/*--------------------------------------------------------------------- * Generate delayed event to the application. * Deactivate fired timer. *-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void timer_fire( ETimer_t * const t ) { t->expiration = ( t->recurrence == 0 ) ? 0 : t->expiration + t->recurrence; Escher_SendEvent( t->event ); if ( 0 != t->recurrence ) { Escher_xtUMLEvent_t * e = Escher_AllocatextUMLEvent(); Escher_memmove( e, t->event, sizeof( Escher_xtUMLEvent_t ) ); t->event = e; #ifdef ESCHER_TASKING_POSIX Escher_mutex_lock( SEMAPHORE_FLAVOR_TIMER ); #endif animate = animate->next; /* Remove from front of list. */ timer_insert_sorted( t ); #ifdef ESCHER_TASKING_POSIX Escher_mutex_unlock( SEMAPHORE_FLAVOR_TIMER ); #endif } else { #ifdef ESCHER_TASKING_POSIX Escher_mutex_lock( SEMAPHORE_FLAVOR_TIMER ); #endif animate = animate->next; /* Remove from active list. */ t->next = inanimate; /* Connect to inactive list. */ inanimate = t; #ifdef ESCHER_TASKING_POSIX Escher_mutex_unlock( SEMAPHORE_FLAVOR_TIMER ); #endif } }
/* * Interface: UI * Required Port: UI * From Provider Message: modePressed */ void Tracking_UI_modePressed() { { Escher_xtUMLEvent_t * e = Escher_NewxtUMLEvent( (void *) 0, &Tracking_Display_CBevent1c ); Escher_SendEvent( e ); } }
/* * Interface: LocationProvider * Provided Port: LOC * To Provider Message: unregisterListener */ void Location_LOC_unregisterListener() { { Escher_xtUMLEvent_t * e = Escher_NewxtUMLEvent( (void *) 0, &Location_GPS_CBevent3c ); Escher_SendEvent( e ); } }
/* * Interface: HeartRateProvider * Provided Port: HR * To Provider Message: unregisterListener */ void HeartRateMonitor_HR_unregisterListener() { { Escher_xtUMLEvent_t * e = Escher_NewxtUMLEvent( (void *) 0, &HeartRateMonitor_HeartRateMonitor_CBevent2c ); Escher_SendEvent( e ); } }
/* * Interface: synchronization * Provided Port: to_heart * To Provider Message: systolic_pulse */ void pacemaker_to_heart_systolic_pulse() { { Escher_xtUMLEvent_t * e = Escher_NewxtUMLEvent( (void *) 0, &pacemaker_PACER_CBevent4c ); Escher_SendEvent( e ); } }
/* * Interface: host * Provided Port: host * To Provider Message: current_temp */ void pacer_host_current_temp() { { Escher_xtUMLEvent_t * e = Escher_NewxtUMLEvent( (void *) 0, &hostmonitor_HM_CBevent2c ); Escher_SendEvent( e ); } }
/* * Interface: host * Provided Port: host * To Provider Message: breath_taken */ void pacer_host_breath_taken() { { Escher_xtUMLEvent_t * e = Escher_NewxtUMLEvent( (void *) 0, &hostmonitor_HM_CBevent1c ); Escher_SendEvent( e ); } }
/* * Interface: monitor * Provided Port: monitor * To Provider Message: increased_activty */ void pacemaker_monitor_increased_activty( const i_t p_current_rate, const i_t p_current_temp ) { { pacemaker_PACER_CBevent5 * e = (pacemaker_PACER_CBevent5 *) Escher_NewxtUMLEvent( (void *) 0, &pacemaker_PACER_CBevent5c ); e->p_current_rate = p_current_rate; e->p_current_temp = p_current_temp; Escher_SendEvent( (Escher_xtUMLEvent_t *) e ); } }
/* * Domain Function: test */ void polycalc_test() { /* GENERATE PUZZLE_A1:start() TO PUZZLE CLASS */ { Escher_xtUMLEvent_t * e = Escher_NewxtUMLEvent( (void *) 0, &polycalc_PUZZLE_CBevent1c ); Escher_SendEvent( e ); } }
/* * Domain Function: deeptest */ void polycalc_deeptest() { /* GENERATE LOCATION_A1:start() TO LOCATION CLASS */ { Escher_xtUMLEvent_t * e = Escher_NewxtUMLEvent( (void *) 0, &polycalc_LOCATION_CBevent1c ); Escher_SendEvent( e ); } }
static void perf_funcs_B_act1( perf_funcs_B * self, const Escher_xtUMLEvent_t * const event ) { perf_funcs_A * a=0; /* SELECT one a RELATED BY self->A[R1] */ a = ( 0 != self ) ? self->A_R1 : 0; /* GENERATE A1:e() TO a */ { Escher_xtUMLEvent_t * e = Escher_NewxtUMLEvent( a, &perf_funcs_Aevent1c ); Escher_SendEvent( e ); } }
/* * Interface: i1 * Provided Port: catch * To Provider Message: s1 */ void c2_catch_s1( const i_t p_sp1) { /* <message compname="c2" compnum="1" portname="catch" portnum="0" msgname="s1" msgnum="0"/> */ COMP_MSG_START_TRACE( "%d", 1, 0, 0, p_sp1 ); { c2_TAC_A_CBevent1 * e = (c2_TAC_A_CBevent1 *) Escher_NewxtUMLEvent( (void *) 0, &c2_TAC_A_CBevent1c ); e->p_sp1 = p_sp1; Escher_SendEvent( (Escher_xtUMLEvent_t *) e ); } }
/* * Interface: UI * Provided Port: UI * To Provider Message: startTest */ void UI_UI_startTest() { /* GENERATE TestCase2:start(iterations:2) TO TestCase CREATOR */ XTUML_OAL_STMT_TRACE( 1, "GENERATE TestCase2:start(iterations:2) TO TestCase CREATOR" ); { UI_TestCaseevent2 * e = (UI_TestCaseevent2 *) Escher_NewxtUMLEvent( (void *) 0, &UI_TestCaseevent2c ); e->p_iterations = 2; Escher_SendEvent( (Escher_xtUMLEvent_t *) e ); } }
/* * Domain Function: test */ void perf_funcs_test() { perf_funcs_BENCHMARK * benchmark=0; /* SELECT any benchmark FROM INSTANCES OF BENCHMARK */ benchmark = (perf_funcs_BENCHMARK *) Escher_SetGetAny( &pG_perf_funcs_BENCHMARK_extent.active ); /* GENERATE BENCHMARK1:go() TO benchmark */ { Escher_xtUMLEvent_t * e = Escher_NewxtUMLEvent( benchmark, &perf_funcs_BENCHMARKevent1c ); Escher_SendEvent( e ); } }
static void polycalc_ORANGE_act1( polycalc_ORANGE * self, const Escher_xtUMLEvent_t * const event ) { polycalc_FRUIT * fruit = 0; /* fruit (FRUIT) */ /* SELECT one fruit RELATED BY self->FRUIT[R3] */ fruit = self->FRUIT_R3; /* GENERATE FRUIT2:juiced(percentage:100) TO fruit */ { polycalc_FRUITevent2 * e = (polycalc_FRUITevent2 *) Escher_NewxtUMLEvent( fruit, &polycalc_FRUITevent2c ); e->p_percentage = 100; Escher_SendEvent( (Escher_xtUMLEvent_t *) e ); } }
static void perf_funcs_A_act1( perf_funcs_A * self, const Escher_xtUMLEvent_t * const event ) { perf_funcs_B * b=0; /* SELECT one b RELATED BY self->B[R1] */ b = ( 0 != self ) ? self->B_R1 : 0; /* GENERATE B1:e1() TO b */ { Escher_xtUMLEvent_t * e = Escher_NewxtUMLEvent( b, &perf_funcs_Bevent1c ); Escher_SendEvent( e ); } /* ASSIGN self.odometer = ( self.odometer + 2 ) */ self->odometer = ( self->odometer + 2 ); }
/* * Domain Function: CancelCooking */ void MicrowaveOven_CancelCooking() { MicrowaveOven_MO_O * oven; /* SELECT any oven FROM INSTANCES OF MO_O */ XTUML_OAL_STMT_TRACE( 1, "SELECT any oven FROM INSTANCES OF MO_O" ); oven = (MicrowaveOven_MO_O *) Escher_SetGetAny( &pG_MicrowaveOven_MO_O_extent.active ); /* GENERATE MO_O4:cancel_cooking() TO oven */ XTUML_OAL_STMT_TRACE( 1, "GENERATE MO_O4:cancel_cooking() TO oven" ); { Escher_xtUMLEvent_t * e = Escher_NewxtUMLEvent( oven, &MicrowaveOven_MO_Oevent4c ); Escher_SendEvent( e ); } }
/* * Domain Function: CloseDoor */ void MicrowaveOven_CloseDoor() { MicrowaveOven_MO_D * door; /* SELECT any door FROM INSTANCES OF MO_D */ XTUML_OAL_STMT_TRACE( 1, "SELECT any door FROM INSTANCES OF MO_D" ); door = (MicrowaveOven_MO_D *) Escher_SetGetAny( &pG_MicrowaveOven_MO_D_extent.active ); /* GENERATE MO_D2:close() TO door */ XTUML_OAL_STMT_TRACE( 1, "GENERATE MO_D2:close() TO door" ); { Escher_xtUMLEvent_t * e = Escher_NewxtUMLEvent( door, &MicrowaveOven_MO_Devent2c ); Escher_SendEvent( e ); } }
/* * Domain Function: DecreasePower */ void MicrowaveOven_DecreasePower() { MicrowaveOven_MO_MT * tube; /* SELECT any tube FROM INSTANCES OF MO_MT */ XTUML_OAL_STMT_TRACE( 1, "SELECT any tube FROM INSTANCES OF MO_MT" ); tube = (MicrowaveOven_MO_MT *) Escher_SetGetAny( &pG_MicrowaveOven_MO_MT_extent.active ); /* GENERATE MO_MT2:decrease_power() TO tube */ XTUML_OAL_STMT_TRACE( 1, "GENERATE MO_MT2:decrease_power() TO tube" ); { Escher_xtUMLEvent_t * e = Escher_NewxtUMLEvent( tube, &MicrowaveOven_MO_MTevent2c ); Escher_SendEvent( e ); } }
/* * Domain Function: TestSequence1 */ void MicrowaveOven_TestSequence1() { MicrowaveOven_MO_TS * testSequence; /* CREATE OBJECT INSTANCE testSequence OF MO_TS */ XTUML_OAL_STMT_TRACE( 1, "CREATE OBJECT INSTANCE testSequence OF MO_TS" ); testSequence = (MicrowaveOven_MO_TS *) Escher_CreateInstance( MicrowaveOven_DOMAIN_ID, MicrowaveOven_MO_TS_CLASS_NUMBER ); testSequence->TestSeqID = (Escher_UniqueID_t) testSequence; /* GENERATE MO_TS2:perform_test_seq_1() TO testSequence */ XTUML_OAL_STMT_TRACE( 1, "GENERATE MO_TS2:perform_test_seq_1() TO testSequence" ); { Escher_xtUMLEvent_t * e = Escher_NewxtUMLEvent( testSequence, &MicrowaveOven_MO_TSevent2c ); Escher_SendEvent( e ); } }
/* * Interface: UI * Required Port: UI * From Provider Message: lapResetPressed */ void Tracking_UI_lapResetPressed() { Tracking_WorkoutTimer * workoutTimer=0; /* SELECT any workoutTimer FROM INSTANCES OF WorkoutTimer */ XTUML_OAL_STMT_TRACE( 1, "SELECT any workoutTimer FROM INSTANCES OF WorkoutTimer" ); workoutTimer = (Tracking_WorkoutTimer *) Escher_SetGetAny( &pG_Tracking_WorkoutTimer_extent.active ); /* IF ( not empty workoutTimer ) */ XTUML_OAL_STMT_TRACE( 1, "IF ( not empty workoutTimer )" ); if ( !( 0 == workoutTimer ) ) { /* GENERATE WorkoutTimer2:lapResetPressed() TO workoutTimer */ XTUML_OAL_STMT_TRACE( 2, "GENERATE WorkoutTimer2:lapResetPressed() TO workoutTimer" ); { Escher_xtUMLEvent_t * e = Escher_NewxtUMLEvent( workoutTimer, &Tracking_WorkoutTimerevent2c ); Escher_SendEvent( e ); } } }
/* * Domain Function: solve_concurrently */ void sudoku_solve_concurrently( void ) { i_t score; sudoku_ROW * row; /* ASSIGN score = CELL::score() */ score = sudoku_CELL_op_score(); /* ::display( ) */ sudoku_display(); /* SELECT any row FROM INSTANCES OF ROW */ row = (sudoku_ROW *) Escher_SetGetAny( &pG_sudoku_ROW_extent.active ); /* GENERATE ROW1:update() TO row */ { Escher_xtUMLEvent_t * e = Escher_NewxtUMLEvent( row, &sudoku_ROWevent1c ); Escher_SendEvent( e ); } }
static void stringtest_device_act2( stringtest_device * self, const Escher_xtUMLEvent_t * const event ) { stringtest_deviceevent2 * rcvd_evt = (stringtest_deviceevent2 *) event; stringtest_host * h;c_t l[ESCHER_SYS_MAX_STRING_LEN]; /* ASSIGN h = PARAM.h */ h = rcvd_evt->p_h; /* ASSIGN l = buffer::scmp(s1:h.upper, s2:PARAM.s) */ Escher_strcpy( l, stringtest_buffer_op_scmp(h->upper, rcvd_evt->p_s).s ); /* ASSIGN l = buffer::scmp(s1:self.lower, s2:) */ Escher_strcpy( l, stringtest_buffer_op_scmp(self->lower, stringtest_device_op_rstr(self).s).s ); /* GENERATE host2:put(s:l, d:self) TO h */ { stringtest_hostevent2 * e = (stringtest_hostevent2 *) Escher_NewxtUMLEvent( h, &stringtest_hostevent2c ); Escher_strcpy( e->p_s, l ); e->p_d = self; Escher_SendEvent( (Escher_xtUMLEvent_t *) e ); } }
/* * Domain Function: SpecifyCookingPeriod */ void MicrowaveOven_SpecifyCookingPeriod( i_t p_cookingPeriod) { i_t timePeriod; MicrowaveOven_MO_O * oven; /* ASSIGN timePeriod = ( 1000000 * PARAM.cookingPeriod ) */ XTUML_OAL_STMT_TRACE( 1, "ASSIGN timePeriod = ( 1000000 * PARAM.cookingPeriod )" ); timePeriod = ( 1000000 * p_cookingPeriod ); /* SELECT any oven FROM INSTANCES OF MO_O */ XTUML_OAL_STMT_TRACE( 1, "SELECT any oven FROM INSTANCES OF MO_O" ); oven = (MicrowaveOven_MO_O *) Escher_SetGetAny( &pG_MicrowaveOven_MO_O_extent.active ); /* GENERATE MO_O8:cooking_period(period:timePeriod) TO oven */ XTUML_OAL_STMT_TRACE( 1, "GENERATE MO_O8:cooking_period(period:timePeriod) TO oven" ); { MicrowaveOven_MO_Oevent8 * e = (MicrowaveOven_MO_Oevent8 *) Escher_NewxtUMLEvent( oven, &MicrowaveOven_MO_Oevent8c ); e->p_period = timePeriod; Escher_SendEvent( (Escher_xtUMLEvent_t *) e ); } }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------- * Generate delayed event to the application. * Deactivate fired timer. *-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void timer_fire( ETimer_t * const t ) { t->expiration = ( t->recurrence == 0 ) ? 0 : t->expiration + t->recurrence; Escher_SendEvent( t->event ); if ( 0 != t->recurrence ) { Escher_xtUMLEvent_t * e = Escher_AllocatextUMLEvent(); Escher_memmove( e, t->event, sizeof( Escher_xtUMLEvent_t ) ); t->event = e; animate = animate->next; /* Remove from front of list. */ timer_insert_sorted( t ); } else { animate = animate->next; /* Remove from active list. */ t->next = inanimate; /* Connect to inactive list. */ inanimate = t; } }
static void MicrowaveOven_MO_B_act2( MicrowaveOven_MO_B * self, const Escher_xtUMLEvent_t * const event ) { /* IF ( ( self.beep_count == 0 ) ) */ XTUML_OAL_STMT_TRACE( 1, "IF ( ( self.beep_count == 0 ) )" ); if ( ( self->beep_count == 0 ) ) { Escher_xtUMLEvent_t * delay_over; /* delay_over */ /* CREATE EVENT INSTANCE delay_over( ) TO self */ XTUML_OAL_STMT_TRACE( 2, "CREATE EVENT INSTANCE delay_over( ) TO self" ); delay_over = Escher_NewxtUMLEvent( (void *) self, &MicrowaveOven_MO_Bevent2c ); /* ASSIGN self.beeper_delay_over = delay_over */ XTUML_OAL_STMT_TRACE( 2, "ASSIGN self.beeper_delay_over = delay_over" ); self->beeper_delay_over = delay_over; /* ASSIGN self.beeper_timer = TIM::timer_start(event_inst:self.beeper_delay_over, microseconds:100000) */ XTUML_OAL_STMT_TRACE( 2, "ASSIGN self.beeper_timer = TIM::timer_start(event_inst:self.beeper_delay_over, microseconds:100000)" ); self->beeper_timer = TIM_timer_start( (Escher_xtUMLEvent_t *)self->beeper_delay_over, 100000 ); } else if ( ( self->beep_count == 4 ) ) { MicrowaveOven_MO_O * oven = 0; /* oven (MO_O) */ /* GENERATE MO_B3:beeping_stopped() TO self */ XTUML_OAL_STMT_TRACE( 2, "GENERATE MO_B3:beeping_stopped() TO self" ); { Escher_xtUMLEvent_t * e = Escher_NewxtUMLEvent( self, &MicrowaveOven_MO_Bevent3c ); Escher_SendSelfEvent( e ); } /* SELECT one oven RELATED BY self->MO_O[R3] */ XTUML_OAL_STMT_TRACE( 2, "SELECT one oven RELATED BY self->MO_O[R3]" ); oven = self->MO_O_R3; /* GENERATE MO_O6:beeping_over() TO oven */ XTUML_OAL_STMT_TRACE( 2, "GENERATE MO_O6:beeping_over() TO oven" ); { Escher_xtUMLEvent_t * e = Escher_NewxtUMLEvent( oven, &MicrowaveOven_MO_Oevent6c ); Escher_SendEvent( e ); } } else { /* ASSIGN self.beeper_timer = TIM::timer_start(event_inst:self.beeper_delay_over, microseconds:100000) */ XTUML_OAL_STMT_TRACE( 2, "ASSIGN self.beeper_timer = TIM::timer_start(event_inst:self.beeper_delay_over, microseconds:100000)" ); self->beeper_timer = TIM_timer_start( (Escher_xtUMLEvent_t *)self->beeper_delay_over, 100000 ); } /* ASSIGN self.beep_count = ( self.beep_count + 1 ) */ XTUML_OAL_STMT_TRACE( 1, "ASSIGN self.beep_count = ( self.beep_count + 1 )" ); self->beep_count = ( self->beep_count + 1 ); }
/* * Interface: i1 * Provided Port: catch * To Provider Message: s1 */ void c1_catch_s1( const i_t p_sp1) { /* <message compname="c1" compnum="0" portname="catch" portnum="0" msgname="s1" msgnum="0"/> */ COMP_MSG_START_TRACE( "%d", 0, 0, 0, p_sp1 ); c_t s[ESCHER_SYS_MAX_STRING_LEN]; c1_PONG * pong=0; /* ASSIGN s = 'tic catch' */ XTUML_OAL_STMT_TRACE( 1, "ASSIGN s = 'tic catch'" ); Escher_strcpy( s, "tic catch" ); /* SELECT any pong FROM INSTANCES OF PONG */ XTUML_OAL_STMT_TRACE( 1, "SELECT any pong FROM INSTANCES OF PONG" ); pong = (c1_PONG *) Escher_SetGetAny( &pG_c1_PONG_extent.active ); /* GENERATE PONG1:back() TO pong */ XTUML_OAL_STMT_TRACE( 1, "GENERATE PONG1:back() TO pong" ); { Escher_xtUMLEvent_t * e = Escher_NewxtUMLEvent( pong, &c1_PONGevent1c ); Escher_SendEvent( e ); } /* IF ( ( 3 != PARAM.sp1 ) ) */ XTUML_OAL_STMT_TRACE( 1, "IF ( ( 3 != PARAM.sp1 ) )" ); if ( ( 3 != p_sp1 ) ) { /* LOG::LogFailure( message:'tic catch did not get 3' ) */ XTUML_OAL_STMT_TRACE( 2, "LOG::LogFailure( message:'tic catch did not get 3' )" ); LOG_LogFailure( "tic catch did not get 3" ); } else { i_t r; /* ASSIGN r = lase::o2(op2:1) */ XTUML_OAL_STMT_TRACE( 2, "ASSIGN r = lase::o2(op2:1)" ); r = c1_lase_o2( 1 ); /* IF ( ( 3 != r ) ) */ XTUML_OAL_STMT_TRACE( 2, "IF ( ( 3 != r ) )" ); if ( ( 3 != r ) ) { /* LOG::LogFailure( message:'tic catch did not get 3 returned from lase' ) */ XTUML_OAL_STMT_TRACE( 3, "LOG::LogFailure( message:'tic catch did not get 3 returned from lase' )" ); LOG_LogFailure( "tic catch did not get 3 returned from lase" ); } } }
/* * Interface: UI * Required Port: UI * From Provider Message: startStopPressed */ void Tracking_UI_startStopPressed() { Tracking_WorkoutTimer * workoutTimer=0; /* SELECT any workoutTimer FROM INSTANCES OF WorkoutTimer */ XTUML_OAL_STMT_TRACE( 1, "SELECT any workoutTimer FROM INSTANCES OF WorkoutTimer" ); workoutTimer = (Tracking_WorkoutTimer *) Escher_SetGetAny( &pG_Tracking_WorkoutTimer_extent.active ); /* IF ( empty workoutTimer ) */ XTUML_OAL_STMT_TRACE( 1, "IF ( empty workoutTimer )" ); if ( ( 0 == workoutTimer ) ) { /* CREATE OBJECT INSTANCE workoutTimer OF WorkoutTimer */ XTUML_OAL_STMT_TRACE( 2, "CREATE OBJECT INSTANCE workoutTimer OF WorkoutTimer" ); workoutTimer = (Tracking_WorkoutTimer *) Escher_CreateInstance( Tracking_DOMAIN_ID, Tracking_WorkoutTimer_CLASS_NUMBER ); /* ASSIGN workoutTimer.time = 0 */ XTUML_OAL_STMT_TRACE( 2, "ASSIGN workoutTimer.time = 0" ); workoutTimer->time = 0; } /* GENERATE WorkoutTimer1:startStopPressed() TO workoutTimer */ XTUML_OAL_STMT_TRACE( 1, "GENERATE WorkoutTimer1:startStopPressed() TO workoutTimer" ); { Escher_xtUMLEvent_t * e = Escher_NewxtUMLEvent( workoutTimer, &Tracking_WorkoutTimerevent1c ); Escher_SendEvent( e ); } }
/* * Domain Function: perftest */ bool perf_funcs_perftest( i_t p_count, i_t p_duration, i_t p_phase, i_t p_testnum) { bool testloop; /* ASSIGN testloop = TRUE */ testloop = TRUE; /* IF ( ( 6 == PARAM.phase ) ) */ if ( ( 6 == p_phase ) ) { perf_funcs_BENCHMARK * benchmark=0; /* SELECT any benchmark FROM INSTANCES OF BENCHMARK */ benchmark = (perf_funcs_BENCHMARK *) Escher_SetGetAny( &pG_perf_funcs_BENCHMARK_extent.active ); /* GENERATE BENCHMARK2:stop() TO benchmark */ { Escher_xtUMLEvent_t * e = Escher_NewxtUMLEvent( benchmark, &perf_funcs_BENCHMARKevent2c ); Escher_SendEvent( e ); } } else if ( ( 1 == p_testnum ) ) { /* ASSIGN testloop = BENCHMARK::create_instance(count:PARAM.count, duration:PARAM.duration, phase:PARAM.phase, testnum:PARAM.testnum) */ testloop = perf_funcs_BENCHMARK_op_create_instance(p_count, p_duration, p_phase, p_testnum); } else if ( ( 2 == p_testnum ) ) { /* ASSIGN testloop = BENCHMARK::delete_instance(count:PARAM.count, duration:PARAM.duration, phase:PARAM.phase, testnum:PARAM.testnum) */ testloop = perf_funcs_BENCHMARK_op_delete_instance(p_count, p_duration, p_phase, p_testnum); } else if ( ( 3 == p_testnum ) ) { /* ASSIGN testloop = BENCHMARK::delete_many(count:PARAM.count, duration:PARAM.duration, phase:PARAM.phase, testnum:PARAM.testnum) */ testloop = perf_funcs_BENCHMARK_op_delete_many(p_count, p_duration, p_phase, p_testnum); } else if ( ( 4 == p_testnum ) ) { /* ASSIGN testloop = BENCHMARK::generate_and_dispatch_event(count:PARAM.count, duration:PARAM.duration, phase:PARAM.phase, testnum:PARAM.testnum) */ testloop = perf_funcs_BENCHMARK_op_generate_and_dispatch_event(p_count, p_duration, p_phase, p_testnum); } else if ( ( 5 == p_testnum ) ) { /* ASSIGN testloop = BENCHMARK::select_one_related(count:PARAM.count, duration:PARAM.duration, phase:PARAM.phase, testnum:PARAM.testnum) */ testloop = perf_funcs_BENCHMARK_op_select_one_related(p_count, p_duration, p_phase, p_testnum); } else if ( ( 6 == p_testnum ) ) { /* ASSIGN testloop = BENCHMARK::select_any_from(count:PARAM.count, duration:PARAM.duration, phase:PARAM.phase, testnum:PARAM.testnum) */ testloop = perf_funcs_BENCHMARK_op_select_any_from(p_count, p_duration, p_phase, p_testnum); } else if ( ( 7 == p_testnum ) ) { /* ASSIGN testloop = BENCHMARK::relate_one(count:PARAM.count, duration:PARAM.duration, phase:PARAM.phase, testnum:PARAM.testnum) */ testloop = perf_funcs_BENCHMARK_op_relate_one(p_count, p_duration, p_phase, p_testnum); } else if ( ( 8 == p_testnum ) ) { /* ASSIGN testloop = BENCHMARK::relate_one_to_many(count:PARAM.count, duration:PARAM.duration, phase:PARAM.phase, testnum:PARAM.testnum) */ testloop = perf_funcs_BENCHMARK_op_relate_one_to_many(p_count, p_duration, p_phase, p_testnum); } else if ( ( 9 == p_testnum ) ) { /* ASSIGN testloop = BENCHMARK::relate_one_using(count:PARAM.count, duration:PARAM.duration, phase:PARAM.phase, testnum:PARAM.testnum) */ testloop = perf_funcs_BENCHMARK_op_relate_one_using(p_count, p_duration, p_phase, p_testnum); } else if ( ( 10 == p_testnum ) ) { /* ASSIGN testloop = BENCHMARK::cardinality_10000(count:PARAM.count, duration:PARAM.duration, phase:PARAM.phase, testnum:PARAM.testnum) */ testloop = perf_funcs_BENCHMARK_op_cardinality_10000(p_count, p_duration, p_phase, p_testnum); } else if ( ( 11 == p_testnum ) ) { /* ASSIGN testloop = BENCHMARK::cardinality_1000(count:PARAM.count, duration:PARAM.duration, phase:PARAM.phase, testnum:PARAM.testnum) */ testloop = perf_funcs_BENCHMARK_op_cardinality_1000(p_count, p_duration, p_phase, p_testnum); } else if ( ( 12 == p_testnum ) ) { /* ASSIGN testloop = BENCHMARK::cardinality_100(count:PARAM.count, duration:PARAM.duration, phase:PARAM.phase, testnum:PARAM.testnum) */ testloop = perf_funcs_BENCHMARK_op_cardinality_100(p_count, p_duration, p_phase, p_testnum); } else if ( ( 13 == p_testnum ) ) { /* ASSIGN testloop = BENCHMARK::cardinality_10(count:PARAM.count, duration:PARAM.duration, phase:PARAM.phase, testnum:PARAM.testnum) */ testloop = perf_funcs_BENCHMARK_op_cardinality_10(p_count, p_duration, p_phase, p_testnum); } else if ( ( 14 == p_testnum ) ) { /* ASSIGN testloop = BENCHMARK::select_any_where_10000(count:PARAM.count, duration:PARAM.duration, phase:PARAM.phase, testnum:PARAM.testnum) */ testloop = perf_funcs_BENCHMARK_op_select_any_where_10000(p_count, p_duration, p_phase, p_testnum); } else if ( ( 15 == p_testnum ) ) { /* ASSIGN testloop = BENCHMARK::select_any_where_1000(count:PARAM.count, duration:PARAM.duration, phase:PARAM.phase, testnum:PARAM.testnum) */ testloop = perf_funcs_BENCHMARK_op_select_any_where_1000(p_count, p_duration, p_phase, p_testnum); } else if ( ( 16 == p_testnum ) ) { /* ASSIGN testloop = BENCHMARK::select_any_where_100(count:PARAM.count, duration:PARAM.duration, phase:PARAM.phase, testnum:PARAM.testnum) */ testloop = perf_funcs_BENCHMARK_op_select_any_where_100(p_count, p_duration, p_phase, p_testnum); } else if ( ( 17 == p_testnum ) ) { /* ASSIGN testloop = BENCHMARK::select_any_where_10(count:PARAM.count, duration:PARAM.duration, phase:PARAM.phase, testnum:PARAM.testnum) */ testloop = perf_funcs_BENCHMARK_op_select_any_where_10(p_count, p_duration, p_phase, p_testnum); } else if ( ( 18 == p_testnum ) ) { /* ASSIGN testloop = BENCHMARK::read_attribute(count:PARAM.count, duration:PARAM.duration, phase:PARAM.phase, testnum:PARAM.testnum) */ testloop = perf_funcs_BENCHMARK_op_read_attribute(p_count, p_duration, p_phase, p_testnum); } else if ( ( 19 == p_testnum ) ) { /* ASSIGN testloop = BENCHMARK::write_attribute(count:PARAM.count, duration:PARAM.duration, phase:PARAM.phase, testnum:PARAM.testnum) */ testloop = perf_funcs_BENCHMARK_op_write_attribute(p_count, p_duration, p_phase, p_testnum); } else if ( ( 20 == p_testnum ) ) { /* ASSIGN testloop = BENCHMARK::bridge_void_void(count:PARAM.count, duration:PARAM.duration, phase:PARAM.phase, testnum:PARAM.testnum) */ testloop = perf_funcs_BENCHMARK_op_bridge_void_void(p_count, p_duration, p_phase, p_testnum); } else if ( ( 21 == p_testnum ) ) { /* ASSIGN testloop = BENCHMARK::bridge_void_integer(count:PARAM.count, duration:PARAM.duration, phase:PARAM.phase, testnum:PARAM.testnum) */ testloop = perf_funcs_BENCHMARK_op_bridge_void_integer(p_count, p_duration, p_phase, p_testnum); } else if ( ( 22 == p_testnum ) ) { /* ASSIGN testloop = BENCHMARK::bridge_integer_integer(count:PARAM.count, duration:PARAM.duration, phase:PARAM.phase, testnum:PARAM.testnum) */ testloop = perf_funcs_BENCHMARK_op_bridge_integer_integer(p_count, p_duration, p_phase, p_testnum); } else if ( ( 23 == p_testnum ) ) { /* ASSIGN testloop = CBENCH::function_void_void(count:PARAM.count, duration:PARAM.duration, phase:PARAM.phase, testnum:PARAM.testnum) */ testloop = perf_funcs_CBENCH_op_function_void_void(p_count, p_duration, p_phase, p_testnum); } else if ( ( 24 == p_testnum ) ) { /* ASSIGN testloop = CBENCH::function_void_integer(count:PARAM.count, duration:PARAM.duration, phase:PARAM.phase, testnum:PARAM.testnum) */ testloop = perf_funcs_CBENCH_op_function_void_integer(p_count, p_duration, p_phase, p_testnum); } else if ( ( 25 == p_testnum ) ) { /* ASSIGN testloop = CBENCH::function_integer_integer(count:PARAM.count, duration:PARAM.duration, phase:PARAM.phase, testnum:PARAM.testnum) */ testloop = perf_funcs_CBENCH_op_function_integer_integer(p_count, p_duration, p_phase, p_testnum); } else if ( ( 26 == p_testnum ) ) { /* ASSIGN testloop = CBENCH::read_struct_member(count:PARAM.count, duration:PARAM.duration, phase:PARAM.phase, testnum:PARAM.testnum) */ testloop = perf_funcs_CBENCH_op_read_struct_member(p_count, p_duration, p_phase, p_testnum); } else if ( ( 27 == p_testnum ) ) { /* ASSIGN testloop = CBENCH::write_struct_member(count:PARAM.count, duration:PARAM.duration, phase:PARAM.phase, testnum:PARAM.testnum) */ testloop = perf_funcs_CBENCH_op_write_struct_member(p_count, p_duration, p_phase, p_testnum); } else if ( ( 99 == p_testnum ) ) { /* ASSIGN testloop = BENCHMARK::generate_event(count:PARAM.count, duration:PARAM.duration, phase:PARAM.phase, testnum:PARAM.testnum) */ testloop = perf_funcs_BENCHMARK_op_generate_event(p_count, p_duration, p_phase, p_testnum); } else { /* ::xit( ) */ perf_funcs_xit(); } /* RETURN testloop */ return testloop; }