Exemple #1
    HWND hWnd,
    HANDLE hConsole

    ConTbl = SearchConsole(hConsole);
    if (ConTbl == NULL) {
        DBGPRINT(("CONIME: Error! Cannot found registed Console\n"));
        return FALSE;

    if ( gfDoNotKillFocus ){
        gfDoNotKillFocus = FALSE;
//v-hirshi Jun.13.1996 #if defined(LATER_DBCS)  // kazum
        ImmSetActiveContextConsoleIME(hWnd, FALSE);
//v-hirshi Jun.13.1996 #endif
        ImmAssociateContext(hWnd, ghDefaultIMC);

    DisplayInformation(hWnd, hConsole);

    return TRUE;
Exemple #2
    HWND   hWnd,
    HANDLE hConsole,
    HWND   hWndConsole
    // conime receive ime message from console before 1st console registered.
    // this will happen after restart conime when conime dead by bogus ime's AV or 
    // other problem
    // so this fail safe code is  necessary to protect consrv.
    if (SearchConsole(hConsole) != NULL) {
        return TRUE;


    if (!InsertConsole(hWnd, hConsole, hWndConsole)) {
        return FALSE;

    DisplayInformation(hWnd, hConsole);

    ImeUISetOpenStatus( hWndConsole );


    return TRUE;
Exemple #3
    HWND hWnd,
    HANDLE hConsole,
    HKL hKL
    HKL OldhKL;

    ConTbl = SearchConsole(hConsole);
    if (ConTbl == NULL) {
        DBGPRINT(("CONIME: Error! Cannot found registed Console\n"));
        return FALSE;

    if ( gfDoNotKillFocus ){
        gfDoNotKillFocus = FALSE;

    OldhKL = ConTbl->hklActive ;
    ConTbl->hklActive = hKL;
    ActivateKeyboardLayout(ConTbl->hklActive, 0);
    ImmAssociateContext(hWnd, ConTbl->hIMC_Current);

    if (OldhKL == 0) {
        GetIMEName( ConTbl );
        ConTbl->ImmGetProperty = ImmGetProperty(ConTbl->hklActive , IGP_PROPERTY);

//v-hirshi Jun.13.1996 #if defined(LATER_DBCS)  // kazum
    ImmSetActiveContextConsoleIME(hWnd, TRUE);
//v-hirshi Jun.13.1996 #endif

    LastConsole = hConsole;

    DisplayInformation(hWnd, hConsole);

    ImeUISetOpenStatus( hWnd );
    if (ConTbl->lpCompStrMem != NULL)
        ReDisplayCompositionStr( hWnd );

    return TRUE;
HRESULT CDisplayGPSData::IsValidPosition(__in GPS_POSITION gps_Position)
	//GPS_POSITION m_GPS_Position = gps_Position;

	if((!gpsLock) &&
		(gps_Position.flHorizontalDilutionOfPrecision > 0) &&
		(gps_Position.flHorizontalDilutionOfPrecision < 50) &&
		((gps_Position.flHorizontalDilutionOfPrecision != best_GPS_Position.flHorizontalDilutionOfPrecision) ||
		 (gps_Position.dwSatelliteCount > best_GPS_Position.dwSatelliteCount))){

			//Initialize the first GPS Position
			//if(number_of_GPS_Positions == 0){
			//	best_GPS_Position = gps_Position;
			//Increment the number of GPS positions
			if(best_GPS_Position.dwSatelliteCount >= 3){

			if(best_GPS_Position.dwSatelliteCount < gps_Position.dwSatelliteCount){
				best_GPS_Position = gps_Position;
			else if(best_GPS_Position.dwSatelliteCount == gps_Position.dwSatelliteCount){
				if(best_GPS_Position.flHorizontalDilutionOfPrecision > gps_Position.flHorizontalDilutionOfPrecision){
					best_GPS_Position = gps_Position;

			if(((best_GPS_Position.dwSatelliteCount >=3) && (best_GPS_Position.flHorizontalDilutionOfPrecision < 2)) || 
				(number_of_GPS_Positions >= 8)){


	return S_OK;
Exemple #5
// Test program.
// test.exe input.wav outout.wav f0 spec flag
// input.wav  : argv[1] Input file
// output.wav : argv[2] Output file
// f0         : argv[3] F0 scaling (a positive number)
// spec       : argv[4] Formant shift (a positive number)
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  if (argc != 2 && argc != 3 && argc != 4 && argc != 5) {
    return -2;

  // 2016/01/28: Important modification.
  // Memory allocation is carried out in advanse.
  // This is for compatibility with C language.
  int x_length = GetAudioLength(argv[1]);
  if (x_length <= 0) {
    if (x_length == 0)
      printf("error: File not found.\n");
      printf("error: The file is not .wav format.\n");
    return -1;
  double *x = new double[x_length];
  // wavread() must be called after GetAudioLength().
  int fs, nbit;
  wavread(argv[1], &fs, &nbit, x);
  DisplayInformation(fs, nbit, x_length);

  // Analysis part
  // 2016/02/02
  // A new struct is introduced to implement safe program.
  WorldParameters world_parameters = { 0 };
  // You must set fs and frame_period before analysis/synthesis.
  world_parameters.fs = fs;

  // 5.0 ms is the default value.
  // Generally, the inverse of the lowest F0 of speech is the best.
  // However, the more elapsed time is required.
  world_parameters.frame_period = 5.0;

  // F0 estimation
  // DIO
  // F0EstimationDio(x, x_length, &world_parameters);
  // Harvest
  F0EstimationHarvest(x, x_length, &world_parameters);

  // Spectral envelope estimation
  SpectralEnvelopeEstimation(x, x_length, &world_parameters);

  // Aperiodicity estimation by D4C
  AperiodicityEstimation(x, x_length, &world_parameters);

  // Note that F0 must not be changed until all parameters are estimated.
  ParameterModification(argc, argv, fs, world_parameters.f0_length,
    world_parameters.fft_size, world_parameters.f0,

  // Synthesis part (2016/04/19)
  // There are three samples in speech synthesis
  // 1: Conventional synthesis
  // 2: Example of real-time synthesis
  // 3: Example of real-time synthesis (Ring buffer is efficiently used)
  char filename[100];
  // The length of the output waveform
  int y_length = static_cast<int>((world_parameters.f0_length - 1) *
    world_parameters.frame_period / 1000.0 * fs) + 1;
  double *y = new double[y_length];

  // Synthesis 1 (conventional synthesis)
  for (int i = 0; i < y_length; ++i) y[i] = 0.0;
  WaveformSynthesis(&world_parameters, fs, y_length, y);
  sprintf(filename, "01%s", argv[2]);
  wavwrite(y, y_length, fs, 16, filename);

  // Synthesis 2 (All frames are added at the same time)
  for (int i = 0; i < y_length; ++i) y[i] = 0.0;
  WaveformSynthesis2(&world_parameters, fs, y_length, y);
  sprintf(filename, "02%s", argv[2]);
  wavwrite(y, y_length, fs, 16, filename);

  // Synthesis 3 (Ring buffer is efficiently used.)
  for (int i = 0; i < y_length; ++i) y[i] = 0.0;
  WaveformSynthesis3(&world_parameters, fs, y_length, y);
  sprintf(filename, "03%s", argv[2]);
  wavwrite(y, y_length, fs, 16, filename);

  delete[] y;
  delete[] x;

  return 0;
Exemple #6
// Test program.
// test.exe input.wav outout.wav f0 spec flag
// input.wav  : argv[1] Input file
// output.wav : argv[2] Output file
// f0         : argv[3] F0 scaling (a positive number)
// spec       : argv[4] Formant shift (a positive number)
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  if (argc != 2 && argc != 3 && argc != 4 && argc != 5) {
    return -2;

  // 2016/01/28: Important modification.
  // Memory allocation is carried out in advanse.
  // This is for compatibility with C language.
  int x_length = GetAudioLength(argv[1]);
  if (x_length <= 0) {
    if (x_length == 0)
      printf("error: File not found.\n");
      printf("error: The file is not .wav format.\n");
    return -1;
  double *x = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double) * (x_length));
  // wavread() must be called after GetAudioLength().
  int fs, nbit;
  wavread(argv[1], &fs, &nbit, x);
  DisplayInformation(fs, nbit, x_length);

  // Analysis part
  // 2016/02/02
  // A new struct is introduced to implement safe program.
  WorldParameters world_parameters = { 0 };
  // You must set fs and frame_period before analysis/synthesis.
  world_parameters.fs = fs;

  // 5.0 ms is the default value.
  // Generally, the inverse of the lowest F0 of speech is the best.
  // However, the more elapsed time is required.
  world_parameters.frame_period = 5.0;

  // F0 estimation
  F0Estimation(x, x_length, &world_parameters);

  // Spectral envelope estimation
  SpectralEnvelopeEstimation(x, x_length, &world_parameters);

  // Aperiodicity estimation by D4C
  AperiodicityEstimation(x, x_length, &world_parameters);

  // Note that F0 must not be changed until all parameters are estimated.
  ParameterModification(argc, argv, fs, world_parameters.f0_length,
    world_parameters.fft_size, world_parameters.f0,

  // Synthesis part
  // The length of the output waveform
  int y_length = (int)((world_parameters.f0_length - 1) *
    world_parameters.frame_period / 1000.0 * fs) + 1;
  double *y = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double) * (y_length));
  // Synthesis
  WaveformSynthesis(&world_parameters, fs, y_length, y);

  // Output
  wavwrite(y, y_length, fs, 16, argv[2]);

  if(y != NULL) {
    y = NULL;
  if(x != NULL) {
    x = NULL;

  return 0;
Exemple #7
 * Main function
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    if (argc != 5)
        std::cerr << argv[0] << "<input_wav_file> <output_f0_file> <output_spectrum_file> <output_aperiodicity_file>" << std::endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    // 2016/01/28: Important modification.
    // Memory allocation is carried out in advanse.
    // This is for compatibility with C language.
    int x_length = GetAudioLength(argv[1]);
    if (x_length <= 0) {
        if (x_length == 0)
            std::cerr << "error: File \"" << argv[1] << "\" not found"  << std::endl;
            std::cerr << "error: File \"" << argv[1] << "\" is not a .wav format"  << std::endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    double *x = new double[x_length];

    // wavread() must be called after GetAudioLength().
    int fs, nbit;
    wavread(argv[1], &fs, &nbit, x);
    DisplayInformation(fs, nbit, x_length);

    // 2016/02/02
    // A new struct is introduced to implement safe program.
    WorldParameters world_parameters;

    // You must set fs and frame_period before analysis/synthesis.
    world_parameters.fs = fs;

    // 5.0 ms is the default value.
    // Generally, the inverse of the lowest F0 of speech is the best.
    // However, the more elapsed time is required.
    world_parameters.frame_period = 5.0;

    // Analysis part

    // F0 estimation
    F0Estimation(x, x_length, &world_parameters);

    // Spectral envelope estimation
    SpectralEnvelopeEstimation(x, x_length, &world_parameters);

    // Aperiodicity estimation by D4C
    AperiodicityEstimation(x, x_length, &world_parameters);

    std::cout << "fft size = " << world_parameters.fft_size << std::endl;

    // Saving part

    // F0 saving
    std::ofstream out_f0(argv[2],  std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);
        std::cerr << "Cannot open file: " << argv[2] << std::endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    out_f0.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(world_parameters.f0),
                 std::streamsize(world_parameters.f0_length * sizeof(double)));

    // Spectrogram saving
    std::ofstream out_spectrogram(argv[3],  std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);
        std::cerr << "Cannot open file: " << argv[3] << std::endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    // write the sampling frequency
    out_spectrogram.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&world_parameters.fs),
                 std::streamsize( sizeof(world_parameters.fs) ) );

    // write the sampling frequency
    out_spectrogram.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&world_parameters.frame_period),
                 std::streamsize( sizeof(world_parameters.frame_period) ) );

    // write the spectrogram data
    for (int i=0; i<world_parameters.f0_length; i++)
        out_spectrogram.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(world_parameters.spectrogram[i]),
                              std::streamsize((world_parameters.fft_size / 2 + 1) * sizeof(double)));


    // Aperiodicity saving
    std::ofstream out_aperiodicity(argv[4],  std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);
        std::cerr << "Cannot open file: " << argv[4] << std::endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    for (int i=0; i<world_parameters.f0_length; i++)
        out_aperiodicity.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(world_parameters.aperiodicity[i]),
                               std::streamsize((world_parameters.fft_size / 2 + 1) * sizeof(double)));


    // Cleaning part
    delete[] x;

    std::cout << "complete" << std::endl;
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Exemple #8
   TST_tpRetCode TST_TestSpecific ::
             PerformSpecificTest( char * Command )

      // Interpret TENV Reset
      // AE: Reset

         if ( strcmp( Command , Reset_CMD ) == 0 ) 

            for ( int i = 0 ; i < TENV_dimVtEnv ; i++ )
               delete vtEnv[ i ] ;
               vtEnv[ i ] = NULL ;
            } /* for */

            return TST_RetCodeOK ;

         } // end selection: Interpret TENV Reset

      // Test: ENV  !Environment constructor
      // AE: NewEnvironment   inxEnv

         else if ( strcmp( Command , ENV_MainEnvironment_002_CMD ) == 0 )

            /***** Function
            ENV_Environment( )

            int  inxEnv   = -1 ;

            int  numRead  = TST_pReader->ReadCommandLine( "i" , &inxEnv ) ;

            if ( ( numRead != 1 )
              || !VerifyInxEnv( inxEnv  , NO ))
               return TST_RetCodeParmError ;
            } /* if */

            vtEnv[ inxEnv ] = new ENV_Environment( ) ;

            return TST_RetCodeOK ;

         } // end selection: Test: ENV  !Environment constructor

      // Test: ENV  !Environment destructor
      // AE: DeleteEnvironment  inxEnv

         else if ( strcmp( Command , DeleteENV_003_CMD ) == 0 )

            /***** Function
            ~ENV_Environment( )

            int  inxEnv   = -1 ;

            int  numRead  = TST_pReader->ReadCommandLine( "i" , &inxEnv ) ;

            if ( ( numRead != 1 )
              || !VerifyInxEnv( inxEnv  , ANY ))
               return TST_RetCodeParmError ;
            } /* if */

            delete vtEnv[ inxEnv ] ;
            vtEnv[ inxEnv ] = NULL ;

            return TST_RetCodeOK ;

         } // end selection: Test: ENV  !Environment destructor

      // Test: ENV  !Build environment
      // AE: BuildEnvironment  inxEnvironment  environmentVarName
      //               if environmentVarName == "." builds with NULL

         else if ( strcmp( Command , BuildEnvironment_004_CMD ) == 0 )

            struct PointerEnvelope
               MSG_Message * pMsg ;
               STR_String  * pStr ;

               PointerEnvelope( )
                  pMsg = NULL ;
                  pStr = NULL ;

              ~PointerEnvelope( )
                  delete pMsg ;
                  delete pStr ;
            } envelope ; /* struct */

            /***** Function
            void BuildEnvironment( char * environmentVarName )

            int  inxEnv   = -1 ;
            int  sizValue = -1 ;
            char Value[ TAL_dimBuffer ] ;

            int  numRead  = TST_pReader->ReadCommandLine( "is" ,
                      &inxEnv , &sizValue , Value ) ;

            if ( ( numRead != 2 )
              || !VerifyInxEnv( inxEnv  , YES ))
               return TST_RetCodeParmError ;
            } /* if */

            if ( strcmp( Value , "." ) != 0 )
               envelope.pMsg = vtEnv[ inxEnv ]->BuildEnvironment( Value ) ;
            } else
               envelope.pMsg = vtEnv[ inxEnv ]->BuildEnvironment( NULL ) ;
            } /* if */

            if ( envelope.pMsg != NULL )
               envelope.pStr = envelope.pMsg->AssembleMessage( ) ;
               DisplayErrorMsg( envelope.pStr->GetString( )) ;
               return TST_RetCodeFailure ;
            } /* if */

            return TST_RetCodeOK ;

         } // end selection: Test: ENV  !Build environment

      // Test: ENV  !Set environment empty
      // AE: SetEmpty  inxEnvironment

         else if ( strcmp( Command , SetEmpty_005_CMD ) == 0 )

            /***** Function
            void SetEmpty( )

            int  inxEnv   = -1 ;

            int  numRead  = TST_pReader->ReadCommandLine( "i" , &inxEnv ) ;

            if ( ( numRead != 1 )
              || !VerifyInxEnv( inxEnv  , YES ))
               return TST_RetCodeParmError ;
            } /* if */

            vtEnv[ inxEnv ]->SetEmpty( ) ;

            return TST_RetCodeOK ;

         } // end selection: Test: ENV  !Set environment empty

      // Test: ENV  !Get environment variable
      // AE: GetVariableName  inxEnvironment expName
      //               expName == "." displays the name
      //               expName == ""  expects NULL name

         else if ( strcmp( Command , GetVariable_006_CMD ) == 0 )

            struct PointerEnvelope
               STR_String * pStr ;

               PointerEnvelope( )
                  pStr = NULL ;

              ~PointerEnvelope( )
                  delete pStr ;
            } envelope ; /* struct */

            /***** Function
            STR_String * GetVariable( )

            int  inxEnv   = -1 ;
            int  sizValue = -1 ;
            char Value[ TAL_dimBuffer ] ;

            int  numRead  = TST_pReader->ReadCommandLine( "is" ,
                      &inxEnv , &sizValue , Value ) ;

            if ( ( numRead != 2 )
              || !VerifyInxEnv( inxEnv  , YES ))
               return TST_RetCodeParmError ;
            } /* if */

            envelope.pStr = vtEnv[ inxEnv ]->GetVariable( ) ;

            if ( strcmp( Value , "." ) != 0 )
               if ( envelope.pStr != NULL )
                  return Compare( envelope.pStr->GetLength( ) ,
                            envelope.pStr->GetString( ) , sizValue , Value ,
                            "Incorrect environment variable name" ) ;
               } /* if */
               if ( strcmp( Value , "" ) != 0 )
                  return TST_RetCodeOK ;
               } /* if */
               DisplayErrorMsg( "Variable is NULL." ) ;

               return TST_RetCodeFailure ;
            } /* if */

            if ( envelope.pStr != NULL )
               DisplayInformation( "Environment variable name: " ,
                         envelope.pStr->GetString( )) ;
            } else
               DisplayInformation( "Variable is not set." , "" ) ;
            } /* if */

            return TST_RetCodeOK ;

         } // end selection: Test: ENV  !Get environment variable

      // Test: ENV  !Get environment string
      // AE: GetEnvironmentString  inxEnvironment   expString
      //               expString == "." displays the string
      //               expString == ""  expects NULL string

         else if ( strcmp( Command , GetString_007_CMD ) == 0 )

            struct PointerEnvelope
               STR_String * pStr ;

               PointerEnvelope( )
                  pStr = NULL ;

              ~PointerEnvelope( )
                  delete pStr ;
            } envelope ; /* struct */

            /***** Function
            STR_String * GetString( )

            int  inxEnv   = -1 ;
            int  sizValue = -1 ;
            char Value[ TAL_dimBuffer ] ;

            int  numRead  = TST_pReader->ReadCommandLine( "is" ,
                      &inxEnv , &sizValue , Value ) ;

            if ( ( numRead != 2 )
              || !VerifyInxEnv( inxEnv  , YES ))
               return TST_RetCodeParmError ;
            } /* if */

            envelope.pStr = vtEnv[ inxEnv ]->GetString( ) ;

            if ( strcmp( Value , "." ) != 0 )
               if ( envelope.pStr != NULL )
                  return Compare( envelope.pStr->GetLength( ) ,
                            envelope.pStr->GetString( ) , sizValue , Value ,
                            "Incorrect environment variable string" ) ;
               } /* if */
               if ( strcmp( Value , "" ) != 0 )
                  return TST_RetCodeOK ;
               } /* if */
               DisplayErrorMsg( "String is NULL." ) ;

               return TST_RetCodeFailure ;
            } /* if */

            if ( envelope.pStr != NULL )
               DisplayInformation( "Environment variable string: " ,
                         envelope.pStr->GetString( )) ;
            } else
               DisplayInformation( "String is NULL." , "" ) ;
            } /* if */

            return TST_RetCodeOK ;

         } // end selection: Test: ENV  !Get environment string

      // Test: ENV  !Get environment parameter
      // AE: GetParameter  inxEnvironment  parameterName  expValue

         else if ( strcmp( Command , GetParameter_008_CMD ) == 0 )

            struct PointerEnvelope
               STR_String * pStr ;

               PointerEnvelope( )
                  pStr = NULL ;

              ~PointerEnvelope( )
                  delete pStr ;
            } envelope ; /* struct */

            /***** Function
            STR_String * GetParameter( char * parameterName )

            int  inxEnv      = -1 ;

            int  sizParmName = -1 ;
            char parmName[ TAL_dimBuffer ] ;

            int  sizValue    = -1 ;
            char Value[ TAL_dimBuffer ] ;

            int  numRead  = TST_pReader->ReadCommandLine( "iss" ,
                      &inxEnv , &sizParmName , parmName , &sizValue , Value ) ;

            if ( ( numRead != 3 )
              || !VerifyInxEnv( inxEnv  , YES ))
               return TST_RetCodeParmError ;
            } /* if */

            envelope.pStr = vtEnv[ inxEnv ]->GetParameter( parmName ) ;

            if ( strcmp( Value , "." ) != 0 )
               if ( envelope.pStr != NULL )
                  return Compare( envelope.pStr->GetLength( ) ,
                            envelope.pStr->GetString( ) , sizValue , Value ,
                            "Incorrect environment parameter value." ) ;
               } /* if */

               DisplayErrorMsg( "Did not find parameter: " , parmName ) ;
               return TST_RetCodeFailure ;
            } /* if */

            if ( envelope.pStr != NULL )
               DisplayInformation( "Environment parameter: " ,
                         envelope.pStr->GetString( )) ;
            } else
               DisplayInformation( "Did not find parameter: " , parmName ) ;
            } /* if */

            return TST_RetCodeOK ;

         } // end selection: Test: ENV  !Get environment parameter

      return TST_RetCodeUnknown ;

   } // End of function: TENV !P Perform specific test actions