Exemple #1
void Sonar2DUtils::DouglasPeucker(const Sonar2DUtils::tBottomLine& bottomLineFt, float epsilon, Sonar2DUtils::tBottomLine& returnResults)
    const unsigned int minPoints = 3;

    if(bottomLineFt.size() < minPoints)
        returnResults = bottomLineFt;
        Sonar2DUtils::tBottomLine lineSegment;
        lineSegment.push_back( *bottomLineFt.begin() );
        lineSegment.push_back( bottomLineFt.back() );
        float dMax = 0.0f;
        Sonar2DUtils::tBottomLine::const_iterator iterMax;
        Sonar2DUtils::tBottomLine::const_iterator iterEnd = bottomLineFt.begin() + (bottomLineFt.size() - 2);
        // Find the point with maximum distance, excluding the first and last point of the segment.
        for(Sonar2DUtils::tBottomLine::const_iterator iter=bottomLineFt.begin()+1; iter!=iterEnd; ++iter )
            float d = ShortestDistanceToSegment( *iter, lineSegment );
            if( d > dMax )
                dMax = d;
                iterMax = iter;

        // If max distance is greater than epsilon, recursively simplify
        if( dMax > epsilon)
            // Split up new lines
            Sonar2DUtils::tBottomLine line1( bottomLineFt.begin(), (iterMax+1) );
            Sonar2DUtils::tBottomLine line2( iterMax, bottomLineFt.end() );

            Sonar2DUtils::tBottomLine results1;
            DouglasPeucker(line1, epsilon, results1 );

            Sonar2DUtils::tBottomLine results2;
            DouglasPeucker(line2, epsilon, results2 );

            if(results1.size() < minPoints)
                returnResults.push_back( *results1.begin() );
                returnResults = Sonar2DUtils::tBottomLine( results1.begin(), (results1.begin() + results1.size() - 2) );

            returnResults.insert( returnResults.end(), results2.begin(), results2.end() );
            returnResults.push_back( *bottomLineFt.begin() );
            returnResults.push_back( bottomLineFt.back() );
Exemple #2
// Recursive function used by cpPolylineSimplifyCurves().
static cpPolyline *
	cpVect *verts, cpPolyline *reduced,
	int length, int start, int end,
	cpFloat min, cpFloat tol
	// Early exit if the points are adjacent
  if((end - start + length)%length < 2) return reduced;
	cpVect a = verts[start];
	cpVect b = verts[end];
	// Check if the length is below the threshold
	if(cpvnear(a, b, min) && cpPolylineIsShort(verts, length, start, end, min)) return reduced;
	// Find the maximal vertex to split and recurse on
	cpFloat max = 0.0;
	int maxi = start;
	cpVect n = cpvnormalize(cpvperp(cpvsub(b, a)));
	cpFloat d = cpvdot(n, a);
	for(int i=Next(start, length); i!=end; i=Next(i, length)){
		cpFloat dist = fabs(cpvdot(n, verts[i]) - d);
		if(dist > max){
			max = dist;
			maxi = i;
	if(max > tol){
    reduced = DouglasPeucker(verts, reduced, length, start, maxi, min, tol);
		reduced = cpPolylinePush(reduced, verts[maxi]);
    reduced = DouglasPeucker(verts, reduced, length, maxi, end, min, tol);
	return reduced;
Exemple #3
// Recursively reduce the vertex count on a polyline. Works best for smooth shapes.
// 'tol' is the maximum error for the reduction.
// The reduced polyline will never be farther than this distance from the original polyline.
cpPolyline *
cpPolylineSimplifyCurves(cpPolyline *line, cpFloat tol)
	cpPolyline *reduced = cpPolylineMake(line->count);
	cpFloat min = tol/2.0f;
		int start, end;
    cpLoopIndexes(line->verts, line->count - 1, &start, &end);
		reduced = cpPolylinePush(reduced, line->verts[start]);
		reduced = DouglasPeucker(line->verts, reduced, line->count - 1, start, end, min, tol);
		reduced = cpPolylinePush(reduced, line->verts[end]);
		reduced = DouglasPeucker(line->verts, reduced, line->count - 1, end, start, min, tol);
		reduced = cpPolylinePush(reduced, line->verts[start]);
  } else {
		reduced = cpPolylinePush(reduced, line->verts[0]);
		reduced = DouglasPeucker(line->verts, reduced, line->count, 0, line->count - 1, min, tol);
		reduced = cpPolylinePush(reduced, line->verts[line->count - 1]);
	return cpPolylineShrink(reduced);
Exemple #4
//      Build PolyTessGeo Object from OGR Polygon
//      Using OpenGL/GLU tesselator
int PolyTessGeo::PolyTessGeoGL(OGRPolygon *poly, bool bSENC_SM, double ref_lat, double ref_lon)
#ifdef ocpnUSE_GL
    int iir, ip;
    int *cntr;
    GLdouble *geoPt;

    wxString    sout;
    wxString    sout1;
    wxString    stemp;

    //  Make a quick sanity check of the polygon coherence
    bool b_ok = true;
    OGRLineString *tls = poly->getExteriorRing();
    if(!tls) {
        b_ok = false;
    else {
        int tnpta  = poly->getExteriorRing()->getNumPoints();
        if(tnpta < 3 )
            b_ok = false;

    for( iir=0 ; iir < poly->getNumInteriorRings() ; iir++)
        int tnptr = poly->getInteriorRing(iir)->getNumPoints();
        if( tnptr < 3 )
            b_ok = false;
    if( !b_ok )
        return ERROR_BAD_OGRPOLY;

#ifdef __WXMSW__
//  If using the OpenGL dlls provided with Windows,
//  load the dll and establish addresses of the entry points needed

#ifdef USE_GLU_DLL


        s_hGLU_DLL = LoadLibrary("glu32.dll");
        if (s_hGLU_DLL != NULL)
            s_lpfnTessProperty = (LPFNDLLTESSPROPERTY)GetProcAddress(s_hGLU_DLL,"gluTessProperty");
            s_lpfnNewTess = (LPFNDLLNEWTESS)GetProcAddress(s_hGLU_DLL, "gluNewTess");
            s_lpfnTessBeginContour = (LPFNDLLTESSBEGINCONTOUR)GetProcAddress(s_hGLU_DLL, "gluTessBeginContour");
            s_lpfnTessEndContour = (LPFNDLLTESSENDCONTOUR)GetProcAddress(s_hGLU_DLL, "gluTessEndContour");
            s_lpfnTessBeginPolygon = (LPFNDLLTESSBEGINPOLYGON)GetProcAddress(s_hGLU_DLL, "gluTessBeginPolygon");
            s_lpfnTessEndPolygon = (LPFNDLLTESSENDPOLYGON)GetProcAddress(s_hGLU_DLL, "gluTessEndPolygon");
            s_lpfnDeleteTess = (LPFNDLLDELETETESS)GetProcAddress(s_hGLU_DLL, "gluDeleteTess");
            s_lpfnTessVertex = (LPFNDLLTESSVERTEX)GetProcAddress(s_hGLU_DLL, "gluTessVertex");
            s_lpfnTessCallback = (LPFNDLLTESSCALLBACK)GetProcAddress(s_hGLU_DLL, "gluTessCallback");

            s_glu_dll_ready = true;
            return ERROR_NO_DLL;


    //  Allocate a work buffer, which will be grown as needed
#define NINIT_BUFFER_LEN 10000
    s_pwork_buf = (GLdouble *)malloc(NINIT_BUFFER_LEN * 2 * sizeof(GLdouble));
    s_buf_len = NINIT_BUFFER_LEN * 2;
    s_buf_idx = 0;

      //    Create an array to hold pointers to allocated vertices created by "combine" callback,
      //    so that they may be deleted after tesselation.
    s_pCombineVertexArray = new wxArrayPtrVoid;

    //  Create tesselator
    GLUtessobj = gluNewTess();

    //  Register the callbacks
    gluTessCallback(GLUtessobj, GLU_TESS_BEGIN,   (GLvoid (__CALL_CONVENTION *) ())&beginCallback);
    gluTessCallback(GLUtessobj, GLU_TESS_BEGIN,   (GLvoid (__CALL_CONVENTION *) ())&beginCallback);
    gluTessCallback(GLUtessobj, GLU_TESS_VERTEX,  (GLvoid (__CALL_CONVENTION *) ())&vertexCallback);
    gluTessCallback(GLUtessobj, GLU_TESS_END,     (GLvoid (__CALL_CONVENTION *) ())&endCallback);
    gluTessCallback(GLUtessobj, GLU_TESS_COMBINE, (GLvoid (__CALL_CONVENTION *) ())&combineCallback);

//    gluTessCallback(GLUtessobj, GLU_TESS_ERROR,   (GLvoid (__CALL_CONVENTION *) ())&errorCallback);

//    glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH);
    gluTessProperty(GLUtessobj, GLU_TESS_WINDING_RULE,
                    GLU_TESS_WINDING_POSITIVE );

    //  gluTess algorithm internally selects vertically oriented triangle strips and fans.
    //  This orientation is not optimal for conventional memory-mapped raster display shape filling.
    //  We can "fool" the algorithm by interchanging the x and y vertex values passed to gluTessVertex
    //  and then reverting x and y on the resulting vertexCallbacks.
    //  In this implementation, we will explicitely set the preferred orientation.

    //Set the preferred orientation
    tess_orient = TESS_HORZ;                    // prefer horizontal tristrips

//    PolyGeo BBox as lat/lon
    OGREnvelope Envelope;
    xmin = Envelope.MinX;
    ymin = Envelope.MinY;
    xmax = Envelope.MaxX;
    ymax = Envelope.MaxY;

//      Get total number of contours
    m_ncnt = 1;                         // always exterior ring
    int nint = poly->getNumInteriorRings();  // interior rings
    m_ncnt += nint;

//      Allocate cntr array
    cntr = (int *)malloc(m_ncnt * sizeof(int));

//      Get total number of points(vertices)
    int npta  = poly->getExteriorRing()->getNumPoints();
    cntr[0] = npta;
    npta += 2;                            // fluff

    for( iir=0 ; iir < nint ; iir++)
        int nptr = poly->getInteriorRing(iir)->getNumPoints();
        cntr[iir+1] = nptr;

        npta += nptr + 2;

//    printf("pPoly npta: %d\n", npta);

    geoPt = (GLdouble *)malloc((npta) * 3 * sizeof(GLdouble));     // vertex array

   //  Grow the work buffer if necessary

    if((npta * 4) > s_buf_len)
        s_pwork_buf = (GLdouble *)realloc(s_pwork_buf, npta * 4 * sizeof(GLdouble));
        s_buf_len = npta * 4;

//  Define the polygon
    gluTessBeginPolygon(GLUtessobj, NULL);

//      Create input structures

//    Exterior Ring
    int npte  = poly->getExteriorRing()->getNumPoints();
    cntr[0] = npte;

    GLdouble *ppt = geoPt;

//  Check and account for winding direction of ring
    bool cw = !(poly->getExteriorRing()->isClockwise() == 0);

    double x0, y0, x, y;
    OGRPoint p;

        poly->getExteriorRing()->getPoint(0, &p);
        x0 = p.getX();
        y0 = p.getY();
        poly->getExteriorRing()->getPoint(npte-1, &p);
        x0 = p.getX();
        y0 = p.getY();

    //  Transcribe contour to an array of doubles, with duplicates eliminated
    double *DPbuffer = (double *)malloc(npte * 2 * sizeof(double));
    double *DPrun = DPbuffer;
    int nPoints = npte;
    for(ip = 0 ; ip < npte ; ip++)
        int pidx;
            pidx = npte - ip - 1;
            pidx = ip;
        poly->getExteriorRing()->getPoint(pidx, &p);
        x = p.getX();
        y = p.getY();
        if(  ((fabs(x-x0) > EQUAL_EPS) || (fabs(y-y0) > EQUAL_EPS)))
            GLdouble *ppt_temp = ppt;
            if(tess_orient == TESS_VERT)
                *DPrun++ = x;
                *DPrun++ = y;
                *DPrun++ = y;
                *DPrun++ = x;
            x0 = x;
            y0 = y;

    if(nPoints > 5 && (m_LOD_meters > .01)){
        DouglasPeucker(DPbuffer, 1, nPoints-2, m_LOD_meters/(1852 * 60), &index_keep);
//        printf("DP Reduction: %d/%d\n", index_keep.GetCount(), nPoints);
        g_keep += index_keep.GetCount();
        g_orig += nPoints;
//        printf("...................Running: %g\n", (double)g_keep/g_orig);
    else {
        for(int i = 0 ; i < nPoints ; i++)
    cntr[0] = index_keep.GetCount();
    // Mark the keepers by adding a simple constant to X
    for(unsigned int i=0 ; i < index_keep.GetCount() ; i++){
        int k = index_keep.Item(i);
        DPbuffer[2*k] += 2000.;


    //  Declare the gluContour and copy the points
    DPrun = DPbuffer;
    for(ip = 0 ; ip < nPoints ; ip++)
        x = *DPrun++;
        y = *DPrun++;
        if(x > 1000.){
            GLdouble *ppt_top = ppt;
            *ppt++ = x-2000;
            *ppt++ = y;
            *ppt++ = 0;
            gluTessVertex( GLUtessobj, ppt_top, ppt_top ) ;
//  Now the interior contours
    for(iir=0 ; iir < nint ; iir++)

        int npti = poly->getInteriorRing(iir)->getNumPoints();

      //  Check and account for winding direction of ring
        bool cw = !(poly->getInteriorRing(iir)->isClockwise() == 0);

            poly->getInteriorRing(iir)->getPoint(0, &p);
            x0 = p.getX();
            y0 = p.getY();
            poly->getInteriorRing(iir)->getPoint(npti-1, &p);
            x0 = p.getX();
            y0 = p.getY();

//  Transcribe points to vertex array, in proper order with no duplicates
//   also, accounting for tess_orient
        for(int ip = 0 ; ip < npti ; ip++)
            OGRPoint p;
            int pidx;
            if(!cw)                               // interior contours must be cw
                pidx = npti - ip - 1;
                pidx = ip;

            poly->getInteriorRing(iir)->getPoint(pidx, &p);
            x = p.getX();
            y = p.getY();

            if((fabs(x-x0) > EQUAL_EPS) || (fabs(y-y0) > EQUAL_EPS))
                GLdouble *ppt_temp = ppt;
                if(tess_orient == TESS_VERT)
                    *ppt++ = x;
                    *ppt++ = y;
                    *ppt++ = y;
                    *ppt++ = x;
                *ppt++ = 0.0;

                gluTessVertex( GLUtessobj, ppt_temp, ppt_temp ) ;

//       printf("tess from Poly, internal vertex %d %g %g\n", ip, x, y);


            x0 = x;
            y0 = y;



    //  Store some SM conversion data in static store,
    //  for callback access
    s_ref_lat = ref_lat;
    s_ref_lon = ref_lon;
    s_bSENC_SM = bSENC_SM;

    s_bmerc_transform = false;

    //      Ready to kick off the tesselator

    s_pTPG_Last = NULL;
    s_pTPG_Head = NULL;

    s_nvmax = 0;

    gluTessEndPolygon(GLUtessobj);          // here it goes

    m_nvertex_max = s_nvmax;               // record largest vertex count, updates in callback

    //  Tesselation all done, so...

    //  Create the data structures

    m_ppg_head = new PolyTriGroup;
    m_ppg_head->m_bSMSENC = s_bSENC_SM;

    m_ppg_head->nContours = m_ncnt;

    m_ppg_head->pn_vertex = cntr;             // pointer to array of poly vertex counts
    m_ppg_head->data_type = DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE;

//  Transcribe the raw geometry buffer
//  Converting to float as we go, and
//  allowing for tess_orient
//  Also, convert to SM if requested

// Recalculate the size of the geometry buffer
    int nptfinal = cntr[0] + 2;
    for(int i=0 ; i < nint ; i++)
        nptfinal += cntr[i+1] + 2;
    //  No longer need the full geometry in the SENC,
    nptfinal = 1;
    m_nwkb = (nptfinal + 1) * 2 * sizeof(float);
    m_ppg_head->pgroup_geom = (float *)calloc(sizeof(float), (nptfinal + 1) * 2);
    float *vro = m_ppg_head->pgroup_geom;
    ppt = geoPt;
    float tx,ty;

    for(ip = 0 ; ip < nptfinal ; ip++)
        if(TESS_HORZ == tess_orient)
            ty = *ppt++;
            tx = *ppt++;
            tx = *ppt++;
            ty = *ppt++;

            //  Calculate SM from chart common reference point
            double easting, northing;
            toSM(ty, tx, ref_lat, ref_lon, &easting, &northing);
            *vro++ = easting;              // x
            *vro++ = northing;             // y
            *vro++ = tx;                  // lon
            *vro++ = ty;                  // lat

        ppt++;                      // skip z

    m_ppg_head->tri_prim_head = s_pTPG_Head;         // head of linked list of TriPrims

    //  Convert the Triangle vertex arrays into a single memory allocation of floats
    //  to reduce SENC size and enable efficient access later
    //  First calculate the total byte size
    int total_byte_size = 2 * sizeof(float);
    TriPrim *p_tp = m_ppg_head->tri_prim_head;
    while( p_tp ) {
        total_byte_size += p_tp->nVert * 2 * sizeof(float);
        p_tp = p_tp->p_next; // pick up the next in chain
    float *vbuf = (float *)malloc(total_byte_size);
    p_tp = m_ppg_head->tri_prim_head;
    float *p_run = vbuf;
    while( p_tp ) {
        float *pfbuf = p_run;
        GLdouble *pdouble_buf = (GLdouble *)p_tp->p_vertex;
        for( int i=0 ; i < p_tp->nVert * 2 ; ++i){
            float x = (float)( *((GLdouble *)pdouble_buf) );
            *p_run++ = x;
        p_tp->p_vertex = (double *)pfbuf;
        p_tp = p_tp->p_next; // pick up the next in chain
    m_ppg_head->bsingle_alloc = true;
    m_ppg_head->single_buffer = (unsigned char *)vbuf;
    m_ppg_head->single_buffer_size = total_byte_size;
    m_ppg_head->data_type = DATA_TYPE_FLOAT;

    free( s_pwork_buf );
    s_pwork_buf = NULL;

    free (geoPt);

    //      Free up any "Combine" vertices created
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < s_pCombineVertexArray->GetCount() ; i++)
          free (s_pCombineVertexArray->Item(i));
    delete s_pCombineVertexArray;

    m_bOK = true;

#endif          //    #ifdef ocpnUSE_GL
    return 0;