
static int Calc_Folder_(HTREEITEM hitem, char *Name_Dir, char *NameFo, int pr)//Вычисления для копирование выбранной папки на диск ПК
   HTREEITEM ind = TreeView_GetChild(hwndTree, hitem);       //Вошли во внутренний уровень дерева
   if(ind == NULL)
     if(pr == 0) return Error1((Lan+92)->msg);               //if(pr == 0) return Error1("В указанной папке нет файлов для копирования.");
     else return 0;                                          //Для вложенных пустых папок ничего не делаем
   char nName_Dir[512];                                      //Суммарный путь
   lstrcpy(nName_Dir, Name_Dir);
   lstrcat(nName_Dir, "\\");
   lstrcat(nName_Dir, NameFo);
   for(;;)                                                   //Просмотр всего дерева от текущей папки
   {  TV_ITEM item;
      char Msg[100];
      item.mask = TVIF_TEXT | TVIF_PARAM;
      item.hItem = ind;
      item.pszText = Msg;
      item.cchTextMax = 100;
      if(TreeView_GetItem(hwndTree, &item) == FALSE)
         return Error1((Lan+33)->msg);                       //return Error1("Ошибка при запросе информации об элементе дерева.");
      if((aTree + item.lParam)->pf.type == 48 ||             //Очередное имя это папка
         (aTree + item.lParam)->pf.type == 47)               //Данное имя это специальная папка
      {  if(Calc_Folder_(ind, nName_Dir, (aTree + item.lParam)->NameF, ++pr) < 0) return -1; }//Вычисления для копирование выбранной папки на диск ПК
      else                                                   //Очередное имя это файл
      {  numAllInCl += DWORD(((aTree + item.lParam)->pf.SizeF + sCl_B - 1) / sCl_B);  //Суммарное число кластеров во всех копируемых файлах
         numAllOutCl += ((aTree + item.lParam)->pf.SizeF + BytesPerClaster - 1) / BytesPerClaster; //Суммарный число выходных кластеров
         numAllFi++;                                         //Число копируемых файлах
      ind = TreeView_GetNextSibling(hwndTree, ind);          //Следующая запись на том же уровне дерева
      if(ind == NULL) break;                                 //Больше записей данного уровня нет
   return 0;
void pawsConfigEntityLabels::SetDefault()
    if (!CreatureRBG->SetActive("mouse"))
        Error1("No widget with such name");
    if (!ItemRBG->SetActive("mouse"))
        Error1("No widget with such name");
    labelColors[ENTITY_DEFAULT] = defLabelColors[ENTITY_DEFAULT];
    labelColors[ENTITY_PLAYER] = defLabelColors[ENTITY_PLAYER];
    labelColors[ENTITY_DEV] = defLabelColors[ENTITY_DEV];
    labelColors[ENTITY_TESTER] = defLabelColors[ENTITY_TESTER];
    labelColors[ENTITY_DEAD] = defLabelColors[ENTITY_DEAD];
    labelColors[ENTITY_GM1] = defLabelColors[ENTITY_GM1];
    labelColors[ENTITY_GM25] = defLabelColors[ENTITY_GM25];
    labelColors[ENTITY_NPC] = defLabelColors[ENTITY_NPC];
    labelColors[ENTITY_GROUP] = defLabelColors[ENTITY_GROUP];
    labelColors[ENTITY_GUILD] = defLabelColors[ENTITY_GUILD];
    dirty = true;

int Load_Dir(void)                                           //Загрузка кластера каталога
   //Чтение кластера каталога (каталога может и не существовать и, в том числе каталога самого верхнего уровня)
   //Обновление каталога (добавление строки нового файла) и в том числе создание нового каталога
   DWORD nSector = Start_SecDir1 + (ClStDir - 1) * sClSec;   //Номер сектора по номеру кластера
   if(ReadClast1_P(nSector, bufDir) < 0) return -1;          //Чтение кластера
   s_Kat = (One_Str_Cat *)bufDir;
   int prPoint = 0;                                          //Признак наличия каталогов с точкой как признак правильности структуры
   ns_Dir = 0;                                               //Номер свободной строки каталога
   for(; ns_Dir<4*sClSec; ns_Dir++)                          //По всем возможным записям в одном кластере каталога (В каждом секторе 4 записи)
   {  if((s_Kat + ns_Dir)->pf.type == 0) break;              //Конец записей каталога
      DWORD NamePoint = *((DWORD*)&(s_Kat + ns_Dir)->Name);
      if(NamePoint == 0x00002E00)                            //Это одна точка т.е. кластер текущего каталога
      { if(ns_Dir == 0) prPoint++; continue; }
      if(NamePoint == 0x2E002E00)                            //Это две точки т.е. кластер предыдущего каталога
      { if(ns_Dir == 1) prPoint++; continue; }
      WORD NameDel = *((WORD*)&(s_Kat + ns_Dir)->Name);
      if(NameDel == 0xE500 && (s_Kat + ns_Dir)->pf.ClSt == 0) break;//Это удаленное имя т.е. свободная строка
   if(prPoint != 2)
      return Error1((Lan+96)->msg);                          //"Нарушена структура каталога."
   if(ns_Dir < 2 || ns_Dir >= 4*sClSec)
      return Error1((Lan+181)->msg);                         //"В каталоге нет места для новой записи."
bool pawsConfigAutoexec::PostSetup()
    // setup the widget. Needed in the xml file are a Checkbox (to enable and disable autoexec)
    // and two multiline edit boxes for the general and character commands
    autoexec = psengine->GetAutoexec();
        Error1("Couldn't find Autoexec!");
        return false;

    enabled = dynamic_cast<pawsCheckBox*>(FindWidget("enabled"));
    if (!enabled) {
           Error1("Could not locate enabled widget!");
           return false;
    generalCommandBox = dynamic_cast<pawsMultilineEditTextBox*>(FindWidget("GeneralCommandBox"));
    if (!generalCommandBox) {
           Error1("Could not locate GeneralCommandBox widget!");
           return false;
    charCommandBox = dynamic_cast<pawsMultilineEditTextBox*>(FindWidget("CharCommandBox"));
    if (!generalCommandBox) {
           Error1("Could not locate CharCommandBox widget!");
           return false;


    return true;
bool pawsConfigTooltips::PostSetup()
    EnableTooltips = (pawsCheckBox*)FindWidget("EnableTooltips");
    if (!EnableTooltips) {
	Error1("Could not locate EnableTooltips widget!");
        return false;

    EnableBgColor = (pawsCheckBox*)FindWidget("EnableBgColor");
    if (!EnableBgColor) {
	Error1("Could not locate EnableBgColor widget!");
        return false;

    TooltipBgColor = (pawsTextBox*)FindWidget("BgColorFrame");
    if (!TooltipBgColor) {
	Error1("Could not locate BgColorFrame widget!");
        return false;

    TooltipFontColor = (pawsTextBox*)FindWidget("FontColorFrame");
    if (!TooltipFontColor) {
	Error1("Could not locate FontColorFrame widget!");
        return false;

    TooltipShadowColor = (pawsTextBox*)FindWidget("ShadowColorFrame");
    if (!TooltipShadowColor) {
	Error1("Could not locate ShadowColorFrame widget!");
        return false;

    return true;
CombatManager::CombatManager(CacheManager* cachemanager, EntityManager* entitymanager) : pvp_region(NULL)
    randomgen = psserver->rng;
    cacheManager = cachemanager;
    entityManager = entitymanager;
    calc_damage  = psserver->GetMathScriptEngine()->FindScript("Calculate Damage");
    calc_decay   = psserver->GetMathScriptEngine()->FindScript("Calculate Decay");
    if ( !calc_damage )
        Error1("Calculate Damage Script could not be found.  Check the math_scripts DB table.");
    else if ( !calc_decay )
        Error1("Calculate Decay Script could not be found.  Check the math_scripts DB table.");

    staminacombat = psserver->GetMathScriptEngine()->FindScript("StaminaCombat");

    Subscribe(&CombatManager::HandleDeathEvent, MSGTYPE_DEATH_EVENT, NO_VALIDATION);
Exemple #7
int xioparsenetwork_ip4(const char *rangename, struct xiorange *range) {
   struct hostent *maskaddr;
   struct in_addr *netaddr_in = &range->netaddr.ip4.sin_addr;
   struct in_addr *netmask_in = &range->netmask.ip4.sin_addr;
   char *rangename1;	/* a copy of rangename with writing allowed */
   char *delimpos;	/* absolute address of delimiter */
   unsigned int bits;	/* netmask bits */

   if ((rangename1 = strdup(rangename)) == NULL) {
      Error1("strdup(\"%s\"): out of memory", rangename);
      return STAT_RETRYLATER;

   if (delimpos = strchr(rangename1, '/')) {
      char *endptr;
      bits = strtoul(delimpos+1, &endptr, 10);
      if (! ((*(delimpos+1) != '\0') && (*endptr == '\0'))) {
	 Error1("not a valid netmask in \"%s\"", rangename);
	 bits = 32;	/* most secure selection */
      } else if (bits > 32) {
	 Error1("netmask \"%s\" is too large", rangename);
	 bits = 32;
      if (bits <= 0) {
	 netmask_in->s_addr = 0;
      } else {
	 netmask_in->s_addr = htonl((0xffffffff << (32-bits)));
   } else if (delimpos = strchr(rangename1, ':')) {
      if ((maskaddr = Gethostbyname(delimpos+1)) == NULL) {
	 /* note: cast is req on AIX: */
	 Error2("gethostbyname(\"%s\"): %s", delimpos+1,
		h_errno == NETDB_INTERNAL ? strerror(errno) :
		(char *)hstrerror(h_errno));
	 return STAT_NORETRY;
      netmask_in->s_addr = *(uint32_t *)maskaddr->h_addr_list[0];
   } else {
      Error1("xioparsenetwork_ip4(\"%s\",,): missing netmask delimiter", rangename);
      return STAT_NORETRY;
      struct hostent *nameaddr;
      *delimpos = 0;
      if ((nameaddr = Gethostbyname(rangename1)) == NULL) {
	 /* note: cast is req on AIX: */
	 Error2("gethostbyname(\"%s\"): %s", rangename1,
		h_errno == NETDB_INTERNAL ? strerror(errno) :
		(char *)hstrerror(h_errno));
	 return STAT_NORETRY;
      netaddr_in->s_addr = *(uint32_t *)nameaddr->h_addr_list[0];
   return STAT_OK;
bool pawsTreeNode::Load(iDocumentNode* node)
    csRef<iDocumentNodeIterator> xmlChildren, xmlAttrList;
    csRef<iDocumentNode> xmlChild, xmlAttr;
    csString factory;
    pawsWidget* childAsWidget;
    pawsTreeNode* childNode;


    name = node->GetAttributeValue("name");
    xmlChildren = node->GetNodes("widget");
        xmlChild = xmlChildren->Next();

        factory = xmlChild->GetAttributeValue("factory");
        childAsWidget = PawsManager::GetSingleton().CreateWidget(factory);
            Error2("Could not create node from factory: %s", factory.GetData());
            return false;
        childNode = dynamic_cast<pawsTreeNode*>(childAsWidget);
        if(childNode == NULL)
            Error1("Created node is not pawsTreeNode");
            return false;

            Error1("Node failed to load");
            return false;


    xmlAttrList = node->GetNodes("attr");
        xmlAttr = xmlAttrList->Next();
        SetAttr(xmlAttr->GetAttributeValue("name"), xmlAttr->GetAttributeValue("value"));

    if(tree != NULL)

    csString collapsed = node->GetAttributeValue("collapsed");
    if(collapsed == "yes")

    return true;
Exemple #9
bool GMEventManager::Initialise(void)
    GMEvent* ongoingGMEvent;

    // load any existing gm events from database
    Result events(db->Select("SELECT * from gm_events order by id"));
    if (events.IsValid())
        for (unsigned long e=0; e<events.Count(); e++)
            ongoingGMEvent = new GMEvent;
            ongoingGMEvent->id = events[e].GetInt("id");
            ongoingGMEvent->status = static_cast<GMEventStatus>(events[e].GetInt("status"));
            ongoingGMEvent->gmID = events[e].GetInt("gm_id");
            ongoingGMEvent->EndTime = 0;
            ongoingGMEvent->eventName = csString(events[e]["name"]);
            ongoingGMEvent->eventDescription = csString(events[e]["description"]);

            // setup next available id
            if (ongoingGMEvent->id >= nextEventID)
                nextEventID = ongoingGMEvent->id + 1;

        // load registered players from database
        Result registeredPlayers(db->Select("SELECT * from character_events order by event_id"));
        if (registeredPlayers.IsValid())
            PlayerData eventPlayer;
            int eventID;
            for (unsigned long rp=0; rp<registeredPlayers.Count(); rp++)
                eventID = registeredPlayers[rp].GetInt("event_id");
                eventPlayer.PlayerID = registeredPlayers[rp].GetInt("player_id");
                eventPlayer.CanEvaluate = (registeredPlayers[rp]["vote"] == NULL);
                if ((ongoingGMEvent = GetGMEventByID(eventID)) != NULL)
                    Error1("GMEventManager: gm_events / character_events table mismatch.");
                    return false;        // ermm.. somethings gone wrong with the DB!!!
            Error1("GMEventManager: character_events table is not valid.");
            return false;

        return true;

    Error1("GMEventManager: gm_events table is not valid.");
    return false;
bool pawsConfigTooltips::LoadDefaults()
    csString fileName;
    if( psengine->GetVFS()->Exists(PawsManager::GetSingleton().getToolTipSkinPath()) )
       fileName = PawsManager::GetSingleton().getToolTipSkinPath();   // skin.zip
    else fileName = CONFIG_TOOLTIPS_FILE_NAME_DEF;  // data/options
    csRef<iDocument> ToolTipdoc;
    csRef<iDocumentNode> ToolTiproot,TooltipsNode;
    csString TooltipOption;

    ToolTipdoc = ParseFile(PawsManager::GetSingleton().GetObjectRegistry(), fileName);
    if (ToolTipdoc == NULL)
        Error1("Failed to parse file");
        return false;

    ToolTiproot = ToolTipdoc->GetRoot();
    if (ToolTiproot == NULL)
        Error1("File has no XML root");
        return false;

    TooltipsNode = ToolTiproot->GetNode("tooltips");
    if (TooltipsNode == NULL)
        Error1("File has no <tooltips> tag");
        return false;
        csRef<iDocumentNodeIterator> ToolTipoNodes = TooltipsNode->GetNodes();
            csRef<iDocumentNode> TooltipOption = ToolTipoNodes->Next();
            csString ToolTipnodeName (TooltipOption->GetValue());

            if (ToolTipnodeName == "enable_tooltips")
                defToolTipEnable = TooltipOption->GetAttributeValueAsBool("value");

            if (ToolTipnodeName == "enable_bgcolor")
                defToolTipEnableBgColor = TooltipOption->GetAttributeValueAsBool("value");

            if (ToolTipnodeName == "bgcolor")
                defTooltipsColors[0] = TooltipOption->GetAttributeValueAsInt("value");

            if (ToolTipnodeName == "fontcolor")
                defTooltipsColors[1] = TooltipOption->GetAttributeValueAsInt("value");

            if (ToolTipnodeName == "shadowcolor")
                defTooltipsColors[2] = TooltipOption->GetAttributeValueAsInt("value");
    return true;
Exemple #11
void psClientDR::HandleStatsUpdate( MsgEntry* me )
    psStatDRMessage statdrmsg(me);
    GEMClientActor* gemObject  = (GEMClientActor*)celclient->FindObject( statdrmsg.entityid );
    if (!gemObject)
        Error2("Stat request failed because CelClient not ready for %s", ShowID(statdrmsg.entityid));

    // Dirty short cut to allways display 0 HP when dead.
    if (!gemObject->IsAlive() && statdrmsg.hp)
//printf("clientdr 275 dead");
        Error1("Server report HP but object is not alive");
        statdrmsg.hp = 0;
        statdrmsg.hp_rate = 0;
    // Check if this client actor was updated
    GEMClientActor* mainActor = celclient->GetMainPlayer();
    if (mainActor == gemObject)
    {   // Publish Vitals data using EntityID
        csString ID;
        gemObject->GetVitalMgr()->HandleDRData(statdrmsg, ID.GetData() );

    //It is not an else if so Target is always published
    if (psengine->GetCharManager()->GetTarget() == gemObject)
    if (mainActor != gemObject && gemObject->IsGroupedWith(celclient->GetMainPlayer()) )
        if (!groupWindow)
            // Get the windowMgr

            pawsWidget* widget = PawsManager::GetSingleton().FindWidget("GroupWindow");
            groupWindow = (pawsGroupWindow*)widget;

            if (!groupWindow) 
                Error1("Group Window Was Not Found. Bad Error");
bool pawsNpcDialogWindow::LoadSetting()
    csRef<iDocument> doc;
    csRef<iDocumentNode> root,npcDialogNode, npcDialogOptionsNode;
    csString option;

    doc = ParseFile(psengine->GetObjectRegistry(), CONFIG_NPCDIALOG_FILE_NAME);
    if(doc == NULL)
        //load the default configuration file in case the user one fails (missing or damaged)
        doc = ParseFile(psengine->GetObjectRegistry(), CONFIG_NPCDIALOG_FILE_NAME_DEF);
        if(doc == NULL)
            Error2("Failed to parse file %s", CONFIG_NPCDIALOG_FILE_NAME_DEF);
            return false;

    root = doc->GetRoot();
    if(root == NULL)
        Error1("npcdialog_def.xml or npcdialog.xml has no XML root");
        return false;

    npcDialogNode = root->GetNode("npcdialog");
    if(npcDialogNode == NULL)
        Error1("npcdialog_def.xml or npcdialog.xml has no <npcdialog> tag");
        return false;

    // Load options for the npc dialog
    npcDialogOptionsNode = npcDialogNode->GetNode("npcdialogoptions");
    if(npcDialogOptionsNode != NULL)
        csRef<iDocumentNodeIterator> oNodes = npcDialogOptionsNode->GetNodes();
            csRef<iDocumentNode> option = oNodes->Next();
            csString nodeName(option->GetValue());

            if(nodeName == "usenpcdialog")
                useBubbles = option->GetAttributeValueAsBool("value");

    return true;
Exemple #13
int FN_A (double *x, double *res)
  int j;

  FillStructs_A (x);

  *res = SCALE0 * Error1 (TheEdges[0][I], TheCameraPositions[0], TheLines[I]);
  for (j=1; j < m; ++j)
    *res += Error1 (TheEdges[j][I], TheCameraPositions[j], TheLines[I]);

  return 0;
Exemple #14
gemNPC* EntityManager::CloneNPC ( psCharacter *chardata )
    csVector3 pos;
    float yrot = 0.0F;
    iSector *sector;

    CS_ASSERT( chardata != NULL );
    // Adjust Position of npc from owners pos
    chardata->GetActor()->GetPosition( pos, yrot, sector );

    float deltax = psserver->GetRandom(6)/4 - 1.5;
    float deltaz = psserver->GetRandom(6)/4 - 1.5;

    PID npcPID(this->CopyNPCFromDatabase( chardata->GetPID(),
                                        pos.x + deltax, pos.y, pos.z + deltaz,  // Set position some distance from parent
                                        yrot, sector->QueryObject()->GetName(),
                                        0,NULL, NULL)); // Keep name of parent
    if (!npcPID.IsValid())
        Error1( "Could not clone the master NPC .");
        return NULL;

    // Prepare NPC client to the new npc
    psserver->npcmanager->NewNPCNotify(npcPID, chardata->GetPID(), 0 );

    // Create npc using new ID
    this->CreateNPC( npcPID , false); //Do not update proxList, we will do that later.

    gemNPC * npc = GEMSupervisor::GetSingleton().FindNPCEntity( npcPID );
    if (npc == NULL)
        Error1("Could not find GEM and set its location.");
        return NULL;

    db->Command("INSERT INTO npc_knowledge_areas(player_id, area, priority) VALUES (%d, 'Pet %s 1', '1')", 
                npcPID.Unbox(), npc->GetCharacterData()->GetRaceInfo()->name.GetData() );

    psServer::CharacterLoader.SaveCharacterData( npc->GetCharacterData(), npc, false );

    psserver->npcmanager->ControlNPC( npc );

    // Add npc to all nearby clients
    npc->UpdateProxList( true );

    return npc;
Exemple #15
void PawsManager::CreateYesNoBox( const char* message, pawsWidget* notify, bool modal )
    pawsYesNoBox* yesNoBox = (pawsYesNoBox*)FindWidget("YesNoWindow");

    if ( !yesNoBox )
        yesNoBox = (pawsYesNoBox*)FindWidget("YesNoWindow");
        if ( !yesNoBox )
            Error1("Cannot Load YesNo Window");

    yesNoBox->MoveTo( (graphics2D->GetWidth() - yesNoBox->GetActualWidth(512) ) / 2,
                       (graphics2D->GetHeight() - yesNoBox->GetActualHeight(256))/2 );
    yesNoBox->SetText( Translate(message) );

    if ( modal )

    if ( notify )
Exemple #16
void PawsManager::CreateWarningBox( const char* message, pawsWidget* notify, bool modal )
    pawsOkBox* ok = (pawsOkBox*)FindWidget("OkWindow");
    if ( !ok )
        ok = (pawsOkBox*)FindWidget("OkWindow");
        if ( !ok )
            Error1("Cannot load the ok window!");

    ok->SetText( message );
    ok->MoveTo( (graphics2D->GetWidth() - ok->GetActualWidth(512) ) / 2,
                (graphics2D->GetHeight() - ok->GetActualHeight(256))/2 );

    if ( notify )
        ok->SetNotify( notify );

    if ( modal )
        SetModalWidget( ok );
Exemple #17
pawsWidget * PawsManager::LoadWidget(iDocumentNode *widgetNode )
    pawsWidget * widget;
    csString factory;

    if ( strcmp( widgetNode->GetValue(), "widget" ) == 0 )   // old syntax is <widget factory="bla"....>
        factory = widgetNode->GetAttributeValue( "factory" );
        factory = widgetNode->GetValue();   // new syntax is using factory name as tag name directly: <pawsChatWindow ....>

    if ( factory.Length() == 0 )
        Error1("Could not read factory from XML node. Error in XML");
        return NULL;

    widget = CreateWidget( factory );
    if ( !widget )
        Error2( "Failed to create widget %s", factory.GetData() );
        return NULL;

    if (!widget->Load(widgetNode))
        Error3("Widget %s failed to load %s", widget->GetName(), factory.GetData() );
        delete widget;
        return NULL;

    return widget;
void psMovementManager::SetRunToPos(psPoint& mouse)
    if (!ready || !actor)

    csVector3 tmp, tmpDiff;
    iMeshWrapper *mesh = psengine->GetPSCamera()->Get3DPointFrom2D(mouse.x, mouse.y, &tmp, &tmpDiff);
    if (mesh)
        // Stop and remove run-to marker, if one exists
        runToMarkerID = 0;

        iSector* sector = actor->Movement().GetSector();
        csRef<iMeshWrapper> actormesh = actor->GetMesh();
        runToMarkerID = psengine->GetEffectManager()->RenderEffect("marker", sector, tmp, actormesh);
        runToDiff = tmpDiff;
        lastDist = tmpDiff.SquaredNorm() + 1.0f;

        Error1("Failed to find mesh for SetRunToPos");
Exemple #19
 * A character is defined to be a trainer if there are
 * trainer item categories for the character.
 * @return Return true if the character is a trainer.
bool psTrainerInfo::Load(PID pid)
    bool isTrainer = false;
    Result trainerSkills(db->Select("SELECT * from trainer_skills where player_id=%u", pid.Unbox()));
    if (trainerSkills.IsValid())
        int i,count=trainerSkills.Count();

        for (i=0;i<count;i++)
            psSkillInfo * skillInfo = FindSkill(atoi(trainerSkills[i]["skill_id"]));
            if (!skillInfo)
                Error1("Error! Skill could not be loaded. Skipping.\n");
            psTrainerSkill * skill = new psTrainerSkill;
            skill->skill = skillInfo;
            skill->max_rank = atoi(trainerSkills[i]["max_rank"]);
            skill->min_rank = atoi(trainerSkills[i]["min_rank"]);
            skill->min_faction = atof(trainerSkills[i]["min_faction"]);
            isTrainer = true;

    return isTrainer;
Exemple #20
bool psNetConnection::Connect(const char *servaddr, int port)
    int err;

    if (IsReady() || server)

    //@@@ DEBUG
    //    Debug2(LOG_NET, 0,"psNetConnection::Connect this=%p",this);

    server = new Connection;
    server->addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    server->addr.sin_port   = htons(port);
    err = GetIPByName (&server->addr, servaddr);
    if (err)
        delete server;
        server = NULL;
        return false;
    shouldRun = true;
    thread.AttachNew( new CS::Threading::Thread(this, true) );
    if (!thread->IsRunning())
        Error1("Couldn't Start Thread!");
        return false;

    return true;    
Exemple #21
void pawsLoadWindow::InitAnim(csVector2 start, csVector2 dest, csTicks delay)
    //if we lack the picture for the anim we don't render it
        Error1("Couldn't find the picture to be used for the movement anim. Animation Aborted.");

    float length;
    renderAnim = true;
    startFrom = 0;
    lastPos = start;
    destination = dest;

    //adjust the anim to resolution
    lastPos.x = GetActualWidth((int)lastPos.x);
    lastPos.y = GetActualHeight((int)lastPos.y);
    destination.x = GetActualWidth((int)destination.x);
    destination.y = GetActualHeight((int)destination.y);

    csVector2 direction = destination - lastPos;
    length = direction.Norm();

    numberDot = (int)ceil(length / 40);

    //we make the dots complete a bit before the end of the delay so it's
    //possible to see the last dot
    delayBetDot = ((delay * 1000)*0.9) / numberDot;
bool psEffectObjDecal::Render(const csVector3 &up)
    static unsigned int uniqueID = 0;
    csString meshName = "effect_decal_";
    meshName += uniqueID++;
    // create a nullmesh as placeholder
    mesh = engine->CreateMeshWrapper("crystalspace.mesh.object.null", meshName);
	csRef<iNullMeshState> state =  scfQueryInterface<iNullMeshState> (mesh->GetMeshObject());
    if (!state)
		Error1("No NullMeshState.");
        return false;

    // do the up vector
    objUp = up;
    csReversibleTransform rt;
    rt.LookAt(csVector3(up.x, up.z, up.y), csVector3(0,2,1));
    matUp = rt.GetT2O();
    matBase = matUp;

    // common flags

    decal = 0;
    return true;
static int CreateNewFolder(void)                             //Создание новой папки на HDD рекордера
   DWORD nCl = 2;
   for(; nCl<maxZapFAT1; nCl++)                              //Просмотр FAT для поиска первого свободного кластера
      if(*(c_FAT1 + nCl) == 0) break;
   if(nCl >= maxZapFAT1)
      return Error1((Lan+190)->msg);                         //"Запись невозможна, на HDD LG нет свободного места."},
   ZeroMemory(bufIO, sCl_B);                                 //Все очистили
   SYSTEMTIME sysTime;
   One_Str_Cat *Kat = (One_Str_Cat *)bufIO;                  //Каталог
   *(DWORD *)(Kat+0)->Name = 0x00002E00;                     //Это одна точка т.е. кластер текущего каталога
   *(DWORD *)(Kat+1)->Name = 0x2E002E00;                     //Это две точки т.е. кластер предыдущего каталога
   (Kat+0)->pf.type = (Kat+1)->pf.type = 48;                 //Тип папка
   (Kat+0)->pf.ClSt = nCl_1 = nCl;                           //Номер кластера текущего каталога
   (Kat+1)->pf.ClSt = ClStDir;                               //Номер кластера родительского каталога
   (Kat+0)->pf.Sec  = (Kat+1)->pf.Sec  = sysTime.wSecond;
   (Kat+0)->pf.Min  = (Kat+1)->pf.Min  = sysTime.wMinute;
   (Kat+0)->pf.Hour = (Kat+1)->pf.Hour = sysTime.wHour;
   (Kat+0)->pf.Day  = (Kat+1)->pf.Day  = sysTime.wDay;
   (Kat+0)->pf.Mon  = (Kat+1)->pf.Mon  = sysTime.wMonth;
   (Kat+0)->pf.Year = (Kat+1)->pf.Year = sysTime.wYear;
#if !defined EMULATOR_HDD                                    //Режим эмулятора
   if(WriteClast1P(nCl, bufIO) < 0) return -1;               //Запись кластера
   *(c_FAT1 + nCl) = 0x0FFFFFFF;                             //Признак конца цепочки
   return Change_Dir_For_Folder(NameFoFi);                   //Изменение каталога (запись новой папки)
Client* ClientConnectionSet::Find(const char* name)
        Error1("name == 0!");
        return NULL;

    CS::Threading::RecursiveMutexScopedLock lock(mutex);
    AddressHash::GlobalIterator it(addrHash.GetIterator());
    Client* p = NULL;
        p = it.Next();

        if(!strcasecmp(p->GetName(), name))
        p = NULL;

    if(p && p->IsReady())
        return p;
        return NULL;
Exemple #25
bool EntityManager::AddRideRelation(gemActor *rider, gemActor *mount)
    if(!rider || !mount)
        Error1("Wrong pointers in AddRideRelation()");
        return false;

        psserver->SendSystemError(rider->GetClientID(), "You are already on a mount.");
        return false;

    psCharacter *mountChar = mount->GetCharacterData();


    float movMod = mountChar->GetRaceInfo()->GetSpeedModifier();
    if( movMod != rider->GetCharacterData()->GetRaceInfo()->GetSpeedModifier())
        psMoveModMsg modMsg(rider->GetClientID(), psMoveModMsg::MULTIPLIER,
                            csVector3(movMod), movMod);

    return true;
void SpawnManager::RepopulateItems(psSectorInfo *sectorinfo)
    csArray<psItem*> items;

    // Load list from database
    if (!cacheManager->LoadWorldItems(sectorinfo, items))
        Error1("Failed to load world items.");

    // Now create entities and meshes, etc. for each one
    int spawned = 0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < items.GetSize(); i++)
        psItem *item = items[i];
        // load items not in containers
        if (item->GetContainerID() == 0)
            //if create item returns false, then no spawn occurs
            if (entityManager->CreateItem( item, (item->GetFlags() & PSITEM_FLAG_TRANSIENT) ? true : false))
                // printf("Created item %d: %s\n", item->GetUID(), item->GetName() );
                // item->Save(false);
                printf("Creating item '%s' (%i) failed.\n", item->GetName(), item->GetUID());
                delete item; // note that the dead item is still in the array
        // load items in containers
        else if (item->GetContainerID())
            gemItem *citem = entityManager->GetGEM()->FindItemEntity(item->GetContainerID());
            gemContainer *container = dynamic_cast<gemContainer*> (citem);
            if (container)
                if (!container->AddToContainer(item,NULL,item->GetLocInParent()))
                    Error2("Cannot add item into container slot %i.\n",item->GetLocInParent());
                    delete item;
                Error3("Container with id %d not found, specified in item %d.",
                       item->GetUID() );
                delete item;

    Debug2(LOG_SPAWN,0,"Spawned %d items.\n",spawned);
Exemple #27
/* register the sub process pid for passing of signals of type signum. 
   Only for SIGHUP, SIGINT, and SIGQUIT!
   returns 0 on success or <0 if an error occurred */
int xio_opt_signal(pid_t pid, int signum) {
   struct socat_sig_desc *sigdesc;

   if ((sigdesc = socat_get_sig_desc(signum)) == NULL) {
      Error("sub process registered for unsupported signal");
      return -1;

   if (sigdesc->sig_use >= SOCAT_MAXPIDS) {
      Error1("too many sub processes registered for signal %d", signum);
      return -1;
   if (sigdesc->sig_use == 0) {
      /* the special signal handler has not been registered yet - do it now */
      struct sigaction act;
      memset(&act, 0, sizeof(struct sigaction));
      act.sa_flags   = 0/*|SA_RESTART*/;
      act.sa_handler = socatsignalpass;
      if (Sigaction(signum, &act, NULL) < 0) {
	 /*! man does not say that errno is defined */
	 Warn3("sigaction(%d, %p, NULL): %s", signum, &act, strerror(errno));
      Signal(signum, socatsignalpass);
#endif /* !HAVE_SIGACTION */
   sigdesc->sig_pids[sigdesc->sig_use++] = pid;
   return 0;

int Change_Dir_For_File(char *NameF)                         //Изменение каталога (внесение нового файла)
   for(; ns_Dir<4*sClSec; ns_Dir++)                          //По всем возможным записям в одном кластере каталога (В каждом секторе 4 записи)
   {  if((s_Kat + ns_Dir)->pf.type == 0) break;              //Конец записей каталога
      WORD NameDel = *((WORD*)&(s_Kat + ns_Dir)->Name);
      if(NameDel == 0xE500 && (s_Kat + ns_Dir)->pf.ClSt == 0) break;//Это удаленное имя т.е. свободная строка
   if(ns_Dir >= 4*sClSec)
      return Error1((Lan+181)->msg);                         //"В каталоге нет места для новой записи."
   ZeroMemory(s_Kat+ns_Dir, sizeof(One_Str_Cat));            //Все очистили
   char Driv[MAXDRIVE], Dir[MAXPATH], Name[MAXFILE], Ext[MAXEXT];

   fnsplit(NameF, Driv, Dir, Name, Ext);
   NameToKat(Name, Ext, s_Kat+ns_Dir);                       //Формирование имени файла в Unicode
   SYSTEMTIME sysTime;
   FILETIME TimeF;                                           //Дата и время входного файла
   FileTimeToLocalFileTime(&Time_inF, &TimeF);
   FileTimeToSystemTime(&TimeF, &sysTime);
   (s_Kat+ns_Dir)->pf.type = 32;                             //Тип файл
   (s_Kat+ns_Dir)->pf.ClSt = nCl_1;                          //Номер кластера начала файла
   (s_Kat+ns_Dir)->pf.Sec = sysTime.wSecond;
   (s_Kat+ns_Dir)->pf.Min = sysTime.wMinute;
   (s_Kat+ns_Dir)->pf.Hour = sysTime.wHour;
   (s_Kat+ns_Dir)->pf.Day = sysTime.wDay;
   (s_Kat+ns_Dir)->pf.Mon = sysTime.wMonth;
   (s_Kat+ns_Dir)->pf.Year = sysTime.wYear;
   (s_Kat+ns_Dir)->pf.SizeF = Size_inF.QuadPart;
   Add_Item_To_Tree(NameF);                                  //Добавления строки в дерево
bool psMerchantInfo::Load(PID pid)
    bool is_merchant = false;
    Result merchant_categories(db->Select("SELECT * from merchant_item_categories where player_id=%u", pid.Unbox()));
    if (merchant_categories.IsValid())
        int i;
        int count=merchant_categories.Count();

        for (i=0;i<count;i++)
            psItemCategory * category = FindCategory(atoi(merchant_categories[i]["category_id"]));
            if (!category)
                Error1("Error! Category could not be loaded. Skipping.\n");
            is_merchant = true;

    return is_merchant;
Exemple #30
/* use some file descriptor and apply the options. Set the FD_CLOEXEC flag. */
static int xioopen_fdnum(int argc, const char *argv[], struct opt *opts,
                         int xioflags, xiofile_t *xfd, unsigned groups,
                         int dummy1, int dummy2, int dummy3) {
    char *a1;
    int rw = (xioflags&XIO_ACCMODE);
    int numfd;
    int result;

    if (argc != 2) {
        Error3("%s:%s: wrong number of parameters (%d instead of 1)", argv[0], argv[1], argc-1);

    numfd = strtoul(argv[1], &a1, 0);
    if (*a1 != '\0') {
        Error1("error in FD number \"%s\"", argv[1]);
    /* we dont want to see these fds in child processes */
    if (Fcntl_l(numfd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC) < 0) {
        Warn2("fcntl(%d, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC): %s", numfd, strerror(errno));
    Notice2("using file descriptor %d for %s", numfd, ddirection[rw]);
    if ((result = xioopen_fd(opts, rw, &xfd->stream, numfd, dummy2, dummy3)) < 0) {
        return result;
    return 0;