void CSplinePatch::GetPointAndNormal( Vector& position, Vector& normal ) const
	// The patch equation is:
	// px = S * M * Gx * M^T * T^T 
	// py = S * M * Gy * M^T * T^T 
	// pz = S * M * Gz * M^T * T^T 
	// where S = [s^3 s^2 s 1], T = [t^3 t^2 t 1]
	// M is the patch type matrix, in my case I'm using a catmull-rom
	// G is the array of control points. rows have constant t

	VMatrix controlPointsX, controlPointsY, controlPointsZ;
	for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
		for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
			int idx = m_SampleIndices[i][j];
			controlPointsX[i][j] = m_ppPositions[ idx ]->x;
			controlPointsY[i][j] = m_ppPositions[ idx ]->y;
			controlPointsZ[i][j] = m_ppPositions[ idx ]->z;

	Vector4D tmp;

	Vector4DMultiply( controlPointsX, m_TVec, tmp );
	position[0] = DotProduct4D( tmp, m_SVec );
	Vector4DMultiply( controlPointsY, m_TVec, tmp );
	position[1] = DotProduct4D( tmp, m_SVec );
	Vector4DMultiply( controlPointsZ, m_TVec, tmp );
	position[2] = DotProduct4D( tmp, m_SVec );

	// Normal computation

	float fs2 = m_fs * m_fs;
	float ft2 = m_ft * m_ft;
	Vector4D dsvec( 3.0f * fs2, 2.0f * m_fs, 1.0f, 0.0f );
	Vector4D dtvec( 3.0f * ft2, 2.0f * m_ft, 1.0f, 0.0f );

	Vector4DMultiplyTranspose( s_CatmullRom, dsvec, dsvec );
	Vector4DMultiplyTranspose( s_CatmullRom, dtvec, dtvec );

	Vector ds, dt;

	Vector4DMultiply( controlPointsX, m_TVec, tmp );
	ds[0] = DotProduct4D( tmp, dsvec );
	Vector4DMultiply( controlPointsY, m_TVec, tmp );
	ds[1] = DotProduct4D( tmp, dsvec );
	Vector4DMultiply( controlPointsZ, m_TVec, tmp );
	ds[2] = DotProduct4D( tmp, dsvec );

	Vector4DMultiply( controlPointsX, dtvec, tmp );
	dt[0] = DotProduct4D( tmp, m_SVec );
	Vector4DMultiply( controlPointsY, dtvec, tmp );
	dt[1] = DotProduct4D( tmp, m_SVec );
	Vector4DMultiply( controlPointsZ, dtvec, tmp );
	dt[2] = DotProduct4D( tmp, m_SVec );

	CrossProduct( ds, dt, normal );
	VectorNormalize( normal );
float CSplinePatch::GetChannel( int channel ) const
	// The patch equation is:
	// px = S * M * Gx * M^T * T^T 
	// py = S * M * Gy * M^T * T^T 
	// pz = S * M * Gz * M^T * T^T 
	// where S = [s^3 s^2 s 1], T = [t^3 t^2 t 1]
	// M is the patch type matrix, in my case I'm using a catmull-rom
	// G is the array of control points. rows have constant t

	assert( m_pChannel[channel] );

	VMatrix controlPoints;
	for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
		for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
			controlPoints[i][j] = m_pChannel[channel][ m_SampleIndices[i][j] ];

	Vector4D tmp;
	Vector4DMultiply( controlPoints, m_TVec, tmp );
	return DotProduct4D( tmp, m_SVec );
void C_EnergyWave::ComputePoint( float s, float t, Vector& pt, Vector& normal, float& opacity )
	int is = (int)s;
	int it = (int)t;
		is -= 1;

		it -= 1;

	int idx[16];
	ComputeIndices( is, it, idx );

	// The patch equation is:
	// px = S * M * Gx * M^T * T^T 
	// py = S * M * Gy * M^T * T^T 
	// pz = S * M * Gz * M^T * T^T 
	// where S = [s^3 s^2 s 1], T = [t^3 t^2 t 1]
	// M is the patch type matrix, in my case I'm using a catmull-rom
	// G is the array of control points. rows have constant t
	static VMatrix catmullRom( -0.5, 1.5, -1.5, 0.5,
								1, -2.5, 2, -0.5,
								-0.5, 0, 0.5, 0,
								0, 1, 0, 0 );

	VMatrix controlPointsX, controlPointsY, controlPointsZ, controlPointsO;

	Vector pos;
	for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
		for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
			const Vector& v = m_EWaveEffect.GetPoint( idx[i * 4 + j] );

			controlPointsX[j][i] = v.x;
			controlPointsY[j][i] = v.y;
			controlPointsZ[j][i] = v.z;

			controlPointsO[j][i] = m_EWaveEffect.ComputeOpacity( v, GetAbsOrigin() );

	float fs = s - is;
	float ft = t - it;

	VMatrix temp, mgm[4];
	MatrixTranspose( catmullRom, temp );
	MatrixMultiply( controlPointsX, temp, mgm[0] );
	MatrixMultiply( controlPointsY, temp, mgm[1] );
	MatrixMultiply( controlPointsZ, temp, mgm[2] );
	MatrixMultiply( controlPointsO, temp, mgm[3] );

	MatrixMultiply( catmullRom, mgm[0], mgm[0] );
	MatrixMultiply( catmullRom, mgm[1], mgm[1] );
	MatrixMultiply( catmullRom, mgm[2], mgm[2] );
	MatrixMultiply( catmullRom, mgm[3], mgm[3] );

	Vector4D svec, tvec;
	float ft2 = ft * ft;
	tvec[0] = ft2 * ft; tvec[1] = ft2; tvec[2] = ft; tvec[3] = 1.0f;

 	float fs2 = fs * fs;
	svec[0] = fs2 * fs; svec[1] = fs2; svec[2] = fs; svec[3] = 1.0f;

	Vector4D tmp;
	Vector4DMultiply( mgm[0], tvec, tmp );
	pt[0] = DotProduct4D( tmp, svec );
	Vector4DMultiply( mgm[1], tvec, tmp );
	pt[1] = DotProduct4D( tmp, svec );
	Vector4DMultiply( mgm[2], tvec, tmp );
	pt[2] = DotProduct4D( tmp, svec );

	Vector4DMultiply( mgm[3], tvec, tmp );
	opacity = DotProduct4D( tmp, svec );

	if ((s == 0.0f) || (t == 0.0f) ||
		opacity = 0.0f;

	if ((s <= 0.3) || (t < 0.3))
		opacity *= 0.35f;
		opacity *= 0.35f;

	if (opacity < 0.0f)
		opacity = 0.0f;
	else if (opacity > 255.0f)
		opacity = 255.0f;

	// Normal computation
	Vector4D dsvec, dtvec;
	dsvec[0] = 3.0f * fs2; dsvec[1] = 2.0f * fs; dsvec[2] = 1.0f; dsvec[3] = 0.0f;
	dtvec[0] = 3.0f * ft2; dtvec[1] = 2.0f * ft; dtvec[2] = 1.0f; dtvec[3] = 0.0f;

	Vector ds, dt;
	Vector4DMultiply( mgm[0], tvec, tmp );
	ds[0] = DotProduct4D( tmp, dsvec );
	Vector4DMultiply( mgm[1], tvec, tmp );
	ds[1] = DotProduct4D( tmp, dsvec );
	Vector4DMultiply( mgm[2], tvec, tmp );
	ds[2] = DotProduct4D( tmp, dsvec );

	Vector4DMultiply( mgm[0], dtvec, tmp );
	dt[0] = DotProduct4D( tmp, svec );
	Vector4DMultiply( mgm[1], dtvec, tmp );
	dt[1] = DotProduct4D( tmp, svec );
	Vector4DMultiply( mgm[2], dtvec, tmp );
	dt[2] = DotProduct4D( tmp, svec );

	CrossProduct( ds, dt, normal );
	VectorNormalize( normal );