NS_IMETHODIMP nsSocketTransportService::OnProcessNextEvent(nsIThreadInternal *thread, PRBool mayWait, PRUint32 depth) { // DoPollIteration doesn't support being called recursively. This case // should only happen when someone (e.g., PSM) is issuing a synchronous // proxy call from this thread to the main thread. if (depth > 1) return NS_OK; // Favor processing existing sockets before other events. DoPollIteration(PR_FALSE); PRBool val; while (mayWait && NS_SUCCEEDED(thread->HasPendingEvents(&val)) && !val) DoPollIteration(PR_TRUE); return NS_OK; }
NS_IMETHODIMP nsSocketTransportService::Run() { SOCKET_LOG(("STS thread init %d sockets\n", gMaxCount)); psm::InitializeSSLServerCertVerificationThreads(); gSocketThread = PR_GetCurrentThread(); { MutexAutoLock lock(mLock); mPollableEvent.reset(new PollableEvent()); // // NOTE: per bug 190000, this failure could be caused by Zone-Alarm // or similar software. // // NOTE: per bug 191739, this failure could also be caused by lack // of a loopback device on Windows and OS/2 platforms (it creates // a loopback socket pair on these platforms to implement a pollable // event object). if we can't create a pollable event, then we'll // have to "busy wait" to implement the socket event queue :-( // if (!mPollableEvent->Valid()) { mPollableEvent = nullptr; NS_WARNING("running socket transport thread without a pollable event"); SOCKET_LOG(("running socket transport thread without a pollable event")); } mPollList[0].fd = mPollableEvent ? mPollableEvent->PollableFD() : nullptr; mPollList[0].in_flags = PR_POLL_READ | PR_POLL_EXCEPT; mPollList[0].out_flags = 0; } mRawThread = NS_GetCurrentThread(); // hook ourselves up to observe event processing for this thread nsCOMPtr<nsIThreadInternal> threadInt = do_QueryInterface(mRawThread); threadInt->SetObserver(this); // make sure the pseudo random number generator is seeded on this thread srand(static_cast<unsigned>(PR_Now())); // For the calculation of the duration of the last cycle (i.e. the last for-loop // iteration before shutdown). TimeStamp startOfCycleForLastCycleCalc; int numberOfPendingEventsLastCycle; // For measuring of the poll iteration duration without time spent blocked // in poll(). TimeStamp pollCycleStart; // Time blocked in poll(). TimeDuration singlePollDuration; // For calculating the time needed for a new element to run. TimeStamp startOfIteration; TimeStamp startOfNextIteration; int numberOfPendingEvents; // If there is too many pending events queued, we will run some poll() // between them and the following variable is cumulative time spent // blocking in poll(). TimeDuration pollDuration; for (;;) { bool pendingEvents = false; numberOfPendingEvents = 0; numberOfPendingEventsLastCycle = 0; if (mTelemetryEnabledPref) { startOfCycleForLastCycleCalc = TimeStamp::NowLoRes(); startOfNextIteration = TimeStamp::NowLoRes(); } pollDuration = 0; do { if (mTelemetryEnabledPref) { pollCycleStart = TimeStamp::NowLoRes(); } DoPollIteration(&singlePollDuration); if (mTelemetryEnabledPref && !pollCycleStart.IsNull()) { Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::STS_POLL_BLOCK_TIME, singlePollDuration.ToMilliseconds()); Telemetry::AccumulateTimeDelta( Telemetry::STS_POLL_CYCLE, pollCycleStart + singlePollDuration, TimeStamp::NowLoRes()); pollDuration += singlePollDuration; } mRawThread->HasPendingEvents(&pendingEvents); if (pendingEvents) { if (!mServingPendingQueue) { nsresult rv = Dispatch(NewRunnableMethod(this, &nsSocketTransportService::MarkTheLastElementOfPendingQueue), nsIEventTarget::DISPATCH_NORMAL); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { NS_WARNING("Could not dispatch a new event on the " "socket thread."); } else { mServingPendingQueue = true; } if (mTelemetryEnabledPref) { startOfIteration = startOfNextIteration; // Everything that comes after this point will // be served in the next iteration. If no even // arrives, startOfNextIteration will be reset at the // beginning of each for-loop. startOfNextIteration = TimeStamp::NowLoRes(); } } TimeStamp eventQueueStart = TimeStamp::NowLoRes(); do { NS_ProcessNextEvent(mRawThread); numberOfPendingEvents++; pendingEvents = false; mRawThread->HasPendingEvents(&pendingEvents); } while (pendingEvents && mServingPendingQueue && ((TimeStamp::NowLoRes() - eventQueueStart).ToMilliseconds() < mMaxTimePerPollIter)); if (mTelemetryEnabledPref && !mServingPendingQueue && !startOfIteration.IsNull()) { Telemetry::AccumulateTimeDelta( Telemetry::STS_POLL_AND_EVENTS_CYCLE, startOfIteration + pollDuration, TimeStamp::NowLoRes()); Telemetry::Accumulate( Telemetry::STS_NUMBER_OF_PENDING_EVENTS, numberOfPendingEvents); numberOfPendingEventsLastCycle += numberOfPendingEvents; numberOfPendingEvents = 0; pollDuration = 0; } } } while (pendingEvents); bool goingOffline = false; // now that our event queue is empty, check to see if we should exit { MutexAutoLock lock(mLock); if (mShuttingDown) { if (mTelemetryEnabledPref && !startOfCycleForLastCycleCalc.IsNull()) { Telemetry::Accumulate( Telemetry::STS_NUMBER_OF_PENDING_EVENTS_IN_THE_LAST_CYCLE, numberOfPendingEventsLastCycle); Telemetry::AccumulateTimeDelta( Telemetry::STS_POLL_AND_EVENT_THE_LAST_CYCLE, startOfCycleForLastCycleCalc, TimeStamp::NowLoRes()); } break; } if (mGoingOffline) { mGoingOffline = false; goingOffline = true; } } // Avoid potential deadlock if (goingOffline) Reset(true); } SOCKET_LOG(("STS shutting down thread\n")); // detach all sockets, including locals Reset(false); // Final pass over the event queue. This makes sure that events posted by // socket detach handlers get processed. NS_ProcessPendingEvents(mRawThread); gSocketThread = nullptr; psm::StopSSLServerCertVerificationThreads(); SOCKET_LOG(("STS thread exit\n")); return NS_OK; }