Exemple #1
int log_write(const char* text, int len) {
	if (s_fh != -1 && text && *text) {
		if (len == -1)
			len = strlen(text);

		return ENG_SYSCALL(G_FS_WRITE, text, len, s_fh);

	return -1;
Exemple #2
//syscall flow for all mods:
//	call passed to QMM_SysCall
//	call passed to plugins
//	call passed to engine
int QMM_syscall(int cmd, ...) {
	va_list arglist;
	int args[13];	//JK2 decided to f**k shit up and have a single cmd with 13 args
	va_start(arglist, cmd);
	for (int i = 0; i < (sizeof(args)/sizeof(args[0])); ++i)
		args[i] = va_arg(arglist, int);

	if (s_shutdown == 1)
		return ENG_SYSCALL(cmd, args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6], args[7], args[8], args[9], args[10], args[11], args[12]);

	//if this is a call to close a file, check the handle to see if it matches our existing log handle
	if (cmd == G_FS_FCLOSE_FILE) {
		if (args[0] == gamelog_get()) {
			//we have it, output final line and clear log file handle
			ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, "[QMM] Detected close operation on g_log file handle, unhooking...\n");
			log_write("[QMM] Detected close operation on g_log file handle, unhooking...\n\n");

	//pass syscall to plugins, allow them to halt
	int ret = g_PluginMgr->Callsyscall(cmd, args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6], args[7], args[8], args[9], args[10], args[11], args[12]);

	//if this is a call to open a file for APPEND or APPEND_SYNC
	if (cmd == G_FS_FOPEN_FILE) {
		if (args[2] == FS_APPEND || args[2] == FS_APPEND_SYNC) {
			//compare filename against g_log cvar
			if (!strcasecmp(get_str_cvar("g_log"), (char*)(args[0]))) {
				//we have it, save log file handle
				ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, "[QMM] Successfully hooked g_log file\n");
				log_write("[QMM] Successfully hooked g_log file\n");
				log_write("[QMM] QMM v" QMM_VERSION " (" QMM_OS ") loaded\n");
				log_write(vaf("[QMM] Mod: %s\n", g_EngineMgr->GetModDir()));
				log_write("[QMM] Built: " QMM_COMPILE " by " QMM_BUILDER "\n");
				log_write("[QMM] URL: http://sourceforge.net/projects/qmm\n");

	return ret;
Exemple #3
const char* get_str_cvar(const char* cvar) {
	if (!cvar || !*cvar)
		return NULL;

	static char temp[8][MAX_CVAR_LEN];
	static int index = 0;
	int i = index;

	ENG_SYSCALL(G_CVAR_VARIABLE_STRING_BUFFER, cvar, temp[i], sizeof(temp[i]));
	index = (index + 1) & 7;
	return temp[i];
Exemple #4
int write_file(const char* file, const char* outfile) {
	outfile = vaf("%s/%s", g_EngineMgr->GetModDir(), outfile ? outfile : file);

	//check if the real file already exists
	FILE* ffile = fopen(outfile, "r");
	if (ffile) {
		return 0;

	//open file from inside pk3
	int fpk3, fsize = ENG_SYSCALL(G_FS_FOPEN_FILE, file, &fpk3, FS_READ);
	if (fsize <= 0) {
		return 0;

	//open output file
	ffile = fopen(outfile, "wb");
	if (!ffile) {
		return 0;

	//read file in blocks of 512
	byte buf[512];
	int left = fsize;
	while (left >= sizeof(buf)) {
		ENG_SYSCALL(G_FS_READ, buf, sizeof(buf), fpk3);
		fwrite(buf, sizeof(buf), 1, ffile);
		left -= sizeof(buf);
	if (left) {
		ENG_SYSCALL(G_FS_READ, buf, left, fpk3);
		fwrite(buf, left, 1, ffile);

	//close file handles

	return fsize;
Exemple #5
int get_int_cvar(const char* cvar) {
	if (!cvar || !*cvar)
		return -1;

Exemple #6
//attempts to load a mod in the following search order:
// - a mod file specified in the config file
//	- dll mod is loaded from homepath then install dir
// - a dll/so named qmm_<modfilename> in the homepath
// - a dll/so named qmm_<modfilename> in the install dir
// - a qvm named vm/<modqvmname>
int CModMgr::LoadMod() {
	//load mod file setting from config file
	//this should be relative to mod directory
	char* cfg_mod = g_ConfigMgr->GetStr(vaf("%s/mod", g_EngineMgr->GetModDir()));

	if (cfg_mod && *cfg_mod) {
		ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, vaf("[QMM] CModMgr::LoadMod(): Mod file specified in configuration file: \"%s\"\n", cfg_mod));

		//detect mod type
		this->mod = this->newmod(cfg_mod);

		//if a type was detected
		if (this->mod) {
			//load with homepath first
			if (this->mod->LoadMod(vaf("%s%s/%s", g_EngineMgr->GetHomepath(), g_EngineMgr->GetModDir(), cfg_mod)))
				return 1;

			//if a homepath exists, and the above load failed, load from install dir
			if (g_EngineMgr->GetHomepath()[0]) {
				ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, vaf("[QMM] ERROR: CModMgr::LoadMod(): Unable to load mod file \"%s\" in homepath, checking install directory\n", cfg_mod));
				if (this->mod->LoadMod(vaf("%s/%s", g_EngineMgr->GetModDir(), cfg_mod)))
					return 1;

				//load failed
				ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, vaf("[QMM] ERROR: CModMgr::LoadMod(): Unable to load mod file \"%s\" in install directory\n", cfg_mod));

			//attempt to load dll mod using default filename
			ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, vaf("[QMM] ERROR: CModMgr::LoadMod(): Unable to load mod file \"%s\", attempting to load default DLL mod file \"qmm_%s\"\n", cfg_mod, g_EngineMgr->GetDLLName()));
			//mod type wasn't detected
			ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, vaf("[QMM] ERROR: CModMgr::LoadMod(): Unable to determine mod type of file \"%s\"\n", cfg_mod));
		ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, vaf("[QMM] WARNING: CModMgr::LoadMod(): Unable to detect mod file setting from configuration file, attempting to load default DLL mod file \"qmm_%s\"\n", g_EngineMgr->GetDLLName()));

	//attempt to load <prefix>_<dllname>
	cfg_mod = vaf("%s_%s", g_EngineMgr->GetDLLPrefix(), g_EngineMgr->GetDLLName());

	//make dll mod object
	this->mod = new CDLLMod;

	//load with homepath first
	if (this->mod->LoadMod(vaf("%s%s/%s", g_EngineMgr->GetHomepath(), g_EngineMgr->GetModDir(), cfg_mod)))
		return 1;

	//if a homepath exists, and the above load failed, load from install dir
	if (g_EngineMgr->GetHomepath()[0]) {
		ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, vaf("[QMM] ERROR: CModMgr::LoadMod(): Unable to load mod file \"%s\" in homepath, checking install directory\n", cfg_mod));
		if (this->mod->LoadMod(vaf("%s/%s", g_EngineMgr->GetModDir(), cfg_mod)))
			return 1;

		//load failed
		ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, vaf("[QMM] ERROR: CModMgr::LoadMod(): Unable to load mod file \"%s\" in install directory\n", cfg_mod));

	//delete mod object since we failed
	delete this->mod;

	ENG_SYSCALL(G_ERROR, "[QMM] FATAL ERROR: Unable to load mod file\n");

	return 0;
Exemple #7
//vmMain flow for all mods:
//	engine calls vmMain (thinks it is the mod's syscall)
//	call passed to plugins
//	call passed to mod
C_DLLEXPORT int vmMain(int cmd, int arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4, int arg5, int arg6, int arg7, int arg8, int arg9, int arg10, int arg11) {
	//if the syscall was stored temporarily, it means the loading failed and we have
	//to exit. G_ERROR and GAME_SHUTDOWN are 1 in every game. we can't send G_ERROR
	//in GAME_SHUTDOWN since that would just cause recursion errors
	if (s_shutdown > 1) {
			((eng_syscall_t)s_shutdown)(QMM_FAIL_G_ERROR, "\n\n=========\nCritical QMM Error:\nQMM was unable to determine the game.\nPlease set the \"game\" option in qmm.ini.\nRefer to the documentation for more information.\n=========\n");
		return 0;

	//if we are in shutdown mode, just route the call and check for shutdown
	if (s_shutdown == 1) {
		int ret = MOD_VMMAIN(cmd, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11);
		if (cmd == GAME_SHUTDOWN) {
			delete g_ModMgr;
			ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, "[QMM] Shutting down\n");
			delete g_EngineMgr;
		return ret;

	if (cmd == GAME_INIT) {
		//get the shutdown cvar to see if we shutdown on a previous map
		s_shutdown = get_int_cvar("qmm_shutdown") ? 1 : 0;

		if (!g_ConfigMgr->IsLibLoaded())
			ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, "[QMM] WARNING: ::vmMain(): Unable to load pdb library, all settings will use default values\n");
		else if (!g_ConfigMgr->IsConfLoaded())
			ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, "[QMM] WARNING: ::vmMain(): Unable to load config file, all settings will use default values\n");

		ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, "[QMM] QMM v" QMM_VERSION " (" QMM_OS ") loaded\n");
		ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, vaf("[QMM] Mod: %s\n", g_EngineMgr->GetModDir()));
		ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, "[QMM] URL: http://qmm.cvs.sourceforge.net\n");

		if (!s_shutdown) {
			ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, "[QMM] Registering CVARs\n");

			//make version cvar

		ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, "[QMM] Attempting to load mod\n");

		if (!g_ModMgr->LoadMod()) {
			ENG_SYSCALL(G_ERROR, "[QMM] FATAL ERROR: Unable to load mod\n");
			return 0;

		ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, vaf("[QMM] Successfully loaded dll mod \"%s\"\n", g_ModMgr->Mod()->File()));

		if (!s_shutdown) {
			//load plugins
			//ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, "[QMM] Attempting to load plugins\n");
			ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, vaf("[QMM] Floating point support (Pi=%3.2f)\n", 3.14159));
			ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, vaf("[QMM] Successfully loaded %d plugin(s)\n", g_PluginMgr->LoadPlugins()));

			//attempt to exec the qmmexec cfg
			char* cfg_execcfg = g_ConfigMgr->GetStr(vaf("%s/execcfg", g_EngineMgr->GetModDir()));

			if (!cfg_execcfg || (cfg_execcfg && !*cfg_execcfg))
				cfg_execcfg = "qmmaddons/qmm/qmmexec.cfg";

			ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, vaf("[QMM] Executing config file \"%s\"\n", cfg_execcfg));
			ENG_SYSCALL(G_SEND_CONSOLE_COMMAND, EXEC_APPEND, vaf("exec %s\n", cfg_execcfg));

			//we're done
			ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, "[QMM] Startup successful, proceeding to mod startup\n");
		} else {
			//we're done with the config at this point, so unload it
			ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, "[QMM] Successfully loaded in Shutdown mode, proceeding to mod startup\n");

	else if (cmd == GAME_CONSOLE_COMMAND) {
		char buf[5], arg1[14], arg2[MAX_PATH];
		ENG_SYSCALL(G_ARGV, 0, buf, sizeof(buf));
		buf[4] = '\0';
		int argc = ENG_SYSCALL(G_ARGC);

		if (!strcasecmp("qmm", buf)) {
			if (argc > 1)
				ENG_SYSCALL(G_ARGV, 1, arg1, sizeof(arg1));
			if (argc > 2)
				ENG_SYSCALL(G_ARGV, 2, arg2, sizeof(arg2));

			if (argc == 1) {
				ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, "[QMM] Usage: qmm <command> [params]\n");
				ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, "[QMM] Available sub commands:\n");
				ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, "[QMM] status - displays information about QMM\n");
				ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, "[QMM] list - displays information about loaded QMM plugins\n");
				ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, "[QMM] load <file> - loads a new plugin\n");
				ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, "[QMM] info <id/str> - outputs info on plugin with id\n");
				ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, "[QMM] pause <id/str> - pauses plugin with id\n");
				ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, "[QMM] unpause <id/str> - unpauses plugin with id\n");
				ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, "[QMM] unload <id/str> - unloads plugin with id\n");
				ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, "[QMM] force_unload <id/str> - forcefully unloads plugin with id\n");
				ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, "[QMM] shutdown - permanantly unloads QMM except for neccesary functions\n");
				return 1;
			} else if (!strcasecmp("status", arg1)) {
				ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, "[QMM] QMM v" QMM_VERSION " (" QMM_OS ") loaded\n");
				ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, vaf("[QMM] Mod: %s\n", g_EngineMgr->GetModDir()));
				ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, "[QMM] URL: http://qmm.cvs.sourceforge.net\n");
				ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, vaf("[QMM] Loaded mod file: %s\n", g_ModMgr->Mod()->File()));
			} else if (!strcasecmp("list", arg1)) {
			} else if (!strcasecmp("load", arg1)) {
				if (argc == 2)
					ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, "[QMM] load <file> - loads a new plugin\n");
					g_PluginMgr->LoadPlugin(arg2, 1);
			} else if (!strcasecmp("info", arg1)) {
				if (argc == 2) {
					ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, "[QMM] info <id/str> - outputs info on plugin with id\n");
					return 1;
				CPlugin* plugin = g_PluginMgr->FindPlugin(arg2);
				if (!plugin) {
					ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, vaf("[QMM] Unable to find unique plugin match for \"%s\"\n", arg2));
					return 1;
				ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, vaf("[QMM] Plugin Info for \"%s\":\n", arg2));
				ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, vaf("[QMM] Name: \"%s\"\n", plugin->PluginInfo()->name));
				ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, vaf("[QMM] Version: \"%s\"\n", plugin->PluginInfo()->version));
				ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, vaf("[QMM] URL: \"%s\"\n", plugin->PluginInfo()->url));
				ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, vaf("[QMM] Author: \"%s\"\n", plugin->PluginInfo()->author));
				ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, vaf("[QMM] Desc: \"%s\"\n", plugin->PluginInfo()->desc));
				ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, vaf("[QMM] Pausable: %s\n", plugin->PluginInfo()->canpause ? "yes" : "no"));
				ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, vaf("[QMM] Cmd Loadable: %s\n", plugin->PluginInfo()->loadcmd ? "yes" : "no"));
				ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, vaf("[QMM] Cmd Unloadable: %s\n", plugin->PluginInfo()->unloadcmd ? "yes" : "no"));
				ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, vaf("[QMM] Loaded from: %s\n", plugin->IsCmd() ? "command" : "config"));
			} else if (!strcasecmp("pause", arg1)) {
				if (argc == 2) {
					ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, "[QMM] pause <id/str> - pauses plugin with id\n");
					return 1;
				CPlugin* plugin = g_PluginMgr->FindPlugin(arg2);
				if (!plugin) {
					ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, vaf("[QMM] Unable to find unique plugin match for \"%s\"\n", arg2));
					return 1;
				if (plugin->Pause())
					ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, vaf("[QMM] Plugin \"%s\" paused successfully\n", plugin->PluginInfo()->name));
					ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, vaf("[QMM] Plugin \"%s\" not paused: not allowed or already paused\n", plugin->PluginInfo()->name));
			} else if (!strcasecmp("unpause", arg1)) {
				if (argc == 2) {
					ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, "[QMM] unpause <id/str> - unpauses plugin with id\n");
					return 1;
				CPlugin* plugin = g_PluginMgr->FindPlugin(arg2);
				if (!plugin) {
					ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, vaf("[QMM] Unable to find unique plugin match for \"%s\"\n", arg2));
					return 1;
				if (plugin->Unpause())
					ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, vaf("[QMM] Plugin \"%s\" unpaused successfully\n", plugin->PluginInfo()->name));
					ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, vaf("[QMM] Plugin \"%s\" already unpaused\n", plugin->PluginInfo()->name));
			} else if (!strcasecmp("unload", arg1)) {
				if (argc == 2) {
					ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, "[QMM] unload <id/str> - unloads plugin with id\n");
					return 1;
				CPlugin* plugin = g_PluginMgr->FindPlugin(arg2);
				if (!plugin) {
					ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, vaf("[QMM] Unable to find unique plugin match for \"%s\"\n", arg2));
					return 1;
				char temp[MAX_PATH];
				strncpy(temp, plugin->PluginInfo()->name, sizeof(temp));
				if (g_PluginMgr->UnloadPlugin(plugin, 1))
					ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, vaf("[QMM] Plugin \"%s\" unloaded successfully\n", temp));
					ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, vaf("[QMM] Plugin \"%s\" not unloaded: not allowed\n", plugin->PluginInfo()->name));
			} else if (!strcasecmp("force_unload", arg1)) {
				if (argc == 2) {
					ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, "[QMM] force_unload <id/str> - forcefully unloads plugin with id\n");
					return 1;
				CPlugin* plugin = g_PluginMgr->FindPlugin(arg2);
				if (!plugin) {
					ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, vaf("[QMM] Unable to find unique plugin match for \"%s\"\n", arg2));
					return 1;
				char temp[MAX_PATH];
				strncpy(temp, plugin->PluginInfo()->name, sizeof(temp));
				if (g_PluginMgr->UnloadPlugin(plugin, 0))
					ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, vaf("[QMM] Plugin \"%s\" forcefully unloaded successfully\n", temp));
					ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, vaf("[QMM] Plugin \"%s\" not forcefully unloaded: unknown reason\n", plugin->PluginInfo()->name));
			} else if (!strcasecmp("shutdown", arg1)) {
				s_shutdown = 1;
				ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, "[QMM] Preparing QMM Shutdown mode\n");
				log_write("[QMM] Preparing QMM Shutdown mode\n");
				if (g_PluginMgr) {
					ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, "[QMM] Shutting down plugins\n");
					log_write("[QMM] Shutting down plugins\n");
					delete g_PluginMgr;
				if (g_ConfigMgr->IsLibLoaded()) {
					ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, "[QMM] Unloading pdb system\n");
					log_write("[QMM] Unloading pdb system\n");
					delete g_ConfigMgr;
				ENG_SYSCALL(G_CVAR_REGISTER, NULL, "qmm_shutdown", "1", CVAR_ROM);
				ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, "[QMM] Entering QMM Shutdown mode\n");
				log_write("[QMM] Entering QMM Shutdown mode\n");

			return 1;

	//pass vmMain call to plugins, allow them to halt
	int ret = g_PluginMgr->CallvmMain(cmd, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11);

	//if user is connecting for the first time, user is not a bot, and "nogreeting" option is not set
	if (cmd == GAME_CLIENT_CONNECT && arg1 && !arg2 && !g_ConfigMgr->GetInt("nogreeting")) {
		ENG_SYSCALL(G_SEND_SERVER_COMMAND, arg0, "print \"^5This server is running ^3QMM JKA v" QMM_VERSION "\n\"");
		ENG_SYSCALL(G_SEND_SERVER_COMMAND, arg0, "print \"^5URL: ^3http://www.lugormod.com/^7\n\"");
	else if (cmd == GAME_SHUTDOWN) {
		ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, "[QMM] Shutting down plugins\n");
		delete g_PluginMgr;

		//this is after plugin unload, so plugins can call mod's vmMain while shutting down
		ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, "[QMM] Shutting down mod\n");
		delete g_ModMgr;

		if (g_ConfigMgr->IsLibLoaded())
			ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, "[QMM] Unloading pdb system\n");
		delete g_ConfigMgr;

		ENG_SYSCALL(G_PRINT, "[QMM] Finished shutting down, prepared for unload.\n");
		delete g_EngineMgr;

	return ret;