LRESULT ff::ViewWindow::WindowProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (msg) { case WM_SIZE: if (wParam == SIZE_MAXIMIZED || wParam == SIZE_RESTORED) { Layout(); } break; case WM_CLOSE: if (!OnClose()) { return 0; } break; case WM_DESTROY: OnDestroy(); break; } return DoDefault(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam); }
void StatementListVisitor::Visit(StatementList* list) { if (list == NULL) return; const int32 n = list->Size(); for (int32 i = 0; i < n; i ++) { Statement* statement = list->StatementAt(i); GroupStatement group(statement); if (group.IsOpenGroup()) { BeginGroup(&group); fLevel ++; } else if (statement->IsValueStatement()) { DoValue(statement); } else if (statement->IsDefaultStatement()) { DoDefault(statement); } else if (statement->IsQueryStatement()) { DoQuery(statement); } else if (statement->IsParamStatement()) { DoParam(statement); } StatementList* children = statement->GetChildren(); if (children != NULL) { Visit(children); } // Close statements have been removed if (group.IsOpenGroup()) { fLevel --; EndGroup(&group); } } }
//**************************************************************************************** void CBCGPShellList::OnReturn(NMHDR* /*pNMHDR*/, LRESULT* pResult) { int nItem = GetNextItem(-1, LVNI_FOCUSED); if (nItem != -1) { DoDefault(nItem); } *pResult = 0; }
// WindowMsgFilter bool NWindow::OnMessage(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT& lResult) { if(NWindowBase::OnMessage(message, wParam, lParam, lResult)) return true; switch(message) { case WM_CREATE: render_ = NUiBus::Instance().CreateRender(); break; case WM_DESTROY: render_ = NULL; rootFrame_ = NULL; break; case WM_ERASEBKGND: lResult = 1; return true; case WM_NCACTIVATE: { if(::IsIconic(window_)) return false; lResult = (wParam == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; return true; } case WM_NCHITTEST: { lResult = HTCLIENT; if((::GetWindowLongPtr(window_, GWL_STYLE) & WS_SIZEBOX) == WS_SIZEBOX) { Base::NRect rcWnd; GetRect(rcWnd); POINT pt = {GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam)}; if(pt.x <= rcWnd.Left + sizableBorder_.Left) { if(pt.y <= rcWnd.Top + sizableBorder_.Top) lResult = HTTOPLEFT; else if(pt.y >= rcWnd.Bottom - sizableBorder_.Bottom) lResult = HTBOTTOMLEFT; else lResult = HTLEFT; } else if(pt.x >= rcWnd.Right - sizableBorder_.Right) { if(pt.y <= rcWnd.Top + sizableBorder_.Top) lResult = HTTOPRIGHT; else if(pt.y >= rcWnd.Bottom - sizableBorder_.Bottom) lResult = HTBOTTOMRIGHT; else lResult = HTRIGHT; } else if(pt.y <= rcWnd.Top + sizableBorder_.Top) { lResult = HTTOP; } else if(pt.y >= rcWnd.Bottom - sizableBorder_.Bottom) { lResult = HTBOTTOM; } } return true; } case WM_NCPAINT: case WM_NCCALCSIZE: { lResult = 0; return true; } case WM_SIZE: if(wParam == SIZE_MAXIMIZED || wParam == SIZE_RESTORED) { lResult = DoDefault(message, wParam, lParam); OnSize(LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam)); return true; } break; case WM_ACTIVATE: { BOOL bActive = (LOWORD(wParam) != WA_INACTIVE); if(!bActive) { SetHoverItem(NULL); NUiBus::Instance().SetCaptureFrame(NULL); } break; } case WM_MOUSEMOVE: { Base::NPoint point(LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam)); RefreshHoverItem(point); } break; case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: { Base::NPoint point(LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam)); RefreshHoverItem(point); if(hoverFrame_ == NULL) { ::SendMessage(window_, WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_MOVE | HTCAPTION, 0); } else { ::SetCapture(window_); } } break; case WM_LBUTTONUP: if(::GetCapture() == window_) { ::ReleaseCapture(); if(hoverFrame_ != NULL) { Base::NPoint point(LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam)); hoverFrame_->OnClicked(point); if(hoverFrame_) hoverFrame_->UpdateStatus(NFrame::StatusPressed, false); } } break; case WM_MOUSELEAVE: SetHoverItem(NULL); break; } return false; }
// Actual allocation is done by an instance of real allocator, // which is specified by the template parameter. TestAllocator() : real(createAllocator<T>()) { // We use 'ON_CALL' and 'WillByDefault' here to specify the // default actions (call in to the real allocator). This allows // the tests to leverage the 'DoDefault' action. // However, 'ON_CALL' results in a "Uninteresting mock function // call" warning unless each test puts expectations in place. // As a result, we also use 'EXPECT_CALL' and 'WillRepeatedly' // to get the best of both worlds: the ability to use 'DoDefault' // and no warnings when expectations are not explicit. ON_CALL(*this, initialize(_, _, _)) .WillByDefault(InvokeInitialize(this)); EXPECT_CALL(*this, initialize(_, _, _)) .WillRepeatedly(DoDefault()); ON_CALL(*this, recover(_, _)) .WillByDefault(InvokeRecover(this)); EXPECT_CALL(*this, recover(_, _)) .WillRepeatedly(DoDefault()); ON_CALL(*this, addFramework(_, _, _, _, _)) .WillByDefault(InvokeAddFramework(this)); EXPECT_CALL(*this, addFramework(_, _, _, _, _)) .WillRepeatedly(DoDefault()); ON_CALL(*this, removeFramework(_)) .WillByDefault(InvokeRemoveFramework(this)); EXPECT_CALL(*this, removeFramework(_)) .WillRepeatedly(DoDefault()); ON_CALL(*this, activateFramework(_)) .WillByDefault(InvokeActivateFramework(this)); EXPECT_CALL(*this, activateFramework(_)) .WillRepeatedly(DoDefault()); ON_CALL(*this, deactivateFramework(_)) .WillByDefault(InvokeDeactivateFramework(this)); EXPECT_CALL(*this, deactivateFramework(_)) .WillRepeatedly(DoDefault()); ON_CALL(*this, updateFramework(_, _, _)) .WillByDefault(InvokeUpdateFramework(this)); EXPECT_CALL(*this, updateFramework(_, _, _)) .WillRepeatedly(DoDefault()); ON_CALL(*this, addSlave(_, _, _, _, _, _)) .WillByDefault(InvokeAddSlave(this)); EXPECT_CALL(*this, addSlave(_, _, _, _, _, _)) .WillRepeatedly(DoDefault()); ON_CALL(*this, removeSlave(_)) .WillByDefault(InvokeRemoveSlave(this)); EXPECT_CALL(*this, removeSlave(_)) .WillRepeatedly(DoDefault()); ON_CALL(*this, updateSlave(_, _, _, _)) .WillByDefault(InvokeUpdateSlave(this)); EXPECT_CALL(*this, updateSlave(_, _, _, _)) .WillRepeatedly(DoDefault()); ON_CALL(*this, addResourceProvider(_, _, _)) .WillByDefault(InvokeAddResourceProvider(this)); EXPECT_CALL(*this, addResourceProvider(_, _, _)) .WillRepeatedly(DoDefault()); ON_CALL(*this, activateSlave(_)) .WillByDefault(InvokeActivateSlave(this)); EXPECT_CALL(*this, activateSlave(_)) .WillRepeatedly(DoDefault()); ON_CALL(*this, deactivateSlave(_)) .WillByDefault(InvokeDeactivateSlave(this)); EXPECT_CALL(*this, deactivateSlave(_)) .WillRepeatedly(DoDefault()); ON_CALL(*this, updateWhitelist(_)) .WillByDefault(InvokeUpdateWhitelist(this)); EXPECT_CALL(*this, updateWhitelist(_)) .WillRepeatedly(DoDefault()); ON_CALL(*this, requestResources(_, _)) .WillByDefault(InvokeRequestResources(this)); EXPECT_CALL(*this, requestResources(_, _)) .WillRepeatedly(DoDefault()); ON_CALL(*this, updateAllocation(_, _, _, _)) .WillByDefault(InvokeUpdateAllocation(this)); EXPECT_CALL(*this, updateAllocation(_, _, _, _)) .WillRepeatedly(DoDefault()); ON_CALL(*this, updateAvailable(_, _)) .WillByDefault(InvokeUpdateAvailable(this)); EXPECT_CALL(*this, updateAvailable(_, _)) .WillRepeatedly(DoDefault()); ON_CALL(*this, updateUnavailability(_, _)) .WillByDefault(InvokeUpdateUnavailability(this)); EXPECT_CALL(*this, updateUnavailability(_, _)) .WillRepeatedly(DoDefault()); ON_CALL(*this, updateInverseOffer(_, _, _, _, _)) .WillByDefault(InvokeUpdateInverseOffer(this)); EXPECT_CALL(*this, updateInverseOffer(_, _, _, _, _)) .WillRepeatedly(DoDefault()); ON_CALL(*this, getInverseOfferStatuses()) .WillByDefault(InvokeGetInverseOfferStatuses(this)); EXPECT_CALL(*this, getInverseOfferStatuses()) .WillRepeatedly(DoDefault()); ON_CALL(*this, recoverResources(_, _, _, _)) .WillByDefault(InvokeRecoverResources(this)); EXPECT_CALL(*this, recoverResources(_, _, _, _)) .WillRepeatedly(DoDefault()); ON_CALL(*this, suppressOffers(_, _)) .WillByDefault(InvokeSuppressOffers(this)); EXPECT_CALL(*this, suppressOffers(_, _)) .WillRepeatedly(DoDefault()); ON_CALL(*this, reviveOffers(_, _)) .WillByDefault(InvokeReviveOffers(this)); EXPECT_CALL(*this, reviveOffers(_, _)) .WillRepeatedly(DoDefault()); ON_CALL(*this, setQuota(_, _)) .WillByDefault(InvokeSetQuota(this)); EXPECT_CALL(*this, setQuota(_, _)) .WillRepeatedly(DoDefault()); ON_CALL(*this, removeQuota(_)) .WillByDefault(InvokeRemoveQuota(this)); EXPECT_CALL(*this, removeQuota(_)) .WillRepeatedly(DoDefault()); ON_CALL(*this, updateWeights(_)) .WillByDefault(InvokeUpdateWeights(this)); EXPECT_CALL(*this, updateWeights(_)) .WillRepeatedly(DoDefault()); ON_CALL(*this, pause()) .WillByDefault(InvokePause(this)); EXPECT_CALL(*this, pause()) .WillRepeatedly(DoDefault()); ON_CALL(*this, resume()) .WillByDefault(InvokeResume(this)); EXPECT_CALL(*this, resume()) .WillRepeatedly(DoDefault()); }
bool TKSwitch:: Statement(SyntaxHandler & sh) { // Switches must have braces TokenType::E_TYPE type = sh.Advance(TokenType::TO_BRACE_O).GetType(); if (type == TokenType::TO_BRACE_C) { Message::Send(Message::EMPTY_SWITCH); sh.Advance(TokenType::TO_BRACE_C); return false; } else if (type == TokenType::TT_EOS) { Message::Send(Message::EMPTY_SWITCH); sh.EoS(); return false; } bool def = false; for ( ; ; ) { switch (type) { case TokenType::TO_BRACE_C: // Could warn them here if // they don't have a default // statement, but we won't. /*if (!def) { Message::Send(Message::NO_DEFAULT); }*/ sh.Advance(TokenType::TO_BRACE_C); return true; case TokenType::TT__END: case TokenType::TT__EOF: Message::Send(Message::UNEXPECTED_EOF); return false; case TokenType::TK_case: // Add the case statement Add(DoCase(sh)); break; case TokenType::TK_default: // Check for multiple defaults if (def) { Message::Send(Message::MULTI_DEFAULT); // Get rid of the second default delete &DoDefault(sh); } else { // Add the default statement Add(DoDefault(sh)); // Mark as done default def = true; } break; default: Message::Send(Message::UNEXPECTED_TOKEN, SC::L(type)); break; } type = sh.GetCurrent().GetType(); } }