void EDA_DRAW_FRAME::DrawWorkSheet( wxDC* aDC, BASE_SCREEN* aScreen, int aLineWidth,
                                    double aScalar, const wxString &aFilename,
                                    const wxString &aSheetLayer, COLOR4D aColor )
    if( !m_showBorderAndTitleBlock )

    const PAGE_INFO&  pageInfo = GetPageSettings();
    wxSize  pageSize = pageInfo.GetSizeMils();

    // if not printing, draw the page limits:
    if( !aScreen->m_IsPrinting && m_showPageLimits )
        GRSetDrawMode( aDC, GR_COPY );
        GRRect( m_canvas->GetClipBox(), aDC, 0, 0,
                pageSize.x * aScalar, pageSize.y * aScalar, aLineWidth,
                m_drawBgColor == WHITE ? LIGHTGRAY : DARKDARKGRAY );

    TITLE_BLOCK t_block = GetTitleBlock();
    COLOR4D color = ( aColor != COLOR4D::UNSPECIFIED ) ? aColor : COLOR4D( RED );

    wxPoint origin = aDC->GetDeviceOrigin();

    if( aScreen->m_IsPrinting && origin.y > 0 )
        aDC->SetDeviceOrigin( 0, 0 );
        aDC->SetAxisOrientation( true, false );

    DrawPageLayout( aDC, m_canvas->GetClipBox(), pageInfo,
                    GetScreenDesc(), aFilename, t_block,
                    aScreen->m_NumberOfScreens, aScreen->m_ScreenNumber,
                    aLineWidth, aScalar, color, aSheetLayer );

    if( aScreen->m_IsPrinting && origin.y > 0 )
        aDC->SetDeviceOrigin( origin.x, origin.y );
        aDC->SetAxisOrientation( true, true );
void PageControl::Paint(Graphics *gfx, int offX, int offY)
#if 0
    // for testing mouse move, paint a blue circle at current cursor position
    if ((-1 != cursorX) && (-1 != cursorY)) {
        SolidBrush br(Color(180, 0, 0, 255));
        int x = offX + cursorX;
        int y = offY + cursorY;
        Rect r(RectForCircle(x, y, 10));
        gfx->FillEllipse(&br, r);

    CachedStyle *s = cachedStyle;
    Rect r(offX, offY, pos.Width, pos.Height);
    Brush *br = BrushFromColorData(s->bgColor, r);
    gfx->FillRectangle(br, r);

    if (!page)

    // during resize the page we currently show might be bigger than
    // our area. To avoid drawing outside our area we clip
    Region origClipRegion;
    r.X += s->padding.left;
    r.Y += s->padding.top;
    r.Width  -= (s->padding.left + s->padding.right);
    r.Height -= (s->padding.top  + s->padding.bottom);
    gfx->SetClip(r, CombineModeReplace);

    // TODO: support changing the text color to gRenderCache.colorRange[0]
    //       or GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT) if gGlobalPrefs.useSysColors
    DrawPageLayout(gfx, &page->instructions, (REAL)r.X, (REAL)r.Y, IsDebugPaint());
    gfx->SetClip(&origClipRegion, CombineModeReplace);
void DIALOG_PAGES_SETTINGS::UpdatePageLayoutExample()
    int lyWidth, lyHeight;

    wxSize clamped_layout_size( Clamp( MIN_PAGE_SIZE, m_layout_size.x, m_maxPageSizeMils.x ),
                                Clamp( MIN_PAGE_SIZE, m_layout_size.y, m_maxPageSizeMils.y ) );

    double lyRatio = clamped_layout_size.x < clamped_layout_size.y ?
                        (double) clamped_layout_size.y / clamped_layout_size.x :
                        (double) clamped_layout_size.x / clamped_layout_size.y;

    if( clamped_layout_size.x < clamped_layout_size.y )
        lyHeight = MAX_PAGE_EXAMPLE_SIZE;
        lyWidth = KiROUND( (double) lyHeight / lyRatio );
        lyWidth = MAX_PAGE_EXAMPLE_SIZE;
        lyHeight = KiROUND( (double) lyWidth / lyRatio );

    if( m_page_bitmap )
        m_PageLayoutExampleBitmap->SetBitmap( wxNullBitmap );
        delete m_page_bitmap;

    m_page_bitmap = new wxBitmap( lyWidth + 1, lyHeight + 1 );

    if( m_page_bitmap->IsOk() )
        double scaleW = (double) lyWidth  / clamped_layout_size.x;
        double scaleH = (double) lyHeight / clamped_layout_size.y;

        // Prepare DC.
        wxSize example_size( lyWidth + 1, lyHeight + 1 );
        wxMemoryDC memDC;
        memDC.SelectObject( *m_page_bitmap );
        memDC.SetClippingRegion( wxPoint( 0, 0 ), example_size );
        memDC.SetUserScale( scaleW, scaleH );

        // Get logical page size and margins.
        PAGE_INFO pageDUMMY;

        // Get page type
        int idx = m_paperSizeComboBox->GetSelection();

        if( idx < 0 )
            idx = 0;

        wxString pageFmtName = m_pageFmt[idx].BeforeFirst( ' ' );
        bool portrait = clamped_layout_size.x < clamped_layout_size.y;
        pageDUMMY.SetType( pageFmtName, portrait );
        if( m_customFmt )
            pageDUMMY.SetWidthMils( clamped_layout_size.x );
            pageDUMMY.SetHeightMils( clamped_layout_size.y );

        // Draw layout preview.
        wxString emptyString;
        GRResetPenAndBrush( &memDC );

        WORKSHEET_LAYOUT::SetAltInstance( m_pagelayout );
        GRFilledRect( NULL, &memDC, 0, 0, m_layout_size.x, m_layout_size.y, WHITE, WHITE );
        DrawPageLayout( &memDC, NULL, pageDUMMY,
                        emptyString, emptyString,
                        m_tb, m_screen->m_NumberOfScreens,
                        m_screen->m_ScreenNumber, 1, 1, DARKGRAY, RED );

        memDC.SelectObject( wxNullBitmap );
        m_PageLayoutExampleBitmap->SetBitmap( *m_page_bitmap );
        WORKSHEET_LAYOUT::SetAltInstance( NULL );

        // Refresh the dialog.