void wxNetworkConnectionAttemptDialog::OnTimer() { bool success = false; for(sAttempt = 0; sAttempt < sMaxAttempts; ++sAttempt) { wxString str = wxString::Format(stAttemptOf.c_str(), sAttempt + 1, sMaxAttempts); spAttemptText->SetLabel(str); // Immediately attempt to connect. success = mpNetworkClient->Connect(mAddress); if(true == success) { break; } } // If we successfully connected, immediately close. if(true == success) { EndModal(wxID_OK); } // Otherwise, let the user read the message and close. else { // If we get here, we tried a lot and couldn't connect. EnableCloseButton(true); spOKButton->Enable(); } }
wxNetworkConnectionAttemptDialog::wxNetworkConnectionAttemptDialog( wxWindow *parent, const wxIPV4address& address, INetworkClient* client) : wxBaseModalDialog(parent, ISizerPtr(new Sizer_NetworkConnectionAttempt( this, address)), stConnectingToAGame, swConnectingToAGame) , mpNetworkClient(client) , mAddress(address) { wxASSERT(NULL != mpNetworkClient); Controller::get().AddReceiver(shEventNetworkConnectionEvent, &wxNetworkConnectionAttemptDialog::OnNetworkConnectionEvent, this); // Disable the close button until we get an event. EnableCloseButton(false); // Add the one shot callback so we get a modal dialog. TimerManager::get().AddOneShotFunction( &wxNetworkConnectionAttemptDialog::OnTimer, this, 1); }
void DebugConsole::AllocateConsole(LPCTSTR lpTitle, SHORT sHeight, SHORT sWidth, BOOL bClosable) { if (FALSE == sm_bExist) { ::AllocConsole(); if (NULL != lpTitle) ::SetConsoleTitle(lpTitle); COORD size; size.X = sWidth; size.Y = sHeight; ::SetConsoleScreenBufferSize( ::GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), size); EnableCloseButton(bClosable); sm_bExist = TRUE; } }
TaskProgressDialog::TaskProgressDialog ( wxWindow* parent) : wxDialog ( parent, -1, _("Please wait..."), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize , wxCAPTION) { wxClientDC dc(this); dc.SetFont(wxSystemSettings::GetFont(wxSYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)); long widthText = 0; long heightText = 0; long lineHeight = 0; dc.GetTextExtent(initial_text, &widthText, &heightText, NULL, NULL, NULL); dc.GetTextExtent("ABEND", NULL, &lineHeight, NULL, NULL, NULL); auto wrapsizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); auto centerizer = new wxGridBagSizer( 0, 0 ); centerizer->AddGrowableCol( 0 ); centerizer->AddGrowableRow( 0 ); centerizer->SetFlexibleDirection( wxBOTH ); centerizer->SetNonFlexibleGrowMode( wxFLEX_GROWMODE_ALL ); wrapsizer->Add( centerizer, 1, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL); wxSize textSize(widthText, heightText); message = new wxGenericStaticText(this, -1, "" ,wxDefaultPosition, textSize,wxALIGN_CENTRE_HORIZONTAL); message->SetMinSize(textSize); centerizer->Add(message,wxGBPosition( 0, 0 ), wxGBSpan( 1, 1 ), wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, lineHeight/2); gauge = new wxGauge(this,-1,100,wxDefaultPosition,wxDefaultSize,wxGA_HORIZONTAL | wxGA_SMOOTH); wrapsizer->Add(gauge,wxSizerFlags().Expand().Border(wxBOTTOM|wxLEFT|wxRIGHT,lineHeight/2).Proportion(0)); EnableCloseButton(false); SetSizerAndFit(wrapsizer); CenterOnParent(); #ifdef __WXGTK__ pulse_timer = new wxTimer(this,ID_PulseTimer); #endif }
wxProgressDialog::wxProgressDialog(wxString const &title, wxString const &message, int maximum, wxWindow *parent, int style) : wxDialog(parent, wxID_ANY, title), m_skip(false), m_delay(3), m_hasAbortButton(false), m_hasSkipButton(false) { // we may disappear at any moment, let the others know about it SetExtraStyle(GetExtraStyle() | wxWS_EX_TRANSIENT); m_windowStyle |= style; m_hasAbortButton = (style & wxPD_CAN_ABORT) != 0; m_hasSkipButton = (style & wxPD_CAN_SKIP) != 0; bool isPda = (wxSystemSettings::GetScreenType() <= wxSYS_SCREEN_PDA); #if defined(__WXMSW__) && !defined(__WXUNIVERSAL__) // we have to remove the "Close" button from the title bar then as it is // confusing to have it - it doesn't work anyhow // // FIXME: should probably have a (extended?) window style for this if ( !m_hasAbortButton ) { EnableCloseButton(false); } #endif // wxMSW #if defined(__SMARTPHONE__) SetLeftMenu(); #endif m_state = m_hasAbortButton ? Continue : Uncancelable; m_maximum = maximum; #if defined(__WXMSW__) || defined(__WXPM__) // we can't have values > 65,536 in the progress control under Windows, so // scale everything down m_factor = m_maximum / 65536 + 1; m_maximum /= m_factor; #endif // __WXMSW__ m_parentTop = wxGetTopLevelParent(parent); wxClientDC dc(this); dc.SetFont(wxSystemSettings::GetFont(wxSYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)); long widthText = 0; dc.GetTextExtent(message, &widthText, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); wxBoxSizer *sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); m_msg = new wxStaticText(this, wxID_ANY, message); sizer->Add(m_msg, 0, wxLEFT | wxTOP, 2*LAYOUT_MARGIN); wxSize sizeDlg, sizeLabel = m_msg->GetSize(); sizeDlg.y = 2*LAYOUT_MARGIN + sizeLabel.y; if ( maximum > 0 ) { int gauge_style = wxGA_HORIZONTAL; if ( ( style & wxPD_SMOOTH ) == wxPD_SMOOTH ) gauge_style |= wxGA_SMOOTH; m_gauge = new wxGauge(this, wxID_ANY, m_maximum, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, gauge_style ); sizer->Add(m_gauge, 0, wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxTOP | wxEXPAND, 2*LAYOUT_MARGIN); m_gauge->SetValue(0); wxSize sizeGauge = m_gauge->GetSize(); sizeDlg.y += 2*LAYOUT_MARGIN + sizeGauge.y; } else m_gauge = (wxGauge *)NULL; // create the estimated/remaining/total time zones if requested m_elapsed = m_estimated = m_remaining = (wxStaticText*)NULL; m_display_estimated = m_last_timeupdate = m_break = 0; m_ctdelay = 0; // if we are going to have at least one label, remember it in this var wxStaticText *label = NULL; // also count how many labels we really have size_t nTimeLabels = 0; if ( style & wxPD_ELAPSED_TIME ) { nTimeLabels++; label = m_elapsed = CreateLabel(_("Elapsed time : "), sizer); } if ( style & wxPD_ESTIMATED_TIME ) { nTimeLabels++; label = m_estimated = CreateLabel(_("Estimated time : "), sizer); } if ( style & wxPD_REMAINING_TIME ) { nTimeLabels++; label = m_remaining = CreateLabel(_("Remaining time : "), sizer); } if ( nTimeLabels > 0 ) { // set it to the current time m_timeStart = wxGetCurrentTime(); sizeDlg.y += nTimeLabels * (label->GetSize().y + LAYOUT_MARGIN); } #if defined(__SMARTPHONE__) if ( m_hasSkipButton ) SetRightMenu(wxID_SKIP, _("Skip")); if ( m_hasAbortButton ) SetLeftMenu(wxID_CANCEL); #else m_btnAbort = m_btnSkip = (wxButton *)NULL; bool sizeDlgModified = false; wxBoxSizer *buttonSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); const int sizerFlags = #if defined(__WXMSW__) || defined(__WXPM__) wxALIGN_RIGHT | wxALL #else // !MSW wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL | wxBOTTOM | wxTOP #endif // MSW/!MSW ; if ( m_hasSkipButton ) { m_btnSkip = new wxButton(this, wxID_SKIP, _("Skip")); // Windows dialogs usually have buttons in the lower right corner buttonSizer->Add(m_btnSkip, 0, sizerFlags, LAYOUT_MARGIN); sizeDlg.y += 2*LAYOUT_MARGIN + wxButton::GetDefaultSize().y; sizeDlgModified = true; } if ( m_hasAbortButton ) { m_btnAbort = new wxButton(this, wxID_CANCEL); // Windows dialogs usually have buttons in the lower right corner buttonSizer->Add(m_btnAbort, 0, sizerFlags, LAYOUT_MARGIN); if(!sizeDlgModified) sizeDlg.y += 2*LAYOUT_MARGIN + wxButton::GetDefaultSize().y; } sizer->Add(buttonSizer, 0, sizerFlags, LAYOUT_MARGIN ); #endif // __SMARTPHONE__/!__SMARTPHONE__ SetSizerAndFit(sizer); if (!isPda) { sizeDlg.y += 2*LAYOUT_MARGIN; // try to make the dialog not square but rectangular of reasonable width sizeDlg.x = (wxCoord)wxMax(3*widthText/2, 4*sizeDlg.y/3); SetClientSize(sizeDlg); } Centre(wxCENTER_FRAME | wxBOTH); if ( style & wxPD_APP_MODAL ) { m_winDisabler = new wxWindowDisabler(this); } else { if ( m_parentTop ) m_parentTop->Disable(); m_winDisabler = NULL; } Show(); Enable(); // this one can be initialized even if the others are unknown for now // // NB: do it after calling Layout() to keep the labels correctly aligned if ( m_elapsed ) { SetTimeLabel(0, m_elapsed); } Update(); }
bool wxProgressDialog::Update(int value, const wxString& newmsg, bool *skip) { wxASSERT_MSG( value == -1 || m_gauge, wxT("cannot update non existent dialog") ); #ifdef __WXMSW__ value /= m_factor; #endif // __WXMSW__ wxASSERT_MSG( value <= m_maximum, wxT("invalid progress value") ); if ( m_gauge ) m_gauge->SetValue(value); UpdateMessage(newmsg); if ( (m_elapsed || m_remaining || m_estimated) && (value != 0) ) { unsigned long elapsed = wxGetCurrentTime() - m_timeStart; if ( m_last_timeupdate < elapsed || value == m_maximum ) { m_last_timeupdate = elapsed; unsigned long estimated = m_break + (unsigned long)(( (double) (elapsed-m_break) * m_maximum ) / ((double)value)) ; if ( estimated > m_display_estimated && m_ctdelay >= 0 ) { ++m_ctdelay; } else if ( estimated < m_display_estimated && m_ctdelay <= 0 ) { --m_ctdelay; } else { m_ctdelay = 0; } if ( m_ctdelay >= m_delay // enough confirmations for a higher value || m_ctdelay <= (m_delay*-1) // enough confirmations for a lower value || value == m_maximum // to stay consistent || elapsed > m_display_estimated // to stay consistent || ( elapsed > 0 && elapsed < 4 ) // additional updates in the beginning ) { m_display_estimated = estimated; m_ctdelay = 0; } } long display_remaining = m_display_estimated - elapsed; if ( display_remaining < 0 ) { display_remaining = 0; } SetTimeLabel(elapsed, m_elapsed); SetTimeLabel(m_display_estimated, m_estimated); SetTimeLabel(display_remaining, m_remaining); } if ( value == m_maximum ) { if ( m_state == Finished ) { // ignore multiple calls to Update(m_maximum): it may sometimes be // troublesome to ensure that Update() is not called twice with the // same value (e.g. because of the rounding errors) and if we don't // return now we're going to generate asserts below return true; } // so that we return true below and that out [Cancel] handler knew what // to do m_state = Finished; if( !(GetWindowStyle() & wxPD_AUTO_HIDE) ) { EnableClose(); DisableSkip(); #if defined(__WXMSW__) && !defined(__WXUNIVERSAL__) EnableCloseButton(); #endif // __WXMSW__ if ( newmsg.empty() ) { // also provide the finishing message if the application didn't m_msg->SetLabel(_("Done.")); } wxYieldIfNeeded() ; (void)ShowModal(); } else // auto hide { // reenable other windows before hiding this one because otherwise // Windows wouldn't give the focus back to the window which had // been previously focused because it would still be disabled ReenableOtherWindows(); Hide(); } } else // not at maximum yet { return DoAfterUpdate(skip); } // update the display in case yielding above didn't do it Update(); return m_state != Canceled; }
bool wxTopLevelWindowMSW::Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style, const wxString& name) { wxSize sizeReal = size; if ( !sizeReal.IsFullySpecified() ) { sizeReal.SetDefaults(GetDefaultSize()); } // notice that we should append this window to wxTopLevelWindows list // before calling CreateBase() as it behaves differently for TLW and // non-TLW windows wxTopLevelWindows.Append(this); bool ret = CreateBase(parent, id, pos, sizeReal, style, name); if ( !ret ) return false; if ( parent ) parent->AddChild(this); if ( GetExtraStyle() & wxTOPLEVEL_EX_DIALOG ) { // we have different dialog templates to allows creation of dialogs // with & without captions under MSWindows, resizable or not (but a // resizable dialog always has caption - otherwise it would look too // strange) // we need 3 additional WORDs for dialog menu, class and title (as we // don't use DS_SETFONT we don't need the fourth WORD for the font) static const int dlgsize = sizeof(DLGTEMPLATE) + (sizeof(WORD) * 3); DLGTEMPLATE *dlgTemplate = (DLGTEMPLATE *)malloc(dlgsize); memset(dlgTemplate, 0, dlgsize); // these values are arbitrary, they won't be used normally anyhow dlgTemplate->x = 34; dlgTemplate->y = 22; dlgTemplate->cx = 144; dlgTemplate->cy = 75; // reuse the code in MSWGetStyle() but correct the results slightly for // the dialog // // NB: we need a temporary variable as we can't pass pointer to // dwExtendedStyle directly, it's not aligned correctly for 64 bit // architectures WXDWORD dwExtendedStyle; dlgTemplate->style = MSWGetStyle(style, &dwExtendedStyle); dlgTemplate->dwExtendedStyle = dwExtendedStyle; // all dialogs are popups dlgTemplate->style |= WS_POPUP; #ifndef __WXWINCE__ if ( wxApp::MSWGetDefaultLayout(m_parent) == wxLayout_RightToLeft ) { dlgTemplate->dwExtendedStyle |= WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL; } // force 3D-look if necessary, it looks impossibly ugly otherwise if ( style & (wxRESIZE_BORDER | wxCAPTION) ) dlgTemplate->style |= DS_MODALFRAME; #endif ret = CreateDialog(dlgTemplate, title, pos, sizeReal); free(dlgTemplate); } else // !dialog { ret = CreateFrame(title, pos, sizeReal); } #ifndef __WXWINCE__ if ( ret && !(GetWindowStyleFlag() & wxCLOSE_BOX) ) { EnableCloseButton(false); } #endif // for standard dialogs the dialog manager generates WM_CHANGEUISTATE // itself but for custom windows we have to do it ourselves in order to // make the keyboard indicators (such as underlines for accelerators and // focus rectangles) work under Win2k+ if ( ret ) { MSWUpdateUIState(UIS_INITIALIZE); } // Note: if we include PocketPC in this test, dialogs can fail to show up, // for example the text entry dialog in the dialogs sample. Problem with Maximise()? #if defined(__WXWINCE__) && (defined(__SMARTPHONE__) || defined(__WINCE_STANDARDSDK__)) if ( ( style & wxMAXIMIZE ) || IsAlwaysMaximized() ) { this->Maximize(); } #endif #if defined(__SMARTPHONE__) && defined(__WXWINCE__) SetRightMenu(); // to nothing for initialization #endif return ret; }
bool wxGenericProgressDialog::Update(int value, const wxString& newmsg, bool *skip) { if ( !DoBeforeUpdate(skip) ) return false; wxCHECK_MSG( m_gauge, false, "dialog should be fully created" ); #ifdef __WXMSW__ value /= m_factor; #endif // __WXMSW__ wxASSERT_MSG( value <= m_maximum, wxT("invalid progress value") ); m_gauge->SetValue(value); UpdateMessage(newmsg); if ( (m_elapsed || m_remaining || m_estimated) && (value != 0) ) { unsigned long elapsed; unsigned long display_remaining; UpdateTimeEstimates( value, elapsed, m_display_estimated, display_remaining ); SetTimeLabel(elapsed, m_elapsed); SetTimeLabel(m_display_estimated, m_estimated); SetTimeLabel(display_remaining, m_remaining); } if ( value == m_maximum ) { if ( m_state == Finished ) { // ignore multiple calls to Update(m_maximum): it may sometimes be // troublesome to ensure that Update() is not called twice with the // same value (e.g. because of the rounding errors) and if we don't // return now we're going to generate asserts below return true; } // so that we return true below and that out [Cancel] handler knew what // to do m_state = Finished; if( !HasPDFlag(wxPD_AUTO_HIDE) ) { EnableClose(); DisableSkip(); #if defined(__WXMSW__) && !defined(__WXUNIVERSAL__) EnableCloseButton(); #endif // __WXMSW__ if ( newmsg.empty() ) { // also provide the finishing message if the application didn't m_msg->SetLabel(_("Done.")); } // allow the window to repaint: // NOTE: since we yield only for UI events with this call, there // should be no side-effects wxEventLoopBase::GetActive()->YieldFor(wxEVT_CATEGORY_UI); // NOTE: this call results in a new event loop being created // and to a call to ProcessPendingEvents() (which may generate // unwanted re-entrancies). (void)ShowModal(); } else // auto hide { // reenable other windows before hiding this one because otherwise // Windows wouldn't give the focus back to the window which had // been previously focused because it would still be disabled ReenableOtherWindows(); Hide(); } } else // not at maximum yet { DoAfterUpdate(); } // update the display in case yielding above didn't do it Update(); return m_state != Canceled; }
bool wxGenericProgressDialog::Create( const wxString& title, const wxString& message, int maximum, wxWindow *parent, int style ) { SetTopParent(parent); m_parentTop = wxGetTopLevelParent(parent); m_pdStyle = style; wxWindow* const realParent = GetParentForModalDialog(parent, GetWindowStyle()); if (!wxDialog::Create(realParent, wxID_ANY, title)) return false; SetMaximum(maximum); // We need a running event loop in order to update the dialog and be able // to process clicks on its buttons, so ensure that there is one running // even if this means we have to start it ourselves (this happens most // commonly during the program initialization, e.g. for the progress // dialogs shown from overridden wxApp::OnInit()). if ( !wxEventLoopBase::GetActive() ) { m_tempEventLoop = new wxEventLoop; wxEventLoop::SetActive(m_tempEventLoop); } #if defined(__WXMSW__) && !defined(__WXUNIVERSAL__) // we have to remove the "Close" button from the title bar then as it is // confusing to have it - it doesn't work anyhow // // FIXME: should probably have a (extended?) window style for this if ( !HasPDFlag(wxPD_CAN_ABORT) ) { EnableCloseButton(false); } #endif // wxMSW #if defined(__SMARTPHONE__) SetLeftMenu(); #endif m_state = HasPDFlag(wxPD_CAN_ABORT) ? Continue : Uncancelable; // top-level sizerTop wxSizer * const sizerTop = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); m_msg = new wxStaticText(this, wxID_ANY, message); sizerTop->Add(m_msg, 0, wxLEFT | wxTOP, 2*LAYOUT_MARGIN); int gauge_style = wxGA_HORIZONTAL; if ( style & wxPD_SMOOTH ) gauge_style |= wxGA_SMOOTH; #ifdef __WXMSW__ maximum /= m_factor; #endif m_gauge = new wxGauge ( this, wxID_ANY, maximum, wxDefaultPosition, // make the progress bar sufficiently long wxSize(wxMin(wxGetClientDisplayRect().width/3, 300), -1), gauge_style ); sizerTop->Add(m_gauge, 0, wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxTOP | wxEXPAND, 2*LAYOUT_MARGIN); m_gauge->SetValue(0); // create the estimated/remaining/total time zones if requested m_elapsed = m_estimated = m_remaining = NULL; // also count how many labels we really have size_t nTimeLabels = 0; wxSizer * const sizerLabels = new wxFlexGridSizer(2); if ( style & wxPD_ELAPSED_TIME ) { nTimeLabels++; m_elapsed = CreateLabel(GetElapsedLabel(), sizerLabels); } if ( style & wxPD_ESTIMATED_TIME ) { nTimeLabels++; m_estimated = CreateLabel(GetEstimatedLabel(), sizerLabels); } if ( style & wxPD_REMAINING_TIME ) { nTimeLabels++; m_remaining = CreateLabel(GetRemainingLabel(), sizerLabels); } sizerTop->Add(sizerLabels, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL | wxTOP, LAYOUT_MARGIN); #if defined(__SMARTPHONE__) if ( HasPDFlag(wxPD_CAN_SKIP) ) SetRightMenu(wxID_SKIP, _("Skip")); if ( HasPDFlag(wxPD_CAN_ABORT) ) SetLeftMenu(wxID_CANCEL); #else m_btnAbort = m_btnSkip = NULL; wxBoxSizer *buttonSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); // Windows dialogs usually have buttons in the lower right corner const int sizerFlags = #if defined(__WXMSW__) || defined(__WXPM__) || defined(__WXOSX__) wxALIGN_RIGHT | wxALL #else // !MSW wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL | wxBOTTOM | wxTOP #endif // MSW/!MSW ; if ( HasPDFlag(wxPD_CAN_SKIP) ) { m_btnSkip = new wxButton(this, wxID_SKIP, _("&Skip")); buttonSizer->Add(m_btnSkip, 0, sizerFlags, LAYOUT_MARGIN); } if ( HasPDFlag(wxPD_CAN_ABORT) ) { m_btnAbort = new wxButton(this, wxID_CANCEL); buttonSizer->Add(m_btnAbort, 0, sizerFlags, LAYOUT_MARGIN); } if ( !HasPDFlag(wxPD_CAN_SKIP | wxPD_CAN_ABORT) ) buttonSizer->AddSpacer(LAYOUT_MARGIN); sizerTop->Add(buttonSizer, 0, sizerFlags, LAYOUT_MARGIN ); #endif // __SMARTPHONE__/!__SMARTPHONE__ SetSizerAndFit(sizerTop); Centre(wxCENTER_FRAME | wxBOTH); DisableOtherWindows(); Show(); Enable(); // this one can be initialized even if the others are unknown for now // // NB: do it after calling Layout() to keep the labels correctly aligned if ( m_elapsed ) { SetTimeLabel(0, m_elapsed); } Update(); return true; }
wxProgressDialog::wxProgressDialog(const wxString& title, const wxString& message, int maximum, wxWindow *parent, int style) : wxDialog(GetParentForModalDialog(parent), wxID_ANY, title), m_skip(false), m_delay(3), m_hasAbortButton(false), m_hasSkipButton(false) { // we may disappear at any moment, let the others know about it SetExtraStyle(GetExtraStyle() | wxWS_EX_TRANSIENT); m_windowStyle |= style; m_hasAbortButton = (style & wxPD_CAN_ABORT) != 0; m_hasSkipButton = (style & wxPD_CAN_SKIP) != 0; #if defined(__WXMSW__) && !defined(__WXUNIVERSAL__) // we have to remove the "Close" button from the title bar then as it is // confusing to have it - it doesn't work anyhow // // FIXME: should probably have a (extended?) window style for this if ( !m_hasAbortButton ) { EnableCloseButton(false); } #endif // wxMSW #if defined(__SMARTPHONE__) SetLeftMenu(); #endif m_state = m_hasAbortButton ? Continue : Uncancelable; m_maximum = maximum; #if defined(__WXMSW__) || defined(__WXPM__) // we can't have values > 65,536 in the progress control under Windows, so // scale everything down m_factor = m_maximum / 65536 + 1; m_maximum /= m_factor; #endif // __WXMSW__ m_parentTop = wxGetTopLevelParent(parent); wxClientDC dc(this); dc.SetFont(wxSystemSettings::GetFont(wxSYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)); wxCoord widthText = 0; dc.GetTextExtent(message, &widthText, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); // top-level sizerTop wxSizer * const sizerTop = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); m_msg = new wxStaticText(this, wxID_ANY, message); sizerTop->Add(m_msg, 0, wxLEFT | wxTOP, 2*LAYOUT_MARGIN); if ( maximum > 0 ) { int gauge_style = wxGA_HORIZONTAL; if ( style & wxPD_SMOOTH ) gauge_style |= wxGA_SMOOTH; m_gauge = new wxGauge ( this, wxID_ANY, m_maximum, wxDefaultPosition, // make the progress bar sufficiently long wxSize(wxMin(wxGetClientDisplayRect().width/3, 300), -1), gauge_style ); sizerTop->Add(m_gauge, 0, wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxTOP | wxEXPAND, 2*LAYOUT_MARGIN); m_gauge->SetValue(0); } else { m_gauge = NULL; } // create the estimated/remaining/total time zones if requested m_elapsed = m_estimated = m_remaining = NULL; m_display_estimated = m_last_timeupdate = m_break = 0; m_ctdelay = 0; // also count how many labels we really have size_t nTimeLabels = 0; wxSizer * const sizerLabels = new wxFlexGridSizer(2); if ( style & wxPD_ELAPSED_TIME ) { nTimeLabels++; m_elapsed = CreateLabel(_("Elapsed time:"), sizerLabels); } if ( style & wxPD_ESTIMATED_TIME ) { nTimeLabels++; m_estimated = CreateLabel(_("Estimated time:"), sizerLabels); } if ( style & wxPD_REMAINING_TIME ) { nTimeLabels++; m_remaining = CreateLabel(_("Remaining time:"), sizerLabels); } sizerTop->Add(sizerLabels, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL | wxTOP, LAYOUT_MARGIN); if ( nTimeLabels > 0 ) { // set it to the current time m_timeStart = wxGetCurrentTime(); } #if defined(__SMARTPHONE__) if ( m_hasSkipButton ) SetRightMenu(wxID_SKIP, _("Skip")); if ( m_hasAbortButton ) SetLeftMenu(wxID_CANCEL); #else m_btnAbort = m_btnSkip = NULL; wxBoxSizer *buttonSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); // Windows dialogs usually have buttons in the lower right corner const int sizerFlags = #if defined(__WXMSW__) || defined(__WXPM__) wxALIGN_RIGHT | wxALL #else // !MSW wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL | wxBOTTOM | wxTOP #endif // MSW/!MSW ; if ( m_hasSkipButton ) { m_btnSkip = new wxButton(this, wxID_SKIP, _("&Skip")); buttonSizer->Add(m_btnSkip, 0, sizerFlags, LAYOUT_MARGIN); } if ( m_hasAbortButton ) { m_btnAbort = new wxButton(this, wxID_CANCEL); buttonSizer->Add(m_btnAbort, 0, sizerFlags, LAYOUT_MARGIN); } sizerTop->Add(buttonSizer, 0, sizerFlags, LAYOUT_MARGIN ); #endif // __SMARTPHONE__/!__SMARTPHONE__ SetSizerAndFit(sizerTop); Centre(wxCENTER_FRAME | wxBOTH); if ( style & wxPD_APP_MODAL ) { m_winDisabler = new wxWindowDisabler(this); } else { if ( m_parentTop ) m_parentTop->Disable(); m_winDisabler = NULL; } Show(); Enable(); // this one can be initialized even if the others are unknown for now // // NB: do it after calling Layout() to keep the labels correctly aligned if ( m_elapsed ) { SetTimeLabel(0, m_elapsed); } Update(); }