TabulatedFunction_load(TabulatedFunction *func,
			     char *fileName)
  FILE *f;
  char line[1024]="", *c;
  TabulatedFunctionSample sample;
  int narg;

  DynamicArray_init(&func->samples, sizeof(TabulatedFunctionSample));

/*   sprintf(fname, "%s/clock2/%s.clk", getenv("TEMPO2"), fileName); */
  f = fopen(fileName, "r");
  if (f==NULL)
    fprintf(stderr, "Fatal Error: Unable to open file %s for reading: %s\n",
	      fileName, strerror(errno));

  fgets(func->header_line, 1024, f); // first line is a header line
  if (func->header_line[0]!='#')
	    "Error parsing file %s: first line must begin with #\n",
  for (c=line; *c=='#'; c++)
  /* parse table lines */
  while (fgets(line, 1024, f)!=NULL)
    if (line[0]!='#')
      if (sscanf(line, "%lf %lf", &sample.x, &sample.y)==2)
	DynamicArray_push_back(&func->samples, &sample);


  /* Make shortened filename and store it */
  /* find last / */
  for (c = fileName + strlen(fileName)-1; *c!='/' && c != fileName; c--)
  if (*c=='/')
  strcpy(func->fileName, c); /* copy after / */
  //  func->fileName[strlen(func->fileName)-4] = '\0';/* wipe off .clk */
Exemple #2
defineClockCorrectionSequence(char *fileList_in,int dispWarnings)
    ClockCorrectionFunction *func;
    size_t ifunc;
    DynamicArray seq;
    char fileList[2048], *c;
    const char *white=" \t\r\n";

    if  ( clockCorrections_initialized != 1 )

    DynamicArray_init(&seq, sizeof(ClockCorrectionFunction *));

    /* for each file name, find the function from the list of loaded ones,
       and add a pointer into that list to the
       array defining the present sequence */
    strcpy(fileList, fileList_in);
    for (c=strtok(fileList, white); c!=NULL; c=strtok(NULL, white))
        for (ifunc=0; ifunc < clockCorrectionFunctions.nelem; ifunc++)
            func = ((ClockCorrectionFunction *)clockCorrectionFunctions.data)+ifunc;
            if (!strcmp(func->table.fileName, c))
        if (ifunc == clockCorrectionFunctions.nelem)
            printf( "Requested clock correction file %s not found!\n",c);
        DynamicArray_push_back(&seq, &func);

    /* save the sequence in the list of sequences*/
    DynamicArray_push_back(&clockCorrectionSequences, &seq);
Exemple #3
initialize_meteorology_table(int dispWarnings,
			      char *path, char *extension,
			      DynamicArray *tables,
			      char *description)
  glob_t g;
  char pattern[1024];
  char **pfname;
  int globRet;

  MeteorologyFunction func;
  DynamicArray_init(tables, sizeof(MeteorologyFunction));

  /* load all  files in specified spot */
  sprintf(pattern, "%s/%s/*.%s", getenv(TEMPO2_ENVIRON), path, extension);
  globRet = glob(pattern, 0, NULL, &g);
  if (globRet == GLOB_NOSPACE)
    { printf("Out of memory in tropo.C\n"); exit(1);}
  else if (globRet == GLOB_ABORTED)
    { printf("Read error in tropo.C\n"); exit(1); }
  else if (globRet == GLOB_NOMATCH)
    { if (dispWarnings==0)
      printf("No .%s files in $TEMPO2/%s\n", extension, path); return; }

  for (pfname = g.gl_pathv; *pfname != NULL; pfname++)
    MeteorologyFunction_load(&func, *pfname);
    DynamicArray_push_back(tables, &func);
    if (dispWarnings==0)
      printf("Loaded %s for site %s from %s\n", 
	     description, func.siteName, func.table.fileName);
Exemple #4
initialize_ClockCorrections(int dispWarnings)
    glob_t g;
    char pattern[1024];
    char **pfname;
    int globRet;

    ClockCorrectionFunction func;
    DynamicArray_init(&clockCorrectionFunctions, sizeof(ClockCorrectionFunction));
    DynamicArray_init(&clockCorrectionSequences, sizeof(DynamicArray));

    /* load all .clk files in $TEMPO2/clock */
    sprintf(pattern, "%s/clock/*.clk", getenv(TEMPO2_ENVIRON));
    globRet = glob(pattern, 0, NULL, &g);
    if (globRet == GLOB_NOSPACE)
    { printf("Out of memory in clkcorr.C\n"); exit(1);}
    else if (globRet == GLOB_ABORTED)
    { printf("Read error in clkcorr.C\n"); exit(1); }
    else if (globRet == GLOB_NOMATCH)
    { printf("No clock correction files in $TEMPO2/clock\n"); exit(1); }

    for (pfname = g.gl_pathv; *pfname != NULL; pfname++)
        ClockCorrectionFunction_load(&func, *pfname);
        DynamicArray_push_back(&clockCorrectionFunctions, &func);
        if (dispWarnings==0)
            printf("Loaded clock correction %s : %s -> %s badness %.3g\n",
                    func.table.fileName, func.clockFrom, func.clockTo, func.badness);
    clockCorrections_initialized = 1;
Exemple #5
load_EOP(DynamicArray *EOPsamples,char *eopcFile)
  char fname[1024], line[1024], mjd_s[1024], xp_s[1024], yp_s[1024], dut1_s[1024];
  int year;
  EOPSample newSample;
  FILE *f;
  int iline,idummy;
  int format=0;
  const char *CVS_verNum = "$Revision: 1.10 $";

  if (displayCVSversion == 1) CVSdisplayVersion("eop.C","load_EOP()",CVS_verNum);

  // init array
  DynamicArray_init(EOPsamples, sizeof(EOPSample));

  // open file
  //  sprintf(fname, "%s/%s", getenv("TEMPO2"), EOPC04_FILE);
  sprintf(fname, "%s/%s", getenv("TEMPO2"), eopcFile);
  f = fopen(fname, "r");
  if (!f)
    fprintf(stderr, "Fatal Error: Unable to open file %s for reading: %s\n",
	      fname, strerror(errno));

  // parse file
  for (iline=1; fgets(line, 1024, f)!=NULL; iline++)
    // ignore header lines, ancient history (pre-PSR), etc
    if (sscanf(line, "%d", &year)==1 && year > 1966 && year < 3000)
      if (format==0)
	  // break it up, ugly fixed format fortran I/O
	  strncpy(mjd_s, line+17, 5); mjd_s[5]='\0';
	  strncpy(xp_s, line+22, 9); xp_s[9]='\0';
	  strncpy(yp_s, line+31, 9); yp_s[9]='\0';
	  strncpy(dut1_s, line+40, 10); dut1_s[10]='\0';
	  // put into sample, in radians and seconds
	  if (sscanf(mjd_s, "%lf", &newSample.mjd)!=1 ||
	      sscanf(xp_s, "%lf", &newSample.xp)!=1 ||
	      sscanf(yp_s, "%lf", &newSample.yp)!=1 ||
	      sscanf(dut1_s, "%lf", &newSample.dut1)!=1)
	      fprintf(stderr, "Error parsing line %d of %s", iline, fname);
      else if (format==1)
	  if (sscanf(line,"%d %d %d %lf %lf %lf %lf",&year,&idummy,&idummy,&newSample.mjd,&newSample.xp,&newSample.yp,&newSample.dut1)!=7)
	      fprintf(stderr, "Error parsing line %d of %s", iline, fname);
      newSample.xp *= M_PI/(180.0*60.0*60.0);
      newSample.yp *= M_PI/(180.0*60.0*60.0);
      DynamicArray_push_back(EOPsamples, &newSample);
    else {  // Check which format we are using
      if (strstr(line,"FORMAT(2X,I4,2X,A4,I3,2X,I5,2F9.6,F10.7,2X,F10.7,2X,2F9.6)")!=NULL)
	  printf("Warning: using old format for $TEMPO2/eopc04_IAU2000.62-now - should update\n");
      else if (strstr(line,"FORMAT(3(I4),I7,2(F11.6),2(F12.7),2(F11.6),2(F11.6),2(F11.7),2F12.6)")!=NULL)
	  logdbg("Using new format for $TEMPO2/eopc04_IAU2000.62-now");
Exemple #6
/* Function to make a clock correction sequence using Dijkstra's
   shortest path algorithm , see 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dijkstra%27s_algorithm */
DynamicArray *makeClockCorrectionSequence(const char *clockFrom, const char *clockTo,
        double mjd,int warnings)
    size_t slen = 16;
    DynamicArray names; /* Array of clock names. Other values index this arr */
    int *S; /* Clocks for which shortest path are known */
    int n_known;
    int *Q; /* Remaining clocks */
    float *d; /* Best distance to a clock */
    int *edge_to_previous; /* edge to use to link to previous node */ 
    int s, t; /* indices of clockFrom, clockTo */
    size_t ifunc;
    int iclock;
    ClockCorrectionFunction *func;
    char *clock;
    int to_present, from_present;
    int ibest;
    float best;
    /* make a list of edges */
    typedef struct
        int from;
        int to;
        ClockCorrectionFunction *func;
    } Edge;
    Edge *edges;
    int iedge, v, nedges;
    int istep, nsteps;
    DynamicArray seq;

    //  printf("HERE %s %s %lf %d\n",clockFrom,clockTo,mjd,warnings);

    DynamicArray_init(&names, slen);

    /* initialize list of all known clocks, and list of edges
       for functions that cover the requested mjd */
    edges = (Edge *)malloc(sizeof(Edge)*clockCorrectionFunctions.nelem);
    iedge = 0;

    for (ifunc=0; ifunc < clockCorrectionFunctions.nelem; ifunc++)
        func = ((ClockCorrectionFunction *)clockCorrectionFunctions.data)+ifunc;
        if (ClockCorrectionFunction_getStartMJD(func) <= mjd &&
                ClockCorrectionFunction_getEndMJD(func) >= mjd)
            /* see if to and from clocks there already */
            to_present = from_present = 0;
            for (iclock=0;  
                    iclock < (int)names.nelem && !(to_present && from_present); iclock++)
                clock = ((char *)names.data)+iclock*slen;
                if (!strcasecmp(clock, func->clockTo))
                    to_present = 1;
                    edges[iedge].to = iclock;
                if (!strcasecmp(clock, func->clockFrom))
                    from_present = 1;
                    edges[iedge].from = iclock;
                    // 	  printf("%s present already\n", func->clockFrom); 
                /* 	else */
                /* 	  printf("%s != %s!\n", clock, func->clockFrom); */
            /* add to list if not already present */
            if (!to_present)
                DynamicArray_push_back(&names, func->clockTo);
                edges[iedge].to = names.nelem-1;
            if (!from_present)
                DynamicArray_push_back(&names, func->clockFrom);
                edges[iedge].from = names.nelem-1;
            //        printf("Add edge %d <%s> <%s> %d %d\n", iedge, func->clockTo, func->clockFrom,  
            //  	     edges[iedge].to, edges[iedge].from);  
            edges[iedge].func = func;
    nedges = iedge;

    /* find requested start (s) and end (t) clock in array of names */
    s = t = -1;
    for (iclock=0; iclock < (int)names.nelem && (t < 0 || s < 0); iclock++)
        clock = ((char *)names.data)+iclock*slen;
        if (!strcasecmp(clock, clockFrom))
            s = iclock;
        if (!strcasecmp(clock, clockTo))
            t = iclock;
    if (s < 0)
        char msg[1000],msg2[1000];
        sprintf(msg,"no clock corrections available for clock %s for MJD",
        //logerr("no clock corrections available for clock %s -> %s for MJD %.1f",clockFrom,clockTo,mjd);
        //    printf("EXITING 1\n");
        free(edges); edges = NULL;
        return NULL;
    if (t < 0)
        char msg[1000],msg2[1000];
        sprintf(msg,"no clock corrections available for clock %s for MJD",
        //logerr("no clock corrections available for clock %s -> %s for MJD %.1f",clockFrom,clockTo,mjd);

        //    printf("EXITING 2\n");
        free(edges); edges = NULL;
        return NULL;

    /* initialize S, Q, d, p */
    n_known = 0;
    S = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*names.nelem);
    Q = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*names.nelem);
    d = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*names.nelem);
    edge_to_previous = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*names.nelem);
    for (iclock=0; iclock < (int)names.nelem; iclock++)
        S[iclock] = 0;
        Q[iclock] = 1;
        d[iclock] = FLT_MAX;
        edge_to_previous[iclock] = -1;
    d[s] = 0.0;
    /* main algorithm */
    while (1)
        /* find the member of Q with the lowest d */
        best = FLT_MAX;
        ibest = -1;
        for (iclock=0; iclock < (int)names.nelem; iclock++)
            if (Q[iclock] && d[iclock] < best)
                best = d[iclock];
                ibest = iclock;
        if (ibest == -1)
        Q[ibest] = 0; /* remove it from Q */
        S[ibest] = 1; /* add it to S */
        if (ibest == t)
            break; /* shortest path found */
        /* for every edge connected to ibest */
        /*     printf("Looking for edges connected to %s d[%d] = %f\n",   */
        /*  	   ((char *)names.data)+ibest*slen, ibest, best);  */
        for (iedge=0; iedge < nedges; iedge++)
            if (edges[iedge].from==ibest || edges[iedge].to==ibest)
                /* set v to where the edge connects to */
                if (edges[iedge].from==ibest)
                    v = edges[iedge].to;
                    v = edges[iedge].from;
                /* use this edge  if it is better */
                // 	printf("Try %s %s badness %f\n", 
                // 	       edges[iedge].func->clockFrom, edges[iedge].func->clockTo,  
                // 	       edges[iedge].func->badness); 
                if (d[v] > d[ibest] + edges[iedge].func->badness)
                    d[v] = d[ibest] + edges[iedge].func->badness;
                    edge_to_previous[v] = iedge;
                    /*  	  printf("  edge %d --> %d %f\n", iedge, v, d[v]); */
                /*	else */
                /*  printf("Reject %s %s\n", edges[iedge].func->clockFrom, edges[iedge].func->clockTo); */

    //    printf("Badness total = %f\n", best);
    if (ibest == -1)
        char msg[1000],msg2[1000];
        sprintf(msg,"no clock corrections available from %s to %s for MJD",
        //logerr("no clock corrections available for clock %s -> %s for MJD %.1f",clockFrom,clockTo,mjd);
        //    printf("EXITING 3\n");
        free(edges); edges = NULL;
        return NULL;

        /* Write out the best path in reverse order, as an edge list to
           "S" */
        nsteps = 0;
        v = t;
        while (v != s)
            S[nsteps] = edge_to_previous[v];
            v = (edges[edge_to_previous[v]].to==v ? 
                    edges[edge_to_previous[v]].from : edges[edge_to_previous[v]].to);

        /* set up the actual sequence now in the correct order */
        DynamicArray_init(&seq, sizeof(ClockCorrectionFunction *));
        if (warnings==0)
            printf("Using the following chain of clock corrections for %s -> %s\n",
                    clockFrom, clockTo);
        for (istep=nsteps-1; istep >=0; istep--)
            /* not any more since some functions are excluded (wrong mjd range) */
            /*     func = ((ClockCorrectionFunction *)clockCorrectionFunctions.data)  */
            /*       + S[istep]; */
            func = edges[S[istep]].func;
            DynamicArray_push_back(&seq, &func);
            if (warnings==0) printf("%s : %s <-> %s\n", func->table.fileName, func->clockFrom, func->clockTo);
    /* free memory */
    free(edges); edges = NULL;
    free(edge_to_previous); edge_to_previous = NULL;
    free(d); d = NULL;
    free(Q); Q = NULL;
    free(S); S = NULL;
    //  printf("END HERE\n");
    return (DynamicArray *)DynamicArray_push_back(&clockCorrectionSequences, &seq);