int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { int EEradStart = 15 ; int EEradEnd = 50 ; int EEphiStart = 0 ; int EEphiEnd = 360 ; std::string filename = "coeffcompareEE.root" ; // std::string NameDBOracle1 = "oracle://cms_orcoff_int2r/CMS_COND_ECAL"; // std::string TagDBOracle1 = "EcalIntercalibConstants_startup_csa08_mc"; // // std::string NameDBOracle2 = "oracle://cms_orcoff_int2r/CMS_COND_ECAL"; // std::string TagDBOracle2 = "EcalIntercalibConstants_inv_startup_csa08_mc"; std::string NameDBOracle1 = "oracle://cms_orcoff_prod/CMS_COND_20X_ECAL"; std::string TagDBOracle1 = "EcalIntercalibConstants_phi_Zee_csa08_s156_mc"; std::string NameDBOracle2 = "oracle://cms_orcoff_prod/CMS_COND_20X_ECAL"; std::string TagDBOracle2 = "EcalIntercalibConstants_startup_csa08_mc"; //---- location of the xml file ---- std::string calibFile = "/afs/"; if (argc == 1) { std::cout << "Help:"<<std::endl; std::cout << " 0-> Help"<< std::endl; std::cout << " 1-> Name of 1st Database. e.g. oracle://cms_orcoff_int2r/CMS_COND_ECAL"<< std::endl; std::cout << " 2-> Name of 1st Database Tag. e.g. EcalIntercalibConstants_startup_csa08_mc"<< std::endl; std::cout << " 3-> Location of the xml file, e.g. /afs/ Make sure it is on your afs."<< std::endl; std::cout << " 4-> Name of 2nd Database. e.g. oracle://cms_orcoff_int2r/CMS_COND_ECAL"<< std::endl; std::cout << " 5-> Name of 2nd Database Tag. e.g. EcalIntercalibConstants_startup_csa08_mc"<< std::endl; std::cout << " 6-> EEradStart"<< std::endl; std::cout << " 7-> EEradEnd"<< std::endl; std::cout << " 8-> EEphiStart"<< std::endl; std::cout << " 9-> EEphiEnd"<< std::endl; std::cout << " 10-> filename output"<< std::endl; std::cout << std::endl << std::endl << "Now working with default values" << std::endl; } if (argc == 2) { //---- Help option ---- std::string testName = "--help"; std::string testNameLoad = argv[1]; if (argv[1] == testName){ std::cout << "Help:"<<std::endl; std::cout << " 0-> Help. --help option"<< std::endl; std::cout << " 1-> Name of 1st Database. e.g. oracle://cms_orcoff_int2r/CMS_COND_ECAL"<< std::endl; std::cout << " 2-> Name of 1st Database Tag. e.g. EcalIntercalibConstants_startup_csa08_mc"<< std::endl; std::cout << " 3-> Location of the xml file, e.g. /afs/ Make sure it is on your afs."<< std::endl; std::cout << " 4-> Name of 2nd Database. e.g. oracle://cms_orcoff_int2r/CMS_COND_ECAL"<< std::endl; std::cout << " 5-> Name of 2nd Database Tag. e.g. EcalIntercalibConstants_startup_csa08_mc"<< std::endl; std::cout << " 6-> EEradStart"<< std::endl; std::cout << " 7-> EEradEnd"<< std::endl; std::cout << " 8-> EEphiStart"<< std::endl; std::cout << " 9-> EEphiEnd"<< std::endl; std::cout << " 10-> filename output"<< std::endl; exit (1); } } if (argc > 1){ NameDBOracle1 = argv[1]; TagDBOracle1 = argv[2]; std::cout << "NameDBOracle1 = " << NameDBOracle1 << std::endl; std::cout << "TagDBOracle1 = " << TagDBOracle1 << std::endl; if (argc > 3){ calibFile = argv[3]; std::cout << "calibFile = " << calibFile << std::endl; if (argc > 4){ NameDBOracle2 = argv[4]; TagDBOracle2 = argv[5]; std::cout << "NameDBOracle2 = " << NameDBOracle2 << std::endl; std::cout << "TagDBOracle2 = " << TagDBOracle2 << std::endl; } } } if (argc > 6) { if (argc < 10) { std::cerr << "Too few (or too many) arguments passed" << std::endl ; exit (1) ; } EEradStart = atoi (argv[6]) ; EEradEnd = atoi (argv[7]) ; EEphiStart = atoi (argv[8]) ; EEphiEnd = atoi (argv[9]) ; } if (argc == 11) filename = argv[10] ; //---- export of the DB from oracle to sqlite db ---- std::string Command2LineStr1 = "cmscond_export_iov -s " + NameDBOracle1 + " -d sqlite_file:Uno.db -D CondFormatsEcalObjects -t " + TagDBOracle1 + " -P /afs/"; std::string Command2LineStr2 = "cmscond_export_iov -s " + NameDBOracle2 + " -d sqlite_file:Due.db -D CondFormatsEcalObjects -t " + TagDBOracle2 + " -P /afs/"; gSystem->Exec(Command2LineStr1.c_str()); //---- now the second set analysed through xml file ---- gSystem->Exec(Command2LineStr2.c_str()); std::string NameDB; std::string FileData; //---------------------------------- //---- First Database Analyzed ----- //---------------------------------- NameDB = "sqlite_file:Uno.db"; FileData = TagDBOracle1; CondIter<EcalIntercalibConstants> Iterator1; Iterator1.create(NameDB,FileData); //----------------------------------- //---- Second Database Analyzed ----- //----------------------------------- NameDB = "sqlite_file:Due.db"; FileData = TagDBOracle2; CondIter<EcalIntercalibConstants> Iterator2; Iterator2.create(NameDB,FileData); //--------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------- //---- Ottengo Mappe da entrambi gli Iterators ---- //------------------------------------------------- const EcalIntercalibConstants* EEconstants1; EEconstants1 =; EcalIntercalibConstantMap iEEcalibMap = EEconstants1->getMap () ; const EcalIntercalibConstants* EEconstants2; EEconstants2 =; EcalIntercalibConstantMap iEEscalibMap = EEconstants2->getMap () ; //---- load form xml file ---- //---- name of the xml file defined at the beginning ---- // CaloMiscalibMapEcal EEscalibMap ; // EEscalibMap.prefillMap () ; // MiscalibReaderFromXMLEcalEndcap endcapreader (EEscalibMap) ; // if (!calibFile.empty ()) endcapreader.parseXMLMiscalibFile (calibFile) ; // EcalIntercalibConstants* EEconstants = new EcalIntercalibConstants (EEscalibMap.get ()) ; // EcalIntercalibConstantMap iEEscalibMap = EEconstants->getMap () ; //MF prende i vecchi coeff //---- Xml way ---- // CaloMiscalibMapEcal EEscalibMap ; // EEscalibMap.prefillMap () ; // MiscalibReaderFromXMLEcalEndcap endcapreader (EEscalibMap) ; // if (!endcapfile.empty ()) endcapreader.parseXMLMiscalibFile (endcapfile) ; // EcalIntercalibConstants* EEconstants = // new EcalIntercalibConstants (EEscalibMap.get ()) ; // EcalIntercalibConstantMap iEEscalibMap = EEconstants->getMap () ; //MF prende i vecchi coeff // // //PG get the recalibration files for EB and EE // //PG ----------------------------------------- // // CaloMiscalibMapEcal EEcalibMap ; // EEcalibMap.prefillMap () ; // MiscalibReaderFromXMLEcalEndcap calibEndcapreader (EEcalibMap) ; // if (!calibEndcapfile.empty ()) calibEndcapreader.parseXMLMiscalibFile (calibEndcapfile) ; // EcalIntercalibConstants* EECconstants = // new EcalIntercalibConstants (EEcalibMap.get ()) ; // EcalIntercalibConstantMap iEEcalibMap = EECconstants->getMap () ; //MF prende i vecchi coeff //PG fill the histograms //PG ------------------- TH1F EEPCompareCoeffDistr ("EEPCompareCoeffDistr","EEPCompareCoeffDistr",5000,0,2) ; TH2F EEPCompareCoeffMap ("EEPCompareCoeffMap","EEPCompareCoeffMap",101,0,101,101,0,101) ; TH2F EEPCompareCoeffEtaTrend ("EEPCompareCoeffEtaTrend", "EEPCompareCoeffEtaTrend", 51,0,50,500,0,2) ; TProfile EEPCompareCoeffEtaProfile ("EEPCompareCoeffEtaProfile", "EEPCompareCoeffEtaProfile", 51,0,50,0,2) ; TH1F EEPCompareCoeffDistr_R1 ("EEPCompareCoeff_R1","EEPCompareCoeff_R1",1000,0,2) ; TH1F EEPCompareCoeffDistr_R2 ("EEPCompareCoeff_R2","EEPCompareCoeff_R2",1000,0,2) ; TH1F EEPCompareCoeffDistr_R3 ("EEPCompareCoeff_R3","EEPCompareCoeff_R3",1000,0,2) ; TH1F EEPCompareCoeffDistr_R4 ("EEPCompareCoeff_R4","EEPCompareCoeff_R4",1000,0,2) ; TH1F EEPCompareCoeffDistr_R5 ("EEPCompareCoeff_R5","EEPCompareCoeff_R5",1000,0,2) ; // ECAL endcap + for (int ix = 1 ; ix <= 100 ; ++ix) for (int iy = 1 ; iy <= 100 ; ++iy) { int rad = static_cast<int> (sqrt ((ix - 50) * (ix - 50) + (iy - 50) * (iy - 50))) ; if (rad < EEradStart || rad > EEradEnd) continue ; double phiTemp = atan2 (iy - 50, ix - 50) ; if (phiTemp < 0) phiTemp += 2 * PI_GRECO ; int phi = static_cast<int> ( phiTemp * 180 / PI_GRECO) ; if (phi < EEphiStart || phi > EEphiEnd) continue ; if (!EEDetId::validDetId (ix,iy,1)) continue ; EEDetId det = EEDetId (ix, iy, 1, EEDetId::XYMODE) ; double factor = *(iEEcalibMap.find (det.rawId ())) / *(iEEscalibMap.find (det.rawId ())) ; // std::cout << " iEEcalibMap rad = " << rad << " --> " << *(iEEcalibMap.find (det.rawId ())); // std::cout << " iEEscalibMap --> " << *(iEEscalibMap.find (det.rawId ())) << std::endl; EEPCompareCoeffDistr.Fill (factor) ; EEPCompareCoeffMap.Fill (ix,iy,factor) ; EEPCompareCoeffEtaTrend.Fill (rad,factor) ; EEPCompareCoeffEtaProfile.Fill (rad,factor) ; if (abs(rad) < 22) continue ; else if (abs(rad) < 27) EEPCompareCoeffDistr_R1.Fill (factor) ; else if (abs(rad) < 32) EEPCompareCoeffDistr_R2.Fill (factor) ; else if (abs(rad) < 37) EEPCompareCoeffDistr_R3.Fill (factor) ; else if (abs(rad) < 42) EEPCompareCoeffDistr_R4.Fill (factor) ; else EEPCompareCoeffDistr_R5.Fill (factor) ; } // ECAL endcap + // ECAL endcap- TH1F EEMCompareCoeffDistr ("EEMCompareCoeffDistr","EEMCompareCoeffDistr",200,0,2) ; TH2F EEMCompareCoeffMap ("EEMCompareCoeffMap","EEMCompareCoeffMap",100,0,100,100,0,100) ; TH2F EEMCompareCoeffEtaTrend ("EEMCompareCoeffEtaTrend", "EEMCompareCoeffEtaTrend", 51,0,50,500,0,2) ; TProfile EEMCompareCoeffEtaProfile ("EEMCompareCoeffEtaProfile", "EEMCompareCoeffEtaProfile", 51,0,50,0,2) ; // ECAL endcap - for (int ix = 1 ; ix <= 100 ; ++ix) for (int iy = 1 ; iy <= 100 ; ++iy) { int rad = static_cast<int> (sqrt ((ix - 50) * (ix - 50) + (iy - 50) * (iy - 50))) ; if (rad < EEradStart || rad > EEradEnd) continue ; double phiTemp = atan2 (iy - 50, ix - 50) ; if (phiTemp < 0) phiTemp += 2 * PI_GRECO ; if (!EEDetId::validDetId (ix,iy,-1)) continue ; EEDetId det = EEDetId (ix, iy, -1, EEDetId::XYMODE) ; double factor = *(iEEcalibMap.find (det.rawId ())) * *(iEEscalibMap.find (det.rawId ())) ; EEMCompareCoeffDistr.Fill (factor) ; EEMCompareCoeffMap.Fill (ix,iy,factor) ; EEMCompareCoeffEtaTrend.Fill (rad,factor) ; EEMCompareCoeffEtaProfile.Fill (rad,factor) ; } // ECAL endcap - TFile out (filename.c_str (),"recreate") ; EEMCompareCoeffMap.Write() ; EEMCompareCoeffDistr.Write() ; EEMCompareCoeffEtaTrend.Write () ; EEMCompareCoeffEtaProfile.Write () ; EEPCompareCoeffMap.Write() ; EEPCompareCoeffDistr.Write() ; EEPCompareCoeffEtaTrend.Write () ; EEPCompareCoeffEtaProfile.Write () ; EEPCompareCoeffDistr_R1.Write () ; EEPCompareCoeffDistr_R2.Write () ; EEPCompareCoeffDistr_R3.Write () ; EEPCompareCoeffDistr_R4.Write () ; EEPCompareCoeffDistr_R5.Write () ; out.Close() ; //---- remove local database ---- gSystem->Exec("rm Uno.db"); gSystem->Exec("rm Due.db"); }
int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { int EEradStart = 15 ; int EEradEnd = 50 ; int EEphiStart = 15 ; int EEphiEnd = 45 ; std::string endcapfile = argv[1] ; std::string calibEndcapfile = argv[2] ; std::string filename = "coeffcompareEE.root" ; if (argc > 3) { if (argc < 7) { std::cerr << "Too few (or too many) arguments passed" << std::endl ; exit (1) ; } EEradStart = atoi (argv[3]) ; EEradEnd = atoi (argv[4]) ; EEphiStart = atoi (argv[5]) ; EEphiEnd = atoi (argv[6]) ; } if (argc == 8) filename = argv[7] ; // std::string endcapfile = "/afs/" ; // std::string calibEndcapfile = "/afs/" ; //PG get the miscalibration files for EB and EE //PG ------------------------------------------ CaloMiscalibMapEcal EEscalibMap ; EEscalibMap.prefillMap () ; MiscalibReaderFromXMLEcalEndcap endcapreader (EEscalibMap) ; if (!endcapfile.empty ()) endcapreader.parseXMLMiscalibFile (endcapfile) ; EcalIntercalibConstants* EEconstants = new EcalIntercalibConstants (EEscalibMap.get ()) ; EcalIntercalibConstants::EcalIntercalibConstantMap iEEscalibMap = EEconstants->getMap () ; //MF prende i vecchi coeff //PG get the recalibration files for EB and EE //PG ----------------------------------------- CaloMiscalibMapEcal EEcalibMap ; EEcalibMap.prefillMap () ; MiscalibReaderFromXMLEcalEndcap calibEndcapreader (EEcalibMap) ; if (!calibEndcapfile.empty ()) calibEndcapreader.parseXMLMiscalibFile (calibEndcapfile) ; EcalIntercalibConstants* EECconstants = new EcalIntercalibConstants (EEcalibMap.get ()) ; EcalIntercalibConstants::EcalIntercalibConstantMap iEEcalibMap = EECconstants->getMap () ; //MF prende i vecchi coeff //PG fill the histograms //PG ------------------- TH1F EEPCompareCoeffDistr ("EEPCompareCoeffDistr","EEPCompareCoeffDistr",5000,0,2) ; TH2F EEPCompareCoeffMap ("EEPCompareCoeffMap","EEPCompareCoeffMap",101,0,101,101,0,101) ; TH2F EEPCompareCoeffEtaTrend ("EEPCompareCoeffEtaTrend", "EEPCompareCoeffEtaTrend", 51,0,50,500,0,2) ; TProfile EEPCompareCoeffEtaProfile ("EEPCompareCoeffEtaProfile", "EEPCompareCoeffEtaProfile", 51,0,50,0,2) ; TH1F EEPCompareCoeffDistr_R1 ("EEPCompareCoeff_R1","EEPCompareCoeff_R1",1000,0,2) ; TH1F EEPCompareCoeffDistr_R2 ("EEPCompareCoeff_R2","EEPCompareCoeff_R2",1000,0,2) ; TH1F EEPCompareCoeffDistr_R3 ("EEPCompareCoeff_R3","EEPCompareCoeff_R3",1000,0,2) ; TH1F EEPCompareCoeffDistr_R4 ("EEPCompareCoeff_R4","EEPCompareCoeff_R4",1000,0,2) ; TH1F EEPCompareCoeffDistr_R5 ("EEPCompareCoeff_R5","EEPCompareCoeff_R5",1000,0,2) ; // ECAL endcap + for (int ix = 1 ; ix <= 100 ; ++ix) for (int iy = 1 ; iy <= 100 ; ++iy) { int rad = static_cast<int> (sqrt ((ix - 50) * (ix - 50) + (iy - 50) * (iy - 50))) ; if (rad < EEradStart || rad > EEradEnd) continue ; double phiTemp = atan2 (iy - 50, ix - 50) ; if (phiTemp < 0) phiTemp += 2 * PI_GRECO ; int phi = static_cast<int> ( phiTemp * 180 / PI_GRECO) ; if (phi < EEphiStart || phi > EEphiEnd) continue ; if (!EEDetId::validDetId (ix,iy,1)) continue ; EEDetId det = EEDetId (ix, iy, 1, EEDetId::XYMODE) ; double factor = (iEEcalibMap.find (det.rawId ()))->second * (iEEscalibMap.find (det.rawId ()))->second ; EEPCompareCoeffDistr.Fill (factor) ; EEPCompareCoeffMap.Fill (ix,iy,factor) ; EEPCompareCoeffEtaTrend.Fill (rad,factor) ; EEPCompareCoeffEtaProfile.Fill (rad,factor) ; if (abs(rad) < 22) continue ; else if (abs(rad) < 27) EEPCompareCoeffDistr_R1.Fill (factor) ; else if (abs(rad) < 32) EEPCompareCoeffDistr_R2.Fill (factor) ; else if (abs(rad) < 37) EEPCompareCoeffDistr_R3.Fill (factor) ; else if (abs(rad) < 42) EEPCompareCoeffDistr_R4.Fill (factor) ; else EEPCompareCoeffDistr_R5.Fill (factor) ; } // ECAL endcap + // ECAL endcap- TH1F EEMCompareCoeffDistr ("EEMCompareCoeffDistr","EEMCompareCoeffDistr",200,0,2) ; TH2F EEMCompareCoeffMap ("EEMCompareCoeffMap","EEMCompareCoeffMap",100,0,100,100,0,100) ; TH2F EEMCompareCoeffEtaTrend ("EEMCompareCoeffEtaTrend", "EEMCompareCoeffEtaTrend", 51,0,50,500,0,2) ; TProfile EEMCompareCoeffEtaProfile ("EEMCompareCoeffEtaProfile", "EEMCompareCoeffEtaProfile", 51,0,50,0,2) ; // ECAL endcap - for (int ix = 1 ; ix <= 100 ; ++ix) for (int iy = 1 ; iy <= 100 ; ++iy) { int rad = static_cast<int> (sqrt ((ix - 50) * (ix - 50) + (iy - 50) * (iy - 50))) ; if (rad < EEradStart || rad > EEradEnd) continue ; double phiTemp = atan2 (iy - 50, ix - 50) ; if (phiTemp < 0) phiTemp += 2 * PI_GRECO ; int phi = static_cast<int> ( phiTemp * 180 / PI_GRECO) ; if (!EEDetId::validDetId (ix,iy,-1)) continue ; EEDetId det = EEDetId (ix, iy, -1, EEDetId::XYMODE) ; double factor = (iEEcalibMap.find (det.rawId ()))->second * (iEEscalibMap.find (det.rawId ()))->second ; EEMCompareCoeffDistr.Fill (factor) ; EEMCompareCoeffMap.Fill (ix,iy,factor) ; EEMCompareCoeffEtaTrend.Fill (rad,factor) ; EEMCompareCoeffEtaProfile.Fill (rad,factor) ; } // ECAL endcap - TFile out (filename.c_str (),"recreate") ; EEMCompareCoeffMap.Write() ; EEMCompareCoeffDistr.Write() ; EEMCompareCoeffEtaTrend.Write () ; EEMCompareCoeffEtaProfile.Write () ; EEPCompareCoeffMap.Write() ; EEPCompareCoeffDistr.Write() ; EEPCompareCoeffEtaTrend.Write () ; EEPCompareCoeffEtaProfile.Write () ; EEPCompareCoeffDistr_R1.Write () ; EEPCompareCoeffDistr_R2.Write () ; EEPCompareCoeffDistr_R3.Write () ; EEPCompareCoeffDistr_R4.Write () ; EEPCompareCoeffDistr_R5.Write () ; out.Close() ; }