Exemple #1
NTSTATUS TransferPktComplete(IN PDEVICE_OBJECT NullFdo, IN PIRP Irp, IN PVOID Context)
    PFUNCTIONAL_DEVICE_EXTENSION fdoExt = pkt->Fdo->DeviceExtension;
    PCLASS_PRIVATE_FDO_DATA fdoData = fdoExt->PrivateFdoData;
    PIO_STACK_LOCATION origCurrentSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(pkt->OriginalIrp);
    BOOLEAN packetDone = FALSE;

     *  Put all the assertions and spew in here so we don't have to look at them.
    if (SRB_STATUS(pkt->Srb.SrbStatus) == SRB_STATUS_SUCCESS){
        fdoData->LoggedTURFailureSinceLastIO = FALSE;
         *  The port driver should not have allocated a sense buffer
         *  if the SRB succeeded.
        ASSERT(!PORT_ALLOCATED_SENSE(fdoExt, &pkt->Srb));

         *  Add this packet's transferred length to the original IRP's.

        if (pkt->InLowMemRetry){
            packetDone = StepLowMemRetry(pkt);
        else {
            packetDone = TRUE;
    else {
         *  The packet failed.  We may retry it if possible.
        BOOLEAN shouldRetry;
         *  Make sure IRP status matches SRB error status (since we propagate it).
        if (NT_SUCCESS(Irp->IoStatus.Status)){
            Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL;

         *  Interpret the SRB error (to a meaningful IRP status)
         *  and determine if we should retry this packet.
         *  This call looks at the returned SENSE info to figure out what to do.
        shouldRetry = InterpretTransferPacketError(pkt);

         *  Sometimes the port driver can allocates a new 'sense' buffer
         *  to report transfer errors, e.g. when the default sense buffer
         *  is too small.  If so, it is up to us to free it.
         *  Now that we're done interpreting the sense info, free it if appropriate.
        if (PORT_ALLOCATED_SENSE(fdoExt, &pkt->Srb)) {
            DBGTRACE(ClassDebugSenseInfo, ("Freeing port-allocated sense buffer for pkt %ph.", pkt));
            FREE_PORT_ALLOCATED_SENSE_BUFFER(fdoExt, &pkt->Srb);
            pkt->Srb.SenseInfoBuffer = &pkt->SrbErrorSenseData;
            pkt->Srb.SenseInfoBufferLength = sizeof(SENSE_DATA);

         *  If the SRB queue is locked-up, release it.
         *  Do this after calling the error handler.
        if (pkt->Srb.SrbStatus & SRB_STATUS_QUEUE_FROZEN){
        if (shouldRetry && (pkt->NumRetries > 0)){           
            packetDone = RetryTransferPacket(pkt);
        else {
            packetDone = TRUE;

     *  If the packet is completed, put it back in the free list.
     *  If it is the last packet servicing the original request, complete the original irp.
    if (packetDone){
        LONG numPacketsRemaining;
        PIRP deferredIrp;
        PDEVICE_OBJECT Fdo = pkt->Fdo;
        UCHAR uniqueAddr;
         *  In case a remove is pending, bump the lock count so we don't get freed
         *  right after we complete the original irp.
        ClassAcquireRemoveLock(Fdo, (PIRP)&uniqueAddr);        

         *  The original IRP should get an error code
         *  if any one of the packets failed.
        if (!NT_SUCCESS(Irp->IoStatus.Status)){
            pkt->OriginalIrp->IoStatus.Status = Irp->IoStatus.Status;

             *  If the original I/O originated in user space (i.e. it is thread-queued), 
             *  and the error is user-correctable (e.g. media is missing, for removable media),
             *  alert the user.
             *  Since this is only one of possibly several packets completing for the original IRP,
             *  we may do this more than once for a single request.  That's ok; this allows
             *  us to test each returned status with IoIsErrorUserInduced().
            if (IoIsErrorUserInduced(Irp->IoStatus.Status) &&
                pkt->CompleteOriginalIrpWhenLastPacketCompletes &&

                IoSetHardErrorOrVerifyDevice(pkt->OriginalIrp, pkt->Fdo);

         *  We use a field in the original IRP to count
         *  down the transfer pieces as they complete.
        numPacketsRemaining = InterlockedDecrement(
        if (numPacketsRemaining > 0){
             *  More transfer pieces remain for the original request.
             *  Wait for them to complete before completing the original irp.
        else {

             *  All the transfer pieces are done.
             *  Complete the original irp if appropriate.
            ASSERT(numPacketsRemaining == 0);
            if (pkt->CompleteOriginalIrpWhenLastPacketCompletes){  
                if (NT_SUCCESS(pkt->OriginalIrp->IoStatus.Status)){
                    ASSERT((ULONG)pkt->OriginalIrp->IoStatus.Information == origCurrentSp->Parameters.Read.Length);
                ClassReleaseRemoveLock(pkt->Fdo, pkt->OriginalIrp);

                ClassCompleteRequest(pkt->Fdo, pkt->OriginalIrp, IO_DISK_INCREMENT);

                 *  We may have been called by one of the class drivers (e.g. cdrom)
                 *  via the legacy API ClassSplitRequest.  
                 *  This is the only case for which the packet engine is called for an FDO
                 *  with a StartIo routine; in that case, we have to call IoStartNextPacket
                 *  now that the original irp has been completed.
                if (fdoExt->CommonExtension.DriverExtension->InitData.ClassStartIo) {
                    if (TEST_FLAG(pkt->Srb.SrbFlags, SRB_FLAGS_DONT_START_NEXT_PACKET)){
                        DBGTRAP(("SRB_FLAGS_DONT_START_NEXT_PACKET should never be set here (?)"));
                    else {
                        KIRQL oldIrql;
                        KeRaiseIrql(DISPATCH_LEVEL, &oldIrql);
                        IoStartNextPacket(pkt->Fdo, FALSE);

         *  If the packet was synchronous, write the final
         *  result back to the issuer's status buffer and
         *  signal his event.
        if (pkt->SyncEventPtr){
            KeSetEvent(pkt->SyncEventPtr, 0, FALSE);
            pkt->SyncEventPtr = NULL;

         *  Free the completed packet.
        pkt->OriginalIrp = NULL;
        pkt->InLowMemRetry = FALSE;
        EnqueueFreeTransferPacket(pkt->Fdo, pkt);

         *  Now that we have freed some resources,
         *  try again to send one of the previously deferred irps.
        deferredIrp = DequeueDeferredClientIrp(fdoData);
        if (deferredIrp){
            DBGWARN(("... retrying deferred irp %xh.", deferredIrp)); 
            ServiceTransferRequest(pkt->Fdo, deferredIrp);

        ClassReleaseRemoveLock(Fdo, (PIRP)&uniqueAddr);        

Exemple #2
NTSTATUS TransferPktComplete(IN PDEVICE_OBJECT NullFdo, IN PIRP Irp, IN PVOID Context)
    PFUNCTIONAL_DEVICE_EXTENSION fdoExt = pkt->Fdo->DeviceExtension;
    PCLASS_PRIVATE_FDO_DATA fdoData = fdoExt->PrivateFdoData;
    BOOLEAN packetDone = FALSE;
    BOOLEAN idleRequest = FALSE;

     *  Put all the assertions and spew in here so we don't have to look at them.

    if (fdoData->IdlePrioritySupported == TRUE) {
        idleRequest = ClasspIsIdleRequest(pkt->OriginalIrp);
        if (idleRequest) {
            ASSERT(fdoData->ActiveIdleIoCount >= 0);
        } else {
            ASSERT(fdoData->ActiveIoCount >= 0);
            fdoData->IdleTicks = 0;

    // If partial MDL was used, unmap the pages.  When the packet is retried, the
    // MDL will be recreated.  If the packet is done, the MDL will be ready to be reused.
    if (pkt->UsePartialMdl) {

    if (SRB_STATUS(pkt->Srb.SrbStatus) == SRB_STATUS_SUCCESS) {

        fdoData->LoggedTURFailureSinceLastIO = FALSE;

         *  The port driver should not have allocated a sense buffer
         *  if the SRB succeeded.
        ASSERT(!PORT_ALLOCATED_SENSE(fdoExt, &pkt->Srb));

         *  Add this packet's transferred length to the original IRP's.

        if ((pkt->InLowMemRetry) ||
            (pkt->DriverUsesStartIO && pkt->LowMemRetry_remainingBufLen > 0)) {
            packetDone = StepLowMemRetry(pkt);
        else {
            packetDone = TRUE;

    else {
         *  The packet failed.  We may retry it if possible.
        BOOLEAN shouldRetry;

         *  Make sure IRP status matches SRB error status (since we propagate it).
        if (NT_SUCCESS(Irp->IoStatus.Status)){
            Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL;

         *  The packet failed.
         *  So when sending the packet down we either saw either an error or STATUS_PENDING,
         *  and so we returned STATUS_PENDING for the original IRP.
         *  So now we must mark the original irp pending to match that, _regardless_ of
         *  whether we actually switch threads here by retrying.
         *  (We also have to mark the irp pending if the lower driver marked the irp pending;
         *   that is dealt with farther down).
        if (pkt->CompleteOriginalIrpWhenLastPacketCompletes){

         *  Interpret the SRB error (to a meaningful IRP status)
         *  and determine if we should retry this packet.
         *  This call looks at the returned SENSE info to figure out what to do.
        shouldRetry = InterpretTransferPacketError(pkt);

         *  Sometimes the port driver can allocates a new 'sense' buffer
         *  to report transfer errors, e.g. when the default sense buffer
         *  is too small.  If so, it is up to us to free it.
         *  Now that we're done interpreting the sense info, free it if appropriate.
         *  Then clear the sense buffer so it doesn't pollute future errors returned in this packet.
        if (PORT_ALLOCATED_SENSE(fdoExt, &pkt->Srb)) {
            TracePrint((TRACE_LEVEL_INFORMATION, TRACE_FLAG_RW, "Freeing port-allocated sense buffer for pkt %ph.", pkt));
            FREE_PORT_ALLOCATED_SENSE_BUFFER(fdoExt, &pkt->Srb);
            pkt->Srb.SenseInfoBuffer = &pkt->SrbErrorSenseData;
            pkt->Srb.SenseInfoBufferLength = sizeof(SENSE_DATA);
        else {
            ASSERT(pkt->Srb.SenseInfoBuffer == &pkt->SrbErrorSenseData);
            ASSERT(pkt->Srb.SenseInfoBufferLength <= sizeof(SENSE_DATA));
        RtlZeroMemory(&pkt->SrbErrorSenseData, sizeof(SENSE_DATA));

         *  If the SRB queue is locked-up, release it.
         *  Do this after calling the error handler.
        if (pkt->Srb.SrbStatus & SRB_STATUS_QUEUE_FROZEN){

        if (NT_SUCCESS(Irp->IoStatus.Status)){
             *  The error was recovered above in the InterpretTransferPacketError() call.


             *  In the case of a recovered error,
             *  add the transfer length to the original Irp as we would in the success case.

            if ((pkt->InLowMemRetry) ||
                (pkt->DriverUsesStartIO && pkt->LowMemRetry_remainingBufLen > 0)) {
                packetDone = StepLowMemRetry(pkt);
            else {
                packetDone = TRUE;
        else {
            if (shouldRetry && (pkt->NumRetries > 0)){
                packetDone = RetryTransferPacket(pkt);
            else if (shouldRetry && (pkt->RetryHistory != NULL)){
                // don't limit retries if class driver has custom interpretation routines
                packetDone = RetryTransferPacket(pkt);
            else {
                packetDone = TRUE;

     *  If the packet is completed, put it back in the free list.
     *  If it is the last packet servicing the original request, complete the original irp.
    if (packetDone){
        LONG numPacketsRemaining;
        PIRP deferredIrp;
        PDEVICE_OBJECT Fdo = pkt->Fdo;
        UCHAR uniqueAddr;

         *  In case a remove is pending, bump the lock count so we don't get freed
         *  right after we complete the original irp.
        ClassAcquireRemoveLock(Fdo, (PIRP)&uniqueAddr);

         *  The original IRP should get an error code
         *  if any one of the packets failed.
        if (!NT_SUCCESS(Irp->IoStatus.Status)){
            pkt->OriginalIrp->IoStatus.Status = Irp->IoStatus.Status;

             *  If the original I/O originated in user space (i.e. it is thread-queued),
             *  and the error is user-correctable (e.g. media is missing, for removable media),
             *  alert the user.
             *  Since this is only one of possibly several packets completing for the original IRP,
             *  we may do this more than once for a single request.  That's ok; this allows
             *  us to test each returned status with IoIsErrorUserInduced().
            if (IoIsErrorUserInduced(Irp->IoStatus.Status) &&
                pkt->CompleteOriginalIrpWhenLastPacketCompletes &&

                IoSetHardErrorOrVerifyDevice(pkt->OriginalIrp, Fdo);

         *  We use a field in the original IRP to count
         *  down the transfer pieces as they complete.
        numPacketsRemaining = InterlockedDecrement(

        if (numPacketsRemaining > 0){
             *  More transfer pieces remain for the original request.
             *  Wait for them to complete before completing the original irp.
        else {

             *  All the transfer pieces are done.
             *  Complete the original irp if appropriate.
            ASSERT(numPacketsRemaining == 0);
            if (pkt->CompleteOriginalIrpWhenLastPacketCompletes){

                IO_PAGING_PRIORITY priority = (TEST_FLAG(pkt->OriginalIrp->Flags, IRP_PAGING_IO)) ? IoGetPagingIoPriority(pkt->OriginalIrp) : IoPagingPriorityInvalid;
                KIRQL oldIrql;

                if (NT_SUCCESS(pkt->OriginalIrp->IoStatus.Status)){
                    ASSERT((ULONG)pkt->OriginalIrp->IoStatus.Information ==  IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(pkt->OriginalIrp)->Parameters.Read.Length);
                ClassReleaseRemoveLock(Fdo, pkt->OriginalIrp);

                 *  We submitted all the downward irps, including this last one, on the thread
                 *  that the OriginalIrp came in on.  So the OriginalIrp is completing on a
                 *  different thread iff this last downward irp is completing on a different thread.
                 *  If BlkCache is loaded, for example, it will often complete
                 *  requests out of the cache on the same thread, therefore not marking the downward
                 *  irp pending and not requiring us to do so here.  If the downward request is completing
                 *  on the same thread, then by not marking the OriginalIrp pending we can save an APC
                 *  and get extra perf benefit out of BlkCache.
                 *  Note that if the packet ever cycled due to retry or LowMemRetry,
                 *  we set the pending bit in those codepaths.
                if (pkt->Irp->PendingReturned){

                ClassCompleteRequest(Fdo, pkt->OriginalIrp, IO_DISK_INCREMENT);

                // Drop the count only after completing the request, to give
                // Mm some amount of time to issue its next critical request

                if (priority == IoPagingPriorityHigh)
                    KeAcquireSpinLock(&fdoData->SpinLock, &oldIrql);

                    if (fdoData->MaxInterleavedNormalIo < ClassMaxInterleavePerCriticalIo)
                        fdoData->MaxInterleavedNormalIo = 0;
                        fdoData->MaxInterleavedNormalIo -= ClassMaxInterleavePerCriticalIo;


                    if (fdoData->NumHighPriorityPagingIo == 0)
                        LARGE_INTEGER period;

                        // Exiting throttle mode


                        period.QuadPart = fdoData->ThrottleStopTime.QuadPart - fdoData->ThrottleStartTime.QuadPart;
                        fdoData->LongestThrottlePeriod.QuadPart = max(fdoData->LongestThrottlePeriod.QuadPart, period.QuadPart);

                    KeReleaseSpinLock(&fdoData->SpinLock, oldIrql);

                if (idleRequest) {

                 *  We may have been called by one of the class drivers (e.g. cdrom)
                 *  via the legacy API ClassSplitRequest.
                 *  This is the only case for which the packet engine is called for an FDO
                 *  with a StartIo routine; in that case, we have to call IoStartNextPacket
                 *  now that the original irp has been completed.
                if (fdoExt->CommonExtension.DriverExtension->InitData.ClassStartIo) {
                    if (TEST_FLAG(pkt->Srb.SrbFlags, SRB_FLAGS_DONT_START_NEXT_PACKET)){
                        TracePrint((TRACE_LEVEL_INFORMATION, TRACE_FLAG_RW, "SRB_FLAGS_DONT_START_NEXT_PACKET should never be set here (??)"));
                    else {
                        KeRaiseIrql(DISPATCH_LEVEL, &oldIrql);
                        IoStartNextPacket(Fdo, TRUE); // yes, some IO is now cancellable

         *  If the packet was synchronous, write the final result back to the issuer's status buffer
         *  and signal his event.
        if (pkt->SyncEventPtr){
            KeSetEvent(pkt->SyncEventPtr, 0, FALSE);
            pkt->SyncEventPtr = NULL;

         *  Free the completed packet.
        pkt->UsePartialMdl = FALSE;
//        pkt->OriginalIrp = NULL;
        pkt->InLowMemRetry = FALSE;
        EnqueueFreeTransferPacket(Fdo, pkt);

         *  Now that we have freed some resources,
         *  try again to send one of the previously deferred irps.
        deferredIrp = DequeueDeferredClientIrp(fdoData);
        if (deferredIrp){
            ServiceTransferRequest(Fdo, deferredIrp);

        ClassReleaseRemoveLock(Fdo, (PIRP)&uniqueAddr);

Exemple #3
 *  InitializeTransferPackets
 *      Allocate/initialize TRANSFER_PACKETs and related resources.
NTSTATUS InitializeTransferPackets(PDEVICE_OBJECT Fdo)
    PCOMMON_DEVICE_EXTENSION commonExt = Fdo->DeviceExtension;
    PFUNCTIONAL_DEVICE_EXTENSION fdoExt = Fdo->DeviceExtension;
    PCLASS_PRIVATE_FDO_DATA fdoData = fdoExt->PrivateFdoData;
    PSTORAGE_ADAPTER_DESCRIPTOR adapterDesc = commonExt->PartitionZeroExtension->AdapterDescriptor;
    ULONG hwMaxPages;

     *  Precompute the maximum transfer length
    hwMaxPages = adapterDesc->MaximumPhysicalPages ? adapterDesc->MaximumPhysicalPages-1 : 0;

#if defined(_AMD64_SIMULATOR_)

    // The simulator appears to have a problem with large transfers.

    if (hwMaxPages > 4) {
        hwMaxPages = 4;


    fdoData->HwMaxXferLen = MIN(adapterDesc->MaximumTransferLength, hwMaxPages << PAGE_SHIFT);
    fdoData->HwMaxXferLen = MAX(fdoData->HwMaxXferLen, PAGE_SIZE);

    fdoData->NumTotalTransferPackets = 0;
    fdoData->NumFreeTransferPackets = 0;
     *  Set the packet threshold numbers based on the Windows SKU.
    if (ExVerifySuite(Personal)){
        // this is Windows Personal
        MinWorkingSetTransferPackets = MIN_WORKINGSET_TRANSFER_PACKETS_Consumer;
        MaxWorkingSetTransferPackets = MAX_WORKINGSET_TRANSFER_PACKETS_Consumer;
    else if (ExVerifySuite(Enterprise) || ExVerifySuite(DataCenter)){
        // this is Advanced Server or Datacenter
        MinWorkingSetTransferPackets = MIN_WORKINGSET_TRANSFER_PACKETS_Enterprise;
        MaxWorkingSetTransferPackets = MAX_WORKINGSET_TRANSFER_PACKETS_Enterprise;
    else if (ExVerifySuite(TerminalServer)){
        // this is standard Server or Pro with terminal server
        MinWorkingSetTransferPackets = MIN_WORKINGSET_TRANSFER_PACKETS_Server;
        MaxWorkingSetTransferPackets = MAX_WORKINGSET_TRANSFER_PACKETS_Server;
    else {
        // this is Professional without terminal server
        MinWorkingSetTransferPackets = MIN_WORKINGSET_TRANSFER_PACKETS_Consumer;
        MaxWorkingSetTransferPackets = MAX_WORKINGSET_TRANSFER_PACKETS_Consumer;

    while (fdoData->NumFreeTransferPackets < MIN_INITIAL_TRANSFER_PACKETS){
        PTRANSFER_PACKET pkt = NewTransferPacket(Fdo);
        if (pkt){
            EnqueueFreeTransferPacket(Fdo, pkt);
        else {
    fdoData->DbgPeakNumTransferPackets = fdoData->NumTotalTransferPackets;
     *  Pre-initialize our SCSI_REQUEST_BLOCK template with all
     *  the constant fields.  This will save a little time for each xfer.
     *  NOTE: a CdbLength field of 10 may not always be appropriate
    RtlZeroMemory(&fdoData->SrbTemplate, sizeof(SCSI_REQUEST_BLOCK));
    fdoData->SrbTemplate.Length = sizeof(SCSI_REQUEST_BLOCK);
    fdoData->SrbTemplate.Function = SRB_FUNCTION_EXECUTE_SCSI;
    fdoData->SrbTemplate.QueueAction = SRB_SIMPLE_TAG_REQUEST;
    fdoData->SrbTemplate.SenseInfoBufferLength = sizeof(SENSE_DATA);
    fdoData->SrbTemplate.CdbLength = 10;

    return status;
Exemple #4
 *  InitializeTransferPackets
 *      Allocate/initialize TRANSFER_PACKETs and related resources.
NTSTATUS InitializeTransferPackets(PDEVICE_OBJECT Fdo)
    PCOMMON_DEVICE_EXTENSION commonExt = Fdo->DeviceExtension;
    PFUNCTIONAL_DEVICE_EXTENSION fdoExt = Fdo->DeviceExtension;
    PCLASS_PRIVATE_FDO_DATA fdoData = fdoExt->PrivateFdoData;
    PSTORAGE_ADAPTER_DESCRIPTOR adapterDesc = commonExt->PartitionZeroExtension->AdapterDescriptor;
    ULONG hwMaxPages;


     *  Precompute the maximum transfer length

    hwMaxPages = adapterDesc->MaximumPhysicalPages ? adapterDesc->MaximumPhysicalPages-1 : 0;

    fdoData->HwMaxXferLen = MIN(adapterDesc->MaximumTransferLength, hwMaxPages << PAGE_SHIFT);
    fdoData->HwMaxXferLen = MAX(fdoData->HwMaxXferLen, PAGE_SIZE);

    fdoData->NumTotalTransferPackets = 0;
    fdoData->NumFreeTransferPackets = 0;

     *  Set the packet threshold numbers based on the Windows SKU.
    if (ExVerifySuite(Personal)){
        // this is Windows Personal
        MinWorkingSetTransferPackets = MIN_WORKINGSET_TRANSFER_PACKETS_Consumer;
        MaxWorkingSetTransferPackets = MAX_WORKINGSET_TRANSFER_PACKETS_Consumer;
    else if (ExVerifySuite(Enterprise) || ExVerifySuite(DataCenter)){
        // this is Advanced Server or Datacenter
        MinWorkingSetTransferPackets = MIN_WORKINGSET_TRANSFER_PACKETS_Enterprise;
        MaxWorkingSetTransferPackets = MAX_WORKINGSET_TRANSFER_PACKETS_Enterprise;
    else if (ExVerifySuite(TerminalServer)){
        // this is standard Server or Pro with terminal server
        MinWorkingSetTransferPackets = MIN_WORKINGSET_TRANSFER_PACKETS_Server;
        MaxWorkingSetTransferPackets = MAX_WORKINGSET_TRANSFER_PACKETS_Server;
    else {
        // this is Professional without terminal server
        MinWorkingSetTransferPackets = MIN_WORKINGSET_TRANSFER_PACKETS_Consumer;
        MaxWorkingSetTransferPackets = MAX_WORKINGSET_TRANSFER_PACKETS_Consumer;
    fdoData->LocalMinWorkingSetTransferPackets = MinWorkingSetTransferPackets;
    fdoData->LocalMaxWorkingSetTransferPackets = MaxWorkingSetTransferPackets;

     *  Allow class driver to override the settings
    if (commonExt->DriverExtension->WorkingSet != NULL) {
        PCLASS_WORKING_SET workingSet = commonExt->DriverExtension->WorkingSet;

        // override only if non-zero
        if (workingSet->XferPacketsWorkingSetMinimum != 0)
            fdoData->LocalMinWorkingSetTransferPackets = workingSet->XferPacketsWorkingSetMinimum;
            // adjust maximum upwards if needed
            if (fdoData->LocalMaxWorkingSetTransferPackets < fdoData->LocalMinWorkingSetTransferPackets)
                fdoData->LocalMaxWorkingSetTransferPackets = fdoData->LocalMinWorkingSetTransferPackets;
        // override only if non-zero
        if (workingSet->XferPacketsWorkingSetMaximum != 0)
            fdoData->LocalMaxWorkingSetTransferPackets = workingSet->XferPacketsWorkingSetMaximum;
            // adjust minimum downwards if needed
            if (fdoData->LocalMinWorkingSetTransferPackets > fdoData->LocalMaxWorkingSetTransferPackets)
                fdoData->LocalMinWorkingSetTransferPackets = fdoData->LocalMaxWorkingSetTransferPackets;
        // that's all the adjustments required/allowed
    } // end working set size special code

    while (fdoData->NumFreeTransferPackets < MIN_INITIAL_TRANSFER_PACKETS){
        PTRANSFER_PACKET pkt = NewTransferPacket(Fdo);
        if (pkt){
            EnqueueFreeTransferPacket(Fdo, pkt);
        else {
    fdoData->DbgPeakNumTransferPackets = fdoData->NumTotalTransferPackets;

     *  Pre-initialize our SCSI_REQUEST_BLOCK template with all
     *  the constant fields.  This will save a little time for each xfer.
     *  NOTE: a CdbLength field of 10 may not always be appropriate
    RtlZeroMemory(&fdoData->SrbTemplate, sizeof(SCSI_REQUEST_BLOCK));
    fdoData->SrbTemplate.Length = sizeof(SCSI_REQUEST_BLOCK);
    fdoData->SrbTemplate.Function = SRB_FUNCTION_EXECUTE_SCSI;
    fdoData->SrbTemplate.QueueAction = SRB_SIMPLE_TAG_REQUEST;
    fdoData->SrbTemplate.SenseInfoBufferLength = sizeof(SENSE_DATA);
    fdoData->SrbTemplate.CdbLength = 10;

    return status;