static dpsunicode_t *DpsSegmentProcess(DPS_CHINALIST *List, dpsunicode_t *line) { int top, nextid, *position, *next, len, maxid, i, current, father, needinsert, iindex; unsigned int h; double *value, p; dpsunicode_t **result; dpsunicode_t *otv, space[] = {32, 0}; DPS_CHINAWORD *chinaword, chiw; if (/*(line[0] >= 0x80) &&*/ (List->hash != NULL)) { len = DpsUniLen(line); maxid = 2 * len + 1; position = (int*)DpsMalloc(maxid * sizeof(int)); if (position == NULL) return NULL; next = (int*)DpsMalloc(maxid * sizeof(int)); if (next == NULL) { DPS_FREE(position); return NULL; } value = (double*)DpsMalloc(maxid * sizeof(double)); if (value == NULL) { DPS_FREE(position); DPS_FREE(next); return NULL; } result = (dpsunicode_t **)DpsMalloc(maxid * sizeof(dpsunicode_t *)); if (result == NULL) { DPS_FREE(position); DPS_FREE(next); DPS_FREE(value); return NULL; } top = 0; /* value[0] = 1;*/ value[0] = 1.0 * List->total * len; position[0] = 0; next[0] = -1; result[0] = (dpsunicode_t*)DpsUniDup(&space[1]); nextid = 1; /* fprintf(stderr, "SegmentProcess start: len -- %d\n", len);*/ while ((top != -1) && (!((position[top] >= len) && (next[top] == -1)))) { /* fprintf(stderr, "top: %d position: %d (len: %d) next:%d\n", top, position[top], len, next[top]);*/ /* # find the first open path */ current = top; father = top; while ((current != -1) && (position[current] >= len)) { father = current; current = next[current]; } /* # remove this path */ if (current == top) { top = next[top]; } else { next[father] = next[current]; } if (current == -1) { /* # no open path, finished, take the first path */ next[top] = -1; } else { otv = &line[position[current]]; h = (unsigned int)(otv[0] & 0xffff); /* # if the first character doesn't have word phrase in the dict.*/ if (List->hash[h] == 0) { List->hash[h] = 1 /*2*/; } i = List->hash[h]; if (i + position[current] > len) { i = len - position[current]; } /*i = i + 1*/ /*2*/; otv = NULL; for (; i > 0; i-- /*2*/) { /*i = i - 1*/ /*2*/; DPS_FREE(otv); otv = DpsUniNDup(&line[position[current]], (size_t)i); chinaword = DpsChineseListFind(List, otv); if (i == 1 /*2*/ && chinaword == NULL) { DPS_FREE(otv); otv = DpsUniNDup(&line[position[current]], 1/*2*/); chiw.word = otv; chiw.freq = 1; DpsChineseListAdd(List, chinaword = &chiw); /* DpsChineseListSort(List);*/ /*i = 1*//*2*//*;*/ } if ((chinaword != NULL) && chinaword->freq) { /* # pronode() */ /* value[nextid] = value[current] * chinaword->freq / List->total;*/ p = (double)chinaword->freq / List->total; value[nextid] = value[current] / (-1.0 * log(p) / log(10.0)); position[nextid] = position[current] + i; h = DpsUniLen(result[current]) + DpsUniLen(otv) + 2; result[nextid] = (dpsunicode_t*)DpsXmalloc((size_t)h * sizeof(dpsunicode_t)); if (result[nextid] == NULL) { DPS_FREE(position); DPS_FREE(next); DPS_FREE(value); DPS_FREE(result); return NULL; } DpsUniStrCpy(result[nextid], result[current]); DpsUniStrCat(result[nextid], space); DpsUniStrCat(result[nextid], otv); /* # check to see whether there is duplicated path # if there is a duplicate path, remove the small value path */ needinsert = 1; iindex = top; father = top; while (iindex != -1) { if (position[iindex] == position[nextid]) { if (0.85 * value[iindex] >= value[nextid]) { needinsert = 0; } else { if (top == iindex) { next[nextid] = next[iindex]; top = nextid; needinsert = 0; /* } else { next[nextid] = next[father];*/ /* next[father] = next[nextid];*/ } } iindex = -1; } else { father = iindex; iindex = next[iindex]; } } /* # insert the new path into the list */ /* fprintf(stderr, "current:%d position:%d i:%d value[current]:%.12lf nextid:%d value[nextid]:%.12lf\n", current, position[current], i, value[current], nextid, value[nextid]);*/ if (needinsert == 1) { while ((iindex != -1) && (value[iindex] > value[nextid])) { father = iindex; iindex = next[iindex]; } if (top == iindex) { next[nextid] = top; top = nextid; } else { next[father] = nextid; next[nextid] = iindex; } } nextid++; if (nextid >= maxid) { maxid +=128; position = (int*)DpsRealloc(position, maxid * sizeof(int)); next = (int*)DpsRealloc(next, maxid * sizeof(int)); value = (double*)DpsRealloc(value, maxid * sizeof(double)); result = (dpsunicode_t **)DpsRealloc(result, maxid * sizeof(dpsunicode_t *)); if (position == NULL || next == NULL || value == NULL || result == NULL) { DPS_FREE(position); DPS_FREE(next); DPS_FREE(value); if (result != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < nextid; i++) { if (i != top) DPS_FREE(result[i]); } DPS_FREE(result); } return NULL; } } } } /*while ((i >= 1) && ( chinaword == NULL));*/ DPS_FREE(otv); } } DPS_FREE(position); DPS_FREE(next); for (i = 0; i < nextid; i++) { if (i != top) DPS_FREE(result[i]); } otv = result[top]; DPS_FREE(value); DPS_FREE(result); return otv; } else { return (dpsunicode_t*)DpsUniDup(line); } }
int DpsSEAMake(DPS_AGENT *Indexer, DPS_DOCUMENT *Doc, DPS_DSTR *excerpt, const char *content_lang, size_t *indexed_size, size_t *indexed_limit, size_t max_word_len, size_t min_word_len, int crossec, int seasec #ifdef HAVE_ASPELL , int have_speller, AspellSpeller *speller #endif ) { DPS_SENTENCELIST List; DPS_MAPSTAT MapStat; DPS_TEXTITEM Item; DPS_VAR *Sec; dpsunicode_t *sentence, *lt, savec; double *links, *lang_cs, w; double delta, pdiv, cur_div; size_t l, sent_len, order; size_t min_len = 10000000, min_pos = 0; int it; register size_t i, j; #ifdef DEBUG char lcstr[4096]; #endif TRACE_IN(Indexer, "DpsSEAMake"); if((Sec = DpsVarListFind(&Doc->Sections, "sea"))) { /* set SEA section to NULL */ DPS_FREE(Sec->val); DPS_FREE(Sec->txt_val); Sec->curlen = 0; } bzero(&List, sizeof(List)); order = 0; sentence = DpsUniStrTok_SEA((dpsunicode_t*)excerpt->data, <); while(sentence) { if (lt != NULL) { savec = *lt; *lt = 0; } #ifdef DEBUG DpsConv(&Indexer->uni_lc, lcstr, sizeof(lcstr), (char*)sentence, sizeof(dpsunicode_t) * (DpsUniLen(sentence) + 1)); fprintf(stderr, "Sentence.%d: %s\n", List.nitems, lcstr); #endif if ((sent_len = DpsUniLen(sentence)) >= Indexer->Flags.SEASentenceMinLength) { j = 1; for (i = 0; i < List.nitems; i++) { if (DpsUniStrCmp(sentence, List.Sent[i].sentence) == 0) { j = 0; break; } } if (j) { if ( List.nitems < Indexer->Flags.SEASentences ) { if (List.nitems == List.mitems) { List.mitems += 16; List.Sent = (DPS_SENTENCE*)DpsRealloc(List.Sent, List.mitems * sizeof(DPS_SENTENCE)); if (List.Sent == NULL) { TRACE_OUT(Indexer); return DPS_ERROR;} } List.Sent[List.nitems].sentence = DpsUniDup(sentence); List.Sent[List.nitems].len = sent_len; List.Sent[List.nitems].order = order++; sentence = DpsUniDup(sentence); DpsUniStrToLower(sentence); bzero(&List.Sent[List.nitems].LangMap, sizeof(DPS_LANGMAP)); DpsBuildLangMap(&List.Sent[List.nitems].LangMap, (char*)sentence, sent_len * sizeof(dpsunicode_t), 0, 0); if (sent_len < min_len) { min_len = sent_len; min_pos = List.nitems; } List.nitems++; DPS_FREE(sentence); } else if (sent_len > min_len) { DPS_FREE(List.Sent[min_pos].sentence); List.Sent[min_pos].sentence = DpsUniDup(sentence); List.Sent[min_pos].len = sent_len; List.Sent[min_pos].order = order++; sentence = DpsUniDup(sentence); DpsUniStrToLower(sentence); bzero(&List.Sent[min_pos].LangMap, sizeof(DPS_LANGMAP)); DpsBuildLangMap(&List.Sent[min_pos].LangMap, (char*)sentence, sent_len * sizeof(dpsunicode_t), 0, 0); DPS_FREE(sentence); min_len = List.Sent[0].len; min_pos = 0; for(i = 1; i < List.nitems; i++) if (List.Sent[i].len < min_len) { min_len = List.Sent[i].len; min_pos = i; } } } } #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "Sent. len.:%d, Min.allowed: %d\n", sent_len, Indexer->Flags.SEASentenceMinLength); #endif if (lt != NULL) *lt = savec; sentence = DpsUniStrTok_SEA(NULL, <); } DpsLog(Indexer, DPS_LOG_DEBUG, "SEA sentences: %d", List.nitems); if (List.nitems < 4) { for (i = 0; i < List.nitems; i++) DPS_FREE(List.Sent[i].sentence); DPS_FREE(List.Sent); TRACE_OUT(Indexer); return DPS_OK; } links = (double*)DpsMalloc(sizeof(double) * List.nitems * List.nitems); lang_cs = (double*)DpsMalloc(sizeof(double) * List.nitems); /* k ot links[i * List.nitems + j] */ if (links != NULL && lang_cs != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < List.nitems; i++) { DpsPrepareLangMap(&List.Sent[i].LangMap); } for (i = 0; i < List.nitems; i++) { List.Sent[i].Oi = List.Sent[i].di = 0.5; if (Doc->lang_cs_map == NULL) { links[i * List.nitems + i] = 0.0; } else { = &List.Sent[i].LangMap; DpsCheckLangMap6(Doc->lang_cs_map, &List.Sent[i].LangMap, &MapStat, DPS_LM_TOPCNT * DPS_LM_TOPCNT, 2 * DPS_LM_TOPCNT); links[i * List.nitems + i] = (double)MapStat.hits / (2.0 * DPS_LM_TOPCNT) / (List.nitems + 1); } #ifdef DEBUG DpsLog(Indexer, DPS_LOG_INFO, "Link %u->%u: %f [hits:%d miss:%d]", i, i, links[i * List.nitems + i], MapStat.hits, MapStat.miss); #endif for (j = 0; j < List.nitems; j++) { if (j == i) continue; = &List.Sent[j].LangMap; DpsCheckLangMap6(&List.Sent[j].LangMap, &List.Sent[i].LangMap, &MapStat, DPS_LM_TOPCNT * DPS_LM_TOPCNT, 2 * DPS_LM_TOPCNT); links[i * List.nitems + j] = (double)MapStat.hits / (2.0 * DPS_LM_TOPCNT) / (List.nitems + 1); #ifdef DEBUG DpsLog(Indexer, DPS_LOG_INFO, "Link %u->%u: %f [hits:%d miss:%d]", i, j, links[i * List.nitems + j], MapStat.hits, MapStat.miss); #endif } } for (l = 0; l < List.nitems; l++) { w = 0.0; for (i = 0; i < List.nitems; i++) { w += links[l * List.nitems + i] * List.Sent[i].Oi; } w = f(w); if (w < LOW_BORDER_EPS2) w = LOW_BORDER_EPS2; else if (w > HI_BORDER_EPS2) w = HI_BORDER_EPS2; List.Sent[l].di = w; } DpsSort(List.Sent, List.nitems, sizeof(DPS_SENTENCE), (qsort_cmp)SentCmp); #ifdef DEBUG DpsConv(&Indexer->uni_lc, lcstr, sizeof(lcstr), (char*)List.Sent[0].sentence, sizeof(dpsunicode_t) * (DpsUniLen(List.Sent[0].sentence) + 1)); fprintf(stderr, "Sent.0: %f %f -- %s\n", List.Sent[0].di, List.Sent[0].Oi, lcstr); DpsConv(&Indexer->uni_lc, lcstr, sizeof(lcstr), (char*)List.Sent[1].sentence, sizeof(dpsunicode_t) * (DpsUniLen(List.Sent[1].sentence) + 1)); fprintf(stderr, "Sent.1: %f %f -- %s\n", List.Sent[1].di, List.Sent[1].Oi, lcstr); DpsConv(&Indexer->uni_lc, lcstr, sizeof(lcstr), (char*)List.Sent[2].sentence, sizeof(dpsunicode_t) * (DpsUniLen(List.Sent[2].sentence) + 1)); fprintf(stderr, "Sent.2: %f %f -- %s\n", List.Sent[2].di, List.Sent[2].Oi, lcstr); DpsConv(&Indexer->uni_lc, lcstr, sizeof(lcstr), (char*)List.Sent[3].sentence, sizeof(dpsunicode_t) * (DpsUniLen(List.Sent[3].sentence) + 1)); fprintf(stderr, "Sent.3: %f %f -- %s\n", List.Sent[3].di, List.Sent[3].Oi, lcstr); DpsConv(&Indexer->uni_lc, lcstr, sizeof(lcstr), (char*)List.Sent[4].sentence, sizeof(dpsunicode_t) * (DpsUniLen(List.Sent[4].sentence) + 1)); fprintf(stderr, "Sent.4: %f %f -- %s\n", List.Sent[4].di, List.Sent[4].Oi, lcstr); #endif DpsSort(List.Sent, TOP_SENTENCES, sizeof(DPS_SENTENCE), (qsort_cmp)SentOrderCmp); bzero(&Item, sizeof(Item)); Item.section = seasec; Item.href = NULL; Item.section_name = "sea"; for (i = 0; i < TOP_SENTENCES; i++) { dpsunicode_t *UStr = DpsUniDup(List.Sent[i].sentence); DpsPrepareItem(Indexer, Doc, &Item, List.Sent[i].sentence, UStr, content_lang, indexed_size, indexed_limit, max_word_len, min_word_len, crossec #ifdef HAVE_ASPELL , have_speller, speller, NULL #endif ); DPS_FREE(UStr); } } DPS_FREE(lang_cs); DPS_FREE(links); for (i = 0; i < List.nitems; i++) DPS_FREE(List.Sent[i].sentence); DPS_FREE(List.Sent); TRACE_OUT(Indexer); return DPS_OK; }
int DpsAddStackItem(DPS_AGENT *query, DPS_RESULT *Res, DPS_PREPARE_STATE *state, char *word, dpsunicode_t *uword) { int origin; size_t i; size_t wlen = (uword == NULL) ? 0 : DpsUniLen(uword); dpshash32_t crcword = (word == NULL) ? 0 : DpsStrHash32(word); #ifdef DEBUG_BOOL DpsLog(query, DPS_LOG_EXTRA, "0[%d].%x %c -- %s [%x] .secno:%d\n", state->order, state->origin, item_type(state->cmd), (word == NULL) ? "<NULL>" : word, crcword, state->secno[state->p_secno]); #endif if((uword != NULL) && ( DpsStopListFind(&query->Conf->StopWords, uword, state->qlang) || (query->WordParam.min_word_len > wlen) || (query->WordParam.max_word_len < wlen)) ) { origin = state->origin | DPS_WORD_ORIGIN_STOP; } else { origin = state->origin; } if (state->cmd == DPS_STACK_WORD && !(origin & DPS_WORD_ORIGIN_QUERY)) { for (i = 0; i < Res->nitems; i++) { if ((Res->items[i].order == state->order) && (Res->items[i].crcword == crcword)) return DPS_OK; } } if (Res->nitems >= Res->mitems - 2) { Res->mitems += DPS_MAXSTACK; Res->items = (DPS_STACK_ITEM*)DpsRealloc(Res->items, Res->mitems * sizeof(DPS_STACK_ITEM)); if (Res->items == NULL) { DpsLog(query, DPS_LOG_ERROR, "Can't alloc %d bytes for %d mitems", Res->mitems * sizeof(DPS_STACK_ITEM), Res->mitems); return DPS_ERROR; } } if (Res->nitems > 0) { if (state->cmd == DPS_STACK_OR || state->cmd == DPS_STACK_AND || state->cmd == DPS_STACK_NEAR || state->cmd == DPS_STACK_ANYWORD) { if (Res->items[Res->nitems-1].cmd == DPS_STACK_AND || Res->items[Res->nitems-1].cmd == DPS_STACK_OR || Res->items[Res->nitems-1].cmd == DPS_STACK_NEAR || Res->items[Res->nitems-1].cmd == DPS_STACK_ANYWORD) { return DPS_OK; } } if ((Res->nitems > 0) && (state->cmd == DPS_STACK_WORD) && ( (Res->items[Res->nitems-1].cmd == DPS_STACK_WORD) || (Res->items[Res->nitems-1].cmd == DPS_STACK_RIGHT) || (Res->items[Res->nitems-1].cmd == DPS_STACK_PHRASE_RIGHT) )) { Res->items[Res->nitems].cmd = DPS_STACK_OR; Res->items[Res->nitems].order = 0; Res->items[Res->nitems].origin = 0; Res->items[Res->nitems].count = 0; Res->items[Res->nitems].len = 0; Res->items[Res->nitems].crcword = 0; Res->items[Res->nitems].word = NULL; Res->items[Res->nitems].ulen = 0; Res->items[Res->nitems].uword = NULL; Res->items[Res->nitems].pbegin = NULL; Res->items[Res->nitems].order_origin = 0; Res->items[Res->nitems].secno = state->secno[state->p_secno]; Res->nitems++; Res->ncmds++; #ifdef DEBUG_BOOL DpsLog(query, DPS_LOG_EXTRA, "1[%d].%x %c -- %s", 0, 0, item_type(DPS_STACK_OR), "<NULL>"); #endif } if ((Res->nitems > 0) && (state->cmd == DPS_STACK_LEFT) && ( (Res->items[Res->nitems-1].cmd == DPS_STACK_RIGHT) || (Res->items[Res->nitems-1].cmd == DPS_STACK_PHRASE_RIGHT) )) { Res->items[Res->nitems].cmd = state->add_cmd; Res->items[Res->nitems].order = 0; Res->items[Res->nitems].origin = 0; Res->items[Res->nitems].count = 0; Res->items[Res->nitems].len = 0; Res->items[Res->nitems].crcword = 0; Res->items[Res->nitems].word = NULL; Res->items[Res->nitems].ulen = 0; Res->items[Res->nitems].uword = NULL; Res->items[Res->nitems].pbegin = NULL; Res->items[Res->nitems].order_origin = 0; Res->items[Res->nitems].secno = state->secno[state->p_secno]; Res->nitems++; Res->ncmds++; #ifdef DEBUG_BOOL DpsLog(query, DPS_LOG_EXTRA, "1[%d].%x %c -- %s", 0, 0, item_type(state->add_cmd), "<NULL>"); #endif } } Res->items[Res->nitems].cmd = state->cmd; Res->items[Res->nitems].order = state->order; Res->items[Res->nitems].order_inquery = state->order_inquery; Res->items[Res->nitems].origin = origin; Res->items[Res->nitems].count = 0; Res->items[Res->nitems].len = (word == NULL) ? 0 : dps_strlen(word); Res->items[Res->nitems].crcword = crcword; Res->items[Res->nitems].word = (word == NULL) ? NULL : DpsStrdup(word); Res->items[Res->nitems].ulen = wlen; Res->items[Res->nitems].uword = (uword == NULL) ? NULL : DpsUniDup(uword); Res->items[Res->nitems].pbegin = NULL; Res->items[Res->nitems].order_origin = 0; Res->items[Res->nitems].wordnum = Res->nitems; Res->items[Res->nitems].secno = state->secno[state->p_secno]; Res->nitems++; if (state->cmd != DPS_STACK_WORD) { Res->ncmds++; } else { Res->items[state->order].order_origin |= origin; if (state->order > Res->max_order) Res->max_order = state->order; if (state->order_inquery > Res->max_order_inquery) Res->max_order_inquery = state->order; } /* if ((state->cmd == DPS_STACK_WORD) && state->order > Res->max_order) Res->max_order = state->order;*/ #ifdef DEBUG_BOOL DpsLog(query, DPS_LOG_EXTRA, "1[%d,%d].%x %c -- %s", state->order, state->order_inquery, state->origin, item_type(state->cmd), (word == NULL) ? "<NULL>" : word); #endif return DPS_OK; }
__C_LINK int __DPSCALL DpsSynonymListLoad(DPS_ENV * Env,const char * filename){ struct stat sb; char *str, *data = NULL, *cur_n = NULL; char lang[64]=""; DPS_CHARSET *cs=NULL; DPS_CHARSET *sys_int=DpsGetCharSet("sys-int"); DPS_CONV file_uni; DPS_WIDEWORD *ww = NULL; size_t key = 1; int flag_th = 0; int fd; char savebyte; if (stat(filename, &sb)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to stat synonyms file '%s': %s", filename, strerror(errno)); return DPS_ERROR; } if ((fd = DpsOpen2(filename, O_RDONLY)) <= 0) { dps_snprintf(Env->errstr,sizeof(Env->errstr)-1, "Unable to open synonyms file '%s': %s", filename, strerror(errno)); return DPS_ERROR; } if ((data = (char*)DpsMalloc(sb.st_size + 1)) == NULL) { dps_snprintf(Env->errstr,sizeof(Env->errstr)-1, "Unable to alloc %d bytes", sb.st_size); DpsClose(fd); return DPS_ERROR; } if (read(fd, data, sb.st_size) != (ssize_t)sb.st_size) { dps_snprintf(Env->errstr,sizeof(Env->errstr)-1, "Unable to read synonym file '%s': %s", filename, strerror(errno)); DPS_FREE(data); DpsClose(fd); return DPS_ERROR; } data[sb.st_size] = '\0'; str = data; cur_n = strchr(str, '\n'); if (cur_n != NULL) { cur_n++; savebyte = *cur_n; *cur_n = '\0'; } while(str != NULL) { if(str[0]=='#'||str[0]==' '||str[0]=='\t'||str[0]=='\r'||str[0]=='\n') goto loop_continue; if(!strncasecmp(str,"Charset:",8)){ char * lasttok; char * charset; if((charset = dps_strtok_r(str + 8, " \t\n\r", &lasttok))) { cs=DpsGetCharSet(charset); if(!cs){ dps_snprintf(Env->errstr, sizeof(Env->errstr), "Unknown charset '%s' in synonyms file '%s'", charset, filename); DPS_FREE(data); DpsClose(fd); return DPS_ERROR; } DpsConvInit(&file_uni, cs, sys_int, Env->CharsToEscape, 0); } }else if(!strncasecmp(str,"Language:",9)){ char * lasttok; char * l; if((l = dps_strtok_r(str + 9, " \t\n\r", &lasttok))) { dps_strncpy(lang, l, sizeof(lang)-1); } }else if(!strncasecmp(str, "Thesaurus:", 10)) { char * lasttok; char *tok = dps_strtok_r(str + 10, " \t\n\r", &lasttok); flag_th = (strncasecmp(tok, "yes", 3) == 0) ? 1 : 0; }else{ char *av[255]; size_t ac, i, j; dpsunicode_t *t; if(!cs){ dps_snprintf(Env->errstr,sizeof(Env->errstr)-1,"No Charset command in synonyms file '%s'",filename); DpsClose(fd); DPS_FREE(data); return DPS_ERROR; } if(!lang[0]){ dps_snprintf(Env->errstr,sizeof(Env->errstr)-1,"No Language command in synonyms file '%s'",filename); DpsClose(fd); DPS_FREE(data); return DPS_ERROR; } ac = DpsGetArgs(str, av, 255); if (ac < 2) goto loop_continue; if ((ww = (DPS_WIDEWORD*)DpsRealloc(ww, ac * sizeof(DPS_WIDEWORD))) == NULL) return DPS_ERROR; for (i = 0; i < ac; i++) { ww[i].word = av[i]; ww[i].len = dps_strlen(av[i]); ww[i].uword = t = (dpsunicode_t*)DpsMalloc((3 * ww[i].len + 1) * sizeof(dpsunicode_t)); if (ww[i].uword == NULL) return DPS_ERROR; DpsConv(&file_uni, (char*)ww[i].uword, sizeof(dpsunicode_t) * (3 * ww[i].len + 1), av[i], ww[i].len + 1); DpsUniStrToLower(ww[i].uword); ww[i].uword = DpsUniNormalizeNFC(NULL, ww[i].uword); DPS_FREE(t); } for (i = 0; i < ac - 1; i++) { for (j = i + 1; j < ac; j++) { if((Env->Synonyms.nsynonyms + 1) >= Env->Synonyms.msynonyms){ Env->Synonyms.msynonyms += 64; Env->Synonyms.Synonym = (DPS_SYNONYM*)DpsRealloc(Env->Synonyms.Synonym, sizeof(DPS_SYNONYM)*Env->Synonyms.msynonyms); if (Env->Synonyms.Synonym == NULL) { Env->Synonyms.msynonyms = Env->Synonyms.nsynonyms = 0; return DPS_ERROR; } } bzero((void*)&Env->Synonyms.Synonym[Env->Synonyms.nsynonyms], sizeof(DPS_SYNONYM)); /* Add direct order */ Env->Synonyms.Synonym[Env->Synonyms.nsynonyms].p.uword = DpsUniDup(ww[i].uword); Env->Synonyms.Synonym[Env->Synonyms.nsynonyms].s.uword = DpsUniDup(ww[j].uword); Env->Synonyms.Synonym[Env->Synonyms.nsynonyms].p.count = Env->Synonyms.Synonym[Env->Synonyms.nsynonyms].s.count = (size_t)((flag_th) ? key : 0); Env->Synonyms.nsynonyms++; bzero((void*)&Env->Synonyms.Synonym[Env->Synonyms.nsynonyms], sizeof(DPS_SYNONYM)); /* Add reverse order */ Env->Synonyms.Synonym[Env->Synonyms.nsynonyms].p.uword = DpsUniDup(ww[j].uword); Env->Synonyms.Synonym[Env->Synonyms.nsynonyms].s.uword = DpsUniDup(ww[i].uword); Env->Synonyms.Synonym[Env->Synonyms.nsynonyms].p.count = Env->Synonyms.Synonym[Env->Synonyms.nsynonyms].s.count = (size_t)((flag_th) ? key : 0); Env->Synonyms.nsynonyms++; } } for (i = 0; i < ac; i++) { DPS_FREE(ww[i].uword); } do { key++; } while (key == 0); } loop_continue: str = cur_n; if (str != NULL) { *str = savebyte; cur_n = strchr(str, '\n'); if (cur_n != NULL) { cur_n++; savebyte = *cur_n; *cur_n = '\0'; } } } DPS_FREE(data); DPS_FREE(ww); DpsClose(fd); return DPS_OK; }