Exemple #1
 * Low-level initialization routine called during startup, before the main
 * function.
 * This version comes in replacement to the default one provided by Newlib.
 * Newlib's _init_startup only calls init_exceptions, but Newlib's exception
 * vectors are not compatible with the SCALL management in the current FreeRTOS
 * port. More low-level initializations are besides added here.
void _init_startup(void)
	/* Import the Exception Vector Base Address. */
	extern void _evba;

	#if configHEAP_INIT
		extern void __heap_start__;
		extern void __heap_end__;
		BaseType_t *pxMem;

	/* Load the Exception Vector Base Address in the corresponding system register. */
	Set_system_register( AVR32_EVBA, ( int ) &_evba );

	/* Enable exceptions. */

	/* Initialize interrupt handling. */

	#if configHEAP_INIT

		/* Initialize the heap used by malloc. */
		for( pxMem = &__heap_start__; pxMem < ( BaseType_t * )&__heap_end__; )
			*pxMem++ = 0xA5A5A5A5;


	/* Give the used CPU clock frequency to Newlib, so it can work properly. */
	//set_cpu_hz( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ );
Exemple #2
 * Low-level initialization routine called during startup, before the main
 * function.
 * This version comes in replacement to the default one provided by the Newlib
 * add-ons library.
 * Newlib add-ons' _init_startup only calls init_exceptions, but Newlib add-ons'
 * exception vectors are not compatible with the SCALL management in the current
 * FreeRTOS port. More low-level initializations are besides added here.
int _init_startup(void)
	/* Import the Exception Vector Base Address. */
	extern void _evba;

	#if configHEAP_INIT
		extern void __heap_start__;
		extern void __heap_end__;
		portBASE_TYPE *pxMem;

	/* Load the Exception Vector Base Address in the corresponding system register. */
	Set_system_register( AVR32_EVBA, ( int ) &_evba );

	/* Enable exceptions. */

	/* Initialize interrupt handling. */

	#if configHEAP_INIT

		/* Initialize the heap used by malloc. */
		for( pxMem = &__heap_start__; pxMem < ( portBASE_TYPE * )&__heap_end__; )
			*pxMem++ = 0xA5A5A5A5;


	/* Give the used PBA clock frequency to Newlib, so it can work properly. */
	set_cpu_hz( configPBA_CLOCK_HZ );

	/* Code section present if and only if the debug trace is activated. */
	#if configDBG
		static const gpio_map_t DBG_USART_GPIO_MAP =

		/* Initialize the USART used for the debug trace with the configured parameters. */
		set_usart_base( ( void * ) configDBG_USART );
		gpio_enable_module( DBG_USART_GPIO_MAP,
		                    sizeof( DBG_USART_GPIO_MAP ) / sizeof( DBG_USART_GPIO_MAP[0] ) );
		usart_init( configDBG_USART_BAUDRATE );

  // Don't-care value for GCC.
  return 1;
Exemple #3
 * Low-level initialization routine called during startup, before the main
 * function.
int __low_level_init(void)
	#if configHEAP_INIT
		#pragma segment = "HEAP"
		portBASE_TYPE *pxMem;

	/* Enable exceptions. */

	/* Initialize interrupt handling. */

	#if configHEAP_INIT
		/* Initialize the heap used by malloc. */
		for( pxMem = __segment_begin( "HEAP" ); pxMem < ( portBASE_TYPE * ) __segment_end( "HEAP" ); )
			*pxMem++ = 0xA5A5A5A5;

	/* Code section present if and only if the debug trace is activated. */
	#if configDBG
		static const gpio_map_t DBG_USART_GPIO_MAP =

		static const usart_options_t DBG_USART_OPTIONS =
			.baudrate = configDBG_USART_BAUDRATE,
			.charlength = 8,
			.paritytype = USART_NO_PARITY,
			.stopbits = USART_1_STOPBIT,
			.channelmode = USART_NORMAL_CHMODE

		/* Initialize the USART used for the debug trace with the configured parameters. */
		extern volatile avr32_usart_t *volatile stdio_usart_base;
		stdio_usart_base = configDBG_USART;
		gpio_enable_module( DBG_USART_GPIO_MAP,
		                    sizeof( DBG_USART_GPIO_MAP ) / sizeof( DBG_USART_GPIO_MAP[0] ) );
		usart_init_rs232(configDBG_USART, &DBG_USART_OPTIONS, configCPU_CLOCK_HZ);

	/* Request initialization of data segments. */
	return 1;

/* Added as there is no such function in FreeRTOS. */
void *pvPortRealloc( void *pv, size_t xWantedSize )
void *pvReturn;

		pvReturn = realloc( pv, xWantedSize );

	return pvReturn;
Exemple #4
int _init_startup(void)
	/* Import the Exception Vector Base Address. */
	extern void _evba;

	#if configHEAP_INIT
		extern void __heap_start__;
		extern void __heap_end__;
		portBASE_TYPE *pxMem;

	/* Load the Exception Vector Base Address in the corresponding system register. */
	Set_system_register( AVR32_EVBA, ( int ) &_evba );

	/* Enable exceptions. */

	/* Initialize interrupt handling. */

	#if configHEAP_INIT

		/* Initialize the heap used by malloc. */
		for( pxMem = &__heap_start__; pxMem < ( portBASE_TYPE * )&__heap_end__; )
			*pxMem++ = 0xA5A5A5A5;


	/* Code section present if and only if the debug trace is activated. */
	#if configDBG
		static const gpio_map_t DBG_USART_GPIO_MAP =

		static const usart_options_t DBG_USART_OPTIONS =
			.baudrate = configDBG_USART_BAUDRATE,
			.charlength = 8,
			.paritytype = USART_NO_PARITY,
			.stopbits = USART_1_STOPBIT,
			.channelmode = USART_NORMAL_CHMODE

		/* Initialize the USART used for the debug trace with the configured parameters. */
		extern volatile avr32_usart_t *volatile stdio_usart_base;
		stdio_usart_base = configDBG_USART;
		gpio_enable_module( DBG_USART_GPIO_MAP,
		                    sizeof( DBG_USART_GPIO_MAP ) / sizeof( DBG_USART_GPIO_MAP[0] ) );
		usart_init_rs232(configDBG_USART, &DBG_USART_OPTIONS, configPBA_CLOCK_HZ);

  // Don't-care value for GCC.
  return 1;

 * malloc, realloc and free are meant to be called through respectively
 * pvPortMalloc, pvPortRealloc and vPortFree.
 * The latter functions call the former ones from within sections where tasks
 * are suspended, so the latter functions are task-safe. __malloc_lock and
 * __malloc_unlock use the same mechanism to also keep the former functions
 * task-safe as they may be called directly from Newlib's functions.
 * However, all these functions are interrupt-unsafe and SHALL THEREFORE NOT BE
 * CALLED FROM WITHIN AN INTERRUPT, because __malloc_lock and __malloc_unlock do
 * not call portENTER_CRITICAL and portEXIT_CRITICAL in order not to disable
 * interrupts during memory allocation management as this may be a very time-
 * consuming process.

 * Lock routine called by Newlib on malloc / realloc / free entry to guarantee a
 * safe section as memory allocation management uses global data.
 * See the aforementioned details.
void __malloc_lock(struct _reent *ptr);
void __malloc_lock(struct _reent *ptr)

 * Unlock routine called by Newlib on malloc / realloc / free exit to guarantee
 * a safe section as memory allocation management uses global data.
 * See the aforementioned details.
void __malloc_unlock(struct _reent *ptr);
void __malloc_unlock(struct _reent *ptr)

/* Added as there is no such function in FreeRTOS. */
void *pvPortRealloc( void *pv, size_t xWantedSize )
void *pvReturn;

		pvReturn = realloc( pv, xWantedSize );

	return pvReturn;
int main (void)
    pcl_freq_param_t local_pcl_freq_param;

       USART_Int_Test ();

       return (0); */

    // Configure system clocks.
    local_pcl_freq_param = pcl_freq_param;

    if (pcl_configure_clocks (&local_pcl_freq_param) != PASS)
        return 42;

    /* Load the Exception Vector Base Address in the corresponding system register. */
    Set_system_register (AVR32_EVBA, (int) &_evba);

    /* Enable exceptions. */

    /* Initialize interrupt handling. */
    INTC_init_interrupts ();

#if ((defined SD_MMC_MCI_0_MEM) && (SD_MMC_MCI_0_MEM == ENABLE)) || ((defined SD_MMC_MCI_1_MEM) && (SD_MMC_MCI_1_MEM == ENABLE))
    sd_mmc_mci_resources_init ();

    if (!ctrl_access_init ())
        return 42;

    // Init Hmatrix bus
    init_hmatrix ();

    // Initialize USB clock.
    pcl_configure_usb_clock ();

       SmartCard_test (); return 42;

       Test_ALL_Pins ();

       Test_MCI_Pins ();

       Test_LEDs_Pins ();

       TestUart0 ();

       while (1); return (0); */


    // For debugging
    BUFFERED_SIO_Init ();

    IDF_task_init ();

    // Internal work task - FAT Access
    IW_task_init ();

    // Initialize USB tasks.
    usb_task_init ();

#ifdef  USB_MSD
    device_mass_storage_task_init ();
#endif // USB_MSD

    // CCID_Test_task_init ();
#ifdef  USB_CCID
    USB_CCID_task_init ();

    DFU_DisableFirmwareUpdate ();   // Stick always starts in application mode

        // Protect bootloader
#ifdef STICK_20_A_MUSTER_PROD   //
        flashc_set_bootloader_protected_size (0x2000);
//        flashc_activate_security_bit ();    // Debugging disabled, only chip erase works (bootloader is save) , AES storage keys and setup
                                        // are erased
        flashc_lock_external_privileged_fetch (TRUE);     // Disable external instruction fetch

    // DFU_FirmwareResetUserpage ();

    // Set BOD33 detection reset to 3.06 Volt
    pm_bod33_ResetDisable ();
    pm_bod33_set_level (AVR32_PM_BOD33_LEVEL_306_VOLT);
    pm_bod33_ResetEnable ();

    // ushell_task_init(pcl_freq_param.pba_f);

    // Create the semaphore
    vSemaphoreCreateBinary (AES_semphr);

    // Wait for the semaphore
    while (!xSemaphoreTake (AES_semphr, portMAX_DELAY));

    // Release the semaphore in order to start a new device/host task
    portBASE_TYPE task_woken = pdFALSE;
    taskENTER_CRITICAL ();
    xSemaphoreGiveFromISR (AES_semphr, &task_woken);
    taskEXIT_CRITICAL ();
    taskENTER_CRITICAL ();
    xSemaphoreGive (AES_semphr);
    taskEXIT_CRITICAL ();

    // Start stick
    vTaskStartScheduler ();

    // It never gets to this point
    return 42;
Exemple #6
 * Low-level initialization routine called during startup, before the main
 * function.
 * This version comes in replacement to the default one provided by Newlib.
 * Newlib's _init_startup only calls init_exceptions, but Newlib's exception
 * vectors are not compatible with the SCALL management in the current FreeRTOS
 * port. More low-level initializations are besides added here.
void _init_startup(void)
	/* Import the Exception Vector Base Address. */
	extern void _evba;

	#if configHEAP_INIT
		extern void __heap_start__;
		extern void __heap_end__;
		portBASE_TYPE *pxMem;

	/* Load the Exception Vector Base Address in the corresponding system register. */
	Set_system_register( AVR32_EVBA, ( int ) &_evba );

	/* Enable exceptions. */

	/* Initialize interrupt handling. */

	#if configHEAP_INIT

		/* Initialize the heap used by malloc. */
		for( pxMem = &__heap_start__; pxMem < ( portBASE_TYPE * )&__heap_end__; )
			*pxMem++ = 0xA5A5A5A5;


	/* Give the used CPU clock frequency to Newlib, so it can work properly. */
	set_cpu_hz( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ );
    // Input and output parameters when initializing PM clocks using pm_configure_clocks().
	pm_freq_param_t clkParams = {
		configCPU_CLOCK_HZ, // unsigned long cpu_f;
		configPBA_CLOCK_HZ, // unsigned long pba_f; ! PBA frequency (input/output argument).
		FOSC0, // unsigned long osc0_f; ! Oscillator 0's external crystal(or external clock) frequency (board dependant) (input argument).
		OSC0_STARTUP // unsigned long osc0_startup; ! Oscillator 0's external crystal(or external clock) startup time: AVR32_PM_OSCCTRL0_STARTUP_x_RCOSC (input argument).

	/* Code section present if and only if the debug trace is activated. */
	#if configDBG
		static const gpio_map_t DBG_USART_GPIO_MAP =

		/* Initialize the USART used for the debug trace with the configured parameters. */
		set_usart_base( ( void * ) configDBG_USART );
		gpio_enable_module( DBG_USART_GPIO_MAP,
		                    sizeof( DBG_USART_GPIO_MAP ) / sizeof( DBG_USART_GPIO_MAP[0] ) );
		usart_init( configDBG_USART_BAUDRATE );
        /*const usart_options_t USART_OPTIONS =
            configDBG_USART_BAUDRATE,	// baudrate
            8, 					        // charlength
            USART_NO_PARITY, 	        // paritytype
            USART_1_STOPBIT, 	        // stopbits
            USART_NORMAL_CHMODE         // channelmode
        usart_init_rs232(configDBG_USART, &USART_OPTIONS, configPBA_CLOCK_HZ);*/