vertType, &index_lower_bound, &index_upper_bound); VertexDecoder *origVDecoder = GetVertexDecoder((vertType & 0xFFFFFF) | (gstate.getUVGenMode() << 24)); *bytesRead = count_u * count_v * origVDecoder->VertexSize(); // Real hardware seems to draw nothing when given < 4 either U or V. if (count_u < 4 || count_v < 4) { return; } // Simplify away bones and morph before proceeding SimpleVertex *simplified_control_points = (SimpleVertex *)(decoded + 65536 * 12); u8 *temp_buffer = decoded + 65536 * 18; u32 origVertType = vertType; vertType = NormalizeVertices((u8 *)simplified_control_points, temp_buffer, (u8 *)control_points, index_lower_bound, index_upper_bound, vertType); VertexDecoder *vdecoder = GetVertexDecoder(vertType); int vertexSize = vdecoder->VertexSize(); if (vertexSize != sizeof(SimpleVertex)) { ERROR_LOG(G3D, "Something went really wrong, vertex size: %i vs %i", vertexSize, (int)sizeof(SimpleVertex)); } // TODO: Do something less idiotic to manage this buffer SimpleVertex **points = new SimpleVertex *[count_u * count_v]; // Make an array of pointers to the control points, to get rid of indices. for (int idx = 0; idx < count_u * count_v; idx++) { points[idx] = simplified_control_points + (indices ? idxConv.convert(idx) : idx); } int count = 0; u8 *dest = splineBuffer; SplinePatchLocal patch; patch.tess_u = tess_u; patch.tess_v = tess_v; patch.type_u = type_u; patch.type_v = type_v; patch.count_u = count_u; patch.count_v = count_v; patch.points = points; patch.computeNormals = computeNormals; patch.primType = prim_type; patch.patchFacing = patchFacing; if (g_Config.bHardwareTessellation && g_Config.bHardwareTransform && !g_Config.bSoftwareRendering) { float *pos = (float*)(decoded + 65536 * 18); // Size 4 float float *tex = pos + count_u * count_v * 4; // Size 4 float float *col = tex + count_u * count_v * 4; // Size 4 float const bool hasColor = (origVertType & GE_VTYPE_COL_MASK) != 0; const bool hasTexCoords = (origVertType & GE_VTYPE_TC_MASK) != 0; int posStride, texStride, colStride; tessDataTransfer->PrepareBuffers(pos, tex, col, posStride, texStride, colStride, count_u * count_v, hasColor, hasTexCoords); float *p = pos; float *t = tex; float *c = col; for (int idx = 0; idx < count_u * count_v; idx++) { memcpy(p, points[idx]->pos.AsArray(), 3 * sizeof(float)); p += posStride; if (hasTexCoords) { memcpy(t, points[idx]->uv, 2 * sizeof(float)); t += texStride; } if (hasColor) { memcpy(c, Vec4f::FromRGBA(points[idx]->color_32).AsArray(), 4 * sizeof(float)); c += colStride; } } if (!hasColor) memcpy(col, Vec4f::FromRGBA(points[0]->color_32).AsArray(), 4 * sizeof(float)); tessDataTransfer->SendDataToShader(pos, tex, col, count_u * count_v, hasColor, hasTexCoords); TessellateSplinePatchHardware(dest, quadIndices_, count, patch); numPatches = (count_u - 3) * (count_v - 3); } else { int maxVertexCount = SPLINE_BUFFER_SIZE / vertexSize; TessellateSplinePatch(dest, quadIndices_, count, patch, origVertType, maxVertexCount); } delete[] points; u32 vertTypeWithIndex16 = (vertType & ~GE_VTYPE_IDX_MASK) | GE_VTYPE_IDX_16BIT; UVScale prevUVScale; if ((origVertType & GE_VTYPE_TC_MASK) != 0) { // We scaled during Normalize already so let's turn it off when drawing. prevUVScale = gstate_c.uv; gstate_c.uv.uScale = 1.0f; gstate_c.uv.vScale = 1.0f; gstate_c.uv.uOff = 0.0f; gstate_c.uv.vOff = 0.0f; } uint32_t vertTypeID = GetVertTypeID(vertTypeWithIndex16, gstate.getUVGenMode()); int generatedBytesRead; DispatchSubmitPrim(splineBuffer, quadIndices_, primType[prim_type], count, vertTypeID, &generatedBytesRead); DispatchFlush(); if ((origVertType & GE_VTYPE_TC_MASK) != 0) { gstate_c.uv = prevUVScale; } }