Exemple #1
// same as SameValue, except in its treatment of +/- 0
SameValueZero(ejsval x, ejsval y)
    // 1. ReturnIfAbrupt(x).
    // 2. ReturnIfAbrupt(y).

    // 3. If Type(x) is different from Type(y), return false.
    if (EJSVAL_TO_TAG(x) != EJSVAL_TO_TAG(y)) return EJS_FALSE;

    // 4. If Type(x) is Undefined, return true.
    if (EJSVAL_IS_UNDEFINED(x)) return EJS_TRUE;

    // 5. If Type(x) is Null, return true.
    if (EJSVAL_IS_NULL(x)) return EJS_TRUE;

    // 6. If Type(x) is Number, then
    if (EJSVAL_IS_NUMBER(x)) {
        //    a. If x is NaN and y is NaN, return true.
        if (isnan(EJSVAL_TO_NUMBER(x)) && isnan(EJSVAL_TO_NUMBER(y))) return EJS_TRUE;
        //    b. If x is +0 and y is -0, return true.
        //    c. If x is -0 and y is +0, return tryue.
        if (EJSDOUBLE_IS_NEGZERO(EJSVAL_TO_NUMBER(x)) == 0.0 && EJSVAL_TO_NUMBER(y) == 0) return EJS_TRUE;
        //    d. If x is the same Number value as y, return true.
        if (EJSVAL_TO_NUMBER(x) == EJSVAL_TO_NUMBER(y)) return EJS_TRUE;
        //    e. Return false.
        return EJS_FALSE;
    // 7. If Type(x) is String, then
    if (EJSVAL_IS_STRING(x)) {
        //    a. If x and y are exactly the same sequence of code units (same length and same code units in corresponding positions) return true;
        //       otherwise, return false.
        if (EJSVAL_TO_STRLEN(x) != EJSVAL_TO_STRLEN(y)) return EJS_FALSE;

        // XXX there is doubtless a more efficient way to compare two ropes, but we convert but to flat strings for now.
        return ucs2_strcmp (EJSVAL_TO_FLAT_STRING(x), EJSVAL_TO_FLAT_STRING(y)) ? EJS_FALSE : EJS_TRUE;
    // 8. If Type(x) is Boolean, then
    if (EJSVAL_IS_BOOLEAN(x)) {
        //    a. If x and y are both true or both false, then return true; otherwise, return false.
    // 9. If Type(x) is Symbol, then
    if (EJSVAL_IS_SYMBOL(x)) {
        //    a. If x and y are both the same Symbol value, then return true; otherwise, return false.
    // 10. Return true if x and y are the same Object value. Otherwise, return false.
    return EJSVAL_EQ(x, y);
Exemple #2
// ES6: Set.prototype.add ( value )
_ejs_Set_prototype_add (ejsval env, ejsval _this, uint32_t argc, ejsval *args)
    ejsval value = _ejs_undefined;
    if (argc > 0) value = args[0];

    // 1. Let S be the this value. 
    ejsval S = _this;

    // 2. If Type(S) is not Object, then throw a TypeError exception. 
    if (!EJSVAL_IS_OBJECT(S)) {
        _ejs_throw_nativeerror_utf8 (EJS_TYPE_ERROR, "Set.prototype.add called with non-object this.");

    // 3. If S does not have a [[SetData]] internal slot throw a TypeError exception. 
    if (!EJSVAL_IS_SET(S))
        _ejs_throw_nativeerror_utf8 (EJS_TYPE_ERROR, "Set.prototype.set called with non-Set this.");

    // 4. If S’s [[SetData]] internal slot is undefined, then throw a TypeError exception. 
    EJSSet* _set = EJSVAL_TO_SET(S);

    // 5. Let entries be the List that is the value of S’s [[SetData]] internal slot. 
    EJSSetValueEntry* entries = _set->head_insert;

    EJSSetValueEntry* e;
    // 6. Repeat for each e that is an element of entries, 
    for (e = entries; e; e = e->next_insert) {
        //    a. If e is not empty and SameValueZero(e, value) is true, then 
        if (SameValueZero(e->value, value))
        //       i. Return S. 
            return S;
    // 7. If value is −0, then let value be +0. 
        value = NUMBER_TO_EJSVAL(0);
    // 8. Append value as the last element of entries. 
    e = calloc (1, sizeof (EJSSetValueEntry));
    e->value = value;

    if (!_set->head_insert)
        _set->head_insert = e;

    if (_set->tail_insert) {
        _set->tail_insert->next_insert = e;
        _set->tail_insert = e;
    else {
        _set->tail_insert = e;

    // 9. Return S.
    return S;