int main () { int a, b, c,r; printf("Ingrese numero a : "); scanf("%d",&a); printf("Ingrese numero b : "); scanf("%d",&b); Division(a,b,&c,&r); printf("Cuociente es %d\n",c); printf("Resto es %d\n",r); system("pause"); }
//Llamar a la funcion main () { float a,b; cout<<"Operacion Suma"<<endl; cout<<"Dar Num_uno"<<endl; cin>> a; cout<<"Dar Num_dos"<<endl; cin>> b; cout<<"El resultado es "<<Suma (a,b)<<endl; cout<<" "<<endl; float c,d; cout<<"Operacion Resta"<<endl; cout<<"Dar Num_uno"<<endl; cin>> c; cout<<"Dar Num_dos"<<endl; cin>> d; cout<<"El resultado es "<<Resta (c,d)<<endl; cout<<" "<<endl; float g,h; cout<<"Operacion Producto"<<endl; cout<<"Dar Num_uno"<<endl; cin>> g; cout<<"Dar Num_dos"<<endl; cin>> h; cout<<"El resultado es "<<Producto (g,h)<<endl; cout<<" "<<endl; float i,j; cout<<"Operacion Division"<<endl; cout<<"Dar Num_uno"<<endl; cin>> i; cout<<"Dar Num_dos"<<endl; cin>> j; cout<<"El resultado es "<<Division (i,j)<<endl; cout<<" "<<endl; getch (); }
ClassLong ClassLong::operator%(unsigned long long int value) { return Division(this->number, InputNumber(value), 2); }
ClassLong ClassLong::operator%(const ClassLong &right) { return Division(this->number, right.number, 2); }
Constante* Eval::getValue() const { Expression* exp = dynamic_cast<Expression*>(c); QStack<Constante*> p; if (exp != NULL){ int i = 0; QString s = exp->getExp(); Constante * result = 0; while(i<s.length()){ //on passe les espaces; if(s[i] == ' '){ if(result != 0){ p.push(result); result = 0; } } else if(s[i] >= '0' && s[i] <= '9'){ if(result == 0)result = Addition(Rationnel(0),Rationnel(0),mModeConstante, mModeComplexes).getValue(); result->addChiffre(s[i].toAscii() - '0'); } else if(s[i] == '$'){ if(result == 0) throw EvalException("$ mal placé"); result->setDollarEntre(); } else if(s[i] == '/'){ if(result != 0){ result->setSlashEntre(); } else{ if(p.size() < 2) throw EvalException("Pas assez d'opérandes pour /"); Constante *op2 = p.pop(), *op1 = p.pop(); try{ result = Division(*op1,*op2,mModeConstante,mModeComplexes).getValue(); } catch(DivException e){ throw EvalException("division par zéro"); } delete op1; delete op2; p.push(result); result = 0; } } else if(s[i] == ',' || s[i] == '.'){ if(result == 0) throw EvalException(", ou . mal placé"); result->setVirguleEntree(); } else if(s[i] == '+'){ if(result!=0){ p.push(result); result = 0; } if(p.size() < 2) throw EvalException("Pas assez d'opérandes pour +"); Constante *op1 = p.pop(), *op2 = p.pop(); result = Addition(*op1,*op2,mModeConstante,mModeComplexes).getValue(); delete op1; delete op2; p.push(result); result = 0; } else if(s[i] == '-'){ if(result!=0){ p.push(result); result = 0; } if(p.size() < 2) throw EvalException("Pas assez d'opérandes pour -"); Constante *op2 = p.pop(), *op1 = p.pop(); result = Soustraction(*op1,*op2,mModeConstante,mModeComplexes).getValue(); delete op1; delete op2; p.push(result); result = 0; } else if(s[i] == '*'){ if(result!=0){ p.push(result); result = 0; } if(p.size() < 2) throw EvalException("Pas assez d'opérandes pour *"); Constante *op2 = p.pop(), *op1 = p.pop(); result = Multiplication(*op1,*op2,mModeConstante,mModeComplexes).getValue(); delete op1; delete op2; p.push(result); result = 0; } else{ throw EvalException("Caractère inconnu"); } i++; } if(result!=0)p.push(result); if(p.size() > 1) throw EvalException("Il manque un opérateur."); if(p.size() < 1) throw EvalException("Pile d'évaluation vide."); return; } else throw TypeConstanteException("Ceci n'est pas une expression"); }
void main() // main function { int menu, result[100], total=0, count=0; char con; struct tm time; _getsystime(&time); int hr, min, sec; hr = time.tm_hour; min = time.tm_min; sec = time.tm_sec; int i=0; do { // Menu system("CLS"); printf("_-_-_-_Menu_-_-_-_\n" "[1] Multiplication\n" "[2] Division\n" "[3] Addition\n" "[4] Subtraction\n" "[5] Quit\n\n"); printf("Choose a selection > "); scanf("%d",&menu); switch(menu) // switch statement { case 1: { result[i] = Multiplication(); // function call Multiplication(); output(result[i]); // function call output(); count++; // the times of test break; } case 2: { result[i] = Division(); // function call Division(); output(result[i]); // function call output(); count++; // the times of test break; } case 3: { result[i] = Addition(); // function call Addition(); output(result[i]); // function call output(); count++; // the times of test break; } case 4: { result[i] = Subtraction(); // function call Subtraction(); output(result[i]); // function call output(); count++; // the times of test break; } case 5: { Quit(total,count,hr,min,sec); // function call Quit(); break; } default: { printf("Invalid Input! Please re-enter\n"); main(); // re-run the main function } i++; } total = total + result[i]; // sum all the tests' marks // ask for user want to continue the test or not printf("Do you want to continue? (Y/N) "); fflush(stdin); scanf("%c",&con); toupper(con); while(con!='Y' && con!='N' && con!='y' && con!='n') { printf("Invalid Input! Please re-enter (Y/N)> "); fflush(stdin); scanf("%c",&con); toupper(con); } }while(con == 'Y' || con=='y'); Quit(total,count,hr,min,sec); // Print out the total result & Quit the program }
// PROGRAMA PRINCIPAL int main(){ bind_textdomain_codeset ("calculadora", "UTF-8"); setlocale(LC_ALL,""); bindtextdomain("calculadora", "idioma"); textdomain("calculadora"); double a, b, resultado; long resexp; int Opcion; char buffer[9]; while(1){ printf(_("\n\t\tCALCULATOR\n\n")); printf(_("\t 1.- Sum\n")); printf(_("\t 2.- Subtraction\n")); printf(_("\t 3.- Multiplication\n")); printf(_("\t 4.- Division\n")); printf(_("\t 5.- Square Root\n")); printf(_("\t 6.- Pow\n")); printf(_("\t 7.- Natural Logarithm\n")); printf(_("\t 8.- Sine\n")); printf(_("\t 9.- Cosine\n")); printf(_("\t 10.-Tangent\n")); printf(_("\t 11.-arc sine\n")); printf(_("\t 12.-Arc Cosine\n")); printf(_("\t 13.-Arc Tangent\n")); printf(_("\t 14.-Ceil\n")); printf(_("\t 15.-Arc Tangent (two parameters\n")); printf(_("\t 16.-Hyperbolic Cosine\n")); printf(_("\t 17.-Hyperbolic Sine\n")); printf(_("\t 18.-Hyperbolic Tangent\n")); printf(_("\t 19.-Exponential\n")); printf(_("\t 20.-Frexp\n")); printf(_("\t 21.-Idexp\n")); printf(_("\t 22.-Logarithm base ten\n")); printf(_("\t 23.-Modf\n")); printf(_("\t 24.-Absolute value\n")); printf(_("\t 25.-Floor\n")); printf(_("\t 26.-Fmod\n")); printf(_("\t\t Choose your option: ")); scanf("%s", buffer); if( validar_es_entero(buffer, &Opcion) != true ) Opcion = 999; resultado = 0.0; switch (Opcion) { case 1: resultado = Suma (a, b); break; case 2: resultado = Resta (a, b); break; case 3: resultado = Multiplicacion (a, b); break; case 4: resultado = Division (a, b); break; case 5: resultado = Raiz_cuadrada (a); break; case 6: resexp = Potencia (a, b); printf(_("\n The result of the chosen option: ")); printf(" %ld ",resexp); break; case 7: resultado = Logaritmo (a); break; case 8: resultado = Seno (a); break; case 9: resultado = Coseno (a); break; case 10: resultado = Tangente (a); break; case 11: resultado = Arcseno (a); break; case 12: resultado = Arccoseno(a); break; case 13: resultado = Arctangente(a); break; case 14: resultado = Ceil(a); break; case 15: resultado = ArcoTangente2(a,b); break; case 16: resultado = CosenoHiperbolico(a); break; case 17: resultado = SenoHiperbolico(a); break; case 18: resultado = TangenteHiperbolico(a); break; case 19: resultado = Exponencial(a); break; case 20: resultado = Frexp(a,b); break; case 21: resultado = Idexp(a,b); break; case 22: resultado = LogB10(a); break; case 23: resultado = Modf(a,b,resultado); break; case 24: resultado = ValorAbsoluto(a); break; case 25: resultado = Fmod(a,b, resultado); break; case 26: resultado = Floor(a); break; default: Opcion = 999; printf(_("Invalid option , try again only digits.")); } if(Opcion<999) printf(_("\n The result of the chosen option: ")); printf("%lf \n",resultado); } }
int main() { // Part One: // FIXME: Declare variables // Declare two variables: an integer named "age", and a string named "name" with corresponding values (your name and age) int age = 19; char name[] = "Stan"; // FIXME: Print // Print the following sentence in the console "You are NAME and you are AGE years old !". Don't forget to add a newline at the end printf("You are %s and you are %d years old !\n", name, age); // FiXME: Concatenation // Create a new string variable called "hello" which value is "Hello ". Add "name" at the end of "hello" (Concatenation) then print it char hello[] = "Hello "; strcat(hello, name); printf("%s\n", hello); // FIXME: Array // create a new string array called "shoppingList", with three elements of your choice. Create an int variable containing the number of // elements in "shoppingList" (using a function of the array/using the array) char *shoppingList[3] = {"milk", "a Chevy Camaro", "a life"}; const int nbOfElements = numberOfElements(shoppingList); // FIXME: For-loop - Integer // Create a simple for-loop for an integer "i" going from 1 to 10 that print the value of "i" for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) printf("%d ", i); printf("\n"); // FIXME: For-loop - shoppingList // Create a for loop that iterate through "shoppingList" and prints each element with "You have to buy (elemt)". for (int j = 0; j <nbOfElements; j++) printf("You have to buy %s\n", shoppingList[j]); // FIXME: Foreach-loop // Do the same with a foreach-loop. // The C programming language doesn't have a foreach, but you can look for macros if you are // curious. // FIXME: If-statement // Modify the first for-loop (with i from 1 to 10) such that it prints "(value of i) is even" when "i" is divisible // by 2 (You may want to learn more about "modulo" (%)). Else, print "(value of i) is odd". for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (i % 2) printf("%d is odd\n", i); else printf("%d is even\n", i); } // FIXME: Sum Up // Create a string variable called "element" with the value of your choice. Then create a for-loop/foreach-loop that checks if "shoppingList" // contains "element". If yes, print "You have to buy (value of element) !", and stop the loop (search how to stop a loop). // If not, print "Nope, you don't need (value of "element")". char element[] = "a life"; for (int k = 0; k < nbOfElements; k++) { if (strcmp(element, shoppingList[k]) == 0) { printf("You have to buy %s !\n", shoppingList[k]); break; } else { printf("Nope, you don't need %s !\n", shoppingList[k]); } } // Part Two: // FIXME: Functions - Ascii // Create a function that returns nothing and which doesn't takes any parameter. It should just be named "TriForce" // and print the TriForce symbol (one triangle over two other ones, can be found on internet) with "TRIFORCE" // Don't forget to call the function ! TriForce(); //Calling the functions in main() // FIXME: Functions - One parameter // Create a function that takes a string as parameter and returns "Hello (value of string) !" // printf("%s", Hello("Stan")); // FIXME: Functions - Multiple parameters // Create a function that takes two integers as parameters and returns the addition of these two. // You can do the same with multiplication, subtraction and division. printf("%d\n", Addition(5, 12)); printf("%d\n", Subtraction(5, 12)); printf("%d\n", Multiplication(5, 12)); printf("%d\n", Division(5, 12)); // returns 0 because "a" and "b" are Integers printf("%d\n", Division(10, 2)); // FIXME: User entry // Create a string variable that takes what the user enter in the console as value. Then print "You entered (value of string)" char userInput[100]; // 100 will be the max length of the input printf("Enter a word:"); scanf("%s", userInput); printf("You entered %s\n", userInput); // FIXME: While loop // Create a while loop that takes a number and divides it by 2 until it is less than 3 int number = 52; while (number > 3) { number /= 2; //or number = number / 2; printf("%d ", number); } printf("\n"); // FIXME: do-While loop // Do the same with a do-while loop int number2 = 84; do { number2 = number2 / 2; printf("%d ", number2); } while (number2 > 3); printf("\n"); // FIXME: Random generator // Create a function that returns a random number srand((unsigned)time(NULL)); // time used for seeding printf("%d\n", rdm()); // FIXME: Random generator with bounds // Create another function that returns a random number between two bounds given as parameters. printf("%d\n", rdmBounds(10, 20)); // FIXME: Multi-dimensionnal array // Create a two dimensionnal int array of 3 columns and 3 rows. Use 2 for-loops to add a random number // between 1 and 9 in each of the 9 rooms. // You may use one of the two previously created function. // Then print them such that they appear like this (with [x1, x9] being the 9 random integers): // {x1, x2, x3, } // {x4, x5, x6, } // {x7, x8, x9, } int multiArray[3][3]; for (int l = 0; l < numberOfElements(multiArray); l++) for (int m = 0; m < numberOfElements(multiArray[l]); m++) multiArray[l][m] = rdmBounds(1, 9); for (int n = 0; n < numberOfElements(multiArray); n++) { printf("{"); for (int o = 0; o < numberOfElements(multiArray[n]); o++) printf("%d, ", multiArray[n][o]); printf("}\n"); } // FIXME: Switch // Create a Switch that takes an integer "a" and return a sentence regarding the value of a // (Create 3 statements for 3 specific values and a default one) int a = 2; switch(a) { case 0: printf("a is 0\n"); break; case 2: printf("a is 2\n"); break; case 37: printf("Who cares about a anyway ?"); break; default: printf("I don't know what \"a\" is... :'(\n"); break; } // FIXME: logic Gates // Create 7 functions for each logic gates (And (0), Or (1), No (2), Nand (3), Nor (4), Xnor (5), Xor (6)). // Each function takes two booleans as parameters and returns the result of the logic gate. // (or You can do it with a switch and only one function) logic_gates(1, 0, 1); logic_gates(1, 1, 1); logic_gates(1, 2, 1); // FIXME - Reverse // Create a function that reverse a string reverse("Hello world"); return 0; }
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { if (argc < 5) { printf("Error: Too few arguments. <first_long_number_filename> [ + | - | * | / | % | ^ ] <second_long_number_filename> <result_long_number_filename>\n"); return 0; } if (argc > 7) { printf("Error: Too many arguments. <first_long_number_filename> [ + | - | * | / | % | ^ ] <second_long_number_filename> <result_long_number_filename> <module_long_number_filename> <-b>\n"); return 0; } FILE* firstLongNumFile = fopen(argv[1], "r"); if (!firstLongNumFile) { printf("Error: Unable to open file: %s \n", argv[1]); return 0; } fclose(firstLongNumFile); const char* operation = argv[2]; if ((strlen(operation) > 1 || operation[0] == '\0') || operation[0] != '+' && operation[0] != '-' && operation[0] != 'u' && operation[0] != '/' && operation[0] != '%' && operation[0] != 'd') { printf("Error: Wrong operation: %s \n", operation); return 0; } FILE* secondLongNumFile = fopen(argv[3], "r"); if (!secondLongNumFile) { printf("Error: Unable to open file: %s \n", argv[3]); return 0; } fclose(secondLongNumFile); FILE* resultLongNumFile = fopen(argv[4], "r"); if (!resultLongNumFile) { printf("Error: Unable to open file: %s \n", argv[4]); return 0; } fclose(resultLongNumFile); int bin = 0; if (argc == 5) if (argv[2][0] == 'd') { printf("Error: Input module file\n"); return 0; } if (argc == 6) { if (argv[2][0] == 'd') { FILE* moduleLongNumFile = fopen(argv[5], "r"); if (!moduleLongNumFile) { printf("Error: Unable to open file: %s \n", argv[5]); return 0; } fclose(moduleLongNumFile); } else { if (strcmp(argv[5], "-b")) { printf("Error: Invalid flag: %s \n", argv[5]); return 0; } bin = 1; } } if (argc == 7) { FILE* moduleLongNumFile = fopen(argv[5], "r"); if (!moduleLongNumFile) { printf("Error: Unable to open file: %s \n", argv[5]); return 0; } fclose(moduleLongNumFile); if (strcmp(argv[6], "-b")) { printf("Error: Invalid flag: %s \n", argv[6]); return 0; } bin = 1; } struct LongNumber a,b; if(bin == 1) a = InputBinFile(argv[1]); else a = InputTextFile(argv[1]); if(bin == 1) b = InputBinFile(argv[3]); else b = InputTextFile(argv[3]); struct LongNumber result; switch (operation[0]) { case '+': { result = Sum(a, b); break; } case '-': { result = Subtracting(a, b); break; } case 'u': { result = Multiplication(a, b); break; } case '/': { result = Division(a, b, 1); break; } case '%': { result = Division(a, b, 2); break; } case 'd': { struct LongNumber c; if(bin == 1) c = InputBinFile(argv[5]); else c = InputTextFile(argv[5]); result = Degree(a, b, c); free(c.digit); break; } default: break; } if (bin == 1) OutputBinFile(argv[4], result); else OutputTextFile(argv[4], result); free(a.digit); free(b.digit); free(result.digit); return 0; }