Exemple #1
static struct asym *MakeComm( char *name, struct asym *sym, uint_32 size, uint_32 count, bool isfar )
    sym = CreateComm( sym, name );
    if( sym == NULL )
        return( NULL );

    sym->total_length = count;
    sym->isfar = isfar;

    /* v2.04: don't set segment if communal is far and -Zg is set */
    if ( Options.masm_compat_gencode == FALSE || isfar == FALSE )
        sym->segment = &CurrSeg->sym;

    MemtypeFromSize( size, &sym->mem_type );

    /* v2.04: warning added ( Masm emits an error ) */
    /* v2.05: code active for 16-bit only */
    if ( ModuleInfo.Ofssize == USE16 )
        if ( ( count * size ) > 0x10000UL )
            EmitWarn( 2, COMM_VAR_EXCEEDS_64K, sym->name );

    sym->total_size = count * size;

    return( sym );
Exemple #2
/* The "mangler" has been inherited from Wasm.
 * By default it's not active in HJWasm (see MANGLERSUPP in globals.h)
 * It allows some fine tuning of the external's name in the object module,
 * but is relevant for mixing with OW code only.
 * Syntax:
 * EXTERN|EXTERNDEF [ [ mangle_type, ] lang_type ] name : type
 * PUBLIC [ [ mangle_type, ] lang_type ] name
 * COMM [ [ mangle_type, ] langtype] [NEAR|FAR] name: ...
 * mangle_type must be a 'string'.
static char *Check4Mangler( int *i, struct asm_tok tokenarray[] )
    char *mangle_type = NULL;
    if( tokenarray[*i].token == T_STRING ) {
        mangle_type = tokenarray[*i].string_ptr;
        if( tokenarray[*i].token != T_COMMA ) {
            EmitWarn( 2, EXPECTING_COMMA, tokenarray[*i].tokpos );
        } else {
    return( mangle_type );
Exemple #3
ret_code SafeSEHDirective( int i, struct asm_tok tokenarray[] )
    struct asym    *sym;
    struct qnode   *node;

    if ( Options.output_format != OFORMAT_COFF ) {
        if ( Parse_Pass == PASS_1)
            EmitWarn( 2, DIRECTIVE_IGNORED_WITHOUT_X, "coff" );
        return( NOT_ERROR );
    if ( Options.safeseh == FALSE ) {
        if ( Parse_Pass == PASS_1)
            EmitWarn( 2, DIRECTIVE_IGNORED_WITHOUT_X, "safeseh" );
        return( NOT_ERROR );
    if ( tokenarray[i].token != T_ID ) {
        return( EmitErr( SYNTAX_ERROR_EX, tokenarray[i].string_ptr ) );
    sym = SymSearch( tokenarray[i].string_ptr );

    /* make sure the argument is a true PROC */
    if ( sym == NULL || sym->state == SYM_UNDEFINED ) {
        if ( Parse_Pass != PASS_1 ) {
            return( EmitErr( SYMBOL_NOT_DEFINED, tokenarray[i].string_ptr ) );
    } else if ( sym->isproc == FALSE ) {
        return( EmitErr( SAFESEH_ARGUMENT_MUST_BE_A_PROC, tokenarray[i].string_ptr ) );

    if ( Parse_Pass == PASS_1 ) {
        if ( sym ) {
            for ( node = ModuleInfo.g.SafeSEHQueue.head; node; node = node->next )
                if ( node->elmt == sym )
        } else {
            sym = SymCreate( tokenarray[i].string_ptr );
            node = NULL;
        if ( node == NULL ) {
            sym->used = TRUE; /* make sure an external reference will become strong */
#if 0 /* v2.11: use QAddItem() */
            node = LclAlloc( sizeof( struct qnode ) );
            node->elmt = sym;
            node->next = NULL;
            if ( ModuleInfo.g.SafeSEHQueue.head == 0 )
                ModuleInfo.g.SafeSEHQueue.head = ModuleInfo.g.SafeSEHQueue.tail = node;
            else {
                ((struct qnode *)ModuleInfo.g.SafeSEHQueue.tail)->next = node;
                ModuleInfo.g.SafeSEHQueue.tail = node;
            QAddItem( &ModuleInfo.g.SafeSEHQueue, sym );
    if ( tokenarray[i].token != T_FINAL ) {
        return( EmitErr( SYNTAX_ERROR_EX, tokenarray[i].string_ptr ) );

    return( NOT_ERROR );
Exemple #4
ret_code ListingDirective( int i, struct asm_tok tokenarray[] )
    int directive = tokenarray[i].tokval;

    switch ( directive ) {
    case T_DOT_LIST:
        if ( CurrFile[LST] )
            ModuleInfo.list = TRUE;
    case T_DOT_CREF:
        ModuleInfo.cref = TRUE;
    case T_DOT_NOLIST:
    case T_DOT_XLIST:
        ModuleInfo.list = FALSE;
    case T_DOT_NOCREF:
    case T_DOT_XCREF:
        if ( i == Token_Count ) {
            ModuleInfo.cref = FALSE;
        do {
            struct asym *sym;
            if ( tokenarray[i].token != T_ID ) {
                return( EmitErr( SYNTAX_ERROR_EX, tokenarray[i].tokpos ) );
            /* the name may be a forward reference. In this case it will
             * be created here.
             * v2.11: function call cannot fail. no need for checks.
            sym = SymLookup( tokenarray[i].string_ptr );
            sym->list = FALSE;
            if ( i < Token_Count ) {
                if ( tokenarray[i].token != T_COMMA )
                    return( EmitErr( EXPECTING_COMMA, tokenarray[i].tokpos ) );

                /* if there's nothing after the comma, don't increment */
                if ( i < ( Token_Count - 1 ) )
        } while ( i < Token_Count );
    case T_DOT_LISTALL: /* list false conditionals and generated code */
        if ( CurrFile[LST] )
            ModuleInfo.list = TRUE;
        ModuleInfo.list_generated_code = TRUE;
        /* fall through */
    case T_DOT_LISTIF:
    case T_DOT_LFCOND: /* .LFCOND is synonym for .LISTIF */
        ModuleInfo.listif = TRUE;
    case T_DOT_NOLISTIF:
    case T_DOT_SFCOND: /* .SFCOND is synonym for .NOLISTIF */
        ModuleInfo.listif = FALSE;
    case T_DOT_TFCOND: /* .TFCOND toggles .LFCOND, .SFCOND */
        ModuleInfo.listif = !ModuleInfo.listif;
    case T_PAGE:
    default: /* TITLE, SUBTITLE, SUBTTL */
        /* tiny checks to ensure that these directives
         aren't used as code labels or struct fields */
        if ( tokenarray[i].token == T_COLON )
        /* this isn't really Masm-compatible, but ensures we don't get
         * struct fields with names page, title, subtitle, subttl.
        if( CurrStruct ) {
        if ( Parse_Pass == PASS_1 )
            EmitWarn( 4, DIRECTIVE_IGNORED, tokenarray[i-1].string_ptr );
        while ( tokenarray[i].token != T_FINAL) i++;

    if ( tokenarray[i].token != T_FINAL ) {
        return( EmitErr( SYNTAX_ERROR_EX, tokenarray[i].string_ptr ) );

    return( NOT_ERROR );
Exemple #5
ret_code ExterndefDirective( int i, struct asm_tok tokenarray[] )
    char                *token;
    char                *mangle_type = NULL;
    struct asym         *sym;
    enum lang_type      langtype;
    char isnew;
    struct qualified_type ti;

    DebugMsg1(("ExterndefDirective(%u) enter\n", i));

    i++; /* skip EXTERNDEF token */
    mangle_type = Check4Mangler( &i, tokenarray );
    do {

        ti.Ofssize = ModuleInfo.Ofssize;

        /* get the symbol language type if present */
        langtype = ModuleInfo.langtype;
        GetLangType( &i, tokenarray, &langtype );

        /* get the symbol name */
        if( tokenarray[i].token != T_ID ) {
            return( EmitErr( SYNTAX_ERROR_EX, tokenarray[i].string_ptr ) );
        token = tokenarray[i++].string_ptr;

        /* go past the colon */
        if( tokenarray[i].token != T_COLON ) {
            return( EmitError( COLON_EXPECTED ) );
        sym = SymSearch( token );

        //typetoken = tokenarray[i].string_ptr;
        ti.mem_type = MT_EMPTY;
        ti.size = 0;
        ti.is_ptr = 0;
        ti.is_far = FALSE;
        ti.ptr_memtype = MT_EMPTY;
        ti.symtype = NULL;
        ti.Ofssize = ModuleInfo.Ofssize;

        if ( tokenarray[i].token == T_ID && ( 0 == _stricmp( tokenarray[i].string_ptr, "ABS" ) ) ) {
            /* v2.07: MT_ABS is obsolete */
            //ti.mem_type = MT_ABS;
        } else if ( tokenarray[i].token == T_DIRECTIVE && tokenarray[i].tokval == T_PROTO ) {
            /* dont scan this line further!
             * CreateProto() will either define a SYM_EXTERNAL or fail
             * if there's a syntax error or symbol redefinition.
            sym = CreateProto( i + 1, tokenarray, token, langtype );
#if 0 /* global queue is obsolete */
            if ( sym && sym->isglobal == FALSE ) {
                sym->isglobal = TRUE;
                QAddItem( &ModuleInfo.g.GlobalQueue, sym );
            return( sym ? NOT_ERROR : ERROR );
        } else if ( tokenarray[i].token != T_FINAL && tokenarray[i].token != T_COMMA ) {
            if ( GetQualifiedType( &i, tokenarray, &ti ) == ERROR )
                return( ERROR );

        isnew = FALSE;
        if ( sym == NULL || sym->state == SYM_UNDEFINED ) {
            sym = CreateExternal( sym, token, TRUE );
            isnew = TRUE;

        /* new symbol? */

        if ( isnew ) {
            DebugMsg1(("ExterndefDirective(%s): memtype=%X set, ofssize=%X\n", token, ti.mem_type, ti.Ofssize ));

            /* v2.05: added to accept type prototypes */
            if ( ti.is_ptr == 0 && ti.symtype && ti.symtype->isproc ) {
                CreateProc( sym, NULL, SYM_EXTERNAL );
                CopyPrototype( (struct dsym *)sym, (struct dsym *)ti.symtype );
                ti.mem_type = ti.symtype->mem_type;
                ti.symtype = NULL;
            switch ( ti.mem_type ) {
            //case MT_ABS:
            case MT_EMPTY:
                /* v2.04: hack no longer necessary */
                //if ( sym->weak == TRUE )
                //    sym->equate = TRUE; /* allow redefinition by EQU, = */
            case MT_FAR:
                /* v2.04: don't inherit current segment for FAR externals
                 * if -Zg is set.
                if ( Options.masm_compat_gencode )
                /* fall through */
                //SetSymSegOfs( sym );
                sym->segment = &CurrSeg->sym;
            sym->Ofssize = ti.Ofssize;

            if ( ti.is_ptr == 0 && ti.Ofssize != ModuleInfo.Ofssize ) {
                sym->seg_ofssize = ti.Ofssize;
                if ( sym->segment && ((struct dsym *)sym->segment)->e.seginfo->Ofssize != sym->seg_ofssize )
                    sym->segment = NULL;

            sym->mem_type = ti.mem_type;
            sym->is_ptr = ti.is_ptr;
            sym->isfar = ti.is_far;
            sym->ptr_memtype = ti.ptr_memtype;
            if ( ti.mem_type == MT_TYPE )
                sym->type = ti.symtype;
                sym->target_type = ti.symtype;

            /* v2.04: only set language if there was no previous definition */
            SetMangler( sym, langtype, mangle_type );

        } else if ( Parse_Pass == PASS_1 ) {

            /* v2.05: added to accept type prototypes */
            if ( ti.is_ptr == 0 && ti.symtype && ti.symtype->isproc ) {
                ti.mem_type = ti.symtype->mem_type;
                ti.symtype = NULL;
            /* ensure that the type of the symbol won't change */

            if ( sym->mem_type != ti.mem_type ) {
                /* if the symbol is already defined (as SYM_INTERNAL), Masm
                 won't display an error. The other way, first externdef and
                 then the definition, will make Masm complain, however */
                DebugMsg(("ExterndefDirective: type conflict for %s. mem_types old-new: %X-%X\n", sym->name, sym->mem_type, ti.mem_type));
                EmitWarn( 1, SYMBOL_TYPE_CONFLICT, sym->name );
            } else if ( sym->mem_type == MT_TYPE && sym->type != ti.symtype ) {
                struct asym *sym2 = sym;
                /* skip alias types and compare the base types */
                DebugMsg(("ExterndefDirective(%s): types differ: %X (%s) - %X (%s)\n", sym->name, sym->type, sym->type->name, ti.symtype, ti.symtype->name));
                while ( sym2->type )
                    sym2 = sym2->type;
                while ( ti.symtype->type )
                    ti.symtype = ti.symtype->type;
                if ( sym2 != ti.symtype ) {
                    DebugMsg(("ExterndefDirective(%s): type conflict old-new: %X (%s) - %X (%s)\n", sym->name, sym2, sym2->name, ti.symtype, ti.symtype->name));
                    EmitWarn( 1, SYMBOL_TYPE_CONFLICT, sym->name );

            /* v2.04: emit a - weak - warning if language differs.
             * Masm doesn't warn.
            if ( langtype != LANG_NONE && sym->langtype != langtype )
                EmitWarn( 3, LANGUAGE_ATTRIBUTE_CONFLICT, sym->name );
        sym->isdefined = TRUE;

#if 0
        /* write a global entry if none has been written yet */
        if ( sym->state == SYM_EXTERNAL && sym->weak == FALSE )
            ;/* skip EXTERNDEF if a real EXTERN/COMM was done */
        else if ( sym->isglobal == FALSE ) {
            sym->isglobal = TRUE;
            DebugMsg1(("ExterndefDirective(%s): writing a global entry\n", sym->name));
            QAddItem( &ModuleInfo.g.GlobalQueue, sym );
        if ( sym->state == SYM_INTERNAL && sym->ispublic == FALSE ) {
            sym->ispublic = TRUE;
            AddPublicData( sym );

        if ( tokenarray[i].token != T_FINAL )
            if ( tokenarray[i].token == T_COMMA ) {
                if ( (i + 1) < Token_Count )
            } else {
                return( EmitErr( EXPECTING_COMMA, tokenarray[i].tokpos ) );

    } while ( i < Token_Count );

    return( NOT_ERROR );
Exemple #6
void AddLinnumDataRef( unsigned srcfile, uint_32 line_num )
    struct line_num_info    *curr;

    /* COFF line number info is related to functions/procedures. Since
     * assembly allows code lines outside of procs, "dummy" procs must
     * be generated. A dummy proc lasts until
     * - a true PROC is detected or
     * - the source file changes or
     * - the segment/section changes ( added in v2.11 )
    if ( Options.output_format == OFORMAT_COFF &&
        CurrProc == NULL &&
        ( dmyproc == NULL ||
        dmyproc->debuginfo->file != srcfile ||
        dmyproc->segment != (struct asym *)CurrSeg ) ) {
        char procname[12];
        if ( dmyproc ) {
            /**/myassert( dmyproc->segment );
            dmyproc->total_size =
                ((struct dsym *)dmyproc->segment)->e.seginfo->current_loc -
        sprintf( procname, "$$$%05u", procidx );
        DebugMsg1(("AddLinnumDataRef(src=%u.%u): CurrProc==NULL, dmyproc=%s searching proc=%s\n", srcfile, line_num, dmyproc ? dmyproc->name : "NULL", procname ));
        dmyproc = SymSearch( procname );

        /* in pass 1, create the proc */
        if ( dmyproc == NULL ) {
            dmyproc = CreateProc( NULL, procname, SYM_INTERNAL );
            DebugMsg1(("AddLinnumDataRef: new proc %s created\n", procname ));
            dmyproc->isproc = TRUE; /* flag is usually set inside ParseProc() */
            dmyproc->included = TRUE;
            AddPublicData( dmyproc );
        } else
            procidx++; /* for passes > 1, adjust procidx */

        /* if the symbols isn't a PROC, the symbol name has been used
         * by the user - bad! A warning should be displayed */
        if ( dmyproc->isproc == TRUE ) {
            SetSymSegOfs( dmyproc );
            dmyproc->Ofssize = ModuleInfo.Ofssize;
            dmyproc->langtype = ModuleInfo.langtype;
            if ( write_to_file == TRUE ) {
                curr = LclAlloc( sizeof( struct line_num_info ) );
                curr->sym = dmyproc;
                curr->line_number = GetLineNumber();
                curr->file = srcfile;
                curr->number = 0;
                DebugMsg1(("AddLinnumDataRef: CURRPROC=NULL, sym=%s, calling AddLinnumData(src=%u.%u)\n", curr->sym->name, curr->file, curr->line_number ));
                AddLinnumData( curr );

    if(  line_num && ( write_to_file == FALSE || lastLineNumber == line_num )) {
#ifdef DEBUG_OUT
        if ( write_to_file == TRUE )
            DebugMsg1(("AddLinnumDataRef(src=%u.%u) line skipped, lastline=%u\n", srcfile, line_num, lastLineNumber ));
    DebugMsg1(("AddLinnumDataRef(src=%u.%u): currofs=%Xh, CurrProc=%s, GeneratedCode=%u\n", srcfile, line_num, GetCurrOffset(), CurrProc ? CurrProc->sym.name : "NULL", ModuleInfo.GeneratedCode ));

    curr = LclAlloc( sizeof( struct line_num_info ) );
    curr->number = line_num;
    if ( line_num == 0 ) { /* happens for COFF only */
        /* changed v2.03 (CurrProc might have been NULL) */
        /* if ( Options.output_format == OFORMAT_COFF && CurrProc->sym.public == FALSE ) { */
        /* v2.09: avoid duplicates, check for pass 1 */
        //if ( Options.output_format == OFORMAT_COFF && CurrProc && CurrProc->sym.public == FALSE ) {
        if ( Parse_Pass == PASS_1 &&
            Options.output_format == OFORMAT_COFF && CurrProc && CurrProc->sym.ispublic == FALSE ) {
            CurrProc->sym.included = TRUE;
            AddPublicData( (struct asym *)CurrProc );
        /* changed v2.03 */
        /* curr->sym = (struct asym *)CurrProc; */
        curr->sym = ( CurrProc ? (struct asym *)CurrProc : dmyproc );
        curr->line_number = GetLineNumber();
        curr->file        = srcfile;
        /* set the function's size! */
        if ( dmyproc ) {
            /**/myassert( dmyproc->segment );
            dmyproc->total_size =
                ((struct dsym *)dmyproc->segment)->e.seginfo->current_loc -
            dmyproc = NULL;
        /* v2.11: write a 0x7fff line item if prologue exists */
        if ( CurrProc && CurrProc->e.procinfo->size_prolog ) {
            DebugMsg1(("AddLinnumDataRef: calling AddLinnumData(src=%u.%u) sym=%s\n", curr->file, curr->line_number, curr->sym->name ));
            AddLinnumData( curr );
            curr = LclAlloc( sizeof( struct line_num_info ) );
            curr->number = GetLineNumber();
            curr->offset = GetCurrOffset();
            curr->srcfile = srcfile;
    } else {
        curr->offset = GetCurrOffset();
        curr->srcfile = srcfile;
    lastLineNumber = line_num;

    /* v2.11: added, improved multi source support for CV.
     * Also, the size of line number info could have become > 1024,
     * ( even > 4096, thus causing an "internal error in omfint.c" )
    if ( Options.output_format == OFORMAT_OMF )
        omf_check_flush( curr );

    /* v2.10: warning if line-numbers for segments without class code! */
    if ( CurrSeg->e.seginfo->linnum_init == FALSE ) {
        CurrSeg->e.seginfo->linnum_init = TRUE;
        if ( TypeFromClassName( CurrSeg, CurrSeg->e.seginfo->clsym ) != SEGTYPE_CODE ) {
            EmitWarn( 2, LINNUM_INFO_FOR_SEGMENT_WITHOUT_CLASS_CODE, CurrSeg->sym.name );
    DebugMsg1(("AddLinnumDataRef: calling AddLinnumData(src=%u.%u ofs=%X)\n", curr->number == 0 ? curr->file : curr->srcfile, curr->number, curr->offset ));
    AddLinnumData( curr );

Exemple #7
/* handle .model directive
 * sets fields
 * - ModuleInfo.model
 * - ModuleInfo.language
 * - ModuleInfo.distance
 * - ModuleInfo.ostype
 * if model is FLAT, defines FLAT pseudo-group
 * set default segment names for code and data
ret_code ModelDirective( int i, struct asm_tok tokenarray[] )
    enum model_type model;
    enum lang_type language;
    enum dist_type distance;
    enum os_type ostype;
    int index;
    uint_8 init;
    uint_8 initv;

    DebugMsg1(("ModelDirective enter\n"));
    /* v2.03: it may occur that "code" is defined BEFORE the MODEL
     * directive (i.e. DB directives in AT-segments). For FASTPASS,
     * this may have caused errors because contents of the ModuleInfo
     * structure was saved before the .MODEL directive.
    //if( Parse_Pass != PASS_1 ) {
    if( Parse_Pass != PASS_1 && ModuleInfo.model != MODEL_NONE ) {
        /* just set the model with SetModel() if pass is != 1.
         * This won't set the language ( which can be modified by
         * OPTION LANGUAGE directive ), but the language in ModuleInfo
         * isn't needed anymore once pass one is done.
        return( NOT_ERROR );

    if ( tokenarray[i].token == T_FINAL ) {
        EmitError( EXPECTED_MEMORY_MODEL );
        return( ERROR );
    /* get the model argument */
    index = FindToken( tokenarray[i].string_ptr, ModelToken, sizeof( ModelToken )/sizeof( ModelToken[0] ) );
    if( index >= 0 ) {
        if( ModuleInfo.model != MODEL_NONE ) {
            EmitWarn( 2, MODEL_DECLARED_ALREADY );
            return( NOT_ERROR );
        model = index + 1;
    } else {
        EmitErr( SYNTAX_ERROR_EX, tokenarray[i].string_ptr );
        return( ERROR );

    /* get the optional arguments: language, stack distance, os */
    init = 0;
    while ( i < ( Token_Count - 1 ) && tokenarray[i].token == T_COMMA ) {
        if ( tokenarray[i].token != T_COMMA ) {
            if ( GetLangType( &i, tokenarray, &language ) == NOT_ERROR ) {
                initv = INIT_LANG;
            } else {
                index = FindToken( tokenarray[i].string_ptr, ModelAttr, sizeof( ModelAttr )/sizeof( ModelAttr[0] ) );
                if ( index < 0 )
                initv = ModelAttrValue[index].init;
                switch ( initv ) {
                case INIT_STACK:
                    if ( model == MODEL_FLAT ) {
                        EmitError( INVALID_MODEL_PARAM_FOR_FLAT );
                        return( ERROR );
                    distance = ModelAttrValue[index].value;
                case INIT_OS:
                    ostype = ModelAttrValue[index].value;
            /* attribute set already? */
            if ( initv & init ) {
            init |= initv;
    /* everything parsed successfully? */
    if ( tokenarray[i].token != T_FINAL ) {
        EmitErr( SYNTAX_ERROR_EX, tokenarray[i].tokpos );
        return( ERROR );

    if ( model == MODEL_FLAT ) {
        if ( ( ModuleInfo.curr_cpu & P_CPU_MASK) < P_386 ) {
            return( ERROR );

    ModuleInfo.model = model;
    if ( init & INIT_LANG ) {
        ModuleInfo.langtype = language;
        /* v2.03: set header and fastcall type to win64 if x64 is active.
         * This is rather hackish, but currently there's no other possibility
         * to enable the win64 ABI from the source.
        if ( ( ModuleInfo.curr_cpu & P_CPU_MASK ) == P_64 )
            if ( language == LANG_FASTCALL &&
                model == MODEL_FLAT &&
                Options.output_format != OFORMAT_ELF ) {
                DebugMsg(("ModelDirective: FASTCALL type set to WIN64\n"));
                ModuleInfo.header_format = HFORMAT_WIN64;
                ModuleInfo.fctype = FCT_WIN64;
    if ( init & INIT_STACK )
        ModuleInfo.distance = distance;
    if ( init & INIT_OS )
        ModuleInfo.ostype = ostype;


    return( NOT_ERROR );
Exemple #8
static ret_code DoPatch( struct asym *sym, struct fixup *fixup )
    long                disp;
    long                max_disp;
    unsigned            size;
    struct dsym         *seg;
    struct asym         *sym2;
    struct fixup        *fixup2;

    /* all relative fixups should occure only at first pass and they signal forward references
     * they must be removed after patching or skiped ( next processed as normal fixup )

    DebugMsg(("DoPatch(%u, %s): fixup sym=%s type=%u ofs=%" FX32 "h loc=%" FX32 "h opt=%u def_seg=%s\n",
              Parse_Pass + 1, sym->name,
              fixup->sym ? fixup->sym->name : "NULL",
              fixup->def_seg ? fixup->def_seg->sym.name : "NULL" ));
    seg = GetSegm( sym );
    if( seg == NULL || fixup->def_seg != seg ) {
        /* if fixup location is in another segment, backpatch is possible, but
         * complicated and it's a pretty rare case, so nothing's done.
        DebugMsg(("DoPatch: skipped due to seg incompat: %s - %s\n",
                  fixup->def_seg ? fixup->def_seg->sym.name : "NULL",
                  seg ? seg->sym.name : "NULL" ));
        return( NOT_ERROR );

    if( Parse_Pass == PASS_1 ) {
        if( sym->mem_type == MT_FAR && fixup->option == OPTJ_CALL ) {
            /* convert near call to push cs + near call,
             * (only at first pass) */
            DebugMsg(("DoPatch: Phase error! caused by far call optimization\n"));
            ModuleInfo.PhaseError = TRUE;
            sym->offset++;  /* a PUSH CS will be added */
            /* todo: insert LABELOPT block here */
            OutputByte( 0 ); /* it's pass one, nothing is written */
            FreeFixup( fixup );
            return( NOT_ERROR );
            //} else if( sym->mem_type == MT_NEAR ) {
        } else {
            /* forward reference, only at first pass */
            switch( fixup->type ) {
            case FIX_RELOFF32:
            case FIX_RELOFF16:
                FreeFixup( fixup );
                DebugMsg(("DoPatch: FIX_RELOFF32/FIX_RELOFF16, return\n"));
                return( NOT_ERROR );
            case FIX_OFF8:  /* push <forward reference> */
                if ( fixup->option == OPTJ_PUSH ) {
                    size = 1;    /* size increases from 2 to 3/5 */
                    DebugMsg(("DoPatch: FIX_OFF8\n"));
                    goto patch;
    size = 0;
    switch( fixup->type ) {
    case FIX_RELOFF32:
        size = 2; /* will be 4 finally */
    /* fall through */
    case FIX_RELOFF16:
        size++; /* will be 2 finally */
    /* fall through */
    case FIX_RELOFF8:
        /* calculate the displacement */
        // disp = fixup->offset + GetCurrOffset() - fixup->location - size;
        disp = fixup->offset + fixup->sym->offset - fixup->location - size - 1;
        max_disp = (1UL << ((size * 8)-1)) - 1;
        if( disp > max_disp || disp < (-max_disp-1) ) {
            DebugMsg(("DoPatch(%u): Phase error, disp=%X, fixup=%s(%X), loc=%X!\n", Parse_Pass + 1, disp, fixup->sym->name, fixup->sym->offset, fixup->location ));
            ModuleInfo.PhaseError = TRUE;
            /* ok, the standard case is: there's a forward jump which
             * was assumed to be SHORT, but it must be NEAR instead.
            switch( size ) {
            case 1:
                size = 0;
                switch( fixup->option ) {
                case OPTJ_EXPLICIT:
#if 0 /* don't display the error at the destination line! */
                    sym->fixup = NULL;
                    DebugMsg(("DoPatch: jump out of range, disp=%d\n", disp ));
                    EmitErr( JUMP_OUT_OF_RANGE, disp - max_disp );
                    return( ERROR );
                    return( NOT_ERROR ); /* nothing to do */
                case OPTJ_EXTEND: /* Jxx for 8086 */
                    size++;       /* will be 3/5 finally */
                /* fall through */
                case OPTJ_JXX: /* Jxx for 386 */
                /* fall through */
                default: /* normal JMP (and PUSH) */
                    // if( CodeInfo->Ofssize ) /* v1.96: don't use CodeInfo here! */
                    if( seg->e.seginfo->Ofssize )
                        size += 2; /* NEAR32 instead of NEAR16 */
                    /* v2.04: if there's an ORG between src and dst, skip
                     * the optimization!
                    if ( Parse_Pass == PASS_1 ) {
                        for ( fixup2 = seg->e.seginfo->FixupListHead; fixup2; fixup2 = fixup2->nextrlc ) {
                            if ( fixup2->orgoccured ) {
                                DebugMsg(("DoPatch: ORG/ALIGN detected, optimization canceled\n" ));
                                return( NOT_ERROR );
                            /* do this check after the check for ORG! */
                            if ( fixup2->location <= fixup->location )
                    /* scan the segment's label list and adjust all labels
                     * which are between the fixup loc and the current sym.
                     * ( PROCs are NOT contained in this list because they
                     * use the <next>-field of dsym already!)
                    for ( sym2 = seg->e.seginfo->labels; sym2; sym2 = (struct asym *)((struct dsym *)sym2)->next ) {
                        //if ( sym2 == sym )
                        //    continue;
                        /* v2.0: location is at least 1 byte too low, so
                         * use the "<=" operator instead of "<"!
                        //if ( sym2->offset < fixup->location )
                        if ( sym2->offset <= fixup->location )
                        sym2->offset += size;
                        DebugMsg(("DoPatch(loc=%" FX32 "): sym %s, offset changed %" FX32 " -> %" FX32 "\n", fixup->location, sym2->name, sym2->offset - size, sym2->offset));
                    /* v2.03: also adjust fixup locations located between the
                     * label reference and the label. This should reduce the
                     * number of passes to 2 for not too complex sources.
                    if ( Parse_Pass == PASS_1 ) /* v2.04: added, just to be safe */
                        for ( fixup2 = seg->e.seginfo->FixupListHead; fixup2; fixup2 = fixup2->nextrlc ) {
                            if ( fixup2->sym == sym )
                            if ( fixup2->location <= fixup->location )
                            fixup2->location += size;
                            DebugMsg(("for sym=%s fixup loc %" FX32 " changed to %" FX32 "\n", fixup2->sym->name, fixup2->location - size, fixup2->location ));
                    DebugMsg(("DoPatch: sym %s, offset changed %" FX32 " -> %" FX32 "\n", sym->name, sym->offset, sym->offset + size));
                    sym->offset += size;
                    /*  it doesn't matter what's actually "written" */
                    for ( ; size; size-- )
                        OutputByte( 0xCC );
            case 2:
            case 4:
                DebugMsg(("DoPatch: jump out of range, disp=%d\n", disp ));
                EmitWarn( 4, JUMP_OUT_OF_RANGE, disp - max_disp );
#ifdef DEBUG_OUT
            DebugMsg(("DoPatch, loc=%" FX32 ": displacement still short: %Xh\n", fixup->location, disp ));
        /* v2.04: fixme: is it ok to remove the fixup?
         * it might still be needed in a later backpatch.
        FreeFixup( fixup );
        DebugMsg(("DoPatch: default branch, unhandled fixup type=%u\n", fixup->type ));
    return( NOT_ERROR );
Exemple #9
/* handle .model directive
 * sets fields
 * - ModuleInfo.model
 * - ModuleInfo.language
 * - ModuleInfo.distance
 * - ModuleInfo.ostype
 * if model is FLAT, defines FLAT pseudo-group
 * set default segment names for code and data
ret_code ModelDirective( int i, struct asm_tok tokenarray[] )
    enum model_type model;
    enum lang_type language;
    enum dist_type distance;
    enum os_type ostype;
    int index;
    uint_8 init;
    uint_8 initv;

    DebugMsg1(("ModelDirective enter\n"));
    /* v2.03: it may occur that "code" is defined BEFORE the MODEL
     * directive (i.e. DB directives in AT-segments). For FASTPASS,
     * this may have caused errors because contents of the ModuleInfo
     * structure was saved before the .MODEL directive.
    //if( Parse_Pass != PASS_1 ) {
    if( Parse_Pass != PASS_1 && ModuleInfo.model != MODEL_NONE ) {
        /* just set the model with SetModel() if pass is != 1.
         * This won't set the language ( which can be modified by
         * OPTION LANGUAGE directive ), but the language in ModuleInfo
         * isn't needed anymore once pass one is done.
        return( NOT_ERROR );

    if ( tokenarray[i].token == T_FINAL ) {
        return( EmitError( EXPECTED_MEMORY_MODEL ) );
    /* get the model argument */
    index = FindToken( tokenarray[i].string_ptr, ModelToken, sizeof( ModelToken )/sizeof( ModelToken[0] ) );
    if( index >= 0 ) {
        if( ModuleInfo.model != MODEL_NONE ) {
            //if ( Parse_Pass == PASS_1 ) /* not needed, this code runs in pass one only */
            EmitWarn( 2, MODEL_DECLARED_ALREADY );
        model = index + 1; /* model is one-base ( 0 is MODEL_NONE ) */
    } else {
        return( EmitErr( SYNTAX_ERROR_EX, tokenarray[i].string_ptr ) );

    /* get the optional arguments: language, stack distance, os */
    init = 0;
    while ( i < ( Token_Count - 1 ) && tokenarray[i].token == T_COMMA ) {
        if ( tokenarray[i].token != T_COMMA ) {
            if ( GetLangType( &i, tokenarray, &language ) == NOT_ERROR ) {
                initv = INIT_LANG;
            } else {
                index = FindToken( tokenarray[i].string_ptr, ModelAttr, sizeof( ModelAttr )/sizeof( ModelAttr[0] ) );
                if ( index < 0 )
                initv = ModelAttrValue[index].init;
                switch ( initv ) {
                case INIT_STACK:
                    if ( model == MODEL_FLAT ) {
                        return( EmitError( INVALID_MODEL_PARAM_FOR_FLAT ) );
                    distance = ModelAttrValue[index].value;
                case INIT_OS:
                    ostype = ModelAttrValue[index].value;
            /* attribute set already? */
            if ( initv & init ) {
            init |= initv;
    /* everything parsed successfully? */
    if ( tokenarray[i].token != T_FINAL ) {
        return( EmitErr( SYNTAX_ERROR_EX, tokenarray[i].tokpos ) );

    if ( model == MODEL_FLAT ) {
        if ( ( ModuleInfo.curr_cpu & P_CPU_MASK) < P_386 ) {
        if ( ( ModuleInfo.curr_cpu & P_CPU_MASK ) >= P_64 ) /* cpu 64-bit? */
            switch ( Options.output_format ) {
            case OFORMAT_COFF: ModuleInfo.fmtopt = &coff64_fmtopt; break;
            case OFORMAT_ELF:  ModuleInfo.fmtopt = &elf64_fmtopt;  break;
        /* v2.11: define FLAT symbol is to early here, because defOfssize isn't set yet */

    ModuleInfo.model = model;
    if ( init & INIT_LANG )
        ModuleInfo.langtype = language;
    if ( init & INIT_STACK )
        ModuleInfo.distance = distance;
    if ( init & INIT_OS )
        ModuleInfo.ostype = ostype;


    return( NOT_ERROR );
Exemple #10
static void CalcOffset( struct dsym *curr, bool firstseg )
    uint_32 align;
    uint_32 alignbytes;
    uint_32 offset;
    struct dsym *grp;

    if ( curr->e.seginfo->segtype == SEGTYPE_ABS ) {
        curr->e.seginfo->start_offset = curr->e.seginfo->abs_frame << 4;
        DebugMsg(("CalcOffset(%s): abs seg, offset=%" FX32 "h\n",
                  curr->sym.name, curr->e.seginfo->start_offset ));

    grp = (struct dsym *)curr->e.seginfo->group;
    align = 1 << curr->e.seginfo->alignment;
    //alignbytes = ((offset + (align - 1)) & (-align)) - offset;
    alignbytes = ((fileoffset + (align - 1)) & (-align)) - fileoffset;
    fileoffset += alignbytes;

    if ( grp == NULL ) {
        offset = fileoffset - sizehdr; // + alignbytes;
        DebugMsg(("CalcOffset(%s): fileofs=%" FX32 "h, ofs=%" FX32 "h\n", curr->sym.name, fileoffset, offset ));
    } else {
        if ( grp->sym.total_size == 0 ) {
            grp->sym.offset = fileoffset - sizehdr;
            offset = 0;
        } else
            offset = grp->sym.total_size + alignbytes;
        DebugMsg(("CalcOffset(%s): fileofs=%" FX32 "h, alignbytes=%lu, ofs=%" FX32 "h, group=%s, grp.ofs=%" FX32 "h\n",
                  curr->sym.name, fileoffset, alignbytes, offset, grp->sym.name, grp->sym.offset ));

    /* v2.04: added */
    /* v2.05: this addition did mess sample Win32_5.asm, because the
     * "empty" alignment sections are now added to <fileoffset>.
     * todo: VA in binary map is displayed wrong.
    if ( firstseg == FALSE ) {
        /* v2.05: do the reset more carefully.
         * Do reset start_loc only if
         * - segment is in a group and
         * - group isn't FLAT or segment's name contains '$'
        if ( grp && ( grp != ModuleInfo.flat_grp ||
                     strchr( curr->sym.name, '$' ) ) )
            curr->e.seginfo->start_loc = 0;

    curr->e.seginfo->fileoffset = fileoffset;
    //if ( firstseg && ModuleInfo.header_format == HFORMAT_NONE ) {
    if ( ModuleInfo.header_format == HFORMAT_NONE ) {
        fileoffset += curr->sym.max_offset - curr->e.seginfo->start_loc;
        if ( firstseg )
            imagestart = curr->e.seginfo->start_loc;
    } else {
        /* v2.05: changed, removed */
        //curr->e.seginfo->fileoffset += curr->e.seginfo->start_loc;
        //fileoffset += curr->sym.max_offset;
        fileoffset += curr->sym.max_offset - curr->e.seginfo->start_loc;

    curr->e.seginfo->start_offset = offset;

    /* there's no real entry address for BIN, therefore the
     start label must be at the very beginning of the file */
    if (entryoffset == -1) {
        entryoffset = offset;
        entryseg = (struct asym *)curr;
    //offset += curr->sym.max_offset - curr->e.seginfo->start_loc;
    offset += curr->sym.max_offset;
    if ( grp ) {
        //grp->sym.total_size = offset + curr->e.seginfo->start_loc;
        grp->sym.total_size = offset;
        /* v2.07: for 16-bit groups, ensure that it fits in 64 kB */
        if ( grp->sym.total_size > 0x10000 && grp->sym.Ofssize == USE16 ) {
            EmitWarn( 2, GROUP_EXCEEDS_64K, grp->sym.name );
    DebugMsg(("CalcOffset(%s) exit: seg.fileofs=%" FX32 "h, seg.start_offset=%" FX32 "h, endofs=%" FX32 "h fileoffset=%" FX32 "h\n",
              curr->sym.name, curr->e.seginfo->fileoffset, curr->e.seginfo->start_offset, offset, fileoffset ));

Exemple #11
ret_code CatStrDir( int i, struct asm_tok tokenarray[] )
    struct asym *sym;
    int count;
    char *p;
    /* struct expr opndx; */

    DebugMsg1(("CatStrDir(%u) enter\n", i ));
    DebugCmd( catstrcnt++ );

#if 0 /* can't happen */
    /* syntax must be <id> CATSTR textitem[,textitem,...] */
    if ( i != 1 ) {
        return( EmitErr( SYNTAX_ERROR_EX, tokenarray[i].string_ptr ) );
    if ( tokenarray[0].token != T_ID ) {
        return( EmitErr( SYNTAX_ERROR_EX, tokenarray[0].string_ptr ) );
    i++; /* go past CATSTR/TEXTEQU */

    /* v2.08: don't copy to temp buffer */
    //*StringBufferEnd = NULLC;
    /* check correct syntax and length of items */
    for ( count = 0; i < Token_Count; ) {
        DebugMsg1(("CatStrDir(%s): item[%u]=%s delim=0x%x\n", tokenarray[0].string_ptr, i, tokenarray[i].string_ptr, tokenarray[i].string_delim ));
        if ( tokenarray[i].token != T_STRING || tokenarray[i].string_delim != '<' ) {
            DebugMsg(("CatStrDir: error, not a <>-literal: %s\n", tokenarray[i].tokpos ));
            return( TextItemError( &tokenarray[i] ) );
        /* v2.08: using tokenarray.stringlen is not quite correct, since some chars
         * are stored in 2 bytes (!) */
        if ( ( count + tokenarray[i].stringlen ) >= MAX_LINE_LEN ) {
            DebugMsg(("CatStrDir: error, literal too long: %u + %u >= %u\n", count, tokenarray[i].stringlen, MAX_LINE_LEN ));
            return( EmitError( STRING_OR_TEXT_LITERAL_TOO_LONG ) );
        /* v2.08: don't copy to temp buffer */
        //strcpy( StringBufferEnd + count, tokenarray[i].string_ptr );
        count = count + tokenarray[i].stringlen;
        if ( ( tokenarray[i].token != T_COMMA ) &&
            ( tokenarray[i].token != T_FINAL ) ) {
            return( EmitErr( SYNTAX_ERROR_EX, tokenarray[i].string_ptr ) );

    sym = SymSearch( tokenarray[0].string_ptr );
    if ( sym == NULL ) {
        sym = SymCreate( tokenarray[0].string_ptr );
        DebugMsg1(( "CatStrDir: new symbol %s created\n", sym->name));
    } else if( sym->state == SYM_UNDEFINED ) {
        /* v2.01: symbol has been used already. Using
         * a textmacro before it has been defined is
         * somewhat problematic.
        sym_remove_table( &SymTables[TAB_UNDEF], (struct dsym *)sym );
        SkipSavedState(); /* further passes must be FULL! */
        EmitWarn( 2, TEXT_MACRO_USED_PRIOR_TO_DEFINITION, sym->name );
    } else if( sym->state != SYM_TMACRO ) {
        /* it is defined as something else, get out */
        DebugMsg(( "CatStrDir(%s) exit, symbol redefinition\n", sym->name));
        return( EmitErr( SYMBOL_REDEFINITION, sym->name ) );

    sym->state = SYM_TMACRO;
    sym->isdefined = TRUE;
#if FASTMEM==0
    if ( sym->string_ptr )
        LclFree( sym->string_ptr );
    sym->string_ptr = (char *)LclAlloc( count + 1 );
    /* v2.08: reuse string space if fastmem is on */
    if ( sym->total_size < ( count+1 ) ) {
        LclFree( sym->string_ptr ); /* is a noop if fastmem is on */
        sym->string_ptr = (char *)LclAlloc( count + 1 );
        sym->total_size = count + 1;
    /* v2.08: don't use temp buffer */
    //memcpy( sym->string_ptr, StringBufferEnd, count + 1 );
    for ( i = 2, p = sym->string_ptr; i < Token_Count; i += 2 ) {
        memcpy( p, tokenarray[i].string_ptr, tokenarray[i].stringlen );
        p += tokenarray[i].stringlen;
    *p = NULLC;
    DebugMsg1(("CatStrDir(%s) (new) value: >%s<\n", sym->name, sym->string_ptr ));

    if ( ModuleInfo.list )
        LstWrite( LSTTYPE_TMACRO, 0, sym );

    return( NOT_ERROR );
Exemple #12
/* InStr()
 * defines a numeric variable which contains position of substring.
 * syntax:
 * name INSTR [pos,]string, substr
ret_code InStrDir( int i, struct asm_tok tokenarray[] )
    struct asym *sym;
    int sizestr;
    int j;
    /* int commas; */
    char *src;
    char *p;
    char *q;
    char *string1;
    struct expr opndx;
    int start = 1;
    int strpos;

    DebugMsg1(("InStrDir entry\n"));
    DebugCmd( instrcnt++ );

    if ( i != 1) {
        return( EmitErr( SYNTAX_ERROR_EX, tokenarray[i].string_ptr ) );
#if 0 /* this is checked in ParseLine() */
    if ( tokenarray[0].token != T_ID ) {
        return( EmitErr( SYNTAX_ERROR_EX, tokenarray[0].string_ptr ) );

    i++; /* go past INSTR */

    if ( tokenarray[i].token != T_STRING || tokenarray[i].string_delim != '<' ) {
        /* v2.11: flag NOUNDEF added - no forward reference accepted */
        if ( EvalOperand( &i, tokenarray, Token_Count, &opndx, EXPF_NOUNDEF ) == ERROR )
            return( ERROR );
        if ( opndx.kind != EXPR_CONST ) {
            return( EmitError( CONSTANT_EXPECTED ) );
        start = opndx.value;
        if ( start <= 0 ) {
            /* v2.05: don't change the value. if it's invalid, the result
             * is to be 0. Emit a level 3 warning instead.
            //start = 1;
            EmitWarn( 3, POSITIVE_VALUE_EXPECTED );
        if ( tokenarray[i].token != T_COMMA ) {
            return( EmitErr( EXPECTING_COMMA, tokenarray[i].tokpos ) );
        i++; /* skip comma */

    if ( tokenarray[i].token != T_STRING || tokenarray[i].string_delim != '<' ) {
        return( TextItemError( &tokenarray[i] ) );

    /* to compare the strings, the "visible" format is needed, since
     * the possible '!' operators inside the strings is optional and
     * must be ignored.
    //src = StringBufferEnd;
    //sizestr = GetLiteralValue( src, tokenarray[i].string_ptr );
    src = tokenarray[i].string_ptr;
    sizestr = tokenarray[i].stringlen;
    DebugMsg1(("InStrDir: first string >%s< \n", src ));

    if ( start > sizestr ) {
        return( EmitErr( INDEX_VALUE_PAST_END_OF_STRING, start ) );
    p = src + start - 1;

    if ( tokenarray[i].token != T_COMMA ) {
        return( EmitErr( EXPECTING_COMMA, tokenarray[i].tokpos ) );

    if ( tokenarray[i].token != T_STRING || tokenarray[i].string_delim != '<' ) {
        return( TextItemError( &tokenarray[i] ) );
    //q = GetAlignedPointer( src, sizestr );
    //j = GetLiteralValue( q, tokenarray[i].string_ptr );
    q = tokenarray[i].string_ptr;
    j = tokenarray[i].stringlen;
    DebugMsg1(("InStrDir: second string >%s< \n", q ));
    if ( tokenarray[i].token != T_FINAL ) {
        return( EmitErr( SYNTAX_ERROR_EX, tokenarray[i].string_ptr ) );

    strpos = 0;
    /* v2.05: check for start > 0 added */
    /* v2.08: check for j > 0 added */
    if ( ( start > 0 ) && ( sizestr >= j ) && j && ( string1 = strstr( p, q ) ))
        strpos = string1 - src + 1;

    if ( sym = CreateVariable( tokenarray[0].string_ptr, strpos ) ) {
        DebugMsg1(("InStrDir(%s) exit, value=%u\n", tokenarray[0].string_ptr, strpos));
        LstWrite( LSTTYPE_EQUATE, 0, sym );
        return ( NOT_ERROR );
    return( ERROR );
Exemple #13
/* SubStr()
 * defines a text equate.
 * syntax: name SUBSTR <string>, pos [, size]
ret_code SubStrDir( int i, struct asm_tok tokenarray[] )
    struct asym         *sym;
    char                *name;
    char                *p;
    //char                *newvalue;
    int                 pos;
    int                 size;
    int                 cnt;
    bool                chksize;
    struct expr         opndx;

    DebugMsg1(("SubStrDir enter\n"));
    DebugCmd( substrcnt++ );

    /* at least 5 items are needed
     * 0  1      2      3 4    5   6
#if 0 /* can't happen */
    if ( i != 1 ) {
        return( EmitErr( SYNTAX_ERROR_EX, tokenarray[i].string_ptr ) );
    if ( tokenarray[0].token != T_ID ) {
        return( EmitErr( SYNTAX_ERROR_EX, tokenarray[0].string_ptr ) );
    name = tokenarray[0].string_ptr;

    i++; /* go past SUBSTR */

    /* third item must be a string */

    if ( tokenarray[i].token != T_STRING || tokenarray[i].string_delim != '<' ) {
        DebugMsg(("SubStrDir: error, no text item\n"));
        return( TextItemError( &tokenarray[i] ) );
    p = tokenarray[i].string_ptr;
    cnt = tokenarray[i].stringlen;

    DebugMsg1(("SubStrDir(%s): src=>%s<\n", name, p));

    if ( tokenarray[i].token != T_COMMA ) {
        return( EmitErr( EXPECTING_COMMA, tokenarray[i].tokpos ) );

    /* get pos, must be a numeric value and > 0 */
    /* v2.11: flag NOUNDEF added - no forward ref possible */

    if ( EvalOperand( &i, tokenarray, Token_Count, &opndx, EXPF_NOUNDEF ) == ERROR ) {
        DebugMsg(("SubStrDir(%s): invalid pos value\n", name));
        return( ERROR );

    /* v2.04: "string" constant allowed as second argument */
    //if ( opndx.kind != EXPR_CONST || opndx.string != NULL ) {
    if ( opndx.kind != EXPR_CONST ) {
        DebugMsg(("SubStrDir(%s): pos value is not a constant\n", name));
        return( EmitError( CONSTANT_EXPECTED ) );

    /* pos is expected to be 1-based */
    pos = opndx.value;
    if ( pos <= 0 ) {
        return( EmitError( POSITIVE_VALUE_EXPECTED ) );
    if ( tokenarray[i].token != T_FINAL ) {
        if ( tokenarray[i].token != T_COMMA ) {
            return( EmitErr( EXPECTING_COMMA, tokenarray[i].tokpos ) );
        /* get size, must be a constant */
        /* v2.11: flag NOUNDEF added - no forward ref possible */
        if ( EvalOperand( &i, tokenarray, Token_Count, &opndx, EXPF_NOUNDEF ) == ERROR ) {
            DebugMsg(("SubStrDir(%s): invalid size value\n", name));
            return( ERROR );
        /* v2.04: string constant ok */
        //if ( opndx.kind != EXPR_CONST || opndx.string != NULL ) {
        if ( opndx.kind != EXPR_CONST ) {
            DebugMsg(("SubStrDir(%s): size value is not a constant\n", name));
            return( EmitError( CONSTANT_EXPECTED ) );
        size = opndx.value;
        if ( tokenarray[i].token != T_FINAL ) {
            DebugMsg(("SubStrDir(%s): additional items found\n", name));
            return( EmitErr( SYNTAX_ERROR_EX, tokenarray[i].string_ptr ) );
        if ( size < 0 ) {
            return( EmitError( COUNT_MUST_BE_POSITIVE_OR_ZERO ) );
        chksize = TRUE;
    } else {
        size = -1;
        chksize = FALSE;
#if 0
    cnt = pos;
    /* position p to start of substring */
    for ( pos--; pos > 0 && *p ; pos--, p++ )
        if ( *p == '!' && *(p+1) != NULLC )
    if ( *p == NULLC ) {
        return( EmitErr( INDEX_VALUE_PAST_END_OF_STRING, cnt ) );
    if ( *p == '!' && *(p+1) != NULLC )
    for ( newvalue = p, cnt = size; *p && cnt; cnt--, p++ )
        if ( *p == '!' && *(p+1) != NULLC )
    /* v2.04: check added */
    if ( chksize && cnt ) {
        return( EmitError( COUNT_VALUE_TOO_LARGE ) );
    size = p - newvalue;
    p = newvalue;
    if ( pos > cnt ) {
        return( EmitErr( INDEX_VALUE_PAST_END_OF_STRING, pos ) );
    if ( chksize && (pos+size-1) > cnt )  {
        return( EmitError( COUNT_VALUE_TOO_LARGE ) );
    p += pos - 1;
    if ( size == -1 )
        size = cnt - pos + 1;

    sym = SymSearch( name );

    /* if we've never seen it before, put it in */
    if( sym == NULL ) {
        sym = SymCreate( name );
    } else if( sym->state == SYM_UNDEFINED ) {
        /* it was referenced before being defined. This is
         * a bad idea for preprocessor text items, because it
         * will require a full second pass!
        sym_remove_table( &SymTables[TAB_UNDEF], (struct dsym *)sym );
        EmitWarn( 2, TEXT_MACRO_USED_PRIOR_TO_DEFINITION, sym->name );
    } else if( sym->state != SYM_TMACRO ) {
        /* it is defined as something incompatible, get out */
        DebugMsg(( "SubStrDir(%s) error, incompatible type\n", sym->name));
        return( EmitErr( SYMBOL_REDEFINITION, sym->name ) );

    sym->state = SYM_TMACRO;
    sym->isdefined = TRUE;

#if FASTMEM==0
    if ( sym->string_ptr )
        LclFree( sym->string_ptr );
    sym->string_ptr = (char *)LclAlloc( size + 1 );
    if ( sym->total_size < ( size + 1 ) ) {
        LclFree( sym->string_ptr );
        sym->string_ptr = LclAlloc ( size + 1 );
        sym->total_size = size + 1;
    memcpy( sym->string_ptr, p, size );
    *(sym->string_ptr + size) = NULLC;
    DebugMsg1(("SubStrDir(%s): result=>%s<\n", sym->name, sym->string_ptr ));

    LstWrite( LSTTYPE_TMACRO, 0, sym );

    return( NOT_ERROR );
Exemple #14
 * used by EQU if the value to be assigned to a symbol is text.
 * - sym:   text macro name, may be NULL
 * - name:  identifer ( if sym == NULL )
 * - value: value of text macro ( original line, BEFORE expansion )
struct asym *SetTextMacro( struct asm_tok tokenarray[], struct asym *sym, const char *name, const char *value )
    int count;
    //char *p;

    DebugCmd( equcnt++ );

    if ( sym == NULL )
        sym = SymCreate( name );
    else if ( sym->state == SYM_UNDEFINED ) {
        sym_remove_table( &SymTables[TAB_UNDEF], (struct dsym *)sym );
        /* the text macro was referenced before being defined.
         * this is valid usage, but it requires a full second pass.
         * just simply deactivate the fastpass feature for this module!
        EmitWarn( 2, TEXT_MACRO_USED_PRIOR_TO_DEFINITION, sym->name );
    } else if ( sym->state != SYM_TMACRO ) {
        EmitErr( SYMBOL_REDEFINITION, name );
        return( NULL );

    sym->state = SYM_TMACRO;
    sym->isdefined = TRUE;

    if ( tokenarray[2].token == T_STRING && tokenarray[2].string_delim == '<' ) {

        /* the simplest case: value is a literal. define a text macro! */
        /* just ONE literal is allowed */
        if ( tokenarray[3].token != T_FINAL ) {
            EmitErr( SYNTAX_ERROR_EX, tokenarray[3].tokpos );
            return( NULL );
        value = tokenarray[2].string_ptr;
        count = tokenarray[2].stringlen;
    } else {
         * the original source is used, since the tokenizer has
         * deleted some information.
        //while ( isspace( *value ) ) value++; /* probably obsolete */
        count = strlen( value );
        /* skip trailing spaces */
        for ( ; count; count-- )
            if ( isspace( *( value + count - 1 ) ) == FALSE )
#if FASTMEM==0
    if ( sym->string_ptr )
        LclFree( sym->string_ptr );
    sym->string_ptr = (char *)LclAlloc( count + 1 );
    if ( sym->total_size < ( count + 1 ) ) {
        LclFree( sym->string_ptr ); /* is a noop if fastmem is on */
        sym->string_ptr = (char *)LclAlloc( count + 1 );
        sym->total_size = count + 1;
    memcpy( sym->string_ptr, value, count );
    *(sym->string_ptr + count) = NULLC;

    DebugMsg1(( "SetTextMacro(%s): value is >%s<, exit\n", sym->name, sym->string_ptr ));
    return( sym );