void igl::crouzeix_raviart_cotmatrix(
  const Eigen::MatrixBase<DerivedV> & V, 
  const Eigen::MatrixBase<DerivedF> & F, 
  const Eigen::MatrixBase<DerivedE> & E,
  const Eigen::MatrixBase<DerivedEMAP> & EMAP,
  Eigen::SparseMatrix<LT> & L)
  // number of rows
  const int m = F.rows();
  // Element simplex size
  const int ss = F.cols();
  // Mesh should be edge-manifold
  assert(F.cols() != 3 || is_edge_manifold(F));
  typedef Eigen::Matrix<LT,Eigen::Dynamic,Eigen::Dynamic> MatrixXS;
  MatrixXS C;
  Eigen::MatrixXi F2E(m,ss);
    int k =0;
    for(int c = 0;c<ss;c++)
      for(int f = 0;f<m;f++)
        F2E(f,c) = k++;
  // number of entries inserted per facet
  const int k = ss*(ss-1)*2;
  std::vector<Eigen::Triplet<LT> > LIJV;LIJV.reserve(k*m);
  Eigen::VectorXi LI(k),LJ(k),LV(k);
  // Compensation factor to match scales in matlab version
  double factor = 2.0;

    default: assert(false && "unsupported simplex size");
    case 3:
      factor = 4.0;
    case 4:
      factor *= -1.0;

  for(int f=0;f<m;f++)
    for(int c = 0;c<k;c++)
        (c<(k/2)?-1.:1.) * factor *C(f,LV(c)));
IGL_INLINE void igl::GeneralPolyVectorFieldFinder<DerivedV, DerivedF>::computek()
  // For every non-border edge
  for (unsigned eid=0; eid<numE; ++eid)
    if (!isBorderEdge[eid])
      int fid0 = E2F(eid,0);
      int fid1 = E2F(eid,1);

      Eigen::Matrix<typename DerivedV::Scalar, 1, 3> N0 = FN.row(fid0);
      Eigen::Matrix<typename DerivedV::Scalar, 1, 3> N1 = FN.row(fid1);

      // find common edge on triangle 0 and 1
      int fid0_vc = -1;
      int fid1_vc = -1;
      for (unsigned i=0;i<3;++i)
        if (F2E(fid0,i) == eid)
          fid0_vc = i;
        if (F2E(fid1,i) == eid)
          fid1_vc = i;
      assert(fid0_vc != -1);
      assert(fid1_vc != -1);

      Eigen::Matrix<typename DerivedV::Scalar, 1, 3> common_edge = V.row(F(fid0,(fid0_vc+1)%3)) - V.row(F(fid0,fid0_vc));

      // Map the two triangles in a new space where the common edge is the x axis and the N0 the z axis
      Eigen::Matrix<typename DerivedV::Scalar, 3, 3> P;
      Eigen::Matrix<typename DerivedV::Scalar, 1, 3> o = V.row(F(fid0,fid0_vc));
      Eigen::Matrix<typename DerivedV::Scalar, 1, 3> tmp = -N0.cross(common_edge);
      P << common_edge, tmp, N0;
//      P.transposeInPlace();

      Eigen::Matrix<typename DerivedV::Scalar, 3, 3> V0;
      V0.row(0) = V.row(F(fid0,0)) -o;
      V0.row(1) = V.row(F(fid0,1)) -o;
      V0.row(2) = V.row(F(fid0,2)) -o;

      V0 = (P*V0.transpose()).transpose();

//      assert(V0(0,2) < 1e-10);
//      assert(V0(1,2) < 1e-10);
//      assert(V0(2,2) < 1e-10);

      Eigen::Matrix<typename DerivedV::Scalar, 3, 3> V1;
      V1.row(0) = V.row(F(fid1,0)) -o;
      V1.row(1) = V.row(F(fid1,1)) -o;
      V1.row(2) = V.row(F(fid1,2)) -o;
      V1 = (P*V1.transpose()).transpose();

//      assert(V1(fid1_vc,2) < 10e-10);
//      assert(V1((fid1_vc+1)%3,2) < 10e-10);

      // compute rotation R such that R * N1 = N0
      // i.e. map both triangles to the same plane
      double alpha = -atan2(V1((fid1_vc+2)%3,2),V1((fid1_vc+2)%3,1));

      Eigen::Matrix<typename DerivedV::Scalar, 3, 3> R;
      R << 1,          0,            0,
      0, cos(alpha), -sin(alpha) ,
      0, sin(alpha),  cos(alpha);
      V1 = (R*V1.transpose()).transpose();

//      assert(V1(0,2) < 1e-10);
//      assert(V1(1,2) < 1e-10);
//      assert(V1(2,2) < 1e-10);

      // measure the angle between the reference frames
      // k_ij is the angle between the triangle on the left and the one on the right
      Eigen::Matrix<typename DerivedV::Scalar, 1, 3> ref0 = V0.row(1) - V0.row(0);
      Eigen::Matrix<typename DerivedV::Scalar, 1, 3> ref1 = V1.row(1) - V1.row(0);


      double ktemp = atan2(ref1(1),ref1(0)) - atan2(ref0(1),ref0(0));

      // just to be sure, rotate ref0 using angle ktemp...
      Eigen::Matrix<typename DerivedV::Scalar, 2, 2> R2;
      R2 << cos(ktemp), -sin(ktemp), sin(ktemp), cos(ktemp);

      Eigen::Matrix<typename DerivedV::Scalar, 1, 2> tmp1 = R2*(ref0.head(2)).transpose();

//      assert(tmp1(0) - ref1(0) < 1e-10);
//      assert(tmp1(1) - ref1(1) < 1e-10);

      K[eid] = ktemp;

/** Estimate monocular visual odometry.
 * @param std::vector<Match> vector with matches
 * @param Eigen::Matrix3f& (output) estimated rotation matrix
 * @param Eigen::Vector3f& (output) estimated translation vector
 * @param bool show optical flow (true), don't show otherwise
 * @param std::vector<Match> output vector with all inlier matches
 * @param std::vector<Eigen::Vector3f> output vector with 3D points, triangulated from all inlier matches
 * @return bool true is motion successfully estimated, false otherwise */
bool MonoOdometer8::estimateMotion(std::vector<Match> matches, Eigen::Matrix3f &R, Eigen::Vector3f &t, bool showOpticalFlow, std::vector<Match> &inlierMatches, std::vector<Eigen::Vector3f> &points3D)
    // check number of correspondences
    int N = matches.size();
    if(N < param_odometerMinNumberMatches_)
        // too few matches to compute F
        R = Eigen::Matrix3f::Identity();
        t << 0.0, 0.0, 0.0;
        return false;

    // normalize 2D features
    Eigen::Matrix3f NormTPrev, NormTCurr;
    std::vector<Match> matchesNorm = normalize2DPoints(matches, NormTPrev, NormTCurr);

    Eigen::Matrix3f F, E;
    std::vector<int> inlierIndices;
    // RANSAC loop
    for(int j=0; j<param_odometerRansacIters_; j++)
        // get random sample
        std::vector<int> chosenIndices = getRandomSample(matchesNorm.size(), 8);
        // compute fundamental matrix
        F = getF(matchesNorm, chosenIndices);
        // get inliers
        std::vector<int> inlierIndicesCurr = getInliers(matchesNorm, F);
        if(inlierIndicesCurr.size() > inlierIndices.size())
                inlierIndices = inlierIndicesCurr;

    // check number of inliers
    if(inlierIndices.size() < param_odometerMinNumberMatches_)
        R = Eigen::Matrix3f::Identity();
        t << 0.0, 0.0, 0.0;
        return false;

    // compute fundamental matrix out of all inliers
    F = getF(matchesNorm, inlierIndices);

    // save inlier and outlier matches
    std::vector<Match> outlierMatches;
    for(int i=0; i<matches.size(); i++)
        if(elemInVec(inlierIndices, i))

    // plot optical flow and print #inliers (for debugging)
        cv::Mat image(1024, 768, CV_8UC1, cv::Scalar(0));
        cv::Mat of1 = highlightOpticalFlow(image, inlierMatches, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0));
        cv::Mat of2 = highlightOpticalFlow(of1, outlierMatches, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255));
        cv::namedWindow("Optical flow", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
        cv::imshow("Optical flow", of2);
    // denormalize F
    F = NormTCurr.transpose() * F * NormTPrev;
    // compute essential matrix E
    E = F2E(F);

    // get rotation and translation and triangulate points
    Eigen::Matrix<float, 4, Eigen::Dynamic> points3DMat;
    E2Rt(E, inlierMatches, R, t, points3DMat);

    // normalize 3D points (force last coordinate to 0)
    for(int j=0; j<points3DMat.cols(); j++)
        Eigen::Vector3f pt = points3DMat.block<3, 1>(0, j);
        double lastCoord = points3DMat(3, j);
        pt = pt / lastCoord;
        if(pt(2) > 0)
            // remove match if not a valid point
            inlierMatches.erase(inlierMatches.begin() + j);

    // check number of valid points
    if(points3D.size() < param_odometerMinNumberMatches_)
        R = Eigen::Matrix3f::Identity();
        t << 0.0, 0.0, 0.0;
        return false;

    // inforce translation norm to 1
    t = t / sqrt(t.dot(t));

    return true;