t_rc REM_RecordFileManager::CloseRecordFile(REM_RecordFileHandle &rfh)
	t_rc rc;
	//Flashing Pages before closing 
	rc = rfh.FlushPages();
	if(rc!=OK){DisplayReturnCode(rc); exit(-1);}
	//Closing the open file
	rc = a_storage_manager->CloseFile(*a_file_handle);
	if(rc!=OK){DisplayReturnCode(rc); exit(-1);}
	return rc= (OK);
t_rc REM_RecordFileManager::DestroyRecordFile(const char *fname)
	t_rc rc;
	rc = a_storage_manager->DestroyFile(fname);
	if(rc != OK){DisplayReturnCode(rc); exit(-1);}

	return rc;
t_rc REM_RecordFileManager::OpenRecordFile(const char *fname, REM_RecordFileHandle &rfh)
	t_rc rc;
	//Opening the file 
	if((rc = a_storage_manager->OpenFile(fname, *a_file_handle)))
		if(rc!=OK){DisplayReturnCode(rc); exit(-1);}
		new REM_RecordFileHandle(rfh);
	return rc;
Exemple #4
void testStorm() {
	STORM_StorageManager mgr;
	STORM_FileHandle fh;
	t_rc rc;
	int nAllocPages, nResPages;
	STORM_PageHandle ph;
	char *data;
	int val;
	int pid;
	int nreqs, nreads, nwrites, npinned, nframes;
	// ====================== STEP 1 =======================================//
	// Create the file. 
	// Open the file.
	// Reserve 100 pages.
	// Store something in each page.
	// Close the file.
	rc = mgr.CreateFile("test.dat");
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc); Pause(); exit(-1);}
	rc = mgr.OpenFile("test.dat", fh);
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc); Pause(); exit(-1);}
	nAllocPages = fh.GetNumAllocatedPages();
	nResPages = fh.GetNumReservedPages();
	for (int i=1; i<=100; i++)
		rc = fh.ReservePage(ph);
		if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc); Pause(); exit(-1);}
		// Copy something to the page.
		rc = ph.GetDataPtr(&data);
		memcpy(data, &i, sizeof(int));  
		// Mark the page as dirty.
		rc = ph.GetPageID(pid);
		if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc); exit(-1);}
		rc = fh.MarkPageDirty(pid);
		if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc); exit(-1);}
		// Unpin the page
		rc = fh.UnpinPage(pid);
		if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc); exit(-1);}
	mgr.GetStats(nreqs, nreads, nwrites, npinned, nframes);
	printf("reqs: %d, reads: %d, writes: %d, pinned: %d, frames: %d\n", nreqs, nreads, nwrites, npinned, nframes);
	printf("allocated pages: %d, reserved pages: %d\n", fh.GetNumAllocatedPages(), fh.GetNumReservedPages());
	rc = mgr.CloseFile(fh);
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc); exit(-1);}
	// ====================== STEP 2 =======================================//
	// Open the file again. 
	// Read every page of the file and print the page contents.
	// Release the first 50 pages.
	// Close the file.
	rc = mgr.OpenFile("test.dat", fh);
	if (rc != OK){DisplayReturnCode(rc); exit(-1);}
	printf("allocated pages: %d, reserved pages: %d\n", fh.GetNumAllocatedPages(), fh.GetNumReservedPages());
	// Display page contents.
	while (fh.GetNextPage(ph) != STORM_EOF)
		rc = ph.GetDataPtr(&data);
		if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc);exit(-1);}
		memcpy(&val, data, sizeof(int));
		printf("contents of page %d = %d\n", pid, val);
		// Unpin the page
		rc = fh.UnpinPage(pid);
		if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc); exit(-1);}
	// Release pages from 1 to 50.
	for (int p=1; p<=50; p++)
		rc = fh.ReleasePage(p);
		if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc); exit(-1);}
	printf("allocated pages: %d, reserved pages: %d\n", fh.GetNumAllocatedPages(), fh.GetNumReservedPages());
	rc = mgr.CloseFile(fh);
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc); exit(-1);}
	// ====================== STEP 3 =======================================//
	// Open the file again. 
	// Read every page of the file and print the page contents.
	// Close the file.
	// Finally, destroy the file.
	// We expect to see only 50 pages staring from 51 up to 100, since the
	// first 50 have been released in the previous step.
	rc = mgr.OpenFile("test.dat", fh);
	if (rc != OK){DisplayReturnCode(rc); exit(-1);}
	// Display page contents.
	while (fh.GetNextPage(ph) != STORM_EOF)
		rc = ph.GetDataPtr(&data);
		if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc);exit(-1);}
		memcpy(&val, data, sizeof(int));
		printf("contents of page %d = %d\n", pid, val);
		// Unpin the page
	printf("allocated pages: %d, reserved pages: %d\n", fh.GetNumAllocatedPages(), fh.GetNumReservedPages());
	rc = mgr.CloseFile(fh);
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc); exit(-1);}
	rc = mgr.DestroyFile("test.dat");
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc);exit(-1);}
Exemple #5
void testINXM() {
	STORM_StorageManager mgr;
	STORM_FileHandle fh;
	t_rc rc;
	STORM_PageHandle ph;
	INXM_IndexManager *imgr = new INXM_IndexManager(&mgr);
	INXM_IndexHandle ih;
	rc = imgr->CreateIndex("test.dat", 1, TYPE_INT, 4);
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc);exit(-1);}	
	rc = imgr->OpenIndex("test.dat", 1, ih);
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc);exit(-1);}	
	REM_RecordID rid1, rid2, rid3;
	int *key1 = new int(1);
	int *key2 = new int(4);
	int *key3 = new int(6);
	int *key4 = new int(10);
	rc = ih.InsertEntry(key1, rid1);
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc);exit(-1);}	
	rc = ih.InsertEntry(key2, rid2);
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc);exit(-1);}	
	rc = ih.InsertEntry(key3, rid3);
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc);exit(-1);}	
	rc = ih.InsertEntry(key4, rid1);
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc);exit(-1);}	
	rc = ih.InsertEntry(key4, rid2);
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc);exit(-1);}		
	rc = ih.InsertEntry(key4, rid3);
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc);exit(-1);}		
//	for (int i=0; i<1000; i++) {
//		rc = ih.InsertEntry(key4, rid3);
//		if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc);exit(-1);}	
//	}
    rc = ih.DeleteEntry(key2, rid2);
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc);exit(-1);}	
	rc = imgr->CloseIndex(ih);
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc);exit(-1);}	
	rc = imgr->DestroyIndex("test.dat", 1);
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc);exit(-1);}	
Exemple #6
void testREM() {
	STORM_StorageManager mgr;
	STORM_FileHandle fh;
	t_rc rc;
	STORM_PageHandle ph;

	REM_RecordFileManager *rmgr = new REM_RecordFileManager(&mgr);
	REM_RecordFileHandle rfh;
	rc = rmgr->CreateRecordFile("test.dat", 40);
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc);exit(-1);}	
	rc = rmgr->OpenRecordFile("test.dat", rfh);
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc);exit(-1);}	
	REM_RecordID rid1, rid2, rid3;
	int pageID, slot;
	rc = rfh.InsertRecord("check my list yo", rid1);
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc);exit(-1);}	
	rc = rid1.GetPageID(pageID);
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc);exit(-1);}	
	rc = rid1.GetSlot(slot);
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc);exit(-1);}	
	printf("Page ID = %d,  Slot = %d\n", pageID, slot);
	rc = rfh.InsertRecord("check my list yo 2", rid2);
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc);exit(-1);}	
	rc = rid2.GetPageID(pageID);
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc);exit(-1);}	
	rc = rid2.GetSlot(slot);
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc);exit(-1);}	
	printf("Page ID = %d,  Slot = %d\n", pageID, slot);

	rc = rfh.InsertRecord("check my list yo 3", rid3);
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc);exit(-1);}	
	rc = rid3.GetPageID(pageID);
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc);exit(-1);}	
	rc = rid3.GetSlot(slot);
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc);exit(-1);}	
	printf("Page ID = %d,  Slot = %d\n", pageID, slot);
	REM_RecordHandle rh;
	char *pData;
	rc = rfh.ReadRecord(rid1, rh);
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc);exit(-1);}	
	printf("This is data : %s ||| from rid %d\n", pData, 1);

	rc = rfh.ReadRecord(rid2, rh);
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc);exit(-1);}	
	printf("This is data : %s ||| from rid %d\n", pData, 2);

	rc = rfh.ReadRecord(rid3, rh);
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc);exit(-1);}	
	printf("This is data : %s ||| from rid %d\n", pData, 3);	
	REM_RecordFileScan fs;
	rc = fs.OpenRecordScan(rfh, TYPE_STRING, 18, 0, EQ_OP, (char*)"check my list yo 2");
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc);exit(-1);}	
	rc = fs.GetNextRecord(rh);
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc);exit(-1);}	
	printf("This is data : %s ||| from File Scan \n", pData);
	rc = fs.GetNextRecord(rh);
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc);}

	printf("This is data : %s ||| from File Scan 2\n", pData);

	rc = rfh.ReadRecord(rid1, rh);
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc);exit(-1);}	
	printf("This is data : %s ||| from rid %d\n", pData, 1);
	memcpy(pData, "koka kolas!", 40);
	rc = rfh.ReadRecord(rid1, rh);
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc);exit(-1);}	
	printf("This is data : %s ||| from rid %d\n", pData, 1);	
	rc = rmgr->CloseRecordFile(rfh);
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc);exit(-1);}	
	rc = rmgr->DestroyRecordFile("test.dat");
	if (rc != OK) {DisplayReturnCode(rc);exit(-1);}	