// Scrollpane - Initializes a Scrollpane.
void EZ_scrollpane_Init(ez_scrollpane_t *scrollpane, ez_tree_t *tree, ez_control_t *parent,
							  char *name, char *description,
							  int x, int y, int width, int height,
							  ez_control_flags_t flags)
	int rh_size_h = 0;
	int rh_size_v = 0;
	ez_control_t *scrollpane_ctrl = (ez_control_t *)scrollpane;

	// Initialize the inherited class first.
	EZ_control_Init(&scrollpane->super, tree, parent, name, description, x, y, width, height, flags);

	// Initilize the button specific stuff.
	((ez_control_t *)scrollpane)->CLASS_ID	= EZ_SCROLLPANE_ID;
	((ez_control_t *)scrollpane)->ext_flags	|= (flags | control_focusable | control_contained | control_resizeable);

	// Override control events.
	CONTROL_REGISTER_EVENT(scrollpane, EZ_scrollpane_OnResize, OnResize, ez_control_t);

	// Scrollpane specific events.
	CONTROL_REGISTER_EVENT(scrollpane, EZ_scrollpane_OnTargetChanged, OnTargetChanged, ez_scrollpane_t);
	CONTROL_REGISTER_EVENT(scrollpane, EZ_scrollpane_OnScrollbarThicknessChanged, OnScrollbarThicknessChanged, ez_scrollpane_t);

	scrollpane->scrollbar_thickness = 10;

	rh_size_h = (scrollpane_ctrl->ext_flags & control_resize_h) ? scrollpane_ctrl->resize_handle_thickness : 0;
	rh_size_v = (scrollpane_ctrl->ext_flags & control_resize_v) ? scrollpane_ctrl->resize_handle_thickness : 0;

	EZ_control_SetMinVirtualSize(scrollpane_ctrl, 1, 1);

	scrollpane->int_flags |= (show_h_scrollbar | show_v_scrollbar);

	// Create vertical scrollbar.
		scrollpane->v_scrollbar = EZ_scrollbar_Create(tree, scrollpane_ctrl, "Vertical scrollbar", "", 0, 0, 10, 10, control_anchor_viewport);
		EZ_control_SetVisible((ez_control_t *)scrollpane->v_scrollbar, true);
		EZ_control_SetPosition((ez_control_t *)scrollpane->v_scrollbar, -rh_size_h, rh_size_v);
		EZ_control_SetAnchor((ez_control_t *)scrollpane->v_scrollbar, (anchor_top | anchor_bottom | anchor_right));

		EZ_scrollbar_SetTargetIsParent(scrollpane->v_scrollbar, false);
		EZ_control_AddChild(scrollpane_ctrl, (ez_control_t *)scrollpane->v_scrollbar);

	// Create horizontal scrollbar.
		scrollpane->h_scrollbar = EZ_scrollbar_Create(tree, (ez_control_t *)scrollpane, "Horizontal scrollbar", "", 0, 0, 10, 10, control_anchor_viewport);
		EZ_control_SetVisible((ez_control_t *)scrollpane->h_scrollbar, true);
		EZ_control_SetPosition((ez_control_t *)scrollpane->h_scrollbar, rh_size_h, -rh_size_v);
		EZ_control_SetAnchor((ez_control_t *)scrollpane->h_scrollbar, (anchor_left | anchor_bottom | anchor_right));

		EZ_scrollbar_SetTargetIsParent(scrollpane->h_scrollbar, false);
		EZ_scrollbar_SetIsVertical(scrollpane->h_scrollbar, false);

		EZ_control_AddChild(scrollpane_ctrl, (ez_control_t *)scrollpane->h_scrollbar);

Exemple #2
// Scrollbar - Mouse event.
int EZ_scrollbar_OnMouseEvent(ez_control_t *self, mouse_state_t *ms)
	ez_scrollbar_t *scrollbar		= (ez_scrollbar_t *)self;
	ez_control_t *back_ctrl			= (ez_control_t *)scrollbar->back;
	ez_control_t *forward_ctrl		= (ez_control_t *)scrollbar->forward;
	ez_control_t *slider_ctrl		= (ez_control_t *)scrollbar->slider;
	int m_delta_x					= Q_rint(ms->x - ms->x_old);
	int m_delta_y					= Q_rint(ms->y - ms->y_old);
	qbool mouse_handled				= false;
	qbool mouse_handled_tmp			= false;

	mouse_handled = EZ_control_OnMouseEvent(self, ms);

	if (!mouse_handled)
		if (scrollbar->int_flags & sliding)
			if (scrollbar->orientation == vertical)
//				float scroll_ratio = 0;

				// Reposition the slider within the scrollbar control based on where the mouse moves.
				int new_y = slider_ctrl->y + m_delta_y;

				// Only allow moving the scroll slider in the area between the two buttons (the scroll area).
				clamp(new_y, back_ctrl->height, (self->height - forward_ctrl->height - slider_ctrl->height));
				EZ_control_SetPosition(slider_ctrl, 0, new_y);

				mouse_handled = true;
				int new_x = slider_ctrl->x + m_delta_x;
				clamp(new_x, back_ctrl->width, (self->width - forward_ctrl->width - slider_ctrl->width));
				EZ_control_SetPosition(slider_ctrl, new_x, 0);
				mouse_handled = true;

			// Make sure we don't try to set the position of the slider
			// as the parents scroll position changes, like normal.
			scrollbar->int_flags |= scrolling;

			if (scrollbar->ext_flags & target_parent)
				EZ_scrollbar_CalculateParentScrollPosition(scrollbar, self->parent);
				EZ_scrollbar_CalculateParentScrollPosition(scrollbar, scrollbar->target);
			scrollbar->int_flags &= ~scrolling;

	CONTROL_EVENT_HANDLER_CALL(&mouse_handled_tmp, self, ez_control_t, OnMouseEvent, ms);
	mouse_handled = (mouse_handled | mouse_handled_tmp);

	return mouse_handled;
Exemple #3
// Scrollbar - Updates the slider position of the scrollbar based on the parents scroll position.
static void EZ_scrollbar_UpdateSliderBasedOnTarget(ez_scrollbar_t *scrollbar, ez_control_t *target)
	ez_control_t *self			= (ez_control_t *)scrollbar;
	ez_control_t *back_ctrl		= (ez_control_t *)scrollbar->back;
	ez_control_t *forward_ctrl	= (ez_control_t *)scrollbar->forward;
	ez_control_t *slider_ctrl	= (ez_control_t *)scrollbar->slider;
	float scroll_ratio;

	if (!target)

	// Don't do anything if this is the user moving the slider using the mouse.
	if (scrollbar->int_flags & scrolling)

	if (scrollbar->orientation == vertical)
		int new_y;

		// Find how far down on the parent control we're scrolled (percentage).
		scroll_ratio = fabs(target->virtual_y / (float)target->virtual_height);
		// Calculate the position of the slider by multiplying the scroll areas
		// height with the scroll ratio.
		new_y = back_ctrl->height + Q_rint(scroll_ratio * scrollbar->scroll_area);
		clamp(new_y, back_ctrl->height, (self->height - forward_ctrl->height - slider_ctrl->height));

		EZ_control_SetPosition(slider_ctrl, 0, new_y);
		int new_x;
		scroll_ratio = fabs(target->virtual_x / (float)target->virtual_width);
		new_x = back_ctrl->width + Q_rint(scroll_ratio * scrollbar->scroll_area);
		clamp(new_x, back_ctrl->width, (self->width - forward_ctrl->width - slider_ctrl->width));
		EZ_control_SetPosition(slider_ctrl, new_x, 0);
Exemple #4
// Scrollbar - Repositions the back / forward buttons according to orientation.
static void EZ_scrollbar_RepositionScrollButtons(ez_scrollbar_t *scrollbar)
	ez_control_t *self			= (ez_control_t *)scrollbar;
	ez_control_t *back_ctrl		= (ez_control_t *)scrollbar->back;
	ez_control_t *slider_ctrl	= (ez_control_t *)scrollbar->slider;
	ez_control_t *forward_ctrl	= (ez_control_t *)scrollbar->forward;

	// Let the super class do it's thing first.
	EZ_control_OnResize(self, NULL);

	if (scrollbar->orientation == vertical)
		// Up button.
		EZ_control_SetSize(back_ctrl, self->width, self->width);
		EZ_control_SetAnchor(back_ctrl, anchor_left | anchor_top | anchor_right);

		// Slider.
		EZ_control_SetPosition(slider_ctrl, 0, self->width);
		EZ_control_SetAnchor(slider_ctrl, anchor_left | anchor_right);

		// Down button.
		EZ_control_SetSize(forward_ctrl, self->width, self->width);
		EZ_control_SetAnchor(forward_ctrl, anchor_left | anchor_bottom | anchor_right);

		scrollbar->scroll_area = self->height - (forward_ctrl->height + back_ctrl->height);
		// Left button.
		EZ_control_SetSize(back_ctrl, self->height, self->height);
		EZ_control_SetAnchor(back_ctrl, anchor_left | anchor_top | anchor_bottom);

		// Slider.
		EZ_control_SetPosition(slider_ctrl, self->height, 0);
		EZ_control_SetAnchor(slider_ctrl, anchor_top | anchor_bottom);

		// Right button.
		EZ_control_SetSize(forward_ctrl, self->height, self->height);
		EZ_control_SetAnchor(forward_ctrl, anchor_top | anchor_bottom | anchor_right);

		scrollbar->scroll_area = self->width - (forward_ctrl->width + back_ctrl->width);
// Scrollpane - The target control changed.
int EZ_scrollpane_OnTargetChanged(ez_control_t *self, void *ext_event_info)
	ez_scrollpane_t *scrollpane = (ez_scrollpane_t *)self;

	// Clean up the old target.
	if (scrollpane->prev_target)
		EZ_eventhandler_Remove(scrollpane->prev_target->event_handlers.OnVirtualResize, EZ_scrollpane_OnTargetVirtualResize, false);
		EZ_control_RemoveChild(self, scrollpane->target);
		EZ_control_SetMovesParent(scrollpane->prev_target, false);

	// Set the new target for the scrollbars so they know what to scroll.
	EZ_scrollbar_SetTarget(scrollpane->v_scrollbar, scrollpane->target);
	EZ_scrollbar_SetTarget(scrollpane->h_scrollbar, scrollpane->target);

	if (scrollpane->target)
		// Subscribe to the targets resize and scroll events.
		EZ_control_AddOnVirtualResize(scrollpane->target, EZ_scrollpane_OnTargetVirtualResize, scrollpane);
		EZ_control_AddChild(self, scrollpane->target);

		EZ_control_SetScrollable(scrollpane->target, true);
		EZ_control_SetMovable(scrollpane->target, true);
		EZ_control_SetResizeableBoth(scrollpane->target, true);
		EZ_control_SetResizeable(scrollpane->target, true);

		// Reposition the target inside the scrollpane.
		EZ_control_SetPosition(scrollpane->target, 0, 0);
		EZ_control_SetSize(scrollpane->target, (self->width - scrollpane->scrollbar_thickness), (self->height - scrollpane->scrollbar_thickness));
		EZ_control_SetAnchor(scrollpane->target, (anchor_left | anchor_right | anchor_top | anchor_bottom));

		// Make sure the target is drawn infront of the scrollpane.
		EZ_control_SetDrawOrder(scrollpane->target, ((ez_control_t *)scrollpane)->draw_order + 1, true);

		// When moving the target move the scrollpane with it
		// and don't allow moving the target inside of the scrollpane.
		EZ_control_SetMovesParent(scrollpane->target, true);

		// Resize the scrollbars / target to fit properly.

		CONTROL_RAISE_EVENT(NULL, (ez_control_t *)scrollpane->target, ez_control_t, OnResize, NULL);
		CONTROL_RAISE_EVENT(NULL, (ez_control_t *)scrollpane->target, ez_control_t, OnMove, NULL);

	CONTROL_EVENT_HANDLER_CALL(NULL, scrollpane, ez_scrollpane_t, OnTargetChanged, NULL);
	return 0;
Exemple #6
// Listview item - Lays out the control.
void EZ_listviewitem_LayoutControl(ez_listviewitem_t *self)
    int i;
    int x = 0;
    ez_control_t *ctrl		= (ez_control_t *)self;
    ez_control_t *lblctrl	= NULL;

    for (i = 0; i < self->item_count; i++)
        if (!self->item_visibile[i])

        lblctrl = (ez_control_t *)self->items[i];

        // Space out the labels in columns.
        EZ_control_SetPosition(lblctrl, x, 0);
        x += lblctrl->width + self->item_gap;

        // Make sure we reset the height if some naughty person changed it since last time.
        EZ_control_SetSize(lblctrl, lblctrl->width, ctrl->height);
Exemple #7
// Window - Initializes a window.
void EZ_window_Init(ez_window_t *window, ez_tree_t *tree, ez_control_t *parent,
							  char *name, char *description,
							  int x, int y, int width, int height,
							  ez_control_flags_t flags)
	ez_control_t *window_ctrl		= (ez_control_t *)window;
	ez_control_t *titlebar_ctrl		= NULL;
	ez_control_t *scrollpane_ctrl	= NULL;
	int rh_size						= 0;

	// Initialize the inherited class first.
	EZ_control_Init(&window->super, tree, parent, name, description, x, y, width, height, flags);

	((ez_control_t *)window)->CLASS_ID		= EZ_WINDOW_ID;
	((ez_control_t *)window)->ext_flags		|= (flags | control_focusable | control_contained | control_resizeable);

	rh_size = window_ctrl->resize_handle_thickness;

	// Set the background.
	EZ_control_SetBackgroundImage(window_ctrl, EZ_WINDOW_DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_IMAGE);
	EZ_control_SetBackgroundImageOpacity(window_ctrl, 1.0);
	EZ_control_SetBackgroundImageEdgePercentage(window_ctrl, 20);

	// Title bar.
		// Set the tilebar to move it's parent.
		window->titlebar = EZ_control_Create(tree, window_ctrl, "Window titlebar", NULL, rh_size, rh_size, window_ctrl->width, 15, 
			(control_focusable | control_move_parent | control_movable | control_resizeable | control_enabled | control_anchor_viewport));

		titlebar_ctrl = (ez_control_t *)window->titlebar;
		EZ_control_SetBackgroundImage(titlebar_ctrl, "gfx/ui/ez_titlebar");

		// Set the size to fit within the resize handles.
		EZ_control_SetSize(titlebar_ctrl, (window_ctrl->width - (2 * rh_size)), 15);
		EZ_control_SetAnchor(titlebar_ctrl, (anchor_left | anchor_top | anchor_right));

		EZ_control_SetDrawOrder(titlebar_ctrl, window_ctrl->draw_order + 1, true);

		// Close button.
			int cb_sidelength = 0;
			ez_control_t *close_ctrl = NULL;
			window->close_button = EZ_button_Create(tree, titlebar_ctrl, "Close button", NULL, 
													0, 0, 10, 10, control_enabled);

			close_ctrl = (ez_control_t *)window->close_button;

			cb_sidelength = (titlebar_ctrl->height - (2 * CLOSE_BUTTON_EDGE_GAP));

			// Position the close button CLOSE_BUTTON_EDGE_GAP number of pixels from the edge
			// of the titlebar, and size it accordingly.
			EZ_control_SetPosition(close_ctrl, -CLOSE_BUTTON_EDGE_GAP, CLOSE_BUTTON_EDGE_GAP);
			EZ_control_SetSize(close_ctrl, cb_sidelength, cb_sidelength);
			EZ_control_SetAnchor(close_ctrl, (anchor_top | anchor_right));

	// Scrollpane.
		window->scrollpane = EZ_scrollpane_Create(tree, window_ctrl, "Window scrollpane", NULL, rh_size, (rh_size + titlebar_ctrl->height), 10, 10, 0);
		scrollpane_ctrl = (ez_control_t *)window->scrollpane;

		// Size the scrollpane to fit inside the window control.
			(window_ctrl->width - (2 * rh_size)), 
			(window_ctrl->height - (titlebar_ctrl->height + (2 * rh_size))));

		EZ_control_SetAnchor(scrollpane_ctrl, (anchor_left | anchor_right | anchor_bottom | anchor_top));

		// Window area.
			window->window_area = EZ_control_Create(tree, scrollpane_ctrl, "Window area", NULL, 0, 0, 10, 10, (control_scrollable | control_enabled | control_resizeable));

			// Set the window area as the target of the scrollpane 
			// (this will make it a child of the scrollpane, so don't bother to add it as a child to the window itself).
			EZ_scrollpane_SetTarget(window->scrollpane, window->window_area);
			EZ_control_SetDrawOrder(window->window_area, scrollpane_ctrl->draw_order + 1, true);
Exemple #8
// Button - Recalculates and sets the position of the buttons label.
static void EZ_button_RecalculateLabelPosition(ez_button_t *button)
	ez_control_t *self				= ((ez_control_t *)button);
	ez_label_t *label				= button->text_label;
	ez_control_t *text_label_ctrl	= ((ez_control_t *)label);
//	ez_textalign_t alignment		= button->text_alignment;
	int new_x						= text_label_ctrl->x;
	int new_y						= text_label_ctrl->y;
	int new_anchor					= EZ_control_GetAnchor(text_label_ctrl);

	// TODO : Hmm, should we even bothered with a special case for text alignment? Why not just use ez_anchor_t stuff? Also remember to add support for middle_top and such.
	switch (button->text_alignment)
		case top_left :
			new_anchor = (anchor_left | anchor_top);
			new_x = 0;
			new_y = 0;
		case top_right :
			new_anchor = (anchor_right | anchor_top);
			new_x = 0;
			new_y = 0;
		case top_center :
			new_anchor = anchor_top;
			new_x = Q_rint((self->width  - text_label_ctrl->width) / 2.0);
			new_y = 0;
		case bottom_left :
			new_anchor = (anchor_left | anchor_bottom);
			new_x = 0;
			new_y = 0;
		case bottom_right :
			new_anchor = (anchor_right | anchor_bottom);
			new_x = 0;
			new_y = 0;
		case bottom_center :
			new_anchor = anchor_bottom;
			new_x = Q_rint((self->width  - text_label_ctrl->width) / 2.0);
			new_y = 0;
		case middle_right :
			new_anchor = anchor_right;
			new_x = 0;
			new_y = Q_rint((self->height - text_label_ctrl->height) / 2.0);
		case middle_left :
			new_anchor = anchor_left;
			new_x = 0;
			new_y = Q_rint((self->height - text_label_ctrl->height) / 2.0);
		case middle_center :
			new_anchor = (anchor_left | anchor_top);
			new_x = Q_rint((self->width  - text_label_ctrl->width) / 2.0);
			new_y = Q_rint((self->height - text_label_ctrl->height) / 2.0);
		default :

	if (new_anchor != EZ_control_GetAnchor(text_label_ctrl))
		EZ_control_SetAnchor(text_label_ctrl, new_anchor);

	if ((new_x != text_label_ctrl->x) || (new_y != text_label_ctrl->y))
		EZ_control_SetPosition(text_label_ctrl, new_x, new_y);