int eng_linuxcmd_gsnw(char *req, char *rsp) { char address[64]; char *ptr=NULL; char *endptr=NULL; int length; ENG_LOG("%s: req=%s\n",__FUNCTION__, req); ptr = strchr(req, '"'); if(ptr == NULL){ ENG_LOG("%s: req %s ERROR no start \"\n",__FUNCTION__, req); return -1; } ptr++; endptr = strchr(ptr, '"'); if(endptr == NULL){ ENG_LOG("%s: req %s ERROR no end \"\n",__FUNCTION__, req); return -1; } length = endptr - ptr + 1; memset(address, 0, sizeof(address)); snprintf(address, length, "%s", ptr); ENG_LOG("%s: GSN is %s; length=%d\n",__FUNCTION__, address, length); eng_sql_string2string_set("gsn", address); sprintf(rsp, "%s%s", SPRDENG_OK, ENG_STREND); return 0; }
int eng_linuxcmd_getich(char *req, char *rsp) { int fd, ret = 1; int current; char buffer[16]; int len = 0; fd = open(ENG_CURRENT, O_RDONLY); if(fd < 0){ ENG_LOG("%s: open %s fail [%s]",__FUNCTION__, ENG_BATVOL, strerror(errno)); ret = 0; } if(ret==1) { memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); len = read(fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if(len > 0){ current = atoi(buffer); ENG_LOG("%s: buffer=%s; current=%d\n",__FUNCTION__, buffer, current); sprintf(rsp, "%dmA%s%s%s", current, ENG_STREND, SPRDENG_OK, ENG_STREND); }else { ENG_LOG("%s: ERROR\n",__FUNCTION__); sprintf(rsp, "%s%s", SPRDENG_ERROR, ENG_STREND); } } else { ENG_LOG("%s: ERROR\n",__FUNCTION__); sprintf(rsp, "%s%s", SPRDENG_ERROR, ENG_STREND); } if(fd >= 0) close(fd); ENG_LOG("%s: rsp=%s\n",__FUNCTION__,rsp); return 0; }
int eng_linuxcmd_vbat(char *req, char *rsp) { int fd, ret = 1, len = 0; int voltage; float vol; char buffer[16]; fd = open(ENG_BATVOL, O_RDONLY); if(fd < 0){ ENG_LOG("%s: open %s fail [%s]",__FUNCTION__, ENG_BATVOL, strerror(errno)); ret = 0; } if(ret==1) { memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); len = read(fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if(len > 0){ voltage = atoi(buffer); ENG_LOG("%s: buffer=%s; voltage=%d\n",__FUNCTION__, buffer, voltage); vol = ((float) voltage) * 0.001; sprintf(rsp, "%.3g%s%s%s", vol, ENG_STREND, SPRDENG_OK, ENG_STREND); }else { sprintf(rsp, "%s%s", SPRDENG_ERROR, ENG_STREND); } } else { sprintf(rsp, "%s%s", SPRDENG_ERROR, ENG_STREND); } if(fd >= 0) close(fd); ENG_LOG("%s: rsp=%s\n",__FUNCTION__,rsp); return 0; }
int eng_linuxcmd_stopchg(char *req, char *rsp) { int fd; int ret = 1; char ok[]="1"; fd = open(ENG_STOPCHG, O_WRONLY); if(fd < 0){ ENG_LOG("%s: open %s fail [%s]",__FUNCTION__, ENG_BATVOL, strerror(errno)); ret = 0; } if(ret == 1) { ret=write(fd, ok, strlen(ok)); if (ret < 0) sprintf(rsp, "%s%s", SPRDENG_ERROR, ENG_STREND); else sprintf(rsp, "%s%s", SPRDENG_OK, ENG_STREND); } else { sprintf(rsp, "%s%s", SPRDENG_ERROR, ENG_STREND); } if(fd >= 0) close(fd); ENG_LOG("%s: rsp=%s\n",__FUNCTION__,rsp); return 0; }
int eng_ascii2hex(char *inputdata, unsigned char *outputdata, int inputdatasize) { int i,j,tmp_len; unsigned char tmpData; char *ascii_data = inputdata; unsigned char *hex_data = outputdata; for(i = 0; i < inputdatasize; i++){ if ((ascii_data[i] >= '0') && (ascii_data[i] <= '9')){ tmpData = ascii_data[i] - '0'; } else if ((ascii_data[i] >= 'A') && (ascii_data[i] <= 'F')){ //A....F tmpData = ascii_data[i] - 'A' + 10; } else if((ascii_data[i] >= 'a') && (ascii_data[i] <= 'f')){ //a....f tmpData = ascii_data[i] - 'a' + 10; } else{ break; } ascii_data[i] = tmpData; } for(tmp_len = 0,j = 0; j < i; j+=2) { outputdata[tmp_len++] = (ascii_data[j]<<4) | ascii_data[j+1]; } ENG_LOG("%s: length=%d",__FUNCTION__, tmp_len); for(i=0; i<tmp_len; i++) ENG_LOG("%s [%d]: 0x%x",__FUNCTION__, i, hex_data[i]); return tmp_len; }
int eng_linuxcmd_keypad(char *req, char *rsp) { int ret = 0, fd; char *keycode; ENG_LOG("%s: req=%s\n",__FUNCTION__, req); keycode = strchr(req, '='); if(keycode == NULL) { sprintf(rsp, "%s%s", SPRDENG_ERROR, ENG_STREND); ret = -1; } else { keycode++; ENG_LOG("%s: keycode = %s\n",__FUNCTION__, keycode); fd = open(ENG_KEYPAD_PATH, O_RDWR); if(fd >= 0) { ENG_LOG("%s: send keycode to emulator\n",__FUNCTION__); write(fd, keycode, strlen(keycode)); } else { ENG_LOG("%s: open %s fail [%s]\n",__FUNCTION__, ENG_KEYPAD_PATH, strerror(errno)); } if(fd >= 0) close(fd); sprintf(rsp, "%s%s", SPRDENG_OK, ENG_STREND); ret = 0; } return ret; }
int eng_linuxcmd_infactorymode(char *req, char *rsp) { char *ptr; int status; int length=strlen(req); ENG_LOG("%s: req=%s\n",__FUNCTION__, req); if((ptr=strchr(req, '?'))!= NULL){ status = eng_sql_string2int_get(ENG_TESTMODE); if(status==ENG_SQLSTR2INT_ERR) status = 1; sprintf(rsp, "%d%s%s%s", status, ENG_STREND,SPRDENG_OK,ENG_STREND); } else if ((ptr=strchr(req, '='))!= NULL) { ptr++; if(ptr <= (req+length)) { status = atoi(ptr); ENG_LOG("%s: status=%d\n",__FUNCTION__, status); if(status==0||status==1) { eng_sql_string2int_set(ENG_TESTMODE, status); eng_check_factorymode(0); sprintf(rsp, "%s\r\n", SPRDENG_OK); } else { sprintf(rsp, "%s\r\n", SPRDENG_ERROR); } } else { sprintf(rsp, "%s\r\n", SPRDENG_ERROR); } } else { sprintf(rsp, "%s\r\n", SPRDENG_ERROR); } ENG_LOG("%s: rsp=%s\n",__FUNCTION__, rsp); return 0; }
static int start_gser(char* ser_path) { struct termios ser_settings; if (pc_fd>=0){ ENG_LOG("%s ERROR : %s\n", __FUNCTION__, strerror(errno)); close(pc_fd); } ENG_LOG("open serial\n"); pc_fd = open(ser_path,O_RDWR); if(pc_fd < 0) { ENG_LOG("cannot open vendor serial\n"); return -1; } tcgetattr(pc_fd, &ser_settings); cfmakeraw(&ser_settings); ser_settings.c_lflag |= (ECHO | ECHONL); ser_settings.c_lflag &= ~ECHOCTL; tcsetattr(pc_fd, TCSANOW, &ser_settings); return 0; }
static void *eng_readmodemat_thread(void *par) { int ret; int len; char engbuf[ENG_BUFFER_SIZE]; eng_dev_info_t* dev_info = (eng_dev_info_t*)par; for(;;){ ENG_LOG("%s: wait pcfd=%d\n",__func__,pc_fd); memset(engbuf, 0, ENG_BUFFER_SIZE); len = read(at_mux_fd, engbuf, ENG_BUFFER_SIZE); ENG_LOG("muxfd =%d buf=%s,len=%d\n",at_mux_fd,engbuf,len); if (len <= 0) { ENG_LOG("%s: read length error %s\n",__FUNCTION__,strerror(errno)); sleep(1); continue; }else{ write_again: if (pc_fd>=0){ ret = write(pc_fd,engbuf,len); if (ret <= 0) { ENG_LOG("%s: write length error %s\n",__FUNCTION__,strerror(errno)); sleep(1); start_gser(dev_info->host_int.dev_at); goto write_again; } }else{ sleep(1); } } } return NULL; }
int eng_is_send_to_usb(char *buf,int len) { int i = 0; int ret = CMD_COMMON; MSG_HEAD_T *head_ptr=NULL; char diag_header[20]; char* tmp = buf; if(*tmp == 0x7e){ while(*(++tmp) == 0x7e) i++; if(i){ ENG_LOG("%s: before diag decode7d7e *tmp=0x%x\n",__FUNCTION__, *tmp); } } memcpy(diag_header, tmp, 20); eng_diag_decode7d7e(diag_header, 20); head_ptr =(MSG_HEAD_T *)(diag_header); ENG_LOG("%s: cmd=0x%x; subcmd=0x%x\n",__FUNCTION__, head_ptr->type, head_ptr->subtype); //decide the diag is armlog or dsplog if(( 0x98 == head_ptr->type) || ( 0x9D == head_ptr->type) || ( 0xF8 == head_ptr->type)) return 0; return 1; }
static int eng_atreq(int fd, char *buf, int length) { int ret=0; int index=0; char cmd[ENG_BUFFER_SIZE]; ENG_LOG("Call %s\n",__FUNCTION__); memset(cmd, 0, ENG_BUFFER_SIZE); if((index=eng_at2linux(buf)) >= 0) { ENG_LOG("%s: Handle %s at Linux\n",__FUNCTION__, buf); memcpy(cmd, buf, length); memset(buf, 0, length); eng_linuxcmd_hdlr(index, cmd, buf); ret = ENG_CMD4LINUX; } else { sprintf(cmd, "%d,%d,%s",ENG_AT_NOHANDLE_CMD, 1, buf); ENG_LOG("%s: cmd=%s\n",__FUNCTION__, cmd); ret = eng_at_write(fd, cmd, strlen(cmd)); if(ret < 0) { ENG_LOG("%s: write cmd[%s] to server fail [%s]\n",__FUNCTION__, buf, strerror(errno)); ret = -1; } else { ENG_LOG("%s: write cmd[%s] to server success\n",__FUNCTION__, buf); } ret = ENG_CMD4MODEM; } return ret; }
int eng_linuxcmd_factoryreset(char *req, char *rsp) { int ret = 1; char cmd[]="--wipe_data"; int fd=-1; char format_cmd[1024]; char convert_name[] = "/dev/block/platform/sprd-sdhci.3/by-name/sd"; static char MKDOSFS_PATH[] = "/system/bin/newfs_msdos"; mode_t mode = S_IRWXU | S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH; ENG_LOG("Call %s\n",__FUNCTION__); /*format internal sd card. code from vold*/ sprintf(format_cmd,"%s -F 32 -O android %s",MKDOSFS_PATH,convert_name); system(format_cmd); //delete files in ENG_RECOVERYDIR system("rm -r /cache/recovery"); //mkdir ENG_RECOVERYDIR if(mkdir(ENG_RECOVERYDIR, mode) == -1) { ret = 0; ENG_LOG("%s: mkdir %s fail [%s]\n",__FUNCTION__, ENG_RECOVERYDIR, strerror(errno)); goto out; } //create ENG_RECOVERYCMD fd = open(ENG_RECOVERYCMD, O_CREAT|O_RDWR, 0666); if(fd < 0){ ret = 0; ENG_LOG("%s: open %s fail [%s]\n",__FUNCTION__, ENG_RECOVERYCMD, strerror(errno)); goto out; } if(write(fd, cmd, strlen(cmd)) < 0) { ret = 0; ENG_LOG("%s: write %s fail [%s]\n",__FUNCTION__, ENG_RECOVERYCMD, strerror(errno)); goto out; } if (eng_sql_string2string_set("factoryrst", "DONE")==-1) { ret = 0; ENG_LOG("%s: set factoryrst fail\n",__FUNCTION__); goto out; } g_reset = 2; //sync(); //__reboot(LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC1, LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC2, // LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART2, "recovery"); out: if(ret==1) sprintf(rsp, "%s%s", SPRDENG_OK, ENG_STREND); else sprintf(rsp, "%s%s", SPRDENG_ERROR, ENG_STREND); if(fd >= 0) close(fd); return 0; }
static int eng_modem2client(int fd, char * databuf, int length) { int counter=0; ENG_LOG("%s",__FUNCTION__); counter=eng_at_read(fd, databuf, length); ENG_LOG("%s[%d]:%s",__FUNCTION__, counter, databuf); return counter; }
static void handle_device_event(struct uevent *uevent) { if(0 == strncmp(uevent->usb_connect, "CONFIGURED", 10)) { // start cp log ENG_LOG("%s: enable arm log\n", __FUNCTION__); g_armlog_enable = 1; sem_post(&g_armlog_sem); }else if(0 == strncmp(uevent->usb_connect, "DISCONNECTED", 12)){ // stop cp log ENG_LOG("%s: disable arm log\n", __FUNCTION__); g_armlog_enable = 0; } }
static void eng_atcali_thread(void) { int fd, n, ret; fd_set readfds; ENG_LOG("%s",__FUNCTION__); while((client_server_fd = eng_at_open(0)) < 0){ ENG_LOG("%s: open server socket failed!, error[%d][%s]\n",\ __FUNCTION__, errno, strerror(errno)); usleep(500*1000); } eng_atauto_thread(NULL); }
static int eng_simtest_checksim_euicc(int type) { int fd, ret = 0; char simstatus; char cmd[32]; char* atchannel, *atrsp; int len = 0; ENG_LOG("%s: type=%d\n",__FUNCTION__, type); #ifndef ENG_AT_CHANNEL // @alvin: FIX ME: which channel should we use ? atchannel = eng_diag_at_channel(); fd = eng_open_dev(atchannel, O_WRONLY); if(fd < 0) { ENG_LOG("%s: can't open at channel: %s", __FUNCTION__, atchannel); } do{ memset(cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd)); strcpy(cmd, "at+euicc?\r"); len = write(fd, cmd, strlen(cmd)); if(len <= 0){ continue; } memset(cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd)); len = read(fd, cmd, sizeof(cmd)); if(len <= 0){ continue; } ENG_LOG("%s: response=%s\n", __FUNCTION__, cmd); }while(strstr(cmd, "err")!=NULL); close(fd); #else // use at channel: modemid=0 & simid=0 is temporary atrsp = sendAt(0, 0, "at_euicc?\r"); memset(cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd)); strcpy(cmd, atrsp); #endif simstatus = cmd[0]; if(simstatus=='2') { ret=0; } else if((simstatus=='0')||(simstatus=='1')) { ret = 1; } return ret; }
static int eng_pc2client(int fd, char* databuf) { char engbuf[ENG_BUFFER_SIZE]; int i, length, ret; int is_continue = 1; int buf_len = 0; ENG_LOG("%s: Waitting cmd from PC fd=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, fd); if(fd < 0) { ENG_LOG("%s: Bad fd",__FUNCTION__); return -1; } do{ memset(engbuf, 0, ENG_BUFFER_SIZE); length = read(fd, engbuf, ENG_BUFFER_SIZE); if (length <= 0) { ENG_LOG("%s: read length error\n",__FUNCTION__); return -1; } else{ ENG_LOG("%s: length = %d\n",__FUNCTION__, length); for(i=0;i<length;i++){ ENG_LOG("%s: %x %c\n",__FUNCTION__, engbuf[i],engbuf[i]); if ( engbuf[i] == 0xd ){ //\r continue; } else if (engbuf[i] == 0xa && length ==1) { // only \n ENG_LOG("%s: only \\n,do nothing\n",__FUNCTION__); continue; } else if ( engbuf[i] == 0xa || engbuf[i]==0x1a ||buf_len >= ENG_BUFFER_SIZE){ //\n ^z is_continue = 0; break; } else{ databuf[buf_len]=engbuf[i]; buf_len ++; } } } }while(is_continue); #if 1 ENG_LOG("%s: buf[%d]=%s\n",__FUNCTION__, length, databuf); for(i=0; i<length; i++) { ENG_LOG("0x%x, ",databuf[i]); } ENG_LOG("\n"); #endif return 0; }
static void parse_event(const char *msg, struct uevent *uevent) { uevent->action = ""; uevent->path = ""; uevent->subsystem = ""; uevent->usb_connect = ""; while(*msg) { if(!strncmp(msg, "ACTION=", 7)) { msg += 7; uevent->action = msg; } else if(!strncmp(msg, "DEVPATH=", 8)) { msg += 8; uevent->path = msg; } else if(!strncmp(msg, "SUBSYSTEM=", 10)) { msg += 10; uevent->subsystem = msg; } else if(!strncmp(msg, "USB_STATE=", 10)) { msg += 10; uevent->usb_connect = msg; } /* advance to after the next \0 */ while(*msg++) ; } ENG_LOG("%s: event { '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s' }\n", __FUNCTION__, uevent->action, uevent->path, uevent->subsystem, uevent->usb_connect); }
void* eng_uevt_thread(void *x) { struct pollfd ufd; int sock = -1; int nr; sock = uevent_open_socket(256*1024, true); if(-1 == sock){ ENG_LOG("%s: socket init failed !\n", __FUNCTION__); return 0; } if(eng_usb_state()) { g_armlog_enable = 1; sem_post(&g_armlog_sem); } = POLLIN; ufd.fd = sock; while(1) { ufd.revents = 0; nr = poll(&ufd, 1, -1); if (nr <= 0) continue; if (ufd.revents == POLLIN) handle_device_fd(sock); } return 0; }
static void *eng_pcclient_hdlr(void *_param) { char databuf[ENG_BUFFER_SIZE]; int fd, ret; int status; ENG_LOG("%s: Run",__FUNCTION__); for( ; ; ){ memset(databuf, 0, ENG_BUFFER_SIZE); //read cmd from pc to client if(eng_pc2client(pc_client_fd, databuf)==-1) { restart_gser(); continue; } //write cmd from client to modem status = eng_atreq(client_server_fd, databuf, ENG_BUFFER_SIZE); //write response from client to pc switch(status) { case ENG_CMD4LINUX: eng_linux2pc(pc_client_fd, databuf); break; case ENG_CMD4MODEM: eng_modem2pc(client_server_fd, pc_client_fd, databuf, ENG_BUFFER_SIZE); break; } } return NULL; }
// TODO: recheck close order void EngineApp::OnClose() { m_bIsRunning = false; // release all the game systems in reverse order from which they were created ENG_LOG( "Test", "On close" ); SAFE_DELETE( m_pEngineLogic ); IMG_Quit(); SDL_DestroyWindow( m_pWindow ); SDL_Quit(); SAFE_DELETE( m_pEventManager ); SAFE_DELETE( m_pResCache ); LuaStateManager::GetSingleton().ClearLuaState(); InternalScriptExports::Destroy(); /* VDestroyNetworkEventForwarder(); SAFE_DELETE(m_pBaseSocketManager); SAFE_DELETE(m_pEventManager); BaseScriptComponent::UnregisterScriptFunctions(); SAFE_DELETE(m_ResCache); */ return; }
static int eng_get_device_from_path(const char *path, char *device_name) { char device[256]; char mount_path[256]; char rest[256]; FILE *fp; char line[1024]; if (!(fp = fopen("/proc/mounts", "r"))) { ENG_LOG("Error opening /proc/mounts (%s)", strerror(errno)); return 0; } while(fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp)) { line[strlen(line)-1] = '\0'; sscanf(line, "%255s %255s %255s\n", device, mount_path, rest); if (!strcmp(mount_path, path)) { strcpy(device_name,device); fclose(fp); return 1; } } fclose(fp); return 0; }
/* ** Function: eng_controller_bqb_start ** ** Description: ** open the ttys0 and create a thread, download bt controller code ** ** Arguments: ** void ** ** Returns: ** 0 ** -1 failed */ int eng_controller_bqb_start(void) { pthread_t thread; int ret = -1; ENG_LOG(" bqb test test eng_controller_bqb_start"); bt_hci_init_transport(&bt_fd); sprd_config_init(bt_fd, NULL,NULL); ret = pthread_create(&thread, NULL, (void *)eng_receive_data_thread, NULL); /*create thread*/ if(ret== -1) { ENG_LOG("bqb test create thread failed"); } return ret; }
/* ** Function: eng_receive_data_thread ** ** Description: ** Receive the data from controller, and send the data to the tester ** ** Arguments: ** void ** ** Returns: ** */ void eng_receive_data_thread(void) { unsigned int nRead = 0; char buf[1030] = {0}; ENG_LOG("bqb test eng_receive_data_thread"); while(1) { nRead = read(bt_fd, buf, 1000); ENG_LOG("bqb test receive data from controller: %d", nRead); if(nRead > 0) { eng_controller2tester(buf, nRead); } } }
/* ** Function: eng_send_data ** ** Description: ** Recieve the data from tester and send the data to controller ** ** Arguments: ** data from the tester ** the data length ** ** Returns: ** 0 success ** -1 failed */ void eng_send_data(char * data, int data_len) { int nWritten = 0; int count = data_len; char * data_ptr = data; ENG_LOG("bqb test eng_send_data, fd=%d, len=%d", bt_fd, count); while(count) { nWritten = write(bt_fd, data, data_len); count -= nWritten; data_ptr += nWritten; } ENG_LOG("bqb test eng_send_data nWritten %d ", nWritten); }
int eng_linuxcmd_hdlr(int cmd, char *req, char* rsp) { if(cmd >= (int)NUM_ELEMS(eng_linuxcmd)) { ENG_LOG("%s: no handler for cmd%d",__FUNCTION__, cmd); return -1; } return eng_linuxcmd[cmd].cmd_hdlr(req, rsp); }
int eng_linuxcmd_getfactoryreset(char *req, char *rsp) { sprintf(rsp, "%s%s%s%s", eng_sql_string2string_get("factoryrst"), \ ENG_STREND, SPRDENG_OK, ENG_STREND); ENG_LOG("%s: rsp=%s\n",__FUNCTION__, rsp); return 0; }
static int eng_modem2pc(int client_server_fd, int pc_client_fd, char *databuf, int length) { int len; memset(databuf, 0, length); ENG_LOG("%s: Waitting AT response from Server\n", __FUNCTION__); len = eng_modem2client(client_server_fd, databuf, length); ENG_LOG("%s: eng_rspbuf[%d]=%s\n",__FUNCTION__, \ len, \ databuf); write(pc_client_fd, databuf, len); return 0; }
int restart_gser(int* fd, char* dev_path) { struct termios ser_settings; if(*fd > 0) { ENG_LOG("%s: eng_vlog close usb serial:%d\n", __FUNCTION__, *fd); close(*fd); } *fd = eng_open_dev(dev_path, O_WRONLY); if(*fd < 0) { ENG_LOG("%s: eng_vlog cannot open general serial\n", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } ENG_LOG("%s: eng_vlog reopen usb serial:%d\n", __FUNCTION__, *fd); return 0; }
int eng_controller2tester(char * controller_buf, unsigned int data_len) { int len; len = write(pc_fd,controller_buf,data_len); ENG_LOG("bqb test eng_controller2tester %d", len); return len; }