Exemple #1
	virtual void OnPaint()

		uint16 top = this->GetWidget<NWidgetBase>(BAIRW_BTN_DOHILIGHT)->pos_y + this->GetWidget<NWidgetBase>(BAIRW_BTN_DOHILIGHT)->current_y + WD_PAR_VSEP_NORMAL;
		NWidgetBase *panel_nwi = this->GetWidget<NWidgetBase>(BAIRW_BOTTOMPANEL);

		int right = panel_nwi->pos_x +  panel_nwi->current_x;
		int bottom = panel_nwi->pos_y +  panel_nwi->current_y;

		if (_selected_airport_index != -1) {
			const AirportSpec *as = AirportClass::Get(_selected_airport_class, _selected_airport_index);
			int rad = _settings_game.station.modified_catchment ? as->catchment : (uint)CA_UNMODIFIED;

			/* only show the station (airport) noise, if the noise option is activated */
			if (_settings_game.economy.station_noise_level) {
				/* show the noise of the selected airport */
				SetDParam(0, as->noise_level);
				DrawString(panel_nwi->pos_x + WD_FRAMERECT_LEFT, right - WD_FRAMERECT_RIGHT, top, STR_STATION_BUILD_NOISE);

			/* strings such as 'Size' and 'Coverage Area' */
			top = DrawStationCoverageAreaText(panel_nwi->pos_x + WD_FRAMERECT_LEFT, right - WD_FRAMERECT_RIGHT, top, SCT_ALL, rad, false) + WD_PAR_VSEP_NORMAL;
			top = DrawStationCoverageAreaText(panel_nwi->pos_x + WD_FRAMERECT_LEFT, right - WD_FRAMERECT_RIGHT, top, SCT_ALL, rad, true) + WD_PAR_VSEP_NORMAL;

		/* Resize background if the text is not equally long as the window. */
		if (top > bottom || (top < bottom && panel_nwi->current_y > panel_nwi->smallest_y)) {
			ResizeWindow(this, 0, top - bottom);
Exemple #2
	virtual void OnPaint()
		int rad = (_settings_game.station.modified_catchment) ? CA_DOCK : CA_UNMODIFIED;


		if (_settings_client.gui.station_show_coverage) {
			SetTileSelectBigSize(-rad, -rad, 2 * rad, 2 * rad);
		} else {
			SetTileSelectSize(1, 1);

		/* strings such as 'Size' and 'Coverage Area' */
		int top = this->GetWidget<NWidgetBase>(BDSW_LT_OFF)->pos_y + this->GetWidget<NWidgetBase>(BDSW_LT_OFF)->current_y + WD_PAR_VSEP_NORMAL;
		NWidgetBase *back_nwi = this->GetWidget<NWidgetBase>(BDSW_BACKGROUND);
		int right  = back_nwi->pos_x + back_nwi->current_x;
		int bottom = back_nwi->pos_y + back_nwi->current_y;
		top = DrawStationCoverageAreaText(back_nwi->pos_x + WD_FRAMERECT_LEFT, right - WD_FRAMERECT_RIGHT, top, SCT_ALL, rad, false) + WD_PAR_VSEP_NORMAL;
		top = DrawStationCoverageAreaText(back_nwi->pos_x + WD_FRAMERECT_LEFT, right - WD_FRAMERECT_RIGHT, top, SCT_ALL, rad, true) + WD_PAR_VSEP_NORMAL;
		/* Resize background if the window is too small.
		 * Never make the window smaller to avoid oscillating if the size change affects the acceptance.
		 * (This is the case, if making the window bigger moves the mouse into the window.) */
		if (top > bottom) {
			ResizeWindow(this, 0, top - bottom, false);
Exemple #3
	virtual void OnPaint()

		uint16 top = this->GetWidget<NWidgetBase>(WID_AP_BTN_DOHILIGHT)->pos_y + this->GetWidget<NWidgetBase>(WID_AP_BTN_DOHILIGHT)->current_y + WD_PAR_VSEP_NORMAL;
		NWidgetBase *panel_nwi = this->GetWidget<NWidgetBase>(WID_AP_BOTTOMPANEL);

		int right = panel_nwi->pos_x +  panel_nwi->current_x;
		int bottom = panel_nwi->pos_y +  panel_nwi->current_y;

		if (_selected_airport_index != -1) {
			const AirportSpec *as = AirportClass::Get(_selected_airport_class)->GetSpec(_selected_airport_index);
			int rad = _settings_game.station.modified_catchment ? as->catchment : (uint)CA_UNMODIFIED;

			/* only show the station (airport) noise, if the noise option is activated */
			if (_settings_game.economy.station_noise_level) {
				/* show the noise of the selected airport */
				SetDParam(0, as->noise_level);
				DrawString(panel_nwi->pos_x + WD_FRAMERECT_LEFT, right - WD_FRAMERECT_RIGHT, top, STR_STATION_BUILD_NOISE);

			/* strings such as 'Size' and 'Coverage Area' */
			top = DrawStationCoverageAreaText(panel_nwi->pos_x + WD_FRAMERECT_LEFT, right - WD_FRAMERECT_RIGHT, top, SCT_ALL, rad, false) + WD_PAR_VSEP_NORMAL;
			top = DrawStationCoverageAreaText(panel_nwi->pos_x + WD_FRAMERECT_LEFT, right - WD_FRAMERECT_RIGHT, top, SCT_ALL, rad, true) + WD_PAR_VSEP_NORMAL;

		/* Resize background if the window is too small.
		 * Never make the window smaller to avoid oscillating if the size change affects the acceptance.
		 * (This is the case, if making the window bigger moves the mouse into the window.) */
		if (top > bottom) {
			ResizeWindow(this, 0, top - bottom, false);
	virtual void OnPaint()
		int rad = (_settings_game.station.modified_catchment) ? CA_DOCK : CA_UNMODIFIED;


		if (_settings_client.gui.station_show_coverage) {
			SetTileSelectBigSize(-rad, -rad, 2 * rad, 2 * rad);
		} else {
			SetTileSelectSize(1, 1);

		/* strings such as 'Size' and 'Coverage Area' */
		int top = this->GetWidget<NWidgetBase>(BDSW_LT_OFF)->pos_y + this->GetWidget<NWidgetBase>(BDSW_LT_OFF)->current_y + WD_PAR_VSEP_NORMAL;
		NWidgetBase *back_nwi = this->GetWidget<NWidgetBase>(BDSW_BACKGROUND);
		int right  = back_nwi->pos_x + back_nwi->current_x;
		int bottom = back_nwi->pos_y + back_nwi->current_y;
		top = DrawStationCoverageAreaText(back_nwi->pos_x + WD_FRAMERECT_LEFT, right - WD_FRAMERECT_RIGHT, top, SCT_ALL, rad, false) + WD_PAR_VSEP_NORMAL;
		top = DrawStationCoverageAreaText(back_nwi->pos_x + WD_FRAMERECT_LEFT, right - WD_FRAMERECT_RIGHT, top, SCT_ALL, rad, true) + WD_PAR_VSEP_NORMAL;
		/* Resize background if the text is not equally long as the window. */
		if (top > bottom || (top < bottom && back_nwi->current_y > back_nwi->smallest_y)) {
			ResizeWindow(this, 0, top - bottom);