Exemple #1
void DumpModule(asIScriptModule *mod)
	int c, n;
	asIScriptEngine *engine = mod->GetEngine();
	stringstream s;

	// Enumerate global functions
	c = mod->GetFunctionCount();
	for( n = 0; n < c; n++ )
		asIScriptFunction *func = mod->GetFunctionDescriptorByIndex(n);
		s << "func: " << func->GetDeclaration() << endl;

	// Enumerate object types
	c = mod->GetObjectTypeCount();
	for( n = 0; n < c; n++ )
		DumpObjectType(s, mod->GetObjectTypeByIndex(n));

	// Enumerate global variables
	c = mod->GetGlobalVarCount();
	for( n = 0; n < c; n++ )
		s << "global: " << mod->GetGlobalVarDeclaration(n) << endl;

	// Enumerate enums
	c = mod->GetEnumCount();
	for( n = 0; n < c; n++ )
		int eid;
		const char *ename = mod->GetEnumByIndex(n, &eid);

		s << "enum: " << ename << endl;

		// List enum values
		for( int e = 0; e < mod->GetEnumValueCount(eid); e++ )
			int value;
			const char *name = mod->GetEnumValueByIndex(eid, e, &value);
			s << " " << name << " = " << value << endl;

	// Enumerate type defs
	c = mod->GetTypedefCount();
	for( n = 0; n < c; n++ )
		int tid;
		const char *name = mod->GetTypedefByIndex(n, &tid);

		s << "typedef: " << name << " => " << engine->GetTypeDeclaration(tid) << endl;

	// Enumerate imported functions
	c = mod->GetImportedFunctionCount();
	for( n = 0; n < c; n++ )
		s << "import: " << mod->GetImportedFunctionDeclaration(n) << " from \"" << mod->GetImportedFunctionSourceModule(n) << "\"" << endl;

	s << "-------" << endl;

	// Enumerate registered global properties
	c = engine->GetGlobalPropertyCount();
	for( n = 0; n < c; n++ )
		const char *name;
		int typeId;
		bool isConst;
		const char *group;
		engine->GetGlobalPropertyByIndex(n, &name, &typeId, &isConst, &group);
		s << "reg prop: ";
		if( isConst ) 
			s << "const ";
		s << engine->GetTypeDeclaration(typeId) << " " << name;
		s << " group: " << (group ? group : "<null>") << endl;

	// Enumerate registered typedefs
	c = engine->GetTypedefCount();
	for( n = 0; n < c; n++ )
		int typeId;
		const char *name = engine->GetTypedefByIndex(n, &typeId);
		s << "reg typedef: " << name << " => " << engine->GetTypeDeclaration(typeId) << endl;

	// Enumerate registered global functions
	c = engine->GetGlobalFunctionCount();
	for( n = 0; n < c; n++ )
		int funcId = engine->GetGlobalFunctionIdByIndex(n);
		const char *group = engine->GetFunctionDescriptorById(funcId)->GetConfigGroup();
		s << "reg func: " << engine->GetFunctionDescriptorById(funcId)->GetDeclaration() << 
			" group: " << (group ? group : "<null>") << endl;

	// Enumerate registered enums
	c = engine->GetEnumCount();
	for( n = 0; n < c; n++ )
		int eid;
		const char *ename = engine->GetEnumByIndex(n, &eid);

		s << "reg enum: " << ename << endl;

		// List enum values
		for( int e = 0; e < engine->GetEnumValueCount(eid); e++ )
			int value;
			const char *name = engine->GetEnumValueByIndex(eid, e, &value);
			s << " " << name << " = " << value << endl;

	// Enumerate registered func defs
	c = engine->GetFuncdefCount();
	for( n = 0; n < c; n++ )
		asIScriptFunction *funcdef = engine->GetFuncdefByIndex(n);

		s << "reg funcdef: " << funcdef->GetDeclaration() << endl;

	// Get the string factory return type
	int typeId = engine->GetStringFactoryReturnTypeId();
	s << "string factory: " << engine->GetTypeDeclaration(typeId) << endl;

	// Enumerate registered types
	c = engine->GetObjectTypeCount();
	for( n = 0; n < c; n++ )
		DumpObjectType(s, engine->GetObjectTypeByIndex(n));

	// Validate the dump
	if( s.str() != 
		"func: void Test()\n"
		"type: class A : I\n"
		" A@ A()\n"
		" void i(float)\n"
		" void a(int)\n"
		" float f\n"
		"type: class B : A, I\n"
		" B@ B()\n"
		" B@ B(int)\n"
		" void i(float)\n"
		" void a(int)\n"
		" float f\n"
		"type: interface I\n"
		" void i(float)\n"
		"global: float a\n"
		"global: const float aConst\n"
		"global: E e\n"
		"global: float pi\n"
		"global: I@ i\n"
		"enum: E\n"
		" eval = 0\n"
		" eval2 = 2\n"
		"typedef: real => float\n"
		"import: void ImpFunc() from \"mod\"\n"
		"reg prop: float f group: <null>\n"
		"reg prop: const float myConst group: <null>\n"
		"reg typedef: myFloat => float\n"
		"reg func: void func(int&in) group: <null>\n"
		"reg func: void func2() group: test\n"
		"reg enum: myEnum\n"
		" value1 = 1\n"
		" value2 = 2\n"
		"reg funcdef: void Callback(int, int)\n"
		"string factory: string\n"
		"reg type: val string group: <null>\n"
		" beh(1) void _beh_1_()\n"
		" beh(0) void _beh_0_()\n"
		" string& opAssign(const string&in)\n"
		" string& opAddAssign(const string&in)\n"
		" bool opEquals(const string&in) const\n"
		" int opCmp(const string&in) const\n"
		" string opAdd(const string&in) const\n"
#if defined(__LP64__) || defined(_WIN64)
		" uint64 length() const\n"
		" void resize(uint64)\n"
		" uint length() const\n"
		" void resize(uint)\n"
		" uint8& opIndex(uint)\n"
		" const uint8& opIndex(uint) const\n"
		" string& opAssign(double)\n"
		" string& opAddAssign(double)\n"
		" string opAdd(double) const\n"
		" string opAdd_r(double) const\n"
		" string& opAssign(int)\n"
		" string& opAddAssign(int)\n"
		" string opAdd(int) const\n"
		" string opAdd_r(int) const\n"
		" string& opAssign(uint)\n"
		" string& opAddAssign(uint)\n"
		" string opAdd(uint) const\n"
		" string opAdd_r(uint) const\n" 
		" string& opAssign(bool)\n"
		" string& opAddAssign(bool)\n"
		" string opAdd(bool) const\n"
		" string opAdd_r(bool) const\n"
		"type: interface MyIntf\n"
		" void func() const\n" )
		cout << s.str() << endl;
		cout << "Failed to get the expected result when dumping the module" << endl << endl;
Exemple #2
void DumpModule(asIScriptModule *mod)
    int c, n;
    asIScriptEngine *engine = mod->GetEngine();
    stringstream s;

    // Enumerate global functions
    c = mod->GetFunctionCount();
    for( n = 0; n < c; n++ )
        asIScriptFunction *func = mod->GetFunctionByIndex(n);
        s << "func: " << func->GetDeclaration() << endl;

    // Enumerate object types
    c = mod->GetObjectTypeCount();
    for( n = 0; n < c; n++ )
        DumpObjectType(s, mod->GetObjectTypeByIndex(n));

    // Enumerate global variables
    c = mod->GetGlobalVarCount();
    for( n = 0; n < c; n++ )
        s << "global: " << mod->GetGlobalVarDeclaration(n) << endl;

    // Enumerate enums
    c = mod->GetEnumCount();
    for( n = 0; n < c; n++ )
        int eid;
        const char *ename = mod->GetEnumByIndex(n, &eid);

        s << "enum: " << ename << endl;

        // List enum values
        for( int e = 0; e < mod->GetEnumValueCount(eid); e++ )
            int value;
            const char *name = mod->GetEnumValueByIndex(eid, e, &value);
            s << " " << name << " = " << value << endl;

    // Enumerate type defs
    c = mod->GetTypedefCount();
    for( n = 0; n < c; n++ )
        int tid;
        const char *name = mod->GetTypedefByIndex(n, &tid);

        s << "typedef: " << name << " => " << engine->GetTypeDeclaration(tid) << endl;

    // Enumerate imported functions
    c = mod->GetImportedFunctionCount();
    for( n = 0; n < c; n++ )
        s << "import: " << mod->GetImportedFunctionDeclaration(n) << " from \"" << mod->GetImportedFunctionSourceModule(n) << "\"" << endl;

    s << "-------" << endl;

    // Enumerate registered global properties
    c = engine->GetGlobalPropertyCount();
    for( n = 0; n < c; n++ )
        const char *name, *nameSpace;
        int typeId;
        bool isConst;
        const char *group;
        engine->GetGlobalPropertyByIndex(n, &name, &nameSpace, &typeId, &isConst, &group);
        s << "reg prop: ";
        if( isConst )
            s << "const ";
        s << engine->GetTypeDeclaration(typeId) << " " << name;
        s << " group: " << (group ? group : "<null>") << endl;

    // Enumerate registered typedefs
    c = engine->GetTypedefCount();
    for( n = 0; n < c; n++ )
        int typeId;
        const char *name = engine->GetTypedefByIndex(n, &typeId);
        s << "reg typedef: " << name << " => " << engine->GetTypeDeclaration(typeId) << endl;

    // Enumerate registered global functions
    c = engine->GetGlobalFunctionCount();
    for( n = 0; n < c; n++ )
        asIScriptFunction *func = engine->GetGlobalFunctionByIndex(n);
        const char *group = func->GetConfigGroup();
        s << "reg func: " << func->GetDeclaration() <<
          " group: " << (group ? group : "<null>") << endl;

    // Enumerate registered enums
    c = engine->GetEnumCount();
    for( n = 0; n < c; n++ )
        int eid;
        const char *ename = engine->GetEnumByIndex(n, &eid);

        s << "reg enum: " << ename << endl;

        // List enum values
        for( int e = 0; e < engine->GetEnumValueCount(eid); e++ )
            int value;
            const char *name = engine->GetEnumValueByIndex(eid, e, &value);
            s << " " << name << " = " << value << endl;

    // Enumerate registered func defs
    c = engine->GetFuncdefCount();
    for( n = 0; n < c; n++ )
        asIScriptFunction *funcdef = engine->GetFuncdefByIndex(n);

        s << "reg funcdef: " << funcdef->GetDeclaration() << endl;

    // Get the string factory return type
    int typeId = engine->GetStringFactoryReturnTypeId();
    s << "string factory: " << engine->GetTypeDeclaration(typeId) << endl;

    // Enumerate registered types
    c = engine->GetObjectTypeCount();
    for( n = 0; n < c; n++ )
        DumpObjectType(s, engine->GetObjectTypeByIndex(n));

    // Validate the dump
    if( s.str() !=
            "func: void Test()\n"
            "type: class A : I\n"
            " A@ A()\n"
            " void i(float)\n"
            " void a(int)\n"
            " float f\n"
            "type: class B : A, I\n"
            " B@ B(int)\n"
            " void i(float)\n"
            " void a(int)\n"
            " float f\n"
            "type: interface I\n"
            " void i(float)\n"
            "global: float a\n"
            "global: const float aConst\n"
            "global: E e\n"
            "global: float pi\n"
            "global: I@ i\n"
            "enum: E\n"
            " eval = 0\n"
            " eval2 = 2\n"
            "typedef: real => float\n"
            "import: void ImpFunc() from \"mod\"\n"
            "reg prop: float f group: <null>\n"
            "reg prop: const float myConst group: <null>\n"
            "reg typedef: myFloat => float\n"
            "reg func: string formatInt(int64, const string&in, uint arg2 = 0) group: <null>\n"
            "reg func: string formatFloat(double, const string&in, uint arg2 = 0, uint arg3 = 0) group: <null>\n"
            "reg func: int64 parseInt(const string&in, uint arg1 = 10, uint&out arg2 = 0) group: <null>\n"
            "reg func: double parseFloat(const string&in, uint&out arg1 = 0) group: <null>\n"
            "reg func: void func(int&in) group: <null>\n"
            "reg func: void func2() group: test\n"
            "reg enum: myEnum\n"
            " value1 = 1\n"
            " value2 = 2\n"
            "reg funcdef: void Callback(int, int)\n"
            "string factory: string\n"
            "reg type: ref array group: <null>\n"
            " T[]@ _beh_2_(int&in)\n"
            " T[]@ _beh_2_(int&in, uint)\n"
            " T[]@ _beh_2_(int&in, uint, const T&in)\n"
            " beh(4) void _beh_4_()\n"
            " beh(5) void _beh_5_()\n"
            " beh(11) int _beh_11_()\n"
            " beh(12) void _beh_12_()\n"
            " beh(13) bool _beh_13_()\n"
            " beh(14) void _beh_14_(int&in)\n"
            " beh(15) void _beh_15_(int&in)\n"
            " beh(10) bool _beh_10_(int&in, bool&out)\n"
            " beh(3) T[]@ _beh_3_(int&in, uint)\n"
            " T& opIndex(uint)\n"
            " const T& opIndex(uint) const\n"
            " T[]& opAssign(const T[]&in)\n"
            " void insertAt(uint, const T&in)\n"
            " void removeAt(uint)\n"
            " void insertLast(const T&in)\n"
            " void removeLast()\n"
            " uint length() const\n"
            " void reserve(uint)\n"
            " void resize(uint)\n"
            " void sortAsc()\n"
            " void sortAsc(uint, uint)\n"
            " void sortDesc()\n"
            " void sortDesc(uint, uint)\n"
            " void reverse()\n"
            " int find(const T&in) const\n"
            " int find(uint, const T&in) const\n"
            " bool opEquals(const T[]&in) const\n"
            " bool isEmpty() const\n"
            " uint get_length() const\n"
            " void set_length(uint)\n"
            "reg type: val string group: <null>\n"
            " beh(1) void _beh_1_()\n"
            " beh(0) void _beh_0_()\n"
            " beh(0) void _beh_0_(const string&in)\n"
            " string& opAssign(const string&in)\n"
            " string& opAddAssign(const string&in)\n"
            " bool opEquals(const string&in) const\n"
            " int opCmp(const string&in) const\n"
            " string opAdd(const string&in) const\n"
            " uint length() const\n"
            " void resize(uint)\n"
            " uint get_length() const\n"
            " void set_length(uint)\n"
            " bool isEmpty() const\n"
            " uint8& opIndex(uint)\n"
            " const uint8& opIndex(uint) const\n"
            " string& opAssign(double)\n"
            " string& opAddAssign(double)\n"
            " string opAdd(double) const\n"
            " string opAdd_r(double) const\n"
            " string& opAssign(int)\n"
            " string& opAddAssign(int)\n"
            " string opAdd(int) const\n"
            " string opAdd_r(int) const\n"
            " string& opAssign(uint)\n"
            " string& opAddAssign(uint)\n"
            " string opAdd(uint) const\n"
            " string opAdd_r(uint) const\n"
            " string& opAssign(bool)\n"
            " string& opAddAssign(bool)\n"
            " string opAdd(bool) const\n"
            " string opAdd_r(bool) const\n"
            " string substr(uint arg0 = 0, int arg1 = - 1) const\n"
            " int findFirst(const string&in, uint arg1 = 0) const\n"
            " int findLast(const string&in, int arg1 = - 1) const\n"
            "type: interface MyIntf\n"
            " void func() const\n" )
        cout << s.str() << endl;
        cout << "Failed to get the expected result when dumping the module" << endl << endl;