Exemple #1
void wxTopLevelWindowMSW::Maximize(bool maximize)
    if ( IsShown() )
        // just maximize it directly
        DoShowWindow(maximize ? SW_MAXIMIZE : SW_RESTORE);
    else // hidden
        // we can't maximize the hidden frame because it shows it as well,
        // so just remember that we should do it later in this case
        m_maximizeOnShow = maximize;

        // after calling Maximize() the client code expects to get the frame
        // "real" size and doesn't want to know that, because of implementation
        // details, the frame isn't really maximized yet but will be only once
        // it's shown, so return our size as it will be then in this case
        if ( maximize )
            // we must only change pending size here, and not call SetSize()
            // because otherwise Windows would think that this (full screen)
            // size is the natural size for the frame and so would use it when
            // the user clicks on "restore" title bar button instead of the
            // correct initial frame size
            // NB: unfortunately we don't know which display we're on yet so we
            //     have to use the default one
            m_pendingSize = wxGetClientDisplayRect().GetSize();
        //else: can't do anything in this case, we don't have the old size
Exemple #2
void wxTopLevelWindowMSW::ShowWithoutActivating()
    if ( !wxWindowBase::Show(true) )

Exemple #3
void wxTopLevelWindowMSW::Iconize(bool iconize)
    if ( iconize == m_iconized )
        // Do nothing, in particular don't restore non-iconized windows when
        // Iconize(false) is called as this would wrongly un-maximize them.

    if ( IsShown() )
        // change the window state immediately
        DoShowWindow(iconize ? SW_MINIMIZE : SW_RESTORE);
    else // hidden
        // iconizing the window shouldn't show it so just update the internal
        // state (otherwise it's done by DoShowWindow() itself)
        m_iconized = iconize;
Exemple #4
void wxTopLevelWindowMSW::Restore()
Exemple #5
bool wxTopLevelWindowMSW::Show(bool show)
    // don't use wxWindow version as we want to call DoShowWindow() ourselves
    if ( !wxWindowBase::Show(show) )
        return false;

    int nShowCmd;
    if ( show )
        if ( m_maximizeOnShow )
            // show and maximize
            nShowCmd = SW_MAXIMIZE;

            // This is necessary, or no window appears
#if defined( __WINCE_STANDARDSDK__) || defined(__SMARTPHONE__)

            m_maximizeOnShow = false;
        else if ( m_iconized )
            // We were iconized while we were hidden, so now we need to show
            // the window in iconized state.
            nShowCmd = SW_MINIMIZE;
        else if ( ::IsIconic(GetHwnd()) )
            // We were restored while we were hidden, so now we need to show
            // the window in its normal state.
            // As below, don't activate some kinds of windows.
            if ( HasFlag(wxFRAME_TOOL_WINDOW) || !IsEnabled() )
                nShowCmd = SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE;
                nShowCmd = SW_RESTORE;
        else // just show
            // we shouldn't use SW_SHOW which also activates the window for
            // tool frames (as they shouldn't steal focus from the main window)
            // nor for the currently disabled windows as they would be enabled
            // as a side effect
            if ( HasFlag(wxFRAME_TOOL_WINDOW) || !IsEnabled() )
                nShowCmd = SW_SHOWNA;
                nShowCmd = SW_SHOW;
    else // hide
        nShowCmd = SW_HIDE;

    // we only set pending size if we're maximized before being shown, now that
    // we're shown we don't need it any more (it is reset in size event handler
    // for child windows but we have to do it ourselves for this parent window)
    // make sure to reset it before actually showing the window as this will
    // generate WM_SIZE events and we want to use the correct client size from
    // them, not the size returned by WM_NCCALCSIZE in DoGetClientSize() which
    // turns out to be wrong for maximized windows (see #11762)
    m_pendingSize = wxDefaultSize;


#if defined(__WXWINCE__) && (_WIN32_WCE >= 400 && !defined(__POCKETPC__) && !defined(__SMARTPHONE__))
    // Addornments have to be added when the frame is the correct size
    wxFrame* frame = wxDynamicCast(this, wxFrame);
    if (frame && frame->GetMenuBar())

    return true;
// OnReceiveMessage
// This is the derived class window message handler methods
LRESULT CVideoText::OnReceiveMessage(HWND hwnd,          // Window handle
                                     UINT uMsg,          // Message ID
                                     WPARAM wParam,      // First parameter
                                     LPARAM lParam)      // Other parameter
    IBaseFilter *pFilter = NULL;
    RECT ClientRect;

    // Blank out the window background

    if (uMsg == WM_ERASEBKGND) 
        HBRUSH hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(RGB(0,0,0));

        return (LRESULT) 0;

    // Handle WM_CLOSE by aborting the playback

    if (uMsg == WM_CLOSE) 

        return CBaseWindow::OnClose();

    // We pass on WM_ACTIVATEAPP messages to the filtergraph so that the
    // IVideoWindow plug in distributor can switch us out of fullscreen
    // mode where appropriate. These messages may also be used by the
    // resource manager to keep track of which renderer has the focus

    if (uMsg == WM_ACTIVATEAPP) 
        NOTE1("Notification of EC_ACTIVATE (%d)",(BOOL) wParam);

        m_pRenderer->QueryInterface(IID_IBaseFilter,(void **) &pFilter);
        if (pFilter)
            m_pRenderer->NotifyEvent(EC_ACTIVATE, wParam, (LPARAM) pFilter);

        return (LRESULT) 0;

    // Treat clicks on text as requests to move window

    if (uMsg == WM_NCHITTEST) 
        LRESULT Result = DefWindowProc(hwnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam);
        if (Result == HTCLIENT)
            Result = HTCAPTION;

        return Result;

    // The base class that implements IVideoWindow looks after a flag
    // that says whether or not the cursor should be hidden. If so we
    // hide the cursor and return (LRESULT) 1. Otherwise we pass to
    // the DefWindowProc to show the cursor as normal. This is used
    // when our window is made fullscreen to imitate the Modex filter

    if (uMsg == WM_SETCURSOR) 
        if (IsCursorHidden() == TRUE) 
            return (LRESULT) 1;

    // When we detect a display change we send an EC_DISPLAY_CHANGED
    // message along with our input pin. The filtergraph will stop
    // everyone and reconnect our input pin. When being reconnected
    // we can then accept the media type that matches the new display
    // mode since we may no longer be able to draw the current format

    if (uMsg == WM_DISPLAYCHANGE) 
        NOTE("Sent EC_DISPLAY_CHANGED event");

        return (LRESULT) 0;

    return CBaseWindow::OnReceiveMessage(hwnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam);

} // OnReceiveMessage
Exemple #7
bool wxTopLevelWindowMSW::Show(bool show)
    // don't use wxWindow version as we want to call DoShowWindow() ourselves
    if ( !wxWindowBase::Show(show) )
        return false;

    int nShowCmd;
    if ( show )
        if ( m_maximizeOnShow )
            // show and maximize
            nShowCmd = SW_MAXIMIZE;

            m_maximizeOnShow = false;
        else if ( m_iconized )
            // We were iconized while we were hidden, so now we need to show
            // the window in iconized state.
            nShowCmd = SW_MINIMIZE;
        else if ( ::IsIconic(GetHwnd()) )
            // We were restored while we were hidden, so now we need to show
            // the window in its normal state.
            // As below, don't activate some kinds of windows.
            if ( HasFlag(wxFRAME_TOOL_WINDOW) || !IsEnabled() )
                nShowCmd = SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE;
                nShowCmd = SW_RESTORE;
        else // just show
            // we shouldn't use SW_SHOW which also activates the window for
            // tool frames (as they shouldn't steal focus from the main window)
            // nor for the currently disabled windows as they would be enabled
            // as a side effect
            if ( HasFlag(wxFRAME_TOOL_WINDOW) || !IsEnabled() )
                nShowCmd = SW_SHOWNA;
                nShowCmd = SW_SHOW;
    else // hide
        nShowCmd = SW_HIDE;

    // we only set pending size if we're maximized before being shown, now that
    // we're shown we don't need it any more (it is reset in size event handler
    // for child windows but we have to do it ourselves for this parent window)
    // make sure to reset it before actually showing the window as this will
    // generate WM_SIZE events and we want to use the correct client size from
    // them, not the size returned by WM_NCCALCSIZE in DoGetClientSize() which
    // turns out to be wrong for maximized windows (see #11762)
    m_pendingSize = wxDefaultSize;


    return true;