Exemple #1
static void renderText(const struct TrackInfo* info, struct sync_track* track, int row, int idx, int x, int y, bool folded)
    uint32_t color = (row & 7) ? Emgui_color32(0x4f, 0x4f, 0x4f, 0xff) : Emgui_color32(0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0xff);

    if (folded)
        if (idx >= 0)
            Emgui_fill(color, x, y - font_size_half, 8, 8);
            Emgui_drawText("-", x, y - font_size_half, color);
        if (idx >= 0)
            char temp[256];
            float value = track->keys[idx].value;
            snprintf(temp, 256, "% .2f", value);

            Emgui_drawText(temp, x, y - font_size_half, Emgui_color32(255, 255, 255, 255));
            Emgui_drawText("---", x, y - font_size_half, color);
Exemple #2
static void printRowNumbers(int x, int y, int rowCount, int rowOffset, int rowSpacing, int maskBpm, int endY)
    int i;


    if (rowOffset < 0)
        y += rowSpacing * -rowOffset;
        rowOffset = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < rowCount; ++i)
        char rowText[16];
        memset(rowText, 0, sizeof(rowText));
        sprintf(rowText, "%05d", rowOffset);

        if (rowOffset % maskBpm)
            Emgui_drawText(rowText, x, y, Emgui_color32(0xa0, 0xa0, 0xa0, 0xff));
            Emgui_drawText(rowText, x, y, Emgui_color32(0xf0, 0xf0, 0xf0, 0xff));

        y += rowSpacing;

        if (y > endY)
Exemple #3
static void renderInterpolation(const struct TrackInfo* info, struct sync_track* track, int size, int idx, int x, int y, bool folded)
    int fidx;
    enum key_type interpolationType;
    uint32_t color = 0;

    // This is kinda crappy implementation as we will overdraw this quite a bit but might be fine

    fidx = idx >= 0 ? idx : -idx - 2;
    interpolationType = (fidx >= 0) ? track->keys[fidx].type : KEY_STEP;

    switch (interpolationType)
    case KEY_STEP   :
        color = Emgui_color32(0, 0, 0,   255);;
    case KEY_LINEAR :
        color = Emgui_color32(255, 0, 0, 255);
    case KEY_SMOOTH :
        color = Emgui_color32(0, 255, 0, 255);
    case KEY_RAMP   :
        color = Emgui_color32(0, 0, 255, 255);

    if (info->viewInfo)
        Emgui_fill(color, x + (size - 8), y - font_size_half, 2, (info->endSizeY - y) + font_size - 1);
Exemple #4
static int drawConnectionStatus(int posX, int sizeY)
	char* conStatus;


	Emgui_drawBorder(Emgui_color32(10, 10, 10, 255), Emgui_color32(10, 10, 10, 255), posX, sizeY - 17, 200, 15); 
	Emgui_drawText(conStatus, posX + 4, sizeY - 15, Emgui_color32(160, 160, 160, 255));

	return posX + 200;
Exemple #5
static bool drawColorButton(uint32_t color, int x, int y, int size)
    const uint32_t colorFade = Emgui_color32(32, 32, 32, 255);
    Emgui_fill(color, x, y, size - 8, 8);

    return Emgui_buttonCoords("", colorFade, x, y, size - 8, 8);
Exemple #6
static int drawNameValue(char* name, int posX, int sizeY, int* value, int low, int high, char* buffer)
	int current_value;
	int text_size = Emgui_getTextSize(name) & 0xffff;

	Emgui_drawText(name, posX + 4, sizeY - 15, Emgui_color32(160, 160, 160, 255));

	current_value = atoi(buffer);

	if (current_value != *value)
		if (buffer[0] != 0)
			snprintf(buffer, 64, "%d", *value);

	Emgui_editBoxXY(posX + text_size + 6, sizeY - 15, 50, 13, 64, buffer); 

	current_value = atoi(buffer);

	if (current_value != *value)
		current_value = eclampi(current_value, low, high); 
		if (buffer[0] != 0)
			snprintf(buffer, 64, "%d", current_value);
		*value = current_value;

	return text_size + 56;
Exemple #7
static int renderGroupHeader(Group* group, int x, int y, int groupSize, int windowSizeX)
    // If the group size is larger than the actual screen we adjust it a bit to make the text more visible

    if (x + groupSize > windowSizeX)
        groupSize = windowSizeX - x;

    drawColorButton(Emgui_color32(127, 127, 127, 255), x + 3, y - colorbar_adjust, groupSize);
    renderName(group->displayName, x, y - name_adjust, groupSize, group->folded, true);

    return 0;
Exemple #8
static void drawStatus()
	int size = 0;
	const int sizeY = s_editorData.trackViewInfo.windowSizeY;
	const int sizeX = s_editorData.trackViewInfo.windowSizeX;
	const int prevRow = getRowPos(); 


	Emgui_fill(Emgui_color32(20, 20, 20, 255), 2, sizeY - 15, sizeX - 3, 13); 
	Emgui_drawBorder(Emgui_color32(10, 10, 10, 255), Emgui_color32(10, 10, 10, 255), 0, sizeY - 17, sizeX - 2, 15); 

	size = drawConnectionStatus(0, sizeY);
	size += drawCurrentValue(size, sizeY);
	size += drawNameValue("Row", size, sizeY, &s_editorData.trackViewInfo.rowPos, 0, 20000 - 1, s_currentRow);
	size += drawNameValue("Start Row", size, sizeY, &s_editorData.trackData.startRow, 0, 10000000, s_startRow);
	size += drawNameValue("End Row", size, sizeY, &s_editorData.trackData.endRow, 0, 10000000, s_endRow);

	if (getRowPos() != prevRow)

Exemple #9
void RenderAudio_update(struct TrackData* trackData, int xPos, int yPos, int rowCount, int rowOffset, int rowSpacing, int endY)
    uint32_t* fftData = trackData->musicData.fftData;

    if (!fftData)

    // first calculate the total number of textures we need (we allocate 128 x 1024 textures to be compatible to fairly low-end GPUs)

    int count = (int)(((float)endY) / (float)TEXTURE_HEIGHT) + 1;

    if (s_data.textureCount < count)
        for (int i = s_data.textureCount; i < count; ++i)
            s_data.textureIds[i] = EMGFXBackend_createTexture(0, 128, TEXTURE_HEIGHT, 4);
            s_data.textureData[i] = malloc(128 * TEXTURE_HEIGHT * 4);

        s_data.textureCount = count;

    int texturePos = 0;

	if (rowOffset < 0)
	    rowOffset = -rowOffset;

	    for (int i = 0; i < rowOffset; ++i) {
            const int textureIndex = texturePos >> 17;
            const int textureOffset = texturePos & 0x1ffff;

            uint32_t* textureDest = &s_data.textureData[textureIndex][textureOffset];

            fillColor(textureDest, Emgui_color32(0, 0, 0, 255), rowSpacing);
            texturePos += 128 * rowSpacing;

		yPos += rowSpacing * rowOffset;
        rowOffset = 0;
Exemple #10
static int drawCurrentValue(int posX, int sizeY)
	char valueText[256];
	float value = 0.0f; 
	int active_track = 0;
	int current_row = 0;
	const char *str = "---";
	struct sync_track** tracks = getTracks();

	active_track = getActiveTrack();
	current_row = getRowPos();

	if (tracks)
		const struct sync_track* track = tracks[active_track];
		int idx = key_idx_floor(track, current_row);

		if (idx >= 0) 
			switch (track->keys[idx].type) 
				case KEY_STEP:   str = "step"; break;
				case KEY_LINEAR: str = "linear"; break;
				case KEY_SMOOTH: str = "smooth"; break;
				case KEY_RAMP:   str = "ramp"; break;
				default: break;

		value = (float)sync_get_val(track, current_row);

	snprintf(valueText, 256, "%f", value);
	Emgui_drawText(valueText, posX + 4, sizeY - 15, Emgui_color32(160, 160, 160, 255));
	Emgui_drawBorder(Emgui_color32(10, 10, 10, 255), Emgui_color32(10, 10, 10, 255), posX, sizeY - 17, 80, 15); 
	Emgui_drawText(str, posX + 85, sizeY - 15, Emgui_color32(160, 160, 160, 255));
	Emgui_drawBorder(Emgui_color32(10, 10, 10, 255), Emgui_color32(10, 10, 10, 255), posX + 80, sizeY - 17, 40, 15); 

	return 130;
Exemple #11
int decodeFunc(void* inData)
    int a, b, r, g, i;
    //short waveData[8 * 1024];
    unsigned int* fftPtr;
    unsigned int* fftOutput;
    float fftData[1024];
    //double timeInSec = 0.0;
    const float maxIntensity = 500 * 2;
    const int COLOR_STEPS = 255;
    const int PALETTE_SIZE = 3 * COLOR_STEPS;
    const int spectrumLength = 1024;
    ThreadFuncData* threadData = (ThreadFuncData*)inData;
    unsigned int colors[255 * 3];
    int imageHeight = 128;
    HSTREAM chan = threadData->stream;
	MusicData* data = threadData->data;
    float percentDone = 1.0f;
    float step = 0.0f;


    const int SAMPLING_FREQUENCY = 100; //warning: in TimelineImage this samplingfrequency is assumed to be 100

    QWORD sampleLength = BASS_ChannelSeconds2Bytes(chan, SAMPLING_RESOLUTION);
    int numSamples = (int)((double)BASS_ChannelGetLength(chan, BASS_POS_BYTE) / (double)sampleLength);

    //printf("Num samples %d\n", (int)sampleLength);
    //printf("Num samples %d\n", numSamples);

    BASS_ChannelPlay(chan, 0);

    int j_table[128];
    int pj_table[128];
    int nj_table[128];

    // TODO: Size optimize?

    data->sampleCount = numSamples;

    fftPtr = fftOutput = (unsigned int*)malloc(128 * 4 * (numSamples + 1));

    //const int spectrumLength = 1024;
    //const int imageHeight = 256;

    //var spectrumImage = new Bitmap((int)numSamples, imageHeight);
    //var volumeImage = new Bitmap((int)numSamples, imageHeight);

    //s_editorData.waveViewSize = 128;
	//s_editorData.trackViewInfo.windowSizeX -= s_editorData.waveViewSize;

    //timeInSec =(DWORD)BASS_ChannelBytes2Seconds(chan, len);
    //printf(" %u:%02u\n", (int)timeInSec / 60, (int)timeInSec % 60);

    for (i = 0; i < PALETTE_SIZE; ++i)
        a = 255;
        if (i < PALETTE_SIZE * 0.666f)
            a = (int)(i * 255 / (PALETTE_SIZE * 0.666f));

        b = 0;
        if (i < PALETTE_SIZE * 0.333f)
            b = i;
        else if (i < PALETTE_SIZE * 0.666f)
            b = -i + 510;

        r = 0;
        if (i > PALETTE_SIZE * 0.666f)
            r = 255;
        else if (i > PALETTE_SIZE * 0.333f)
            r = i - 255;

        g = 0;
        if (i > PALETTE_SIZE * 0.666f)
            g = i - 510;

        colors[i] = Emgui_color32((uint8_t)r, (uint8_t)g, (uint8_t)b, (uint8_t)a);

    float f = (float)(spectrumLength / log((float)(imageHeight + 1)));
    float f2 = (float)((PALETTE_SIZE - 1) / log(maxIntensity + 1));


    for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < imageHeight; ++rowIndex)
        int j_ = (int)(f * log(rowIndex + 1));
        int pj_ = (int)(rowIndex > 0 ? f * log(rowIndex - 1 + 1) : j_);
        int nj_ = (int)(rowIndex < imageHeight - 1 ? f * log(rowIndex + 1 + 1) : j_);

        j_table[rowIndex] = j_;
        pj_table[rowIndex] = pj_;
        nj_table[rowIndex] = nj_;

    step = (float)(99.0f / numSamples);
    percentDone = 1.0f;

    for (int sampleIndex = 0; sampleIndex < numSamples; ++sampleIndex)
        BASS_ChannelSetPosition(chan, sampleIndex * sampleLength, BASS_POS_BYTE);
        BASS_ChannelGetData(chan, fftData, BASS_DATA_FFT2048);

        data->percentDone = (int)(percentDone);

        //printf("%d/%d\n", sampleIndex, numSamples);

        for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < imageHeight; ++rowIndex)
            //int j_ = (int)(f * log(rowIndex + 1));
            //int pj_ = (int)(rowIndex > 0 ? f * log(rowIndex - 1 + 1) : j_);
            //int nj_ = (int)(rowIndex < imageHeight - 1 ? f * log(rowIndex + 1 + 1) : j_);

            int j_ = j_table[(imageHeight - rowIndex) - 1];
            int pj_ = pj_table[(imageHeight - rowIndex) - 1];
            int nj_ = nj_table[(imageHeight - rowIndex) - 1];

            //printf("index %d - %d %d %d\n", rowIndex, j_, pj_, nj_);

            float intensity = 125.0f * 4.0f * fftData[spectrumLength - pj_ - 1] +
                              750.0f * 4.0f * fftData[spectrumLength - j_ - 1] +
                              125.0f * 4.0f * fftData[spectrumLength - nj_ - 1];
            if (intensity > maxIntensity)
                intensity = maxIntensity;

            if (intensity < 0.0f)
                intensity = 0.0f;

            int palettePos = (int)(f2 * log(intensity + 1));

            *fftOutput++ = colors[palettePos];

        percentDone += step;



    data->percentDone = 100;
    data->fftData = fftPtr;


    //printf("thread done\n");

    return 1;
Exemple #12
bool TrackView_render(TrackViewInfo* viewInfo, TrackData* trackData)
    struct TrackInfo info;
    int start_track = 0; //viewInfo->startTrack;
    int x_pos = 128;
    int end_track = 0;
    int i = 0;
    //int track_size;
    int adjust_top_size;
    int mid_screen_y ;
    int y_pos_row, end_row, y_end_border;

    s_needsUpdate = false;

    // Calc to position the selection in the ~middle of the screen

    adjust_top_size = 5 * font_size;
    mid_screen_y = (viewInfo->windowSizeY / 2) & ~(font_size - 1);
    y_pos_row = viewInfo->rowPos - (mid_screen_y / font_size);

    // TODO: Calculate how many channels we can draw given the width

    end_row = viewInfo->windowSizeY / font_size;
    y_end_border = viewInfo->windowSizeY - 48; // adjust to have some space at the end of the screen

    // Shared info for all tracks

    info.editText = trackData->editText;
    info.selectLeft = emini(viewInfo->selectStartTrack, viewInfo->selectStopTrack);
    info.selectRight = emaxi(viewInfo->selectStartTrack, viewInfo->selectStopTrack);
    info.selectTop  = emini(viewInfo->selectStartRow, viewInfo->selectStopRow);
    info.selectBottom = emaxi(viewInfo->selectStartRow, viewInfo->selectStopRow);
    info.viewInfo = viewInfo;
    info.trackData = trackData;
    info.startY = adjust_top_size;
    info.startPos = y_pos_row;
    info.endPos = y_pos_row + end_row;
    info.endSizeY = y_end_border;
    info.midPos = mid_screen_y + adjust_top_size;

    if (trackData->groupCount == 0)
        return false;

    x_pos = TrackView_getStartOffset() + -viewInfo->startPixel;

    printRowNumbers(2, adjust_top_size, end_row, y_pos_row, font_size, trackData->highlightRowStep, y_end_border);
    Emgui_drawBorder(border_color, border_color, 48, info.startY - font_size * 4, viewInfo->windowSizeX - 80, (info.endSizeY - info.startY) + 40);

    Emgui_setScissor(48, 0, viewInfo->windowSizeX - 80, viewInfo->windowSizeY);

    ///sel_track = setActiveTrack(viewInfo, trackData, trackData->activeTrack, x_pos);

    //if (sel_track != trackData->activeTrack)
    //	TrackData_setActiveTrack(trackData, sel_track);

    for (i = start_track, end_track = trackData->syncData.num_tracks; i < end_track; )
        Track* track = &trackData->tracks[i];
        Group* group = track->group;

        if (group->trackCount == 1)
            int track_size = getTrackSize(viewInfo, track);

            if ((x_pos + track_size > 0) && (x_pos < viewInfo->windowSizeX))
                // if selected track is less than the first rendered track then we need to reset it to this one

                renderChannel(&info, x_pos, track, false);

            x_pos += track_size;
            x_pos += renderGroup(group, track, x_pos, &i, info, trackData);


    Emgui_fill(Emgui_color32(127, 127, 127, 56), 0, mid_screen_y + adjust_top_size, viewInfo->windowSizeX, font_size + 1);

    //drawBookmarks(trackData, 2, adjust_top_size, end_row, y_pos_row, viewInfo->windowSizeX, y_end_border);


    return s_needsUpdate;
Exemple #13
static int renderChannel(struct TrackInfo* info, int startX, Track* trackData, bool valuesOnly)
    int y, y_offset;
    int text_size = 0;
    int size = min_track_size;
    int startPos = info->startPos;
    const int trackIndex = trackData->index;
    const int endPos = info->endPos;
    struct sync_track* track = 0;
    const uint32_t color = trackData->color;
    bool folded = false;

    if (!valuesOnly)
        drawFoldButton(startX + 6, info->startY - (font_size + 5), &trackData->folded, trackData->active);

        folded = trackData->folded;

        if (info->trackData->syncData.tracks)
            track = info->trackData->syncData.tracks[trackData->index];

        size = renderName(trackData->displayName, startX, info->startY - (font_size * 2), min_track_size, folded, trackData->active);

        if (folded)
            text_size = size;
            size = track_size_folded;

        if (trackData->active)
            if (drawColorButton(color, startX + 4, info->startY - colorbar_adjust, size))

                if (trackData->color != color)
                    s_needsUpdate = true;
            Emgui_fill(border_color, startX + 4, info->startY - colorbar_adjust, size - 8, 8);


    y_offset = info->startY;

    folded = valuesOnly ? true : folded;
    size = valuesOnly ? track_size_folded : size;

    if (valuesOnly)
        Emgui_fill(border_color, startX + size, info->startY - font_size * 4, 2, (info->endSizeY - info->startY) + 40);
        Emgui_fill(border_color, startX, info->startY - font_size * 4, 2, (info->endSizeY - info->startY) + 40);
        Emgui_drawBorder(border_color, border_color, startX, info->startY - font_size * 4, size, (info->endSizeY - info->startY) + 40);

    // if folded we should skip rendering the rows that are covered by the text

    if (folded)
        int skip_rows = (text_size + font_size * 2) / font_size;

        if (startPos + skip_rows > 0)
            startPos += skip_rows;
            y_offset += skip_rows * font_size;

    if (startPos < 0)
        y_offset = info->startY + (font_size * -startPos);
        startPos = 0;

    y_offset += font_size_half;

    for (y = startPos; y < endPos; ++y)
        int idx = -1;
        int offset = startX + 6;
        bool selected;

        if (track)
            idx = sync_find_key(track, y);

        renderInterpolation(info, track, size, idx, offset, y_offset, folded);

        if (!(trackData->selected && info->viewInfo->rowPos == y && info->editText))
            renderText(info, track, y, idx, offset, y_offset, folded);

        selected = (trackIndex >= info->selectLeft && trackIndex <= info->selectRight) &&
                   (y >= info->selectTop && y <= info->selectBottom);

        if (selected)
            Emgui_fill(selection_color, startX, y_offset - font_size_half, size, font_size);

        if (y != 0)
            if (TrackData_hasBookmark(info->trackData, y))
                Emgui_fill(bookmark_color, startX, y_offset - font_size_half, size, 8);

        y_offset += font_size;

        if (y_offset > (info->endSizeY + font_size_half))

    if (!Emgui_hasKeyboardFocus())
        if (trackData->selected)
            Emgui_fill(trackData->group->folded ? dark_active_track_color : active_track_color, startX, info->midPos, size, font_size + 1);

            if (info->editText)
                Emgui_drawText(info->editText, startX + 2, info->midPos, Emgui_color32(255, 255, 255, 255));


    return size;