Exemple #1
int Trsm_unb_var2( FLA_Obj L, FLA_Obj B )
  FLA_Obj LTL,   LTR,      L00,  l01,      L02, 
          LBL,   LBR,      l10t, lambda11, l12t,
                           L20,  l21,      L22;

  FLA_Obj BT,              B0,
          BB,              b1t,

  FLA_Part_2x2( L,    &LTL, &LTR,
                      &LBL, &LBR,     0, 0, FLA_TL );

  FLA_Part_2x1( B,    &BT, 
                      &BB,            0, FLA_TOP );

  while ( FLA_Obj_length( LTL ) < FLA_Obj_length( L ) ){

    FLA_Repart_2x2_to_3x3( LTL, /**/ LTR,       &L00,  /**/ &l01,      &L02,
                        /* ************* */   /* *************************** */
                                                &l10t, /**/ &lambda11, &l12t,
                           LBL, /**/ LBR,       &L20,  /**/ &l21,      &L22,
                           1, 1, FLA_BR );

    FLA_Repart_2x1_to_3x1( BT,                &B0, 
                        /* ** */            /* *** */
                           BB,                &B2,        1, FLA_BOTTOM );


    /* b1t = b1t / lambda11 */
    FLA_Inv_scal( lambda11, b1t );

    /* B2 = B2 - l21 * b1t */
    FLA_Ger( FLA_MINUS_ONE, l21, b1t, B2 );


    FLA_Cont_with_3x3_to_2x2( &LTL, /**/ &LTR,       L00,  l01,      /**/ L02,
                                                     l10t, lambda11, /**/ l12t,
                            /* ************** */  /* ************************* */
                              &LBL, /**/ &LBR,       L20,  l21,      /**/ L22,
                              FLA_TL );

    FLA_Cont_with_3x1_to_2x1( &BT,                B0, 
                            /* ** */           /* *** */
                              &BB,                B2,     FLA_TOP );


  return FLA_SUCCESS;
Exemple #2
FLA_Error LU_unb_var4( FLA_Obj A )
  FLA_Obj ATL,   ATR,      A00,  a01,     A02, 
          ABL,   ABR,      a10t, alpha11, a12t,
                           A20,  a21,     A22;

  FLA_Part_2x2( A,    &ATL, &ATR,
                      &ABL, &ABR,     0, 0, FLA_TL );

  while ( FLA_Obj_length( ATL ) < FLA_Obj_length( A ) ){

    FLA_Repart_2x2_to_3x3( ATL, /**/ ATR,       &A00,  /**/ &a01,     &A02,
                        /* ************* */   /* *************************** */
                                                &a10t, /**/ &alpha11, &a12t,
                           ABL, /**/ ABR,       &A20,  /**/ &a21,     &A22,
                           1, 1, FLA_BR );


    /* alpha11 = alpha11 - a10t * a01; */
    FLA_Dots( FLA_MINUS_ONE, a10t, a01, FLA_ONE, alpha11 );

    /* a12t = a12t - a10t * A02; */
    FLA_Gemv( FLA_TRANSPOSE, FLA_MINUS_ONE, A02, a10t, FLA_ONE, a12t );

    /* a21 = a21 - A20 * a01; */
    FLA_Gemv( FLA_NO_TRANSPOSE, FLA_MINUS_ONE, A20, a01, FLA_ONE, a21 );

    /* a21 = a21 / alpha11; */
    FLA_Inv_scal( alpha11, a21 );


    FLA_Cont_with_3x3_to_2x2( &ATL, /**/ &ATR,       A00,  a01,     /**/ A02,
                                                     a10t, alpha11, /**/ a12t,
                            /* ************** */  /* ************************* */
                              &ABL, /**/ &ABR,       A20,  a21,     /**/ A22,
                              FLA_TL );

  return FLA_SUCCESS;
FLA_Error FLA_Svd_uv_unb_var1( dim_t n_iter_max, FLA_Obj A, FLA_Obj s, FLA_Obj U, FLA_Obj V, dim_t k_accum, dim_t b_alg )
    FLA_Error    r_val = FLA_SUCCESS;
    FLA_Datatype dt;
    FLA_Datatype dt_real;
    FLA_Datatype dt_comp;
    FLA_Obj      scale, T, S, rL, rR, d, e, G, H;
    dim_t        m_A, n_A;
    dim_t        min_m_n;
    dim_t        n_GH;
    double       crossover_ratio = 17.0 / 9.0;

    n_GH    = k_accum;

    m_A     = FLA_Obj_length( A );
    n_A     = FLA_Obj_width( A );
    min_m_n = FLA_Obj_min_dim( A );
    dt      = FLA_Obj_datatype( A );
    dt_real = FLA_Obj_datatype_proj_to_real( A );
    dt_comp = FLA_Obj_datatype_proj_to_complex( A );

    // Create matrices to hold block Householder transformations.
    FLA_Bidiag_UT_create_T( A, &T, &S );

    // Create vectors to hold the realifying scalars.
    FLA_Obj_create( dt,      min_m_n,      1, 0, 0, &rL );
    FLA_Obj_create( dt,      min_m_n,      1, 0, 0, &rR );

    // Create vectors to hold the diagonal and sub-diagonal.
    FLA_Obj_create( dt_real, min_m_n,      1, 0, 0, &d );
    FLA_Obj_create( dt_real, min_m_n-1,    1, 0, 0, &e );

    // Create matrices to hold the left and right Givens scalars.
    FLA_Obj_create( dt_comp, min_m_n-1, n_GH, 0, 0, &G );
    FLA_Obj_create( dt_comp, min_m_n-1, n_GH, 0, 0, &H );

    // Create a real scaling factor.
    FLA_Obj_create( dt_real, 1, 1, 0, 0, &scale );

    // Compute a scaling factor; If none is needed, sigma will be set to one.
    FLA_Svd_compute_scaling( A, scale );

    // Scale the matrix if scale is non-unit.
    if ( !FLA_Obj_equals( scale, FLA_ONE ) )
        FLA_Scal( scale, A );

    if ( m_A < crossover_ratio * n_A )
        // Reduce the matrix to bidiagonal form.
        // Apply scalars to rotate elements on the superdiagonal to the real domain.
        // Extract the diagonal and superdiagonal from A.
        FLA_Bidiag_UT( A, T, S );
        FLA_Bidiag_UT_realify( A, rL, rR );
        FLA_Bidiag_UT_extract_real_diagonals( A, d, e );

        // Form U and V.
        FLA_Bidiag_UT_form_U( A, T, U );
        FLA_Bidiag_UT_form_V( A, S, V );

        // Apply the realifying scalars in rL and rR to U and V, respectively.
            FLA_Obj UL, UR;
            FLA_Obj VL, VR;

            FLA_Part_1x2( U,   &UL, &UR,   min_m_n, FLA_LEFT );
            FLA_Part_1x2( V,   &VL, &VR,   min_m_n, FLA_LEFT );

            FLA_Apply_diag_matrix( FLA_RIGHT, FLA_CONJUGATE,    rL, UL );
            FLA_Apply_diag_matrix( FLA_RIGHT, FLA_NO_CONJUGATE, rR, VL );

        // Perform a singular value decomposition on the bidiagonal matrix.
        r_val = FLA_Bsvd_v_opt_var1( n_iter_max, d, e, G, H, U, V, b_alg );
    else // if ( crossover_ratio * n_A <= m_A )
        FLA_Obj TQ, R;
        FLA_Obj AT,
        FLA_Obj UL, UR;

        // Perform a QR factorization on A and form Q in U.
        FLA_QR_UT_create_T( A, &TQ );
        FLA_QR_UT( A, TQ );
        FLA_QR_UT_form_Q( A, TQ, U );
        FLA_Obj_free( &TQ );

        // Set the lower triangle of R to zero and then copy the upper
        // triangle of A to R.
        FLA_Part_2x1( A,   &AT,
                           &AB,   n_A, FLA_TOP );
        FLA_Obj_create( dt, n_A, n_A, 0, 0, &R );

        // Reduce the matrix to bidiagonal form.
        // Apply scalars to rotate elements on the superdiagonal to the real domain.
        // Extract the diagonal and superdiagonal from A.
        FLA_Bidiag_UT( R, T, S );
        FLA_Bidiag_UT_realify( R, rL, rR );
        FLA_Bidiag_UT_extract_real_diagonals( R, d, e );

        // Form V from right Householder vectors in upper triangle of R.
        FLA_Bidiag_UT_form_V( R, S, V );

        // Form U in R.
        FLA_Bidiag_UT_form_U( R, T, R );

        // Apply the realifying scalars in rL and rR to U and V, respectively.
        FLA_Apply_diag_matrix( FLA_RIGHT, FLA_CONJUGATE,    rL, R );
        FLA_Apply_diag_matrix( FLA_RIGHT, FLA_NO_CONJUGATE, rR, V );

        // Perform a singular value decomposition on the bidiagonal matrix.
        r_val = FLA_Bsvd_v_opt_var1( n_iter_max, d, e, G, H, R, V, b_alg );

        // Multiply R into U, storing the result in A and then copying back
        // to U.
        FLA_Part_1x2( U,   &UL, &UR,   n_A, FLA_LEFT );
                  FLA_ONE, UL, R, FLA_ZERO, A );
        FLA_Copy( A, UL );

        FLA_Obj_free( &R );

    // Copy the converged eigenvalues to the output vector.
    FLA_Copy( d, s );

    // Sort the singular values and singular vectors in descending order.
    FLA_Sort_svd( FLA_BACKWARD, s, U, V );

    // If the matrix was scaled, rescale the singular values.
    if ( !FLA_Obj_equals( scale, FLA_ONE ) )
        FLA_Inv_scal( scale, s );

    FLA_Obj_free( &scale );
    FLA_Obj_free( &T );
    FLA_Obj_free( &S );
    FLA_Obj_free( &rL );
    FLA_Obj_free( &rR );
    FLA_Obj_free( &d );
    FLA_Obj_free( &e );
    FLA_Obj_free( &G );
    FLA_Obj_free( &H );

    return r_val;
FLA_Error FLA_Hess_UT_step_unb_var2( FLA_Obj A, FLA_Obj T )
  FLA_Obj  ATL,   ATR,      A00,  a01,     A02, 
           ABL,   ABR,      a10t, alpha11, a12t,
                            A20,  a21,     A22;
  FLA_Obj  TTL,   TTR,      T00,  t01,   T02, 
           TBL,   TBR,      t10t, tau11, t12t,
                            T20,  t21,   T22;
  FLA_Obj  yT,              y0,
           yB,              psi1,
  FLA_Obj  zT,              z0,
           zB,              zeta1,
  FLA_Obj  y, z;
  FLA_Obj  inv_tau11;
  FLA_Obj  minus_inv_tau11;
  FLA_Obj  first_elem;
  FLA_Obj  beta;
  FLA_Obj  conj_beta;
  FLA_Obj  dot_product;

  FLA_Obj  a21_t,

  FLA_Datatype datatype_A;
  dim_t        m_A;
  dim_t        b_alg;

  b_alg      = FLA_Obj_length( T );

  datatype_A = FLA_Obj_datatype( A );
  m_A        = FLA_Obj_length( A );

  FLA_Obj_create( datatype_A, 1,   1, 0, 0, &inv_tau11 );
  FLA_Obj_create( datatype_A, 1,   1, 0, 0, &minus_inv_tau11 );
  FLA_Obj_create( datatype_A, 1,   1, 0, 0, &first_elem );
  FLA_Obj_create( datatype_A, 1,   1, 0, 0, &beta );
  FLA_Obj_create( datatype_A, 1,   1, 0, 0, &conj_beta );
  FLA_Obj_create( datatype_A, 1,   1, 0, 0, &dot_product );
  FLA_Obj_create( datatype_A, m_A, 1, 0, 0, &y );
  FLA_Obj_create( datatype_A, m_A, 1, 0, 0, &z );

  FLA_Part_2x2( A,    &ATL, &ATR,
                      &ABL, &ABR,     0, 0, FLA_TL );
  FLA_Part_2x2( T,    &TTL, &TTR,
                      &TBL, &TBR,     0, 0, FLA_TL );
  FLA_Part_2x1( y,    &yT, 
                      &yB,            0, FLA_TOP );
  FLA_Part_2x1( z,    &zT, 
                      &zB,            0, FLA_TOP );

  while ( FLA_Obj_length( ATL ) < b_alg )
    FLA_Repart_2x2_to_3x3( ATL, /**/ ATR,       &A00,  /**/ &a01,     &A02,
                        /* ************* */   /* ************************** */
                                                &a10t, /**/ &alpha11, &a12t,
                           ABL, /**/ ABR,       &A20,  /**/ &a21,     &A22,
                           1, 1, FLA_BR );
    FLA_Repart_2x2_to_3x3( TTL, /**/ TTR,       &T00,  /**/ &t01,   &T02,
                        /* ************* */   /* ************************** */
                                                &t10t, /**/ &tau11, &t12t,
                           TBL, /**/ TBR,       &T20,  /**/ &t21,   &T22,
                           1, 1, FLA_BR );
    FLA_Repart_2x1_to_3x1( yT,                &y0, 
                        /* ** */            /* **** */
                           yB,                &y2,        1, FLA_BOTTOM );
    FLA_Repart_2x1_to_3x1( zT,                &z0, 
                        /* ** */            /* ***** */
                           zB,                &z2,        1, FLA_BOTTOM );


    if ( FLA_Obj_length( A22 ) > 0 )
      FLA_Part_2x1( a21,    &a21_t,
                            &a21_b,        1, FLA_TOP );

      // [ u21, tau11, a21 ] = House( a21 );
      FLA_Househ2_UT( FLA_LEFT,
                      a21_b, tau11 );

      // inv_tau11            =  1 / tau11;
      // minus_inv_tau11      = -1 / tau11;
      FLA_Set( FLA_ONE, inv_tau11 );
      FLA_Inv_scalc( FLA_NO_CONJUGATE, tau11, inv_tau11 );
      FLA_Copy( inv_tau11, minus_inv_tau11 );
      FLA_Scal( FLA_MINUS_ONE, minus_inv_tau11 );

      // Save first element of a21_t and set it to one so we can use a21 as
      // u21 in subsequent computations. We will restore a21_t later on.
      FLA_Copy( a21_t, first_elem );
      FLA_Set( FLA_ONE, a21_t );

      // y21 = A22' * u21;
      FLA_Gemv( FLA_CONJ_TRANSPOSE, FLA_ONE, A22, a21, FLA_ZERO, y2 );

      // z21 = A22 * u21;
      FLA_Gemv( FLA_NO_TRANSPOSE, FLA_ONE, A22, a21, FLA_ZERO, z2 );

      // beta      = u21' * z21 / 2;
      // conj_beta = conj(beta);
      FLA_Dotc( FLA_CONJUGATE, a21, z2, beta );
      FLA_Inv_scal( FLA_TWO, beta );
      FLA_Copyt( FLA_CONJ_NO_TRANSPOSE, beta, conj_beta );

      // y21' = ( y21' - beta / tau * u21' ) / tau;
      // y21  = ( y21 - conj(beta) / tau * u21 ) / tau;
      FLA_Scal( minus_inv_tau11, conj_beta );
      FLA_Axpy( conj_beta, a21, y2 );
      FLA_Scal( inv_tau11, y2 );

      // z21 = ( z21 - beta / tau * u21 ) / tau;
      FLA_Scal( minus_inv_tau11, beta );
      FLA_Axpy( beta, a21, z2 );
      FLA_Scal( inv_tau11, z2 );

      // a12t = a12t * ( I - u21 * u21' / tau );
      //      = a12t - ( a12t * u21 ) * u21' / tau;
      FLA_Dot( a12t, a21, dot_product );
      FLA_Scal( minus_inv_tau11, dot_product );
      FLA_Axpyt( FLA_CONJ_TRANSPOSE, dot_product, a21, a12t );

      // A02 = A02 * ( I - u21 * u21' / tau );
      //     = A02 - ( A02 * u21 ) * u21' / tau;
      FLA_Gemv( FLA_NO_TRANSPOSE, FLA_ONE, A02, a21, FLA_ZERO, y0 );
      FLA_Gerc( FLA_NO_CONJUGATE, FLA_CONJUGATE, minus_inv_tau11, y0, a21, A02 );

      // A22 = A22 - u21 * y21' - z21 * u21';

      // t01 = U20' * u21;
      FLA_Gemv( FLA_CONJ_TRANSPOSE, FLA_ONE, A20, a21, FLA_ZERO, t01 );

      // Restore first element of a21.
      FLA_Copy( first_elem, a21_t );


    FLA_Cont_with_3x3_to_2x2( &ATL, /**/ &ATR,       A00,  a01,     /**/ A02,
                                                     a10t, alpha11, /**/ a12t,
                            /* ************** */  /* ************************ */
                              &ABL, /**/ &ABR,       A20,  a21,     /**/ A22,
                              FLA_TL );
    FLA_Cont_with_3x3_to_2x2( &TTL, /**/ &TTR,       T00,  t01,   /**/ T02,
                                                     t10t, tau11, /**/ t12t,
                            /* ************** */  /* ************************ */
                              &TBL, /**/ &TBR,       T20,  t21,   /**/ T22,
                              FLA_TL );
    FLA_Cont_with_3x1_to_2x1( &yT,                y0, 
                            /* ** */           /* **** */
                              &yB,                y2,     FLA_TOP );
    FLA_Cont_with_3x1_to_2x1( &zT,                z0, 
                            /* ** */           /* ***** */
                              &zB,                z2,     FLA_TOP );

  FLA_Obj_free( &inv_tau11 );
  FLA_Obj_free( &minus_inv_tau11 );
  FLA_Obj_free( &first_elem );
  FLA_Obj_free( &beta );
  FLA_Obj_free( &conj_beta );
  FLA_Obj_free( &dot_product );
  FLA_Obj_free( &y );
  FLA_Obj_free( &z );

  return FLA_SUCCESS;
FLA_Error FLA_Svd_compute_scaling( FLA_Obj A, FLA_Obj sigma )
	FLA_Datatype dt_real;
	FLA_Obj      norm;
	FLA_Obj      safmin;
	FLA_Obj      prec;
	FLA_Obj      rmin;
	FLA_Obj      rmax;

	if ( FLA_Check_error_level() >= FLA_MIN_ERROR_CHECKING )
		FLA_Svd_compute_scaling_check( A, sigma );

	dt_real = FLA_Obj_datatype_proj_to_real( A );

	FLA_Obj_create( dt_real, 1, 1, 0, 0, &norm );
	FLA_Obj_create( dt_real, 1, 1, 0, 0, &prec );
	FLA_Obj_create( dt_real, 1, 1, 0, 0, &safmin );
	FLA_Obj_create( dt_real, 1, 1, 0, 0, &rmin );
	FLA_Obj_create( dt_real, 1, 1, 0, 0, &rmax );

	// Query safmin, precision.
	FLA_Mach_params( FLA_MACH_PREC,  prec );
	FLA_Mach_params( FLA_MACH_SFMIN, safmin );

//FLA_Obj_show( "safmin", safmin, "%20.12e", "" );
//FLA_Obj_show( "prec", prec, "%20.12e", "" );

	// rmin = sqrt( safmin ) / prec;
	FLA_Copy( safmin, rmin );
	FLA_Sqrt( rmin );
	FLA_Inv_scal( prec, rmin );

	// rmax = 1 / rmin;
	FLA_Copy( rmin, rmax );
	FLA_Invert( FLA_NO_CONJUGATE, rmax );

//FLA_Obj_show( "rmin", rmin, "%20.12e", "" );
//FLA_Obj_show( "rmax", rmax, "%20.12e", "" );

	// Find the maximum absolute value of A.
	FLA_Max_abs_value( A, norm );

	if ( FLA_Obj_gt( norm, FLA_ZERO ) && FLA_Obj_lt( norm, rmin ) )
		// sigma = rmin / norm;
		FLA_Copy( rmin, sigma );
		FLA_Inv_scal( norm, sigma );
	else if ( FLA_Obj_gt( norm, rmax ) )
		// sigma = rmax / norm;
		FLA_Copy( rmax, sigma );
		FLA_Inv_scal( norm, sigma );
		// sigma = 1.0;
		FLA_Copy( FLA_ONE, sigma );

	FLA_Obj_free( &norm );
	FLA_Obj_free( &prec );
	FLA_Obj_free( &safmin );
	FLA_Obj_free( &rmin );
	FLA_Obj_free( &rmax );

	return FLA_SUCCESS;
FLA_Error FLA_Lyap_n_unb_var4( FLA_Obj isgn, FLA_Obj A, FLA_Obj C )
  FLA_Obj ATL,   ATR,      A00,  a01,     A02, 
          ABL,   ABR,      a10t, alpha11, a12t,
                           A20,  a21,     A22;

  FLA_Obj CTL,   CTR,      C00,  c01,     C02, 
          CBL,   CBR,      c10t, gamma11, c12t,
                           C20,  c21,     C22;

  FLA_Obj WTL,   WTR,      W00,  w01,     W02,
          WBL,   WBR,      w10t, omega11, w12t,
                           W20,  w21,     W22;

  FLA_Obj W, omega;

  FLA_Scal( isgn, C );

  FLA_Obj_create_conf_to( FLA_NO_TRANSPOSE, A, &W );
  FLA_Obj_create( FLA_Obj_datatype( A ), 1, 1, 0, 0, &omega );

  FLA_Part_2x2( A,    &ATL, &ATR,
                      &ABL, &ABR,     0, 0, FLA_BR );

  FLA_Part_2x2( C,    &CTL, &CTR,
                      &CBL, &CBR,     0, 0, FLA_BR );

  FLA_Part_2x2( W,    &WTL, &WTR,
                      &WBL, &WBR,     0, 0, FLA_BR );

  while ( FLA_Obj_length( CTL ) > 0 ){

    FLA_Repart_2x2_to_3x3( ATL, /**/ ATR,       &A00,  &a01,     /**/ &A02,
                                                &a10t, &alpha11, /**/ &a12t,
                        /* ************* */   /* ************************** */
                           ABL, /**/ ABR,       &A20,  &a21,     /**/ &A22,
                           1, 1, FLA_TL );

    FLA_Repart_2x2_to_3x3( CTL, /**/ CTR,       &C00,  &c01,     /**/ &C02,
                                                &c10t, &gamma11, /**/ &c12t,
                        /* ************* */   /* ************************** */
                           CBL, /**/ CBR,       &C20,  &c21,     /**/ &C22,
                           1, 1, FLA_TL );

    FLA_Repart_2x2_to_3x3( WTL, /**/ WTR,       &W00,  &w01,     /**/ &W02,
                                                &w10t, &omega11, /**/ &w12t,
                        /* ************* */   /* ************************** */
                           WBL, /**/ WBR,       &W20,  &w21,     /**/ &W22,
                           1, 1, FLA_TL );


    // gamma11 = gamma11 / ( alpha11 + alpha11' );
    FLA_Copyt( FLA_CONJ_NO_TRANSPOSE, alpha11, omega );
    FLA_Mult_add( FLA_ONE, alpha11, omega );
    FLA_Inv_scal( omega, gamma11 );

    // c01 = c01 - a01 * gamma11;
    FLA_Axpys( FLA_MINUS_ONE, gamma11, a01, FLA_ONE, c01 );

    // c01 = inv( triu(A00) + conj(alpha) * I ) * c01;
    FLA_Shift_diag( FLA_CONJUGATE, alpha11, W00 );

    // C00 = C00 - a01 * c01' - c01 * a01';


    FLA_Cont_with_3x3_to_2x2( &ATL, /**/ &ATR,       A00,  /**/ a01,     A02,
                            /* ************** */  /* ************************ */
                                                     a10t, /**/ alpha11, a12t,
                              &ABL, /**/ &ABR,       A20,  /**/ a21,     A22,
                              FLA_BR );

    FLA_Cont_with_3x3_to_2x2( &CTL, /**/ &CTR,       C00,  /**/ c01,     C02,
                            /* ************** */  /* ************************ */
                                                     c10t, /**/ gamma11, c12t,
                              &CBL, /**/ &CBR,       C20,  /**/ c21,     C22,
                              FLA_BR );

    FLA_Cont_with_3x3_to_2x2( &WTL, /**/ &WTR,       W00,  /**/ w01,     W02,
                            /* ************** */  /* ************************ */
                                                     w10t, /**/ omega11, w12t,
                              &WBL, /**/ &WBR,       W20,  /**/ w21,     W22,
                              FLA_BR );

  FLA_Obj_free( &W );
  FLA_Obj_free( &omega );

  return FLA_SUCCESS;
Exemple #7
int main( int argc, char** argv ) {
  FLA_Datatype comptype = COMPTYPE;
  FLA_Datatype realtype = REALTYPE;
  dim_t        m;
  FLA_Obj      a, aT, aB, a0, a1, a2;
  FLA_Obj      v, vT, vB, v0, v1, v2;
  FLA_Error    init_result; 
  int          use_abs = 1;

  if ( argc == 3 ) {
    m = atoi(argv[1]);
    use_abs = atoi(argv[2]);
  } else {
    fprintf(stderr, "       \n");
    fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s m use_abs\n", argv[0]);
    fprintf(stderr, "       m       : test vector length\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "       use_abs : 0 - norm (realtype), 1 - abs (complex type)\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "       \n");
    return -1;
  if ( m == 0 )
    return 0;

  FLA_Init_safe( &init_result );          
  FLA_Obj_create( comptype, m, 1, 0, 0, &a );
  FLA_Obj_create( use_abs ? comptype : realtype, m, 1, 0, 0, &v );

  FLA_Random_matrix( a );
  FLA_Set( FLA_ZERO, v );

  FLA_Obj_fshow( stdout,  "- a -", a, "% 6.4e", "--" );

  // Normalize a vector
  FLA_Part_2x1( a,    &aT,  
                      &aB,      0, FLA_TOP );
  FLA_Part_2x1( v,    &vT,  
                      &vB,      0, FLA_TOP );
  while ( FLA_Obj_length( aB ) > 0 ) {
    FLA_Repart_2x1_to_3x1( aT, &a0,
                           aB, &a2, 1, FLA_BOTTOM );
    FLA_Repart_2x1_to_3x1( vT, &v0,
                           vB, &v2, 1, FLA_BOTTOM );
    // --------------------------------------------
    if ( use_abs ) { // a and v are complex datatype
      FLA_Copy( a1, v1 );
      FLA_Absolute_value( v1 );
    } else {         // v is real datatype 
      FLA_Nrm2( a1, v1 );
    if ( FLA_Obj_equals( v1, FLA_ZERO ) )
      printf( " ZERO DETECTED\n" );
      FLA_Inv_scal( v1, a1 ); // Normalize the scalar
    // --------------------------------------------
    FLA_Cont_with_3x1_to_2x1( &aT, a0,
                              &aB, a2, FLA_TOP );
    FLA_Cont_with_3x1_to_2x1( &vT, v0,
                              &vB, v2, FLA_TOP );

  FLA_Obj_fshow( stdout,  "- a -", a, "% 6.4e", "--" );
  FLA_Obj_fshow( stdout,  "- v -", v, "% 6.4e", "--" );

  // Check whether it is normalized
  FLA_Part_2x1( a,    &aT,  
                      &aB,      0, FLA_TOP );
  FLA_Part_2x1( v,    &vT,  
                      &vB,      0, FLA_TOP );
  while ( FLA_Obj_length( aB ) > 0 ) {
    FLA_Repart_2x1_to_3x1( aT, &a0,
                           aB, &a2, 1, FLA_BOTTOM );
    FLA_Repart_2x1_to_3x1( vT, &v0,
                           vB, &v2, 1, FLA_BOTTOM );
    // --------------------------------------------
    if ( use_abs ) { // a and v are same datatype
      FLA_Copy( a1, v1 );
      FLA_Absolute_value( v1 );
    } else {         // v is realdatatype 
      FLA_Nrm2( a1, v1 );
    // --------------------------------------------
    FLA_Cont_with_3x1_to_2x1( &aT, a0,
                              &aB, a2, FLA_TOP );
    FLA_Cont_with_3x1_to_2x1( &vT, v0,
                              &vB, v2, FLA_TOP );

  FLA_Obj_fshow( stdout, " - all should be one - ", v, "% 6.4e", "--");

  FLA_Obj_free( &a );
  FLA_Obj_free( &v );

  FLA_Finalize_safe( init_result );     
FLA_Error FLA_Fill_with_logarithmic_dist( FLA_Obj alpha, FLA_Obj x )
	FLA_Obj      lT,              l0,
	             lB,              lambda1,
	FLA_Obj      l, k, alpha2;
	FLA_Datatype dt_real;
	dim_t        n_x;

	if ( FLA_Check_error_level() >= FLA_MIN_ERROR_CHECKING )
		FLA_Fill_with_logarithmic_dist_check( alpha, x );

	dt_real = FLA_Obj_datatype_proj_to_real( x );
	n_x     = FLA_Obj_vector_dim( x );

	// Create a local counter to increment as we create the distribution.
	FLA_Obj_create( dt_real, 1,   1, 0, 0, &k );

	// Create a local vector l. We will work with this vector, which is
	// the same length as x, so that we can use vertical partitioning.
	FLA_Obj_create( dt_real, n_x, 1, 0, 0, &l );

	// Create a local real scalar alpha2 of the same precision as
	// alpha. Then copy alpha to alpha2, which will convert the
	// complex value to real, if necessary (ie: if alpha is complex).
	FLA_Obj_create( dt_real, 1,   1, 0, 0, &alpha2 );
	FLA_Copy( alpha, alpha2 );

	// Initialize k to 0.
	FLA_Set( FLA_ZERO, k );

	FLA_Part_2x1( l,    &lT,
	                    &lB,            0, FLA_TOP );

	while ( FLA_Obj_length( lB ) > 0 )
		FLA_Repart_2x1_to_3x1( lT,                &l0,
		                    /* ** */            /* ******* */
		                       lB,                &l2,        1, FLA_BOTTOM );


		// lambda1 = alpha^k;
		FLA_Pow( alpha2, k, lambda1 );

		// k = k + 1;
		FLA_Mult_add( FLA_ONE, FLA_ONE, k );


		FLA_Cont_with_3x1_to_2x1( &lT,                l0,
		                        /* ** */           /* ******* */
		                          &lB,                l2,     FLA_TOP );

	// Normalize by last element.
	FLA_Part_2x1( l,    &lT,
	                    &lB,            1, FLA_BOTTOM );
	FLA_Inv_scal( lB, l );

	// Overwrite x with the distribution we created in l.
	FLA_Copy( l, x );

	FLA_Obj_free( &l );
	FLA_Obj_free( &k );
	FLA_Obj_free( &alpha2 );

	return FLA_SUCCESS;