// Show a complex array --------------------------------------------------- std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& ostrm, const MultidimArray< Complex >& v) { if (v.xdim == 0) ostrm << "NULL MultidimArray\n"; else ostrm << std::endl; for (int l = 0; l < NSIZE(v); l++) { if (NSIZE(v)>1) ostrm << "Image No. " << l << std::endl; for (int k = STARTINGZ(v); k <= FINISHINGZ(v); k++) { if (ZSIZE(v) > 1) ostrm << "Slice No. " << k << std::endl; for (int i = STARTINGY(v); i <= FINISHINGY(v); i++) { for (int j = STARTINGX(v); j <= FINISHINGX(v); j++) ostrm << "(" << A3D_ELEM(v, k, i, j).real << "," << A3D_ELEM(v, k, i, j).imag << ")" << ' '; ostrm << std::endl; } } } return ostrm; }
/* Footprint of a blob ----------------------------------------------------- */ void footprint_blob( ImageOver &blobprint, // blob foot_print table const struct blobtype &blob, // blob description int istep, // number of foot-print samples per one sample // on projection plane in u,v directions int normalise) // set to 1 if you want normalise. Usually // you may omit it and no normalisation is performed { // Resize output image and redefine the origin of it int footmax = CEIL(blob.radius); blobprint.init(-footmax, footmax, istep, -footmax, footmax, istep); // Run for Imge class indexes for (int i = STARTINGY(blobprint()); i <= FINISHINGY(blobprint()); i++) for (int j = STARTINGX(blobprint()); j <= FINISHINGX(blobprint()); j++) { // Compute oversampled index and blob value double vi, ui; IMG2OVER(blobprint, i, j, vi, ui); double r = sqrt(vi * vi + ui * ui); IMGPIXEL(blobprint, i, j) = blob_proj(r, blob); } // Adjust the footprint structure if (normalise) blobprint() /= blobprint().sum(); }
//#define DEBUG void normalize_tomography(MultidimArray<double> &I, double tilt, double &mui, double &sigmai, bool tiltMask, bool tomography0, double mu0, double sigma0) { // Tilt series are always 2D I.checkDimension(2); const int L=2; // Build a mask using the tilt angle I.setXmippOrigin(); MultidimArray<int> mask; mask.initZeros(I); int Xdimtilt=(int)XMIPP_MIN(FLOOR(0.5*(XSIZE(I)*cos(DEG2RAD(tilt)))), 0.5*(XSIZE(I)-(2*L+1))); int N=0; for (int i=STARTINGY(I); i<=FINISHINGY(I); i++) for (int j=-Xdimtilt; j<=Xdimtilt;j++) { A2D_ELEM(mask,i,j)=1; N++; } // Estimate the local variance MultidimArray<double> localVariance; localVariance.initZeros(I); double meanVariance=0; FOR_ALL_ELEMENTS_IN_ARRAY2D(I) { // Center a mask of size 5x5 and estimate the variance within the mask double meanPiece=0, variancePiece=0; double Npiece=0; for (int ii=i-L; ii<=i+L; ii++) { if (INSIDEY(I,ii)) for (int jj=j-L; jj<=j+L; jj++) { if (INSIDEX(I,jj)) { double pixval=A2D_ELEM(I,ii,jj); meanPiece+=pixval; variancePiece+=pixval*pixval; ++Npiece; } } } meanPiece/=Npiece; variancePiece=variancePiece/(Npiece-1)- Npiece/(Npiece-1)*meanPiece*meanPiece; A2D_ELEM(localVariance,i,j)=variancePiece; meanVariance+=variancePiece; } meanVariance*=1.0/N; // Test the hypothesis that the variance in this piece is // the same as the variance in the whole image double iFu=1/icdf_FSnedecor(4*L*L+4*L,N-1,0.975); double iFl=1/icdf_FSnedecor(4*L*L+4*L,N-1,0.025); double iMeanVariance=1.0/meanVariance; FOR_ALL_ELEMENTS_IN_ARRAY2D(localVariance) { if (A2D_ELEM(localVariance,i,j)==0) A2D_ELEM(mask,i,j)=-2; if (A2D_ELEM(mask,i,j)==1) { double ratio=A2D_ELEM(localVariance,i,j)*iMeanVariance; double thl=ratio*iFu; double thu=ratio*iFl; if (thl>1 || thu<1) A2D_ELEM(mask,i,j)=-1; } } #ifdef DEBUG Image<double> save; save()=I; save.write("PPP.xmp"); save()=localVariance; save.write("PPPLocalVariance.xmp"); Image<int> savemask; savemask()=mask; savemask.write("PPPmask.xmp"); #endif // Compute the statistics again in the reduced mask double avg, stddev, min, max; computeStats_within_binary_mask(mask, I, min, max, avg, stddev); double cosTilt=cos(DEG2RAD(tilt)); double iCosTilt=1.0/cosTilt; if (tomography0) { double iadjustedStddev=1.0/(sigma0*cosTilt); FOR_ALL_ELEMENTS_IN_ARRAY2D(I) switch (A2D_ELEM(mask,i,j)) { case -2: A2D_ELEM(I,i,j)=0; break; case 0: if (tiltMask) A2D_ELEM(I,i,j)=0; else A2D_ELEM(I,i,j)=(A2D_ELEM(I,i,j)*iCosTilt-mu0)*iadjustedStddev; break; case -1: case 1: A2D_ELEM(I,i,j)=(A2D_ELEM(I,i,j)*iCosTilt-mu0)*iadjustedStddev; break; } } else {
// Evaluate plane ---------------------------------------------------------- double evaluatePlane(double rot, double tilt, const MultidimArray<double> *V, const MultidimArray<double> *Vmag, double maxFreq, double planeWidth, int direction, MultidimArray<double> *Vdraw=NULL, bool setPos=false, double rotPos=0, double tiltPos=0) { if (rot<0 || rot>360 || tilt<-90 || tilt>90) return 0; Matrix2D<double> E, Einv; Euler_angles2matrix(rot,tilt,0,E); Einv=E.transpose(); if (setPos) { Matrix2D<double> Epos; Euler_angles2matrix(rotPos,tiltPos,0,Epos); double angle=acos(E(2,0)*Epos(2,0)+E(2,1)*Epos(2,1)+E(2,2)*Epos(2,2)); angle=RAD2DEG(angle); if (fabs(angle)<20 || fabs(180-angle)<20) return 0; } size_t N=XMIPP_MAX(XSIZE(*Vmag),YSIZE(*Vmag)/2); N=XMIPP_MAX(N,ZSIZE(*Vmag)/2); double df=0.5/N; Matrix1D<double> freq(3), freqp(3); Matrix1D<int> idx(3); double sumNeg=0, sumPos=0; int Nneg=0, Npos=0; double maxFreq2=maxFreq*maxFreq; int iPlaneWidth=(int)ceil(planeWidth); for (double ix=0; ix<=N; ix++) { XX(freq)=ix*df; double fx2=XX(freq)*XX(freq); if (fx2>maxFreq2) continue; for (double iy=-(int)N; iy<=N; iy++) { YY(freq)=iy*df; double fx2fy2=fx2+YY(freq)*YY(freq); if (fx2fy2>maxFreq2) continue; for (int iz=-iPlaneWidth; iz<=iPlaneWidth; iz++) { if (iz==0 || ix==0 || iy==0) continue; // Frequency in the coordinate system of the plane ZZ(freq)=iz*df; // Frequency in the coordinate system of the volume SPEED_UP_temps012; M3x3_BY_V3x1(freqp,Einv,freq); bool inverted=false; if (XX(freqp)<0) { XX(freqp)=-XX(freqp); YY(freqp)=-YY(freqp); ZZ(freqp)=-ZZ(freqp); inverted=true; } // Get the corresponding index DIGFREQ2FFT_IDX(ZZ(freqp), ZSIZE(*V), ZZ(idx)); DIGFREQ2FFT_IDX(YY(freqp), YSIZE(*V), YY(idx)); DIGFREQ2FFT_IDX(XX(freqp), XSIZE(*V), XX(idx)); if (XX(idx) < STARTINGX(*Vmag) || XX(idx) > FINISHINGX(*Vmag) || YY(idx) < STARTINGY(*Vmag) || YY(idx) > FINISHINGY(*Vmag) || ZZ(idx) < STARTINGZ(*Vmag) || ZZ(idx) > FINISHINGZ(*Vmag)) continue; // Make the corresponding sums bool negativeSum; if (direction==1) negativeSum=iz<0; else negativeSum=iz>0; double val=A3D_ELEM(*Vmag,ZZ(idx),YY(idx),XX(idx)); if ((negativeSum && !inverted) || (!negativeSum && inverted)) // XOR { sumNeg+=val; Nneg++; if (Vdraw!=NULL) (*Vdraw)(idx)=2*direction*val; } else { sumPos+=val; Npos++; if (Vdraw!=NULL) (*Vdraw)(idx)=1.0/2.0*direction*val; } } } } if (fabs(Nneg-Npos)/(0.5*(Nneg+Npos))>0.5) // If there is a difference of more than 50% return 1e38; if (Nneg!=0) sumNeg/=Nneg; else return 1e38; if (Npos!=0) sumPos/=Npos; else return 1e38; return -(sumPos-sumNeg); }