Exemple #1
int __EXPORT eulerAnglesTest()
	printf("Test EulerAngles\t: ");
	EulerAngles euler(0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f);

	// test ctor
	ASSERT(vectorEqual(Vector3(0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f), euler));
	ASSERT(equal(euler.getPhi(), 0.1f));
	ASSERT(equal(euler.getTheta(), 0.2f));
	ASSERT(equal(euler.getPsi(), 0.3f));

	// test dcm ctor
	euler = Dcm(EulerAngles(0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f));
	ASSERT(vectorEqual(Vector3(0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f), euler));

	// test quat ctor
	euler = Quaternion(EulerAngles(0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f));
	ASSERT(vectorEqual(Vector3(0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f), euler));

	// test assignment
	ASSERT(vectorEqual(Vector3(0.4f, 0.5f, 0.6f), euler));

	return 0;
Exemple #2
GeometryBufferPtr GizmoRotate::generateCircles()
	// Vertex data
	std::vector< Vector3 > pos;
	std::vector< Vector3 > colors;

	Matrix4x3 transform;

	// X axis
	std::vector< Vector3 > posX;
	generateCircle(posX, SLICES);
	generateColors(colors, X);

	transform = Matrix4x3::createScale( Vector3(0.4f) );
	TransformVertices(pos, posX, transform);

	// Y axis
	std::vector< Vector3 > posY;
	generateCircle(posY, SLICES);
	generateColors(colors, Y);
	transform = Matrix4x3::createScale( Vector3(0.4f) );
	transform = transform*Matrix4x3::createRotation( EulerAngles(0, 90, 0) );
	TransformVertices(pos, posY, transform);
	// Z axis
	std::vector< Vector3 > posZ;
	generateCircle(posZ, SLICES);
	generateColors(colors, Z);

	transform = Matrix4x3::createScale( Vector3(0.4f) );
	transform = transform*Matrix4x3::createRotation( EulerAngles(90, 0, 0) );
	TransformVertices(pos, posZ, transform);

	// Translate it a bit.
	transform = Matrix4x3::createTranslation( Vector3::UnitY * 0.5f );
	for( uint i = 0; i < pos.size(); i++ )
		Vector3& v = pos[i];
		v = transform*v;

	// Vertex buffer setup
	GeometryBufferPtr gb = AllocateHeap(GeometryBuffer);

	assert( pos.size() == colors.size() );

	gb->set( VertexAttribute::Position, pos );
	gb->set( VertexAttribute::Color, colors );
	return gb;
//! Generates a nondegenerate set of Euler angles with a delta resolution
EulerAnglesList get_uniformly_sampled_rotations(
    double angle_sampling_internal_rad) {
  double delta = angle_sampling_internal_rad / IMP::PI * 180.0;
  algebra::Vector3D eu_start(0., 0., 0.);  // psi,theta,phi
  algebra::Vector3D eu_end(360., 180., 360.);
  algebra::Vector3D eu_range = eu_end - eu_start;
  double phi_steps = algebra::get_rounded(eu_range[2] / delta + 0.499);
  double phi_real_dist = eu_range[2] / phi_steps;
  double theta_steps = algebra::get_rounded(eu_range[1] / delta + 0.499);
  double theta_real_dist = eu_range[1] / theta_steps;
  double angle2rad = PI / 180.;
  double psi_steps, psi_ang_dist, psi_real_dist;

  EulerAnglesList ret;
  for (double phi = eu_start[2]; phi < eu_end[2]; phi += phi_real_dist) {
    for (double theta = eu_start[1]; theta <= eu_end[1];
         theta += theta_real_dist) {
      if (theta == 0.0 || theta == 180.0) {
        psi_steps = 1;
      } else {
        psi_steps = algebra::get_rounded(
            360.0 * std::cos((90.0 - theta) * angle2rad) / delta);
      psi_ang_dist = 360.0 / psi_steps;
      psi_real_dist = eu_range[0] / (ceil(eu_range[0] / psi_ang_dist));
      for (double psi = eu_start[0]; psi < eu_end[0]; psi += psi_real_dist) {
            EulerAngles(psi * angle2rad, theta * angle2rad, phi * angle2rad));
  return ret;
Exemple #4
    SPEW((GROUP_STUFF_TEST, "Starting EulerAngle test..."));

    const EulerAngles
    const EulerAngles

    Test_Assumption(!a.pitch && !a.yaw && !a.roll);
    Test_Assumption(c.pitch == Pi_Over_4 && c.yaw == Pi_Over_6 && c.roll == Pi_Over_3);

    b = c;
    Test_Assumption(b == c);
    Test_Assumption(b != a);

    Test_Assumption(b[Y_Axis] == b.yaw);
    Test_Assumption(c[Z_Axis] == c.roll);

    Test_Assumption(b == EulerAngles(Stuff::Lerp(a.pitch,c.pitch,0.5f),Stuff::Lerp(a.yaw,c.yaw,0.5f),Stuff::Lerp(a.roll,c.roll,0.5f)));

    LinearMatrix4D m;
    b = m;
    Test_Assumption(b == c);

    return true;
Exemple #5
int __EXPORT quaternionTest()
	printf("Test Quaternion\t\t: ");
	// test default ctor
	Quaternion q;
	ASSERT(equal(q.getA(), 1.0f));
	ASSERT(equal(q.getB(), 0.0f));
	ASSERT(equal(q.getC(), 0.0f));
	ASSERT(equal(q.getD(), 0.0f));
	// test float ctor
	q = Quaternion(0.1825742f, 0.3651484f, 0.5477226f, 0.7302967f);
	ASSERT(equal(q.getA(), 0.1825742f));
	ASSERT(equal(q.getB(), 0.3651484f));
	ASSERT(equal(q.getC(), 0.5477226f));
	ASSERT(equal(q.getD(), 0.7302967f));
	// test euler ctor
	q = Quaternion(EulerAngles(0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f));
	ASSERT(vectorEqual(q, Quaternion(0.983347f, 0.034271f, 0.106021f, 0.143572f)));
	// test dcm ctor
	q = Quaternion(Dcm());
	ASSERT(vectorEqual(q, Quaternion(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)));
	// TODO test derivative
	// test accessors
	ASSERT(vectorEqual(q, Quaternion(0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f, 0.4f)));
	return 0;
Exemple #6
PlaneObject::PlaneObject(Model *m):
  m_gunPosition(0, 2.2f, 3.1f),
  m_enginePosition(0,0.0f, 3.3f),
  m_maxTurnRate(kPi * 0.25f),
  m_maxPitchRate(kPi * 0.25f),
  m_maxBankRate(kPi * 0.25f),
  assert(m->getPartCount() >= 2);
  setModelOrientation(EulerAngles(kPi, 0.0f, 0.0f));
  m_fSpeed = 0.0f;
  m_maxSpeed = 5.0f;
  m_className = "Plane";
  m_type = ObjectTypes::PLANE;
  m_pitchRate = m_turnRate = 0.0f;
  m_smokeID = -1;
  m_reticleLockOnUpdated = false;

  m_timeSinceFired = gRenderer.getTime();

  // load reticle texture
  m_reticleTexture = gRenderer.cacheTextureDX("reticle.png");

  // load all textures that will be used on the plane.
  // Multiple textures are used throughout game play so the plane appears to
  // "take damage"
  m_allTextures[0] = "plane2life0.tga"; // when hp = 0
  m_allTextures[1] = "plane2life1.tga"; // hp = 1
  m_allTextures[2] = "plane2life2.tga"; // hp = 2
  m_allTextures[3] = "plane2life3.tga"; // hp = 3
  m_allTextures[4] = "plane2.tga";      // hp > 3

  // cache all these
  for (int a =0; a < (int)m_allTextures.size(); a++)

  m_allParticles[0] = "smokeveryheavy";   // when hp = 0
  m_allParticles[1] = "smokeheavy";   // when hp = 0
  m_allParticles[2] = "smokemedium";  // hp = 1
  m_allParticles[3] = "smokelight";   // hp = 2
  m_allParticles[4] = "";             // hp > 2


RotationMatrix3<T>::GetEulerAngles( EulerAngles::EOrder order )
    Assert( order <= EulerAngles::YXZ );
    static const int indices[6][3]
            = { { 0, 1, 2 }, { 1, 2, 0 }, { 2, 0, 1 },
                { 0, 2, 1 }, { 2, 1, 0 }, { 1, 0, 2 } };
    const int i0 = indices[ order ][ 0 ];
    const int i1 = indices[ order ][ 1 ];
    const int i2 = indices[ order ][ 2 ];
    T c1 = std::sqrt( m_matrix( i0, i0 ) * m_matrix( i0, i0 )
                      +  m_matrix( i0, i1 ) * m_matrix( i0, i1 ) );
    Angle angles[3];
    if ( order <= EulerAngles::ZXY )    //even permutation
        angles[1] = ArcTan( m_matrix( i0, i2 ), c1 );
        if ( c1 > 16. * std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon() )
            angles[0] = ArcTan( - m_matrix( i1, i2 ), m_matrix( i2, i2 ) );
            angles[2] = ArcTan( - m_matrix( i0, i1 ), m_matrix( i0, i0 ) );
            if ( angles[1].Radians() > 0. )
                //"gimble lock", only (angles[0] + angles[2]) determined
                angles[0] = ArcTan( m_matrix( i1, i0 ), m_matrix( i1, i1 ) );
                //"gimble lock", only (angles[0] - angles[2]) determined
                angles[0] = - ArcTan( m_matrix( i1, i0 ), m_matrix( i1, i1 ) );
            angles[2] = 0.;
    else                    //odd permutation
        angles[1] = ArcTan( - m_matrix( i0, i2 ), c1 );
        if ( c1 > 16. * std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon() )
            angles[0] = ArcTan( m_matrix( i1, i2 ), m_matrix( i2, i2 ) );
            angles[2] = ArcTan(  m_matrix( i0, i1 ), m_matrix( i0, i0 ) );
            if ( angles[1].Radians() > 0. )
                //"gimble lock", only (angles[0] - angles[2]) determined
                angles[0] = ArcTan( m_matrix( i1, i0 ), m_matrix( i1, i1 ) );
                //"gimble lock", only (angles[0] + angles[2]) determined
                angles[0] = ArcTan( - m_matrix( i1, i0 ), m_matrix( i1, i1 ) );
            angles[2] = 0.;
    return  EulerAngles( angles );
void TrainingDataRenderer::update(float time)

  float fps = 60;
  _currVertStart = 5*((int)(fps*time)) % _mesh->getVertexCount();
  // Conversion from Euler angles (in radians) to Quaternion
  vec3 EulerAngles(time*0.3, time*0.1, 0);
  quat q = quat(EulerAngles);
  _m = glm::mat4_cast(q);

  vec3 translationSpeed(10.0);
  _position += _fpsController->getVelocity() * GLFWTime::getDT()  * translationSpeed;;
  _orientation = _fpsController->getRotation();
  _m = glm::translate(_position) * glm::toMat4(_orientation);

  //_m = Matrix4::rotationZYX(Vector3(time*0.2f, time*0.3,0));
  Point3 EyePosition(0, 0, 5);

  Vector3 up(0, 1, 0); Point3 target(0);
  Matrix4 ViewMatrix = Matrix4::lookAt(EyePosition, target, up);

  _m = Matrix4::rotationZYX(Vector3(time*0.2f, time*0.3,0));
  Matrix4 ModelviewMatrix = ViewMatrix * _m;
  float n = 0.01f;
  float f = 1000.0f;
  float fieldOfView = 0.7f;

  Matrix4 ProjectionMatrix = Matrix4::perspective(fieldOfView, 1, n, f);
  _mvp = ProjectionMatrix * ViewMatrix * _m;
  //_m = Matrix4::rotation(-time * 0.25f, Vector3::yAxis());
  _mvpRot = ProjectionMatrix * ViewMatrix * _m;
  //Overriding everything. using camera


Exemple #9
void Sphere::buildGeometry( bool fullSphere, byte numSubDiv, 
							VertexData& pos, float dim)
	GeometryBufferPtr gb = AllocateThis(GeometryBuffer);

	// Rotate the vertices, else the sphere is not properly aligned.
	Matrix4x3 rot = Matrix4x3::createRotation( EulerAngles(-60, 0, 0) );

	for( size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(IcoDomeIndices); i++ )
		const byte* p = IcoDomeIndices[i];
		Vector3 v1( IcoVertices[p[0]][0], IcoVertices[p[0]][2], IcoVertices[p[0]][1] );
		Vector3 v2( IcoVertices[p[1]][0], IcoVertices[p[1]][2], IcoVertices[p[1]][1] );
		Vector3 v3( IcoVertices[p[2]][0], IcoVertices[p[2]][2], IcoVertices[p[2]][1] );

		subdivide( rot*v1, rot*v2, rot*v3, numSubDiv, pos );

	// If we don't want a full sphere, we return here.
	if( fullSphere )
		// These indices are the bottom of the sphere.
		for( size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(IcoSphereIndices); i++ )
			const byte* p = IcoSphereIndices[i];
			Vector3 v1( IcoVertices[p[0]][0], IcoVertices[p[0]][2], IcoVertices[p[0]][1] );
			Vector3 v2( IcoVertices[p[1]][0], IcoVertices[p[1]][2], IcoVertices[p[1]][1] );
			Vector3 v3( IcoVertices[p[2]][0], IcoVertices[p[2]][2], IcoVertices[p[2]][1] );

			subdivide( rot*v1, rot*v2, rot*v3, numSubDiv, pos );

	// Scale all the vertices.
	for( size_t i = 0; i < pos.size(); i++ )
		Vector3& vec = pos[i];	
		vec *= dim;
  // Read in Euler angles from _file_name
  std::ifstream inFile(_file_name.c_str());
  if (!inFile)
    mooseError("Can't open " << _file_name);

  // Skip first 4 lines
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
    inFile.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');

  // The angle files contain a fourth column with weights that we ignore in this version
  Real weight;

  // Loop over grains
  EulerAngles a;
  while (inFile >> a.phi1 >> a.Phi >> a.phi2 >> weight)
Exemple #11
int __EXPORT quaternionTest()
	printf("Test Quaternion\t\t: ");
	// test default ctor
	Quaternion q;
	ASSERT(equal(q.getA(), 1));
	ASSERT(equal(q.getB(), 0));
	ASSERT(equal(q.getC(), 0));
	ASSERT(equal(q.getD(), 0));
	// test float ctor
	q = Quaternion(0, 1, 0, 0);
	ASSERT(equal(q.getA(), 0));
	ASSERT(equal(q.getB(), 1));
	ASSERT(equal(q.getC(), 0));
	ASSERT(equal(q.getD(), 0));
	// test euler ctor
	q = Quaternion(EulerAngles(0, 0, 0));
	ASSERT(equal(q.getA(), 1));
	ASSERT(equal(q.getB(), 0));
	ASSERT(equal(q.getC(), 0));
	ASSERT(equal(q.getD(), 0));
	// test dcm ctor
	q = Quaternion(Dcm());
	ASSERT(equal(q.getA(), 1));
	ASSERT(equal(q.getB(), 0));
	ASSERT(equal(q.getC(), 0));
	ASSERT(equal(q.getD(), 0));
	// TODO test derivative
	// test accessors
	ASSERT(equal(q.getA(), 0.1));
	ASSERT(equal(q.getB(), 0.2));
	ASSERT(equal(q.getC(), 0.3));
	ASSERT(equal(q.getD(), 0.4));
	return 0;
Exemple #12
        bool AffineTransform::frontendToData() {
                EulerAngles(ui_->rotation->z(), ui_->rotation->y(),


            if (dataModel()->uniformScaleEnabled()) {
            } else {
                                     ui_->scaleX->value(), ui_->scaleY->value(),

            return true;
Exemple #13
EulerAngles Rotation::GetEulerAngles() const
   OTL_ASSERT(m_type == RotationType::Euler, "Invalid rotation type");
   return EulerAngles(m_matrix.eulerAngles(1, 2, 3), 1, 2, 3);
Exemple #14
void Camera::addRoll(float amount){
	Quaternion q(EulerAngles(0, 0, amount));
	orientation*= q;
Exemple #15
void Camera::addPitch(float amount){
	Quaternion q(EulerAngles(amount, 0, 0));
	orientation*= q;
Exemple #16
void Camera::addYaw(float amount){
	Quaternion q(EulerAngles(0, amount, 0));
	orientation*= q;
// constructor
  fov = 60.0f;
  cameraPos = Vector3(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f);
  cameraOrient = EulerAngles(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f);  
MenuBackground::MenuBackground() : rps(NULL) {
	Renderer &renderer= Renderer::getInstance();

	//load data
	string data_path = getGameReadWritePath(GameConstants::path_data_CacheLookupKey);

	XmlTree xmlTree;
	xmlTree.load(getGameCustomCoreDataPath(data_path, "data/core/menu/menu.xml"),Properties::getTagReplacementValues());
	const XmlNode *menuNode= xmlTree.getRootNode();

	const XmlNode *waterNode= menuNode->getChild("water");
	water= waterNode->getAttribute("value")->getBoolValue();
		waterHeight= waterNode->getAttribute("height")->getFloatValue();

		//water texture
		waterTexture= renderer.newTexture2D(rsMenu);
		if(waterTexture) {
			waterTexture->getPixmap()->load(getGameCustomCoreDataPath(data_path, "data/core/menu/textures/water.tga"));

	const XmlNode *fogNode= menuNode->getChild("fog");
	fog= fogNode->getAttribute("value")->getBoolValue();
		fogDensity= fogNode->getAttribute("density")->getFloatValue();

	bool withRainEffect = Config::getInstance().getBool("RainEffectMenu","true");
	if(withRainEffect == true) {
		rain= menuNode->getChild("rain")->getAttribute("value")->getBoolValue();
		if(rain) {
	else {
		rain = false;

	const XmlNode *cameraNode= menuNode->getChild("camera");

	const XmlNode *positionNode= cameraNode->getChild("start-position");
	Vec3f startPosition;
    startPosition.x= positionNode->getAttribute("x")->getFloatValue();
	startPosition.y= positionNode->getAttribute("y")->getFloatValue();
	startPosition.z= positionNode->getAttribute("z")->getFloatValue();

	const XmlNode *rotationNode= cameraNode->getChild("start-rotation");
	Vec3f startRotation;
    startRotation.x= rotationNode->getAttribute("x")->getFloatValue();
	startRotation.y= rotationNode->getAttribute("y")->getFloatValue();
	startRotation.z= rotationNode->getAttribute("z")->getFloatValue();

	//load main model
	mainModel= renderer.newModel(rsMenu);
	if(mainModel) {
		string mainModelFile = "data/core/menu/main_model/menu_main.g3d";
		if(menuNode->hasChild("menu-background-model") == true) {
			//mainModel->load(data_path + "data/core/menu/main_model/menu_main.g3d");
			const XmlNode *mainMenuModelNode= menuNode->getChild("menu-background-model");
			mainModelFile = mainMenuModelNode->getAttribute("value")->getRestrictedValue();
		mainModel->load(getGameCustomCoreDataPath(data_path, mainModelFile));

	for(int i=0; i<5; ++i){
		characterModels[i]= renderer.newModel(rsMenu);
		if(characterModels[i]) {
			characterModels[i]->load(getGameCustomCoreDataPath(data_path, "data/core/menu/about_models/character"+intToStr(i)+".g3d"));

	//about position
	positionNode= cameraNode->getChild("about-position");
	aboutPosition.x= positionNode->getAttribute("x")->getFloatValue();
	aboutPosition.y= positionNode->getAttribute("y")->getFloatValue();
	aboutPosition.z= positionNode->getAttribute("z")->getFloatValue();
	rotationNode= cameraNode->getChild("about-rotation");

	targetCamera= NULL;
	t= 0.f;
	fade= 0.f;
	anim= 0.f;
Exemple #19
float Quaternion::PitchAngle() const
    return EulerAngles().x_;
Exemple #20
EulerAngles::EulerAngles(const Quaternion &q) :
	(*this) = EulerAngles(Dcm(q));
Exemple #21
float Quaternion::YawAngle() const
    return EulerAngles().y_;
TestQuaternion( )
    bool ok = true;
    cout << "Testing Quaternion" << endl;

    cout << "Quaternion( ) [default constructor]" << endl;
    QuaternionF quat0;
    float w = 3.f;
    float x = 0.f;
    float y = 4.f;
    float z = 0.f;
    cout << "Set( " << w << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << " )" << endl;
    quat0.Set( w, x, y, z );
    TESTCHECK( quat0.W(), w, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( quat0.X(), x, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( quat0.Y(), y, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( quat0.Z(), z, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( quat0[0], w, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( quat0[1], x, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( quat0[2], y, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( quat0[3], z, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( quat0.At( 0 ), w, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( quat0.At( 1 ), x, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( quat0.At( 2 ), y, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( quat0.At( 3 ), z, &ok );
        TESTCHECK( quat0.At(4), 0.f, &ok );
        cout << "At(4) should have thrown an exception." << endl;
        ok = false;
    catch( out_of_range & exceptn )
        cout << "Exception here is OK" << endl;
        cout << exceptn.what() << endl;
    cout << "quat0.Array()" << endl;
    const float * pF = quat0.Array();
    TESTCHECK( pF[0], w, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( pF[1], x, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( pF[2], y, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( pF[3], z, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( quat0.Real(), w, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( quat0.Imaginary().X(), x, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( quat0.Imaginary().Y(), y, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( quat0.Imaginary().Z(), z, &ok );
    cout << "Conjugate( )" << endl;
    QuaternionF quat1 = quat0.Conjugate( );
    TESTCHECK( quat1.W(), w, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( quat1.X(), -x, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( quat1.Y(), -y, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( quat1.Z(), -z, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( quat0.Length(), 5.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( quat0.Norm(), 25.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( quat1.Length(), 5.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( quat1.Norm(), 25.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( (quat0 + quat1).W(), 6.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( (quat0 + quat1).X(), 0.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( (quat0 + quat1).Y(), 0.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( (quat0 + quat1).Z(), 0.f, &ok );
    ostringstream ost;
    cout << "operator<<" << endl;
    ost << quat0;
    TESTCHECK( ost.str(), string( "( 3, 0, 4, 0 )" ), &ok );
    TESTCHECK( ToJSON( quat0 ),
               string( "[ +3.00000e+00, +0.00000e+00, +4.00000e+00,"
                       " +0.00000e+00 ]" ),
               &ok );
    FromJSON( "[ 3, 0, -4.0, 0. ]", &quat1 );
    TESTCHECK( quat1.W(), w, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( quat1.X(), -x, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( quat1.Y(), -y, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( quat1.Z(), -z, &ok );
    cout << "Normalize( )" << endl;
    quat1.Normalize( );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.W(), 0.6f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.X(), 0.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.Y(), -0.8f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.Z(), 0.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.Norm(), 1.f, &ok );
    cout << "Inverse( )" << endl;
    quat1 = quat0.Inverse( );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.W(), 0.12f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.X(), 0.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.Y(), -0.16f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.Z(), 0.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( (quat0 * quat1).W(), 1.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( (quat0 * quat1).X(), 0.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( (quat0 * quat1).Y(), 0.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( (quat0 * quat1).Z(), 0.f, &ok );
    float coords[4] = { 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f };
    cout << "QuaternionF( coords ) [array constructor]" << endl;
    QuaternionF quat2( coords );
    TESTCHECKF( quat2.W(), 0.5f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat2.X(), 0.5f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat2.Y(), 0.5f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat2.Z(), 0.5f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat2.Norm(), 1.f, &ok );
    cout << "Normalize( )" << endl;
    quat2.Normalize( );
    TESTCHECKF( quat2.W(), 0.5f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat2.X(), 0.5f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat2.Y(), 0.5f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat2.Z(), 0.5f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat2.Norm(), 1.f, &ok );
    cout << "Conjugate( )" << endl;
    quat1 = quat2.Conjugate( );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.W(), 0.5f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.X(), -0.5f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.Y(), -0.5f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.Z(), -0.5f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.Norm(), 1.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( (quat1 + quat2).W(), 1.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( (quat1 + quat2).X(), 0.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( (quat1 + quat2).Y(), 0.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( (quat1 + quat2).Z(), 0.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( (quat1 - quat2).W(), 0.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( (quat1 - quat2).X(), -1.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( (quat1 - quat2).Y(), -1.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( (quat1 - quat2).Z(), -1.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( (quat1 * quat2).W(), 1.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( (quat1 * quat2).X(), 0.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( (quat1 * quat2).Y(), 0.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( (quat1 * quat2).Z(), 0.f, &ok );
    cout << "Inverse( )" << endl;
    quat1 = quat2.Inverse( );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.W(), 0.5f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.X(), -0.5f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.Y(), -0.5f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.Z(), -0.5f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.Norm(), 1.f, &ok );
    double a = M_PI / 2.;
    cout << "QuaternionF( AxisAngle( Vector3F::UnitZ, Angle( " << a
         << " ) ) ) [axis-angle constructor]" << endl;
    QuaternionF quat3( AxisAngleF( Vector3F::UnitZ, Angle( a ) ) );
    TESTCHECKF( quat3.W(), sqrt( 0.5f ), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat3.X(), 0.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat3.Y(), 0.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat3.Z(), sqrt( 0.5f ), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat3.Norm(), 1.f, &ok );
    cout << "GetAxisAngle( )" << endl;
    AxisAngleF axisAngle = quat3.GetAxisAngle( );
    TESTCHECKF( axisAngle.Axis().X(), 0.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( axisAngle.Axis().Y(), 0.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( axisAngle.Axis().Z(), 1.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( axisAngle.GetAngle().Radians(), M_PI / 2., &ok );
    cout << "Set( 2, a )" << endl;
    quat1.Set( 2, a );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.W(), sqrt( 0.5f ), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.X(), 0.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.Y(), 0.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.Z(), sqrt( 0.5f ), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.Norm(), 1.f, &ok );
    cout << "Log()" << endl;
    quat1 = quat3.Log( );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.W(), 0.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.X(), 0.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.Y(), 0.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.Z(), M_PI / 4.f, &ok );
    cout << "SetW( 1. )" << endl;
    quat1.SetW( 1.f );
    cout << "Exp()" << endl;
    quat1 = quat1.Exp( );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.W(), exp( 1.f ) * sqrt( 0.5f ), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.X(), 0.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.Y(), 0.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.Z(), exp( 1.f ) * sqrt( 0.5f ), &ok );
    TESTCHECK( (quat1 == quat3), false, &ok );
    cout << "Log()" << endl;
    quat1 = quat1.Log( );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.W(), 1.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.X(), 0.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.Y(), 0.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.Z(), M_PI / 4.f, &ok );
    a = 2. * M_PI / 3.;
    float f = static_cast<float>( sqrt( 1./3. ) );
    cout << "RotationMatrix3F( AxisAngleF( Vector3F( " << f << ", " << f
         << ", " << f << "), Angle( " << a << " ) ) )" << endl;
    axisAngle.Set( Vector3F( f, f, f ), Angle( a ) );
    RotationMatrix3F mat0( axisAngle );
    cout << "QuaternionF( mat0 ) [rotation matrix constructor]" << endl;
    QuaternionF quat4( mat0 );
    TESTCHECKF( quat4.W(), quat2.W(), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat4.X(), quat2.X(), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat4.Y(), quat2.Y(), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat4.Z(), quat2.Z(), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat4.Norm(), 1.f, &ok );
    cout << "GetAxisAngle( )" << endl;
    axisAngle = quat4.GetAxisAngle( );
    TESTCHECKF( axisAngle.Axis().X(), f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( axisAngle.Axis().Y(), f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( axisAngle.Axis().Z(), f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( axisAngle.GetAngle().Radians(), a, &ok );
    cout << "Matrix( )" << endl;
    RotationMatrix3F mat1 = quat4.Matrix( );
    TESTCHECKF( mat1(0,0), mat0(0,0), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( mat1(0,1), mat0(0,1), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( mat1(0,2), mat0(0,2), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( mat1(1,0), mat0(1,0), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( mat1(1,1), mat0(1,1), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( mat1(1,2), mat0(1,2), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( mat1(2,0), mat0(2,0), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( mat1(2,1), mat0(2,1), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( mat1(2,2), mat0(2,2), &ok );
    cout << "(quat4 * Quaternion( Vector3F::UnitX )"
         << "* quat4.Conjugate()).Imaginary() [rotation]" << endl;
    Vector3F vec1 = (quat4 * QuaternionF( Vector3F::UnitX )
                     * quat4.Conjugate()).Imaginary();
    TESTCHECKF( vec1.X(), 0.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( vec1.Y(), 1.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( vec1.Z(), 0.f, &ok );
    cout << "Rotate( Vector3F::UnitX )" << endl;
    vec1 = quat4.Rotate( Vector3F::UnitX );
    TESTCHECKF( vec1.X(), 0.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( vec1.Y(), 1.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( vec1.Z(), 0.f, &ok );
    float a0 = -2.9f;
    float a1 = 1.8f;
    float a2 = -0.7f;
    cout << "Quaternion qrot0( 0, " << a0 << " )" << endl;
    QuaternionF qrot0( 0, Angle( a0 ) );
    cout << "Quaternion qrot1( 1, " << a1 << " )" << endl;
    QuaternionF qrot1( 1, Angle( a1 ) );
    cout << "Quaternion qrot2( 2, " << a2 << " )" << endl;
    QuaternionF qrot2( 2, Angle( a2 ) );
    cout << "quat1 = qrot1 * qrot2 * qrot0" << endl;
    quat1 = qrot1 * qrot2 * qrot0;
    cout << "GetEulerAngles( EulerAngles::YZX )" << endl;
    EulerAngles euler = quat1.GetEulerAngles( EulerAngles::YZX );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[0].Radians(), a1, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[1].Radians(), a2, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[2].Radians(), a0, &ok );
    cout << "Quaternion( EulerAngles( " << a1 << ", " << a2 << ", " << a0
         << " ), EulerAngles::YZX ) [Euler angles constructor]" << endl;
    QuaternionF quat5( EulerAngles( a1, a2, a0 ), EulerAngles::YZX );
    TESTCHECKF( quat5.W(), quat1.W(), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat5.X(), quat1.X(), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat5.Y(), quat1.Y(), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat5.Z(), quat1.Z(), &ok );
    cout << "GetEulerAngles( EulerAngles::YZX )" << endl;
    euler = quat5.GetEulerAngles( EulerAngles::YZX );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[0].Radians(), a1, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[1].Radians(), a2, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[2].Radians(), a0, &ok );
    a2 = static_cast<float>( - M_PI / 2. );
    cout << "qrot2.Set( 2, " << a2 << " )" << endl;
    qrot2.Set( 2, Angle( a2 ) );
    cout << "quat1 = qrot1 * qrot2 * qrot0" << endl;
    quat1 = qrot1 * qrot2 * qrot0;
    cout << "GetEulerAngles( EulerAngles::YZX )" << endl;
    euler = quat1.GetEulerAngles( EulerAngles::YZX );
    Angle a10( a1 - a0 );
    float a1_a0 = static_cast<float>( a10.Radians() );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[0].Radians(), a1_a0, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[1].Radians(), a2, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[2].Radians(), 0.f, &ok );
    cout << "Matrix().GetEulerAngles( EulerAngles::YZX )" << endl;
    euler = quat1.Matrix().GetEulerAngles( EulerAngles::YZX );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[0].Radians(), a1_a0, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[1].Radians(), a2, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[2].Radians(), 0.f, &ok );
    cout << "Set( EulerAngles( " << a1 << ", " << a2 << ", " << a0
         << " ), EulerAngles::YZX )" << endl;
    quat5.Set( EulerAngles( a1, a2, a0 ), EulerAngles::YZX );
    TESTCHECKF( quat5.W(), quat1.W(), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat5.X(), quat1.X(), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat5.Y(), quat1.Y(), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat5.Z(), quat1.Z(), &ok );
    cout << "GetEulerAngles( EulerAngles::YZX )" << endl;
    euler = quat5.GetEulerAngles( EulerAngles::YZX );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[0].Radians(), a1_a0, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[1].Radians(), a2, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[2].Radians(), 0.f, &ok );
    a0 = 1.1f;
    a1 = -1.0f;
    a2 = 0.5f;
    cout << "qrot0.Set( 0, " << a0 << " )" << endl;
    qrot0.Set( 0, Angle( a0 ) );
    cout << "qrot1.Set( 1, " << a1 << " )" << endl;
    qrot1.Set( 1, Angle( a1 ) );
    cout << "qrot2.Set( 2, " << a2 << " )" << endl;
    qrot2.Set( 2, Angle( a2 ) );
    cout << "quat1 = qrot2 * qrot1 * qrot0" << endl;
    quat1 = qrot2 * qrot1 * qrot0;
    cout << "GetEulerAngles( EulerAngles::ZYX )" << endl;
    euler = quat1.GetEulerAngles( EulerAngles::ZYX );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[0].Radians(), a2, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[1].Radians(), a1, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[2].Radians(), a0, &ok );
    cout << "Matrix().GetEulerAngles( EulerAngles::ZYX )" << endl;
    euler = quat1.Matrix().GetEulerAngles( EulerAngles::ZYX );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[0].Radians(), a2, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[1].Radians(), a1, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[2].Radians(), a0, &ok );
    cout << "Set( EulerAngles( " << a2 << ", " << a1 << ", " << a0
         << " ), EulerAngles::ZYX )" << endl;
    quat5.Set( EulerAngles( a2, a1, a0 ), EulerAngles::ZYX );
    TESTCHECKF( quat5.W(), quat1.W(), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat5.X(), quat1.X(), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat5.Y(), quat1.Y(), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat5.Z(), quat1.Z(), &ok );
    cout << "GetEulerAngles( EulerAngles::ZYX )" << endl;
    euler = quat5.GetEulerAngles( EulerAngles::ZYX );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[0].Radians(), a2, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[1].Radians(), a1, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[2].Radians(), a0, &ok );
    a1 = static_cast<float>( M_PI / 2. );
    cout << "qrot1.Set( 1, " << a1 << " )" << endl;
    qrot1.Set( 1, Angle( a1 ) );
    cout << "quat1 = qrot2 * qrot1 * qrot0" << endl;
    quat1 = qrot2 * qrot1 * qrot0;
    cout << "GetEulerAngles( EulerAngles::ZYX )" << endl;
    euler = quat1.GetEulerAngles( EulerAngles::ZYX );
    Angle a20 = Angle( a2 - a0 );
    float a2_a0 = static_cast<float>( a20.Radians() );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[0].Radians(), a2_a0, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[1].Radians(), a1, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[2].Radians(), 0.f, &ok );
    cout << "Set( EulerAngles( " << a2 << ", " << a1 << ", " << a0
         << " ), EulerAngles::ZYX )" << endl;
    quat5.Set( EulerAngles( a2, a1, a0 ), EulerAngles::ZYX );
    TESTCHECKF( quat5.W(), quat1.W(), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat5.X(), quat1.X(), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat5.Y(), quat1.Y(), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat5.Z(), quat1.Z(), &ok );
    cout << "GetEulerAngles( EulerAngles::ZYX )" << endl;
    euler = quat5.GetEulerAngles( EulerAngles::ZYX );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[0].Radians(), a2_a0, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[1].Radians(), a1, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[2].Radians(), 0.f, &ok );
    if ( ok )
        cout << "Quaternion PASSED." << endl << endl;
        cout << "Quaternion FAILED." << endl << endl;
    return ok;
Exemple #23
float Quaternion::RollAngle() const
    return EulerAngles().z_;
#include "utility.h"
#include "vector3.h"
#include "euler-angles.h"
#include "quaternion.h"
#include "matrix3.h"

#include "euler-angles.inl"

#include "CachePool.h"


const EulerAngles EulerAngles::Zero = EulerAngles( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
EulerAngles EulerAngles::var = EulerAngles::Zero;

EulerAngles::EulerAngles( float yaw, float pitch, float roll )
	this->yaw = yaw;
	this->pitch = pitch;
	this->roll = roll;

EulerAngles::EulerAngles( const EulerAngles& ea )
	yaw = ea.yaw;
	pitch = ea.pitch;
	roll = ea.roll;