int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i, j, k, m, n, ibody, stat, oclass, mtype, len, ntri, sum; int nloops, nseg, nledges, *segs, *lsenses, *senses, *esenses; int nh, *heads; const int *tris, *tric, *ptype, *pindex; float arg, color[3], *lsegs; double box[6], size; const double *xyzs, *uvs, *ts; char gpname[33], *startapp; ego context, model, geom, *bodies, *dum, *ledges, *loops; wvData items[5]; float eye[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 7.0}; float center[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; float up[3] = {0.0, 1.0, 0.0}; /* get our starting application line * * for example on a Mac: * setenv wvStart "open -a /Applications/ ../client/wv.html" */ startapp = getenv("wvStart"); if ((argc != 2) && (argc != 5)) { printf("\n Usage: vTess filename [angle maxlen sag]\n\n"); return 1; } /* look at EGADS revision */ EG_revision(&i, &j); printf("\n Using EGADS %2d.%02d\n\n", i, j); /* initialize */ printf(" EG_open = %d\n", EG_open(&context)); printf(" EG_loadModel = %d\n", EG_loadModel(context, 0, argv[1], &model)); printf(" EG_getBoundingBox = %d\n", EG_getBoundingBox(model, box)); printf(" BoundingBox = %lf %lf %lf\n", box[0], box[1], box[2]); printf(" %lf %lf %lf\n", box[3], box[4], box[5]); printf(" \n"); size = box[3]-box[0]; if (size < box[4]-box[1]) size = box[4]-box[1]; if (size < box[5]-box[2]) size = box[5]-box[2]; focus[0] = 0.5*(box[0]+box[3]); focus[1] = 0.5*(box[1]+box[4]); focus[2] = 0.5*(box[2]+box[5]); focus[3] = size; /* get all bodies */ stat = EG_getTopology(model, &geom, &oclass, &mtype, NULL, &nbody, &bodies, &senses); if (stat != EGADS_SUCCESS) { printf(" EG_getTopology = %d\n", stat); return 1; } printf(" EG_getTopology: nBodies = %d\n", nbody); bodydata = (bodyData *) malloc(nbody*sizeof(bodyData)); if (bodydata == NULL) { printf(" MALLOC Error on Body storage!\n"); return 1; } EG_setOutLevel(context, 2); /* get some Debug output */ params[0] = 0.025*size; params[1] = 0.001*size; params[2] = 15.0; if (argc == 5) { sscanf(argv[2], "%f", &arg); params[2] = arg; sscanf(argv[3], "%f", &arg); params[0] = arg; sscanf(argv[4], "%f", &arg); params[1] = arg; printf(" Using angle = %lf, relSide = %lf, relSag = %lf\n", params[2], params[0], params[1]); params[0] *= size; params[1] *= size; } /* fill our structure a body at at time */ for (ibody = 0; ibody < nbody; ibody++) { mtype = 0; EG_getTopology(bodies[ibody], &geom, &oclass, &mtype, NULL, &j, &dum, &senses); bodydata[ibody].body = bodies[ibody]; bodydata[ibody].mtype = mtype; if (mtype == WIREBODY) { printf(" Body %d: Type = WireBody\n", ibody+1); } else if (mtype == FACEBODY) { printf(" Body %d: Type = FaceBody\n", ibody+1); } else if (mtype == SHEETBODY) { printf(" Body %d: Type = SheetBody\n", ibody+1); } else { printf(" Body %d: Type = SolidBody\n", ibody+1); } stat = EG_getBodyTopos(bodies[ibody], NULL, FACE, &bodydata[ibody].nfaces, &bodydata[ibody].faces); i = EG_getBodyTopos(bodies[ibody], NULL, EDGE, &bodydata[ibody].nedges, &bodydata[ibody].edges); if ((stat != EGADS_SUCCESS) || (i != EGADS_SUCCESS)) { printf(" EG_getBodyTopos Face = %d\n", stat); printf(" EG_getBodyTopos Edge = %d\n", i); return 1; } stat = EG_makeTessBody(bodies[ibody], params, &bodydata[ibody].tess); if (stat != EGADS_SUCCESS) { printf(" EG_makeTessBody %d = %d\n", ibody, stat); continue; } } printf(" \n"); /* create the WebViewer context */ cntxt = wv_createContext(1, 30.0, 1.0, 10.0, eye, center, up); if (cntxt == NULL) printf(" failed to create wvContext!\n"); /* make the scene */ for (sum = stat = ibody = 0; ibody < nbody; ibody++) { /* get faces */ for (i = 0; i < bodydata[ibody].nfaces; i++) { stat = EG_getTessFace(bodydata[ibody].tess, i+1, &len, &xyzs, &uvs, &ptype, &pindex, &ntri, &tris, &tric); if (stat != EGADS_SUCCESS) continue; sprintf(gpname, "Body %d Face %d", ibody+1, i+1); stat = wv_setData(WV_REAL64, len, (void *) xyzs, WV_VERTICES, &items[0]); if (stat < 0) printf(" wv_setData = %d for %s/item 0!\n", i, gpname); wv_adjustVerts(&items[0], focus); stat = wv_setData(WV_INT32, 3*ntri, (void *) tris, WV_INDICES, &items[1]); if (stat < 0) printf(" wv_setData = %d for %s/item 1!\n", i, gpname); color[0] = 1.0; color[1] = ibody; color[1] /= nbody; color[2] = 0.0; stat = wv_setData(WV_REAL32, 1, (void *) color, WV_COLORS, &items[2]); if (stat < 0) printf(" wv_setData = %d for %s/item 2!\n", i, gpname); for (nseg = j = 0; j < ntri; j++) for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) if (tric[3*j+k] < j+1) nseg++; segs = (int *) malloc(2*nseg*sizeof(int)); if (segs == NULL) { printf(" Can not allocate %d Sides!\n", nseg); continue; } for (nseg = j = 0; j < ntri; j++) for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) if (tric[3*j+k] < j+1) { segs[2*nseg ] = tris[3*j+sides[k][0]]; segs[2*nseg+1] = tris[3*j+sides[k][1]]; nseg++; } stat = wv_setData(WV_INT32, 2*nseg, (void *) segs, WV_LINDICES, &items[3]); if (stat < 0) printf(" wv_setData = %d for %s/item 3!\n", i, gpname); free(segs); /* color[0] = color[1] = color[2] = 0.8; */ color[0] = color[1] = color[2] = 0.0; stat = wv_setData(WV_REAL32, 1, (void *) color, WV_LCOLOR, &items[4]); if (stat < 0) printf(" wv_setData = %d for %s/item 4!\n", i, gpname); stat = wv_addGPrim(cntxt, gpname, WV_TRIANGLE, WV_ON|WV_ORIENTATION, 5, items); if (stat < 0) { printf(" wv_addGPrim = %d for %s!\n", stat, gpname); } else { if (cntxt != NULL) if (cntxt->gPrims != NULL) cntxt->gPrims[stat].lWidth = 1.0; } sum += ntri; } /* get loops */ color[0] = color[1] = 0.0; color[2] = 1.0; for (i = 0; i < bodydata[ibody].nfaces; i++) { stat = EG_getTopology(bodydata[ibody].faces[i], &geom, &oclass, &mtype, NULL, &nloops, &loops, &lsenses); if (stat != EGADS_SUCCESS) continue; for (nh = j = 0; j < nloops; j++) { stat = EG_getTopology(loops[j], &geom, &oclass, &mtype, NULL, &nledges, &ledges, &esenses); if (stat != EGADS_SUCCESS) continue; /* count */ for (ntri = nseg = k = 0; k < nledges; k++) { m = 0; while (ledges[k] != bodydata[ibody].edges[m]) { m++; if (m == bodydata[ibody].nedges) break; } /* assume that the edge is degenerate and removed */ if (m == bodydata[ibody].nedges) continue; stat = EG_getTessEdge(bodydata[ibody].tess, m+1, &len, &xyzs, &ts); if (stat != EGADS_SUCCESS) { printf(" EG_getTessEdge %d = %d!\n", m+1, stat); nseg = 0; break; } if (len == 2) if ((xyzs[0] == xyzs[3]) && (xyzs[1] == xyzs[4]) && (xyzs[2] == xyzs[5])) continue; nh++; #ifdef NONINDEXED nseg += 2*(len-1); #else nseg += len; ntri += 2*(len-1); #endif } if (nseg == 0) continue; lsegs = (float *) malloc(3*nseg*sizeof(float)); if (lsegs == NULL) { printf(" Can not allocate %d Segments!\n", nseg); continue; } #ifndef NONINDEXED segs = (int *) malloc(ntri*sizeof(int)); if (segs == NULL) { printf(" Can not allocate %d Line Segments!\n", ntri); free(lsegs); continue; } #endif heads = (int *) malloc(nh*sizeof(int)); if (heads == NULL) { printf(" Can not allocate %d Heads!\n", nh); #ifndef NONINDEXED free(segs); #endif free(lsegs); continue; } /* fill */ for (nh = ntri = nseg = k = 0; k < nledges; k++) { m = 0; while (ledges[k] != bodydata[ibody].edges[m]) { m++; if (m == bodydata[ibody].nedges) break; } /* assume that the edge is degenerate and removed */ if (m == bodydata[ibody].nedges) continue; EG_getTessEdge(bodydata[ibody].tess, m+1, &len, &xyzs, &ts); if (len == 2) if ((xyzs[0] == xyzs[3]) && (xyzs[1] == xyzs[4]) && (xyzs[2] == xyzs[5])) continue; #ifdef NONINDEXED if (esenses[k] == -1) heads[nh] = -nseg/2 - 1; for (n = 0; n < len-1; n++) { lsegs[3*nseg ] = xyzs[3*n ]; lsegs[3*nseg+1] = xyzs[3*n+1]; lsegs[3*nseg+2] = xyzs[3*n+2]; nseg++; lsegs[3*nseg ] = xyzs[3*n+3]; lsegs[3*nseg+1] = xyzs[3*n+4]; lsegs[3*nseg+2] = xyzs[3*n+5]; nseg++; } if (esenses[k] == 1) heads[nh] = nseg/2; #else if (esenses[k] == -1) heads[nh] = -ntri/2 - 1; for (n = 0; n < len-1; n++) { segs[ntri] = n+nseg+1; ntri++; segs[ntri] = n+nseg+2; ntri++; } if (esenses[k] == 1) heads[nh] = ntri/2; for (n = 0; n < len; n++) { lsegs[3*nseg ] = xyzs[3*n ]; lsegs[3*nseg+1] = xyzs[3*n+1]; lsegs[3*nseg+2] = xyzs[3*n+2]; nseg++; } #endif nh++; } sprintf(gpname, "Body %d Loop %d/%d", ibody+1, i+1, j+1); stat = wv_setData(WV_REAL32, nseg, (void *) lsegs, WV_VERTICES, &items[0]); if (stat < 0) printf(" wv_setData = %d for %s/item 0!\n", i, gpname); wv_adjustVerts(&items[0], focus); free(lsegs); stat = wv_setData(WV_REAL32, 1, (void *) color, WV_COLORS, &items[1]); if (stat < 0) printf(" wv_setData = %d for %s/item 1!\n", i, gpname); #ifdef NONINDEXED stat = wv_addGPrim(cntxt, gpname, WV_LINE, WV_ON, 2, items); #else stat = wv_setData(WV_INT32, ntri, (void *) segs, WV_INDICES, &items[2]); if (stat < 0) printf(" wv_setData = %d for %s/item 2!\n", i, gpname); free(segs); stat = wv_addGPrim(cntxt, gpname, WV_LINE, WV_ON, 3, items); #endif if (stat < 0) { printf(" wv_addGPrim = %d for %s!\n", stat, gpname); } else { if (cntxt != NULL) if (cntxt->gPrims != NULL) { cntxt->gPrims[stat].lWidth = 1.0; n = wv_addArrowHeads(cntxt, stat, 0.05, nh, heads); if (n != 0) printf(" wv_addArrowHeads = %d\n", n); } } free(heads); /* wv_printGPrim(cntxt, stat); */ } } } printf(" ** %d gPrims with %d triangles **\n", stat+1, sum); /* start the server code */ stat = 0; if (wv_startServer(7681, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, cntxt) == 0) { /* we have a single valid server -- stay alive a long as we have a client */ while (wv_statusServer(0)) { usleep(500000); if (stat == 0) { if (startapp != NULL) system(startapp); stat++; } /* wv_broadcastText("I'm here!"); */ } } wv_cleanupServers(); /* finish up */ for (ibody = 0; ibody < nbody; ibody++) { EG_deleteObject(bodydata[ibody].tess); EG_free(bodydata[ibody].edges); EG_free(bodydata[ibody].faces); } free(bodydata); printf(" EG_deleteObject = %d\n", EG_deleteObject(model)); printf(" EG_close = %d\n", EG_close(context)); return 0; }
static int bodyTessellation(ego tess, int nface, int *nvert, double **verts, int *ntriang, int **triang) { int status, i, j, k, base, npts, ntri, *tri, *table; int plen, tlen; const int *tris, *tric, *ptype, *pindex; double *xyzs; const double *points, *uv; *nvert = *ntriang = 0; *verts = NULL; *triang = NULL; npts = ntri = 0; for (i = 1; i <= nface; i++) { status = EG_getTessFace(tess, i, &plen, &points, &uv, &ptype, &pindex, &tlen, &tris, &tric); if (status != EGADS_SUCCESS) { printf(" Face %d: EG_getTessFace status = %d (bodyTessellation)!\n", i, status); } else { npts += plen; ntri += tlen; } } /* get the memory associated with the points */ table = (int *) EG_alloc(2*npts*sizeof(int)); if (table == NULL) { printf(" Error: Can not allocate node table (bodyTessellation)!\n"); return EGADS_MALLOC; } xyzs = (double *) EG_alloc(3*npts*sizeof(double)); if (xyzs == NULL) { printf(" Error: Can not allocate XYZs (bodyTessellation)!\n"); EG_free(table); return EGADS_MALLOC; } /* zipper up the edges -- a Face at a time */ npts = 0; for (j = 1; j <= nface; j++) { status = EG_getTessFace(tess, j, &plen, &points, &uv, &ptype, &pindex, &tlen, &tris, &tric); if (status != EGADS_SUCCESS) continue; for (i = 0; i < plen; i++) { table[2*npts ] = ptype[i]; table[2*npts+1] = pindex[i]; xyzs[3*npts ] = points[3*i ]; xyzs[3*npts+1] = points[3*i+1]; xyzs[3*npts+2] = points[3*i+2]; /* for non-interior pts -- try to match with others */ if (ptype[i] != -1) for (k = 0; k < npts; k++) if ((table[2*k]==table[2*npts]) && (table[2*k+1]==table[2*npts+1])) { table[2*npts ] = k; table[2*npts+1] = 0; break; } npts++; } } /* fill up the whole triangle list -- a Face at a time */ tri = (int *) EG_alloc(3*ntri*sizeof(int)); if (tri == NULL) { printf(" Error: Can not allocate triangles (bodyTessellation)!\n"); EG_free(xyzs); EG_free(table); return EGADS_MALLOC; } ntri = base = 0; for (j = 1; j <= nface; j++) { /* get the face tessellation and store it away */ status = EG_getTessFace(tess, j, &plen, &points, &uv, &ptype, &pindex, &tlen, &tris, &tric); if (status != EGADS_SUCCESS) continue; for (i = 0; i < tlen; i++, ntri++) { k = tris[3*i ] + base; if (table[2*k-1] == 0) { tri[3*ntri ] = table[2*k-2] + 1; } else { tri[3*ntri ] = k; } k = tris[3*i+1] + base; if (table[2*k-1] == 0) { tri[3*ntri+1] = table[2*k-2] + 1; } else { tri[3*ntri+1] = k; } k = tris[3*i+2] + base; if (table[2*k-1] == 0) { tri[3*ntri+2] = table[2*k-2] + 1; } else { tri[3*ntri+2] = k; } } base += plen; } /* remove the unused points -- crunch the point list * NOTE: the returned pointer verts has the full length (not realloc'ed) */ for (i = 0; i < npts; i++) table[i] = 0; for (i = 0; i < 3*ntri; i++) table[tri[i]-1]++; for (plen = i = 0; i < npts; i++) { if (table[i] == 0) continue; xyzs[3*plen ] = xyzs[3*i ]; xyzs[3*plen+1] = xyzs[3*i+1]; xyzs[3*plen+2] = xyzs[3*i+2]; plen++; table[i] = plen; } /* reset the triangle indices */ for (i = 0; i < 3*ntri; i++) { k = tri[i]-1; tri[i] = table[k]; } EG_free(table); *nvert = plen; *verts = xyzs; *ntriang = ntri; *triang = tri; return EGADS_SUCCESS; }
void browserMessage(/*@unused@*/ void *wsi, char *text, /*@unused@*/ int lena) { int i, j, k, m, n, ibody, stat, sum, len, ntri, index, oclass, mtype; int nloops, nseg, nledges, *segs, *lsenses, *esenses; int nh, *heads; const int *tris, *tric, *ptype, *pindex; char gpname[33]; float *lsegs; const double *xyzs, *uvs, *ts; ego geom, *ledges, *loops; wvData items[3]; printf(" RX: %s\n", text); /* ping it back wv_sendText(wsi, text); */ if ((strcmp(text,"finer") != 0) && (strcmp(text,"coarser") != 0)) return; if (strcmp(text,"finer") != 0) { params[0] *= 2.0; } else { params[0] *= 0.5; } printf(" Using angle = %lf, relSide = %lf, relSag = %lf\n", params[2], params[0], params[1]); for (ibody = 0; ibody < nbody; ibody++) { EG_deleteObject(bodydata[ibody].tess); bodydata[ibody].tess = NULL; stat = EG_makeTessBody(bodydata[ibody].body, params, &bodydata[ibody].tess); if (stat != EGADS_SUCCESS) printf(" EG_makeTessBody %d = %d\n", ibody, stat); } /* make the scene */ for (sum = stat = ibody = 0; ibody < nbody; ibody++) { /* get faces */ for (i = 0; i < bodydata[ibody].nfaces; i++) { stat = EG_getTessFace(bodydata[ibody].tess, i+1, &len, &xyzs, &uvs, &ptype, &pindex, &ntri, &tris, &tric); if (stat != EGADS_SUCCESS) continue; sprintf(gpname, "Body %d Face %d", ibody+1, i+1); index = wv_indexGPrim(cntxt, gpname); if (index < 0) { printf(" wv_indexGPrim = %d for %s (%d)!\n", i, gpname, index); continue; } stat = wv_setData(WV_REAL64, len, (void *) xyzs, WV_VERTICES, &items[0]); if (stat < 0) printf(" wv_setData = %d for %s/item 0!\n", i, gpname); wv_adjustVerts(&items[0], focus); stat = wv_setData(WV_INT32, 3*ntri, (void *) tris, WV_INDICES, &items[1]); if (stat < 0) printf(" wv_setData = %d for %s/item 1!\n", i, gpname); for (nseg = j = 0; j < ntri; j++) for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) if (tric[3*j+k] < j+1) nseg++; segs = (int *) malloc(2*nseg*sizeof(int)); if (segs == NULL) { printf(" Can not allocate %d Sides!\n", nseg); continue; } for (nseg = j = 0; j < ntri; j++) for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) if (tric[3*j+k] < j+1) { segs[2*nseg ] = tris[3*j+sides[k][0]]; segs[2*nseg+1] = tris[3*j+sides[k][1]]; nseg++; } stat = wv_setData(WV_INT32, 2*nseg, (void *) segs, WV_LINDICES, &items[2]); if (stat < 0) printf(" wv_setData = %d for %s/item 2!\n", i, gpname); free(segs); stat = wv_modGPrim(cntxt, index, 3, items); if (stat < 0) printf(" wv_modGPrim = %d for %s (%d)!\n", stat, gpname, index); sum += ntri; } /* get loops */ for (i = 0; i < bodydata[ibody].nfaces; i++) { stat = EG_getTopology(bodydata[ibody].faces[i], &geom, &oclass, &mtype, NULL, &nloops, &loops, &lsenses); if (stat != EGADS_SUCCESS) continue; for (nh = j = 0; j < nloops; j++) { stat = EG_getTopology(loops[j], &geom, &oclass, &mtype, NULL, &nledges, &ledges, &esenses); if (stat != EGADS_SUCCESS) continue; /* count */ for (ntri = nseg = k = 0; k < nledges; k++) { m = 0; while (ledges[k] != bodydata[ibody].edges[m]) { m++; if (m == bodydata[ibody].nedges) break; } /* assume that the edge is degenerate and removed */ if (m == bodydata[ibody].nedges) continue; stat = EG_getTessEdge(bodydata[ibody].tess, m+1, &len, &xyzs, &ts); if (stat != EGADS_SUCCESS) { printf(" EG_getTessEdge %d = %d!\n", m+1, stat); nseg = 0; break; } if (len == 2) if ((xyzs[0] == xyzs[3]) && (xyzs[1] == xyzs[4]) && (xyzs[2] == xyzs[5])) continue; nh++; #ifdef NONINDEXED nseg += 2*(len-1); #else nseg += len; ntri += 2*(len-1); #endif } if (nseg == 0) continue; lsegs = (float *) malloc(3*nseg*sizeof(float)); if (lsegs == NULL) { printf(" Can not allocate %d Segments!\n", nseg); continue; } #ifndef NONINDEXED segs = (int *) malloc(ntri*sizeof(int)); if (segs == NULL) { printf(" Can not allocate %d Line Segments!\n", ntri); free(lsegs); continue; } #endif heads = (int *) malloc(nh*sizeof(int)); if (heads == NULL) { printf(" Can not allocate %d Heads!\n", nh); #ifndef NONINDEXED free(segs); #endif free(lsegs); continue; } /* fill */ for (nh = ntri = nseg = k = 0; k < nledges; k++) { m = 0; while (ledges[k] != bodydata[ibody].edges[m]) { m++; if (m == bodydata[ibody].nedges) break; } /* assume that the edge is degenerate and removed */ if (m == bodydata[ibody].nedges) continue; EG_getTessEdge(bodydata[ibody].tess, m+1, &len, &xyzs, &ts); if (len == 2) if ((xyzs[0] == xyzs[3]) && (xyzs[1] == xyzs[4]) && (xyzs[2] == xyzs[5])) continue; #ifdef NONINDEXED if (esenses[k] == -1) heads[nh] = -nseg/2 - 1; for (n = 0; n < len-1; n++) { lsegs[3*nseg ] = xyzs[3*n ]; lsegs[3*nseg+1] = xyzs[3*n+1]; lsegs[3*nseg+2] = xyzs[3*n+2]; nseg++; lsegs[3*nseg ] = xyzs[3*n+3]; lsegs[3*nseg+1] = xyzs[3*n+4]; lsegs[3*nseg+2] = xyzs[3*n+5]; nseg++; } if (esenses[k] == 1) heads[nh] = nseg/2; #else if (esenses[k] == -1) heads[nh] = -ntri/2 - 1; for (n = 0; n < len-1; n++) { segs[ntri] = n+nseg+1; ntri++; segs[ntri] = n+nseg+2; ntri++; } if (esenses[k] == 1) heads[nh] = ntri/2; for (n = 0; n < len; n++) { lsegs[3*nseg ] = xyzs[3*n ]; lsegs[3*nseg+1] = xyzs[3*n+1]; lsegs[3*nseg+2] = xyzs[3*n+2]; nseg++; } #endif nh++; } sprintf(gpname, "Body %d Loop %d/%d", ibody+1, i+1, j+1); index = wv_indexGPrim(cntxt, gpname); if (index < 0) { printf(" wv_indexGPrim = %d for %s (%d)!\n", i, gpname, index); continue; } stat = wv_setData(WV_REAL32, nseg, (void *) lsegs, WV_VERTICES, &items[0]); if (stat < 0) printf(" wv_setData = %d for %s/item 0!\n", i, gpname); wv_adjustVerts(&items[0], focus); free(lsegs); #ifdef NONINDEXED stat = wv_modGPrim(cntxt, index, 1, items); #else stat = wv_setData(WV_INT32, ntri, (void *) segs, WV_INDICES, &items[1]); if (stat < 0) printf(" wv_setData = %d for %s/item 1!\n", i, gpname); free(segs); stat = wv_modGPrim(cntxt, index, 2, items); #endif if (stat < 0) { printf(" wv_modGPrim = %d for %s!\n", stat, gpname); } else { n = wv_addArrowHeads(cntxt, index, 0.05, nh, heads); if (n != 0) printf(" wv_addArrowHeads = %d\n", n); } free(heads); } } } printf(" ** now with %d triangles **\n\n", sum); }