Exemple #1
static void DogfightFinalScoresDraw(void *data)

	// This will only draw once
	const int w = gGraphicsDevice.cachedConfig.Res.x;
	const int h = gGraphicsDevice.cachedConfig.Res.y;


	// Work out who's the winner, or if it's a tie
	int maxScore = 0;
	int playersWithMaxScore = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < (int)gPlayerDatas.size; i++)
		const PlayerData *p = CArrayGet(&gPlayerDatas, i);
		if (p->RoundsWon > maxScore)
			maxScore = p->RoundsWon;
			playersWithMaxScore = 1;
		else if (p->RoundsWon == maxScore)
	const bool isTie = playersWithMaxScore == (int)gPlayerDatas.size;

	// Draw players and their names spread evenly around the screen.
	// If it's a tie, display the message in the centre,
	// otherwise display the winner just below the winning player
#define DRAW_TEXT	"It's a draw!"
#define WINNER_TEXT	"Winner!"
		gPlayerDatas.size >= 2 && gPlayerDatas.size <= 4,
		"Unimplemented number of players for dogfight");
	for (int i = 0; i < (int)gPlayerDatas.size; i++)
		const Vec2i pos = Vec2iNew(
			w / 4 + (i & 1) * w / 2,
			gPlayerDatas.size == 2 ? h / 2 : h / 4 + (i / 2) * h / 2);
		const PlayerData *p = CArrayGet(&gPlayerDatas, i);
		DisplayCharacterAndName(pos, &p->Char, p->name);
		ShowPlayerScore(pos, p->RoundsWon);
		if (!isTie && maxScore == p->RoundsWon)
				Vec2iNew(pos.x - FontStrW(WINNER_TEXT) / 2, pos.y + 30),
	if (isTie)
Exemple #2
static void DeathmatchFinalScoresDraw(void *data)

	// This will only draw once
	const int w = gGraphicsDevice.cachedConfig.Res.x;
	const int h = gGraphicsDevice.cachedConfig.Res.y;


	// Work out the highest kills
	int maxKills = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < (int)gPlayerDatas.size; i++)
		const PlayerData *p = CArrayGet(&gPlayerDatas, i);
		if (p->kills > maxKills)
			maxKills = p->kills;

	// Draw players and their names spread evenly around the screen.
		gPlayerDatas.size >= 2 && gPlayerDatas.size <= 4,
		"Unimplemented number of players for deathmatch");
#define LAST_MAN_TEXT	"Last man standing!"
	for (int i = 0; i < (int)gPlayerDatas.size; i++)
		const Vec2i pos = Vec2iNew(
			w / 4 + (i & 1) * w / 2,
			gPlayerDatas.size == 2 ? h / 2 : h / 4 + (i / 2) * h / 2);
		const PlayerData *p = CArrayGet(&gPlayerDatas, i);
		DisplayCharacterAndName(pos, &p->Char, p->name);
		// Kills
		char s[16];
		sprintf(s, "Kills: %d", p->kills);
			s, Vec2iNew(pos.x - FontStrW(s) / 2, pos.y + 20),
			p->kills == maxKills ? colorGreen : colorWhite);

		// Last man standing?
		if (p->Lives > 0)
				Vec2iNew(pos.x - FontStrW(LAST_MAN_TEXT) / 2, pos.y + 30),
Exemple #3
static void DogfightScoresDraw(void *data)

	// This will only draw once
	const int w = gGraphicsDevice.cachedConfig.Res.x;
	const int h = gGraphicsDevice.cachedConfig.Res.y;


		gPlayerDatas.size >= 2 && gPlayerDatas.size <= 4,
		"Unimplemented number of players for dogfight");
	for (int i = 0; i < (int)gPlayerDatas.size; i++)
		const Vec2i pos = Vec2iNew(
			w / 4 + (i & 1) * w / 2,
			gPlayerDatas.size == 2 ? h / 2 : h / 4 + (i / 2) * h / 2);
		const PlayerData *p = CArrayGet(&gPlayerDatas, i);
		DisplayCharacterAndName(pos, &p->Char, p->name);
		ShowPlayerScore(pos, p->RoundsWon);
Exemple #4
void MenuDisplayPlayer(
	menu_t *menu, GraphicsDevice *g, Vec2i pos, Vec2i size, void *data)
	MenuDisplayPlayerData *d = data;
	Vec2i playerPos;
	char s[22];
	pos.x -= size.x;	// move to left half of screen
	playerPos = Vec2iNew(
		pos.x + size.x * 3 / 4 - 12 / 2, CENTER_Y(pos, size, 0));

	if (d->currentMenu && strcmp((*d->currentMenu)->name, "Name") == 0)
		sprintf(s, "%c%s%c", '\020', d->pData->name, '\021');
		strcpy(s, d->pData->name);

	DisplayCharacterAndName(playerPos, d->c, s);
Exemple #5
static void VictoryDraw(void *data)
	// This will only draw once
	const CampaignOptions *c = data;

	const int w = gGraphicsDevice.cachedConfig.Res.x;
	const int h = gGraphicsDevice.cachedConfig.Res.y;
	FontOpts opts = FontOptsNew();
	opts.HAlign = ALIGN_CENTER;
	opts.Area = gGraphicsDevice.cachedConfig.Res;
	int y = 100;

	// Congratulations text
#define CONGRATULATIONS "Congratulations, you have completed "
	FontStrOpt(CONGRATULATIONS, Vec2iNew(0, y), opts);
	y += 15;
	opts.Mask = colorRed;
	FontStrOpt(c->Setting.Title, Vec2iNew(0, y), opts);

	// Display players
	switch (gPlayerDatas.size)
	case 1:
			const PlayerData *p = CArrayGet(&gPlayerDatas, 0);
			DisplayCharacterAndName(Vec2iNew(w / 4, h / 4), &p->Char, p->name);
	case 2:
			// side by side
			const PlayerData *p1 = CArrayGet(&gPlayerDatas, 0);
				Vec2iNew(w / 8, h / 4), &p1->Char, p1->name);
			const PlayerData *p2 = CArrayGet(&gPlayerDatas, 1);
				Vec2iNew(w / 8 + w / 2, h / 4), &p2->Char, p2->name);
	case 3:	// fallthrough
	case 4:
			// 2x2
			const PlayerData *p1 = CArrayGet(&gPlayerDatas, 0);
				Vec2iNew(w / 8, h / 8), &p1->Char, p1->name);
			const PlayerData *p2 = CArrayGet(&gPlayerDatas, 1);
				Vec2iNew(w / 8 + w / 2, h / 8), &p2->Char, p2->name);
			const PlayerData *p3 = CArrayGet(&gPlayerDatas, 2);
				Vec2iNew(w / 8, h / 8 + h / 4), &p3->Char, p3->name);
			if (gPlayerDatas.size == 4)
				const PlayerData *p4 = CArrayGet(&gPlayerDatas, 3);
					Vec2iNew(w / 8 + w / 2, h / 8 + h / 4),
					&p4->Char, p4->name);
		CASSERT(false, "not implemented");

	// Final words
	const char *finalWordsSingle[] = {
		"Ha, next time I'll use my good hand",
		"Over already? I was just warming up...",
		"There's just no good opposition to be found these days!",
		"Well, maybe I'll just do my monthly reload then",
		"Woof woof",
		"I'll just bury the bones in the back yard, he-he",
		"I just wish they'd let me try bare-handed",
		"Rambo? Who's Rambo?",
		"<in Austrian accent:> I'll be back",
		"Gee, my trigger finger is sore",
		"I need more practice. I think I missed a few shots at times"
	const char *finalWordsMulti[] = {
		"United we stand, divided we conquer",
		"Nothing like good teamwork, is there?",
		"Which way is the camera?",
		"We eat bullets for breakfast and have grenades as dessert",
		"We're so cool we have to wear mittens",
	const char *finalWords;
	if (gPlayerDatas.size == 1)
		const int numWords = sizeof finalWordsSingle / sizeof(char *);
		finalWords = finalWordsSingle[rand() % numWords];
		const int numWords = sizeof finalWordsMulti / sizeof(char *);
		finalWords = finalWordsMulti[rand() % numWords];
	Vec2i pos = Vec2iNew((w - FontStrW(finalWords)) / 2, h / 2 + 20);
	pos = FontChMask('"', pos, colorDarker);
	pos = FontStrMask(finalWords, pos, colorPurple);
	FontChMask('"', pos, colorDarker);
Exemple #6
// Display compact player summary, with player on left half and score summaries
// on right half
static void DrawPlayerSummary(
	const Vec2i pos, const Vec2i size, const PlayerData *data)
	char s[50];
	const int totalTextHeight = FontH() * 7;
	// display text on right half
	Vec2i textPos = Vec2iNew(
		pos.x + size.x / 2, CENTER_Y(pos, size, totalTextHeight));

		Vec2iAdd(pos, Vec2iNew(size.x / 4, size.y / 2)),
		&data->Char, data->name);

	if (data->survived)
		FontStr("Completed mission", textPos);
		FontStrMask("Failed mission", textPos, colorRed);

	textPos.y += 2 * FontH();
	sprintf(s, "Score: %d", data->score);
	FontStr(s, textPos);
	textPos.y += FontH();
	sprintf(s, "Total: %d", data->totalScore);
	FontStr(s, textPos);
	textPos.y += FontH();
	sprintf(s, "Missions: %d", data->missions + (data->survived ? 1 : 0));
	FontStr(s, textPos);
	textPos.y += FontH();

	// Display bonuses if the player has survived
	if (data->survived)
		const int healthBonus = GetHealthBonus(data);
		if (healthBonus != 0)
			sprintf(s, "Health bonus: %d", healthBonus);
		const int resurrectionFee = GetResurrectionFee(data);
		if (resurrectionFee != 0)
			sprintf(s, "Resurrection fee: %d", resurrectionFee);
		if (healthBonus != 0 || resurrectionFee != 0)
			FontStr(s, textPos);
			textPos.y += FontH();

		const int butcherPenalty = GetButcherPenalty(data);
		if (butcherPenalty != 0)
			sprintf(s, "Butcher penalty: %d", butcherPenalty);
		const int ninjaBonus = GetNinjaBonus(data);
		if (ninjaBonus != 0)
			sprintf(s, "Ninja bonus: %d", ninjaBonus);
		const int friendlyBonus = GetFriendlyBonus(data);
		if (friendlyBonus != 0)
			sprintf(s, "Friendly bonus: %d", friendlyBonus);
		if (butcherPenalty != 0 || ninjaBonus != 0 || friendlyBonus != 0)
			FontStr(s, textPos);
Exemple #7
static void PlayerListCustomDraw(
	const menu_t *menu, GraphicsDevice *g, const struct vec2i pos, const struct vec2i size,
	const void *data)
	// Draw players starting from the index
	// TODO: custom columns
	const PlayerList *pl = data;

	// First draw the headers
	const int xStart = pos.x + 80 + (size.x - 320) / 2;
	int x = xStart;
	int y = pos.y;
	FontStrMask("Player", svec2i(x, y), colorPurple);
	x += 100;
	FontStrMask("Score", svec2i(x, y), colorPurple);
	x += 32;
	FontStrMask("Kills", svec2i(x, y), colorPurple);
	y += FontH() * 2 + PLAYER_LIST_ROW_HEIGHT + 4;
	// Then draw the player list
	int maxScore = -1;
	for (int i = pl->scroll;
		i < MIN((int)pl->playerUIDs.size, pl->scroll + PlayerListMaxRows(pl));
		const int *playerUID = CArrayGet(&pl->playerUIDs, i);
		PlayerData *p = PlayerDataGetByUID(*playerUID);
		if (p == NULL)
		if (maxScore < GetModeScore(p))
			maxScore = GetModeScore(p);

		x = xStart;
		// Highlight local players using different coloured text
		const color_t textColor = p->IsLocal ? colorPurple : colorWhite;

		// Draw the players offset on alternate rows
			svec2i(x + (i & 1) * 16, y + 4), &p->Char, DIRECTION_DOWN,
			p->name, textColor);

		// Draw score
		x += 100;
		char buf[256];
		sprintf(buf, "%d", p->Totals.Score);
		FontStrMask(buf, svec2i(x, y), textColor);

		// Draw kills
		x += 32;
		sprintf(buf, "%d", p->Totals.Kills);
		FontStrMask(buf, svec2i(x, y), textColor);

		// Draw winner/award text
		x += 32;
		if (pl->showWinners && GetModeScore(p) == maxScore)
			FontStrMask("Winner!", svec2i(x, y), colorGreen);
		else if (pl->showLastMan && p->Lives > 0 &&
			gCampaign.Entry.Mode == GAME_MODE_DEATHMATCH)
			// Only show last man standing on deathmatch mode
			FontStrMask("Last man standing!", svec2i(x, y), colorGreen);


	// Draw indicator arrows if there's enough to scroll
	if (pl->scroll > 0)
		FontStr("^", svec2i(
			CENTER_X(pos, size, FontStrW("^")), pos.y + FontH()));
	if (pl->scroll < PlayerListMaxScroll(pl))
		FontStr("v", svec2i(
			CENTER_X(pos, size, FontStrW("v")), pos.y + size.y - FontH()));

	// Finally draw any custom stuff
	if (pl->drawFunc)