Exemple #1
         * \return GiNaC exact solution
        ex getSolution(const double & value) const
            // check if exact is defined
            FEELPP_ASSERT( M_exact.size() ).error( "undefined exact solution" );

            // check if values is consistant with params
            FEELPP_ASSERT( parameters.size() == 1 ).error( "inconsistant values and parameters size" );

            ex tmp_sol = exact;
            tmp_sol = substitute(tmp_sol, parameters[0], value);

            return tmp_sol;
Exemple #2
         * \return GiNaC exact solution
        ex getSolution(const std::vector<double> & values) const
            // check if exact is defined
            FEELPP_ASSERT( M_exact.size() ).error( "undefined exact solution" );

            // check if values is consistant with params
            FEELPP_ASSERT( values.size() == parameters.size() ).error( "inconsistant values and parameters size" );

            ex tmp_sol = exact;
            for (unsigned int i=0; i<values.size(); i++) // may use boost zip iterator
                tmp_sol = substitute(tmp_sol, parameters[i], values[i]);

            return tmp_sol;
Exemple #3
VectorEpetra<T>::checkInvariants () const
    FEELPP_ASSERT( this->localSize() == M_emap.NumMyElements() )
    ( this->localSize() )
    ( M_emap.NumMyElements() ).error( "Invalid VectorEpetra (Local size)" );
    FEELPP_ASSERT( this->size() == M_emap.NumGlobalElements() )
    ( this->size() )
    ( M_emap.NumGlobalElements() ).error( "Invalid VectorEpetra (Global size)" );

    FEELPP_ASSERT( this->firstLocalIndex() == M_emap.MinLID() )
    ( this->firstLocalIndex() )
    ( M_emap.MinLID() ).error( "Invalid VectorEpetra (Min global index)" );

    FEELPP_ASSERT( this->lastLocalIndex() == M_emap.MaxLID()+1 )
    ( this->lastLocalIndex() )
    ( M_emap.MaxLID() ).error( "Invalid VectorEpetra (Min global index)" );

    FEELPP_ASSERT( this->localSize() == M_vec.Map().NumMyElements() )
    ( this->localSize() )
    ( M_vec.Map().NumMyElements() ).error( "Invalid VectorEpetra (Local size)" );
    FEELPP_ASSERT( this->size() == M_vec.Map().NumGlobalElements() )
    ( this->size() )
    ( M_vec.Map().NumGlobalElements() ).error( "Invalid VectorEpetra (Global size)" );

    FEELPP_ASSERT( this->firstLocalIndex() == M_vec.Map().MinLID() )
    ( this->firstLocalIndex() )
    ( M_vec.Map().MinLID() ).error( "Invalid VectorEpetra (Min global index)" );

    FEELPP_ASSERT( this->lastLocalIndex() == M_vec.Map().MaxLID()+1 )
    ( this->lastLocalIndex() )
    ( M_vec.Map().MaxLID() ).error( "Invalid VectorEpetra (Min global index)" );

Exemple #4
MatrixEigenSparse<T>::addMatrix( value_type v, MatrixSparse<value_type> const& _m )
    MatrixEigenSparse<value_type> const* m = dynamic_cast<MatrixEigenSparse<value_type> const*>( &_m );
    FEELPP_ASSERT( m != 0 ).error( "invalid sparse matrix type, should be MatrixEigenSparse" );
    FEELPP_ASSERT( m->closed() ).error( "invalid sparse matrix type, should be closed" );

    if ( !m )
        throw std::invalid_argument( "m" );

    if ( !this->closed() )
        M_mat += v * m->M_mat;
 void matrixPtr(int q , matrix_ptrtype& matrix) const
     int q_max = M_operators1.size();
     FEELPP_ASSERT( q < q_max )( q_max )( q ).error( "OperatorLinearComposite has not enough elements" );
     //fill matrix
     M_operators1.template at(q)->matPtr(matrix);
Exemple #6
 * clear out all data from the mesh, \p isEmpty() should return
 * \p true after a \p clear()
    virtual void clear()
            FEELPP_ASSERT( isEmpty() ).error( "all mesh containers should be empty after a clear." );
Exemple #7
     * apply the functional to a polynomial
     * \param p polynomial
     * \return matrix resulting from the application of the functional to the polynomial
    virtual matrix_type operator()( polynomial_type const& p ) const
        FEELPP_ASSERT( p.coeff().size2()  == M_coeff.size2() )
        ( p.coeff() )( M_coeff ).error( "invalid polynomial" );

        return ublas::prod( p.coeff(), ublas::trans( M_coeff ) );
    //return the sum of matrices given
    //by all opertors in M_vectors
    //arguments : a vector of vector of scalars and a bool ( use scalar=1 if true )
    void sumAllMatrices2( matrix_ptrtype & matrix, bool use_scalar_one=false ) const
        int size1 = M_operators1.size();
        int size2 = M_operators2.size();

        FEELPP_ASSERT( size2 > 0 )( size1 )( size2 ).error( "OperatorLinearComposite has no elements" );

        auto temp_matrix = M_backend->newMatrix( _test=this->dualImageSpace(), _trial=this->domainSpace(), _pattern=M_pattern );

        auto end = M_operators2.end();
        for(auto it=M_operators2.begin(); it!=end; ++it)
            auto position = it->first;
            int q = position.template get<0>();
            int m = position.template get<1>();
            double scalar=1;
            if( ! use_scalar_one )
                scalar = M_scalars2[q][m];
            matrix->addMatrix( scalar , temp_matrix );

SolverLinearPetsc<T>::clear ()
    PetscBool pinit;
    PetscInitialized( &pinit );
    if ( pinit && this->initialized() )
        this->setInitialized( false );

        int ierr=0;

        // 2.1.x & earlier style

        ierr = SLESDestroy( M_sles );
        CHKERRABORT( this->worldComm().globalComm(),ierr );

        // 2.2.0 & newer style
        FEELPP_ASSERT( M_ksp != 0 ).error( "invalid ksp" );
        ierr = PETSc::KSPDestroy( M_ksp );
        CHKERRABORT( this->worldComm().globalComm(),ierr );

        // Mimic PETSc default solver and preconditioner
        this->setSolverType(  GMRES );

        if ( this->worldComm().globalComm().size() == 1 )
            this->setPreconditionerType( LU_PRECOND );

            this->setPreconditionerType( BLOCK_JACOBI_PRECOND );
Exemple #10
     * \f$ U+=v \f$ where \p v is a std::vector<T>
     * and you
     * want to specify WHERE to add it
    void addVector ( const std::vector<value_type>& v,
                     const std::vector<size_type>& dof_indices )
        FEELPP_ASSERT ( v.size() == dof_indices.size() ).error( "invalid dof indices" );

        for ( size_type i=0; i<v.size(); i++ )
            this->add ( dof_indices[i], v[i] );
Exemple #11
     * Subtraction operator.
     * Fast equivalent to \p U.add(-1, V).
    Vector<T> & operator -= ( const Vector<value_type> &V )
        FEELPP_ASSERT( this->closed() ).error( "vector is not closed" );

        this->add( -1., V );

        return *this;
Exemple #12
     * \f$U+=V \f$ where U and V are type
     * uvlas::vector<T> and you
     * want to specify WHERE to add
     * the DenseVector<T> V
    void addVector ( const ublas::vector<value_type>& V,
                     const std::vector<size_type>& dof_indices )
        FEELPP_ASSERT ( V.size() == dof_indices.size() ).error( "invalid dof indices" );

        for ( size_type i=0; i<V.size(); i++ )
            this->add ( dof_indices[i], V( i ) );
 //Access to a specific vector
 void vecPtr( int q , vector_ptrtype& vector )
     int q_max = M_functionals1.size();
     FEELPP_ASSERT( q < q_max )( q_max )( q ).error( "FsFunctionalLinearComposite has not enough elements" );
     //auto vector = M_backend->newVector( this->space() );
     M_functionals1.template at(q)->containerPtr(vector);
     //return vector;
Exemple #14
MatrixEpetra::addMatrix ( int* rows, int nrows,
                          int* cols, int ncols,
                          value_type* data )
    FEELPP_ASSERT ( this->isInitialized() ).error( "MatrixEpetra<> not properly initialized" );

    M_mat->SumIntoGlobalValues( nrows, rows, ncols, cols, data, Epetra_FECrsMatrix::ROW_MAJOR );
Exemple #15
        void setRhs(t_edp_type * edp)
            FEELPP_ASSERT( parameters.size() ).error( "setRhs: inconsistant numbers of parameters" );
            rhs = (*edp)(exact, vars, parameters);
            LOG(INFO) << "computed rhs is : " << rhs << "\n";

            std::ostringstream rhs_expression;
            rhs_expression << rhs;
            M_rhs = rhs_expression.str();
Exemple #16
        void setRhs(std::string const& expression ="")
            if ( expression.empty() )
                FEELPP_ASSERT( M_rhs.size() ).error( "undefined rhs exact" );
                M_rhs = expression;

            LOG(INFO) << "Loading rhs function : " << M_rhs << std::endl;
            rhs = parse(M_rhs, vars, parameters);
            LOG(INFO) << "rhs is : " << rhs << "\n";
Exemple #17
// print into Matlab sparse Matrix
MatrixEpetra::printMatlab ( const std::string name ) const
    FEELPP_ASSERT ( this->isInitialized() ).error( "epetra matrix not properly initialized" );

    FEELPP_ASSERT ( this->closed() ).warn( "epetra matrix not closed" );

    if ( !this->closed() )
        const_cast<MatrixEpetra*>( this )->close();

    DVLOG(2) << "[printMatlab] print matrix in matlab file " << name << "\n";
    //std::cout << "[printMatlab] print matrix in matlab file " << name << "\n";

    //std::cout << "[printMatlab] print matrix in matlab file done\n";
    int ret = EpetraExt::RowMatrixToMatlabFile( name.c_str(), *M_mat );

    //int ret = EpetraExt::RowMatrixToMatrixMarketFile( name.c_str(), *M_mat, "toto", "tutu" );
    if ( ret != 0 )
        std::cout << "error in printMatlab\n";
Exemple #18
    // disable
    VectorPetsc( VectorPetsc const & v )
        super( v ),
        M_destroy_vec_on_exit( true )
        FEELPP_ASSERT( v.closed() ).error( "copied vector is not closed" );

        VecDuplicate( v.M_vec, &M_vec );
        VecCopy( v.M_vec, M_vec );
        this->M_is_initialized = true;
Exemple #19
     * Call the assemble functions
    void close ()
        FEELPP_ASSERT ( this->isInitialized() ).error( "VectorPetsc<> not initialized" );

        int ierr=0;

        ierr = VecAssemblyBegin( M_vec );
        CHKERRABORT( this->comm(),ierr );
        ierr = VecAssemblyEnd( M_vec );
        CHKERRABORT( this->comm(),ierr );

        this->M_is_closed = true;
Exemple #20
VectorEpetra<T>::printMatlab ( const std::string name, bool renumber ) const
    FEELPP_ASSERT ( this->closed() ).warn( "epetra vector not closed" );
#if 0

    if ( !this->closed() )
        const_cast<VectorEpetra<T>*>( this )->close();


    VLOG(1) << "[printMatlab] print vector in matlab file " << name << "\n";
    EpetraExt::MultiVectorToMatlabFile( name.c_str(), M_vec );
Exemple #21
VectorEpetra<T>::set ( size_type i, const value_type& value )
    FEELPP_ASSERT( i<size() )( i )( size() ).error( "invalid index" );

    int i_val = static_cast<int>( i );
    value_type epetra_value = static_cast<value_type>( value );

    //M_vec[i_val] = epetra_value;
    M_vec.ReplaceGlobalValues( 1, &i_val, &epetra_value );

    DVLOG(2) << "[Vector] Replacing value in row " << i << " for " << value << "\n";

Exemple #22
// print to console
MatrixEpetra::printKonsole () const
    FEELPP_ASSERT ( this->isInitialized() ).error( "epetra matrix not properly initialized" );

    std::cout << "\n+---------------Information about the Matrix---------------+\n" <<  std::endl;
    cout << *M_mat;
    std::cout << "+----------------------------------------------------------+\n" <<  std::endl;
    std::cout << "\n+---------------Information about the RowMap------------------+\n" <<  std::endl;
    cout << M_mat->RowMap();
    std::cout << "+----------------------------------------------------------+\n" <<  std::endl;
    std::cout << "\n+---------------Information about the ColMap------------------+\n" <<  std::endl;
    cout << M_mat->ColMap();
    std::cout << "+----------------------------------------------------------+\n" <<  std::endl;
Exemple #23
VectorEpetra<T>::add ( const size_type i, const value_type& value )
    FEELPP_ASSERT( i<size() )( i )( size() ).error( "invalid index" );

    int i_val = static_cast<int>( i );
    value_type epetra_value = static_cast<value_type>( value );
    int ierr;
    //ierr= M_vec.SumIntoGlobalValues(1,&epetra_value,&i_val);
    ierr= M_vec.SumIntoGlobalValues( 1,&i_val, &epetra_value ); //indices are in global index space

    if ( ierr != 0 )
        VLOG(1) << "ERRORCODE SumIntoGlobalValues VECTOR: " << ierr <<  " in V(" << i_val << ") for value "<< epetra_value << "." << "\n";
Exemple #24
prod( ElementType const& v1, ElementType const& v2,  typename boost::enable_if<boost::is_base_of<FunctionSpaceBase::ElementBase,ElementType> >::type* dummy = 0  )
    FEELPP_ASSERT( v1.functionSpace() == v2.functionSpace() ).error( "incompatible function spaces" );

    typedef typename type_traits<typename ElementType::value_type>::real_type real_type;

    ElementType _t( v1.functionSpace() );
    size_type s = v1.localSize();
    size_type start = v1.firstLocalIndex();

    for ( size_type i = 0; i < s; ++i )
        _t.operator()( start+i ) = v1.operator()( start + i )* v2.operator()( start + i );

    return _t;
Exemple #25
Geo0D<Dim, T>::Geo0D( size_type id, node_type const& __p, bool boundary, bool is_vertex )
    super( id, MESH_ENTITY_INTERNAL ),
    super2( __p ),
    M_master_id( id ),
    M_is_vertex( is_vertex ),
    M_is_parametric( false ),
    M_mesh( nullptr ),
    M_gdim( 0 ),
    M_gtag( 0 ),
    M_uv( 2 )
    FEELPP_ASSERT( __p.size() == Dim )( __p )( Dim ).error( "invalid node" );

    this->setOnBoundary( boundary );
Exemple #26
MatrixEigenSparse<T>::printMatlab( const std::string filename ) const
    std::string name = filename;
    std::string separator = " , ";

    // check on the file name
    int i = filename.find( "." );

    if ( i <= 0 )
        name = filename + ".m";

        if ( ( size_type ) i != filename.size() - 2 ||
                filename[ i + 1 ] != 'm' )
            std::cerr << "Wrong file name ";
            name = filename + ".m";

    std::ofstream file_out( name.c_str() );

    FEELPP_ASSERT( file_out )( filename ).error( "[Feel::spy] ERROR: File cannot be opened for writing." );

		std::string varName = "var_" + filename.substr(0,filename.find("."));
    file_out << varName << " = [ ";
    file_out.precision( 16 );
    file_out.setf( std::ios::scientific );

    for (int k=0; k<M_mat.outerSize(); ++k)
        for (typename matrix_type::InnerIterator it(M_mat,k); it; ++it)
            value_type v = it.value();

            file_out << it.row() + 1 << separator
                     << it.col() + 1 << separator
                     << v  << std::endl;

    file_out << "];" << std::endl;
    file_out << "I="<<varName<<"(:,1); J="<<varName<<"(:,2); "<<varName<<"="<<varName<<"(:,3);" << std::endl;
    file_out << "spy("<<varName<<");" << std::endl;
    void sumAllMatrices(matrix_ptrtype & matrix, bool use_scalar_one=false ) const
        int size1 = M_operators1.size();
        int size2 = M_operators2.size();
        bool size_error=false;
        if( size1 > 0 && size2 > 0 )
        if( (size1 + size2) == 0 )

        FEELPP_ASSERT( !size_error )( size1 )( size2 ).error( "OperatorLinearComposite has no elements, or both maps have elements" );

        if( size1 > 0 )
            sumAllMatrices1( matrix, use_scalar_one );
            sumAllMatrices2( matrix, use_scalar_one );
    void sumAllVectors( vector_ptrtype & vector, bool use_scalar_one=false ) const
        int size1 = M_functionals1.size();
        int size2 = M_functionals2.size();
        bool size_error=false;
        if( size1 > 0 && size2 > 0 )
        if( (size1 + size2) == 0 )

        FEELPP_ASSERT( !size_error )( size1 )( size2 ).error( "FsFunctionalLinearComposite has no elements, or both maps have elements" );

        if( size1 > 0 )
            sumAllVectors1( vector, use_scalar_one );
            sumAllVectors2( vector, use_scalar_one );
Exemple #29
    void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version) const
        value_type* array;

        int n             = this->localSize();
        int N             = this->size();

        int rank;
        MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);

        FEELPP_ASSERT( n==N ).error( "wrong vector type for serialization (!=VECSEQ)" );

        for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
            ar & array[i];

        VecRestoreArray(this->vec(), &array);
    void sumAllVectors1( vector_ptrtype & vector, bool use_scalar_one=false ) const
        int size1 = M_functionals1.size();
        int size2 = M_functionals2.size();

        FEELPP_ASSERT( size1 > 0 )( size1 )( size2 ).error( "FsFunctionalLinearComposite has no elements" );

        auto temp_vector = M_backend->newVector( this->space() );
        auto end = M_functionals1.end();
        for(auto it=M_functionals1.begin(); it!=end; ++it)
            int position = it->first;
            double scalar=1;
            if( ! use_scalar_one )
                scalar = M_scalars1[position];
            vector->add( scalar , temp_vector );
