Exemple #1
// Takes a path and file name like "C:\Folder\Program.exe" and a name like "My Program"
// Makes sure the program is listed in Windows Firewall and its listing is checked, adding and checking it as necessary
// Returns true if the program is listed and checked, false if we weren't able to do it
// When bRemove is TRUE, it removes the application from the exception list
BOOL CFirewall::SetupProgram( const CString& path, const CString& name, BOOL bRemove )
	// Make sure the COM interfaces have been accessed
	//if ( ! FwManager ) return FALSE;

	// If the program isn't on the Windows Firewall exceptions list
	BOOL bListed = FALSE;
	if ( ! IsProgramListed( path, &bListed ) ) return FALSE;
	if ( ! bListed && ! bRemove )
		// Add it to the list with a checked checkbox
		if ( ! AddProgram( path, name ) ) return FALSE;
	else if ( bListed && bRemove )
		if ( ! RemoveProgram( path ) ) return FALSE;
		return TRUE;

	// If the program is on the list, but its checkbox isn't checked
	BOOL bEnabled = FALSE;
	if ( ! IsProgramEnabled( path, &bEnabled ) ) return FALSE;
	if ( ! bEnabled )
		// Check the checkbox
		if ( ! EnableProgram( path ) ) return FALSE;

	// The program is listed and checked
	return TRUE;
void DrawTexture::DrawBarrelDistortion(bool leftEye) const {
	auto shader = Shaders::BarrelDistortion::Make();
	glm::mat4 scale = glm::scale(glm::mat4(1), glm::vec3(2,2,1));
	glm::mat4 transl = glm::translate(glm::mat4(1), glm::vec3(-1, -1, 0));
	shader->ModelView(transl * scale);

