void UAnimComposite::GetAnimationPose(FCompactPose& OutPose, FBlendedCurve& OutCurve, const FAnimExtractContext& ExtractionContext) const
	AnimationTrack.GetAnimationPose(OutPose, OutCurve, ExtractionContext);

	FBlendedCurve CompositeCurve;
	EvaluateCurveData(CompositeCurve, ExtractionContext.CurrentTime);

	// combine both curve
void UAnimSequenceBase::TickAssetPlayerInstance(const FAnimTickRecord& Instance, class UAnimInstance* InstanceOwner, FAnimAssetTickContext& Context) const
	float& CurrentTime = *(Instance.TimeAccumulator);
	const float PreviousTime = CurrentTime;
	const float PlayRate = Instance.PlayRateMultiplier * this->RateScale;

	float MoveDelta = 0.f;

	if( Context.IsLeader() )
		const float DeltaTime = Context.GetDeltaTime();
		MoveDelta = PlayRate * DeltaTime;

		if( MoveDelta != 0.f )
			// Advance time
			FAnimationRuntime::AdvanceTime(Instance.bLooping, MoveDelta, CurrentTime, SequenceLength);

		Context.SetSyncPoint(CurrentTime / SequenceLength);
		// Follow the leader
		CurrentTime = Context.GetSyncPoint() * SequenceLength;
		//@TODO: NOTIFIES: Calculate AdvanceType based on what the new delta time is

		if( CurrentTime != PreviousTime )
			// Figure out delta time 
			MoveDelta = CurrentTime - PreviousTime;
			// if we went against play rate, then loop around.
			if( (MoveDelta * PlayRate) < 0.f )
				MoveDelta += FMath::Sign<float>(PlayRate) * SequenceLength;

	OnAssetPlayerTickedInternal(Context, PreviousTime, MoveDelta, Instance, InstanceOwner);

	// Evaluate Curve data now - even if time did not move, we still need to return curve if it exists
	EvaluateCurveData(InstanceOwner, CurrentTime, Instance.EffectiveBlendWeight);