Exemple #1
void ShowInventoryMenu()
	// Draw the dialog boxes and associated data inside them

	// Store an item pointer which is set every time the user clicks on a new item
	CItem *pItem = NULL;

	// Let's loop until we get some valid input from the user
		// Strange, but let's loop again :)  This loop handles prompts
		while(!g_Menu.EscapePressed() && !g_Menu.ChoiceMade())

		// Check if the item isn't the same as the last item
		if(g_Menu.GetSelectedItem() && pItem != g_Menu.GetSelectedItem())
			// Get the selected item and draw the stats for that item at the bottom
			pItem = g_Menu.GetSelectedItem();
		// If the item is the same, let's display a prompt to the user
		else if(pItem && pItem == g_Menu.GetSelectedItem())
			// Display a prompt, which will do a new input loop.  After that is done
			// it will come back here and we will redraw the inventory menu again.
			pItem = NULL;	// Reset the last clicked on item

	// Let's redraw the main menu after we have chosen to exit from the inventory menu
Exemple #2
void DrawInventoryScreen()
    char szItem[25]   = {0};
    char szHead[80]   = {0};
    char szChest[80]  = {0};
    char szWeapon[80] = {0};
    char szFeet[80]   = {0};

    // Reset all the menu flags to start over on a new menu

    // Let's redraw the map so it destroys the previous menu artifacts.  We then
    // want to draw new dialog boxes to house the inventory and stats information.

    // Draw the 3 boxes that will make up the inventory screen: TopLeft, TopRight, Bottom
    g_Menu.DrawBox(kEqMenuWidth, kEqMenuHeight, kEqMenuX, kEqMenuY);
    g_Menu.DrawBox(kInvMenuWidth, kInvMenuHeight, kInvMenuX, kInvMenuY);
    g_Menu.DrawBox(kStatsMenuWidth, kStatsMenuHeight, kStatsMenuX, kStatsMenuY);

    // If the user has anything equipped, let's get pointers to those items
    CItem *pHead   = g_Player.GetEquipment(kHead);
    CItem *pChest  = g_Player.GetEquipment(kChest);
    CItem *pWeapon = g_Player.GetEquipment(kWeapon);
    CItem *pFeet   = g_Player.GetEquipment(kFeet);

    // We there is an item equipped then we want to insert it's name in the EQ menu
    if(pHead)		sprintf(szHead,   "Head: %s", pHead->GetItemName());
    else			sprintf(szHead,   "Head: ");
    if(pChest)		sprintf(szChest,  "Chest: %s", pChest->GetItemName());
    else			sprintf(szChest,  "Chest: ");
    if(pWeapon)		sprintf(szWeapon, "Weapon: %s", pWeapon->GetItemName());
    else			sprintf(szWeapon, "Weapon: ");
    if(pFeet)		sprintf(szFeet,   "Feet: %s", pFeet->GetItemName());
    else			sprintf(szFeet,	  "Feet: ");

    // Now we draw the current player's equipment and pass in the item pointers for clicking on
    g_Menu.DrawString(szHead,   (int)strlen(szHead),   kEqMenuX + kTileWidth, kEqMenuY + 115,  pHead);
    g_Menu.DrawString(szChest,  (int)strlen(szChest),  kEqMenuX + kTileWidth, kEqMenuY + 147,  pChest);
    g_Menu.DrawString(szWeapon, (int)strlen(szWeapon), kEqMenuX + kTileWidth, kEqMenuY + 179, pWeapon);
    g_Menu.DrawString(szFeet,   (int)strlen(szFeet),   kEqMenuX + kTileWidth, kEqMenuY + 211, pFeet);

    // Let's draw the stats screen that goes at the bottom of the inventory menu

    // Go through all of the items in our inventory and draw them
    for(int i = 0; i < g_Player.GetInventorySize(); i++)
        // Get the current item and set it's default position
        CItem *pInvItem = g_Player.GetItem(i);
        int xOffset = kTileWidth, yOffset = kTileHeight + i * kFontHeight;

        // If the current column has more items than it should hold we need to
        // go to the next column on the right and start drawing the next items.
        if(i >= kMaxItemHeight)
            // Increase the x and y position accordingly for each item
            xOffset += (kMaxItemWidth * (i / kMaxItemHeight)) * kTileWidth;
            yOffset = (i - ((i/kMaxItemHeight) * kMaxItemHeight)) * kFontHeight + kTileHeight;

        // Get the item's name and create a button for it, then display it to the screen
        sprintf(szItem, "%s", pInvItem->GetItemName());
        g_Menu.DrawString(szItem, (int)strlen(szItem), kInvMenuX + xOffset, kInvMenuY + yOffset, pInvItem);

    // After the items are drawn, let's load and draw a small picture of the player
    HBITMAP hPlayerBust = g_Buffer.LoadABitmap((LPSTR)kPlayerBust);
    g_Buffer.DisplayBitmap(hPlayerBust, kPlayerBustX, kPlayerBustY);

    // Swap the backbuffers to display the bitmaps to the screen

    // Since the picture is drawn, we don't need it anymore, let's delete it
Exemple #3
void DrawInventoryScreen()
	char szItem[25]   = {0};
	char szHead[80]   = {0};
	char szChest[80]  = {0};
	char szWeapon[80] = {0};
	char szFeet[80]   = {0};

	// Reset all the menu flags to start over on a new menu

	// Let's redraw the map so it destroys the previous menu artifacts.  We then
	// want to draw new dialog boxes to house the inventory and stats information.
	g_Menu.DrawBox(kEqMenuWidth, kEqMenuHeight, kEqMenuX, kEqMenuY);
	g_Menu.DrawBox(kInvMenuWidth, kInvMenuHeight, kInvMenuX, kInvMenuY);
	g_Menu.DrawBox(kStatsMenuWidth, kStatsMenuHeight, kStatsMenuX, kStatsMenuY);

	// If the user has anything equipped, let's get pointers to those items
	CItem *pHead   = g_Player.GetEquipment(kHead);
	CItem *pChest  = g_Player.GetEquipment(kChest);
	CItem *pWeapon = g_Player.GetEquipment(kWeapon);
	CItem *pFeet   = g_Player.GetEquipment(kFeet);

	// We there is an item equipped then we want to insert it's name in the EQ menu
	if(pHead)		sprintf(szHead,   "Head: %s", pHead->GetItemName());
	else			sprintf(szHead,   "Head: ");
	if(pChest)		sprintf(szChest,  "Chest: %s", pChest->GetItemName());
	else			sprintf(szChest,  "Chest: ");
	if(pWeapon)		sprintf(szWeapon, "Weapon: %s", pWeapon->GetItemName());
	else			sprintf(szWeapon, "Weapon: ");
	if(pFeet)		sprintf(szFeet,   "Feet: %s", pFeet->GetItemName());
	else			sprintf(szFeet,	  "Feet: ");

	// Now we draw the current player's equipment and pass in the item pointers for clicking on
	g_Menu.DrawString(szHead,   (int)strlen(szHead),   kEqMenuX + 3, kEqMenuY + 5,  pHead);
	g_Menu.DrawString(szChest,  (int)strlen(szChest),  kEqMenuX + 3, kEqMenuY + 9,  pChest);
	g_Menu.DrawString(szWeapon, (int)strlen(szWeapon), kEqMenuX + 3, kEqMenuY + 13, pWeapon);
	g_Menu.DrawString(szFeet,   (int)strlen(szFeet),   kEqMenuX + 3, kEqMenuY + 17, pFeet);

	// Let's draw the stats screen that goes at the bottom of the inventory menu

	// Go through all of the items in our inventory and draw them
	for(int i = 0; i < g_Player.GetInventorySize(); i++)
		// Get the current item and set it's default position
		CItem *pInvItem = g_Player.GetItem(i);
		int xOffset = 3, yOffset = i + 2;

		// If the current column has more items than it should hold we need to
		// go to the next column on the right and start drawing the next items.
        if(i >= kMaxItemHeight)
			// Increase the x offset to a new column and reset the y 
			// offset to start at the top of the next column.  
			xOffset += kMaxItemWidth * (i / kMaxItemHeight);
			yOffset = i - ((i/kMaxItemHeight) * kMaxItemHeight) + 2;

		// Get the item's name and create a button for it, then display it to the screen
		sprintf(szItem, "%s", pInvItem->GetItemName());
		g_Menu.DrawString(szItem, (int)strlen(szItem), kInvMenuX + xOffset, kInvMenuY + yOffset, pInvItem);