Exemple #1
static void
display_forms( FLI_FORMBROWSER_SPEC * sp )
    int f;
    int y_pos;
    FL_OBJECT *canvas = sp->canvas;
    FL_FORM **form    = sp->form;
    int nforms        = sp->nforms;
    int top_form      = sp->top_form;
    int left_edge     = - sp->left_edge;
    int height        = canvas->h;           /* - (2 * absbw); */

    if ( ! FL_ObjWin( sp->canvas ) )

    fli_inherit_attributes( sp->parent, sp->canvas );

    for ( f = 0; f < top_form; f++ )
        if ( form[ f ]->visible )
            fl_hide_form( form[ f ] );

    fli_inherit_attributes( sp->parent, sp->vsl );
    fli_inherit_attributes( sp->parent, sp->hsl );

    /* I prefer to keep scrollbar unresizable */

    sp->vsl->resize = sp->hsl->resize = FL_RESIZE_NONE;

    y_pos = sp->scroll == FL_JUMP_SCROLL ? 0 : -sp->top_edge;

    for ( f = top_form; y_pos < height && f < nforms; f++ )
        if ( form[ f ]->visible )
            set_form_position( form[ f ], left_edge, y_pos );
            fl_prepare_form_window( form[ f ], 0, FL_NOBORDER, "Formbrowser" );
            form[ f ]->parent_obj = sp->parent;
            XReparentWindow( fl_get_display( ),
                             form[ f ]->window,
                             FL_ObjWin( sp->canvas ),
                             left_edge, y_pos );
            fl_show_form_window( form[ f ] );

        y_pos += form[ f ]->h;

    for ( ; f < nforms; f++ )
        if ( form[ f ]->visible )
            fl_hide_form( form[ f ] );
Exemple #2
void NeoWindow::HandleScrollbars( FL_OBJECT *obj ) { // Scroll bars moved
   int scale = neo->scale;
   int size = (int) neo->terrain_size;
   int oldx = xoffset, oldy = yoffset;
   int w = (int) mainWin->mainCanvas->w;
   int h = (int) mainWin->mainCanvas->h;
   if ( obj == NULL || obj == mainWin->scroll_h ) {
      xoffset = fl_get_scrollbar_value( mainWin->scroll_h ) * ( scale * size - w );
      fl_set_scrollbar_size( mainWin->scroll_h, (double) w / (double) ( scale * size ) );
      //fl_set_scrollbar_step( mainWin->scroll_h, (double) w / (double) ( scale * size ) );
   if ( obj == NULL || obj == mainWin->scroll_v ) {
      yoffset = fl_get_scrollbar_value( mainWin->scroll_v ) * ( scale * size - h );
      fl_set_scrollbar_size( mainWin->scroll_v, (double) h / (double) ( scale * size ) );
      //fl_set_scrollbar_step( mainWin->scroll_v, (double) h / (double) ( scale * size ) );
      //fl_set_scrollbar_increment( mainWin->scroll_v, (double) h / (double) ( scale * size ) );
   if ( obj != NULL ) {
      Window window = FL_ObjWin( mainWin->mainCanvas );
      if ( pixmap != (Pixmap) NULL ) {
	 XCopyArea( display, pixmap, window, gc, 0, 0, w, h, -(xoffset-oldx), -(yoffset-oldy) );
	 ::XFlush( display );
      Refresh( true );
Exemple #3
void NeoWindow::HandleButtonPress( FL_OBJECT *obj, XEvent *ev ) { // Deal with mouse button press
   Window rootWin, childWin, window = FL_ObjWin( mainWin->mainCanvas );
   int scale = neo->scale;
   Creature *old_creature = NULL, *new_creature = NULL;
#undef int
   int x, y, root_x, root_y; 
   unsigned int buttons;
#define int short
   ::XQueryPointer( display, window, &rootWin, &childWin, &root_x, &root_y, &x, &y, &buttons );
   if ( buttons == 0 ) { // No shift/alt/ctrl pressed
      if ( neo->output_creature >= 0 )
	 old_creature = neo->ppCreatureList[ neo->output_creature ];
      int creature = neo->FindCreatureAtLoc( -1, (x+xoffset)/scale, (y+yoffset)/scale );
      if ( creature >= 0 ) new_creature = neo->ppCreatureList[ creature ];
      neo->output_creature = creature;
      if ( old_creature != NULL ) DrawAt( old_creature->xcoord, old_creature->ycoord, true );
      if ( new_creature != NULL ) DrawAt( new_creature->xcoord, new_creature->ycoord, true );
      if ( nnet_plot != NULL ) RedrawNNetPlot();
   } else if ( buttons & ( 1 | 4 | 8 ) ) { // shift or alt or ctrl pressed (1 or 4 or 8)
      while( buttons & ( 1 | 4 | 8 ) ) {
	 ::XQueryPointer( display, window, &rootWin, &childWin, &root_x, &root_y, &x, &y, &buttons );
	 long loc = ((y+yoffset)/scale << neo->location_shift) + (x+xoffset)/scale;
	 neo->pcBarrierField[loc] = 255;
	 DrawAt( (x+xoffset)/scale, (y+yoffset)/scale, true );
Exemple #4
NeoWindow::NeoWindow( char **args, Neoterics *owner ) : neo( owner ), mainWin( NULL ), options_box( NULL ),
                         nnet_plot( NULL ), chart_wind( NULL ) { //, portal( NULL ) {
#undef int
   int tmp = (int) 1;
   if ( ! neo->dontShowDisplayAtAll ) fl_initialize( &tmp, args, args[0], 0, 0 );
#define int short
   pixmap = NULL;
   display = XOpenDisplay( "" );
   if ( display == NULL ) throw( "cannot connect to server" );
   screen = DefaultScreen( display );
   mainWin = create_form_mainWindow();
   fl_show_form( mainWin->mainWindow, FL_PLACE_MOUSE | FL_FREE_SIZE, FL_TRANSIENT, neo->programName );
   ::XFlush( display );
   Window window = FL_ObjWin( mainWin->mainCanvas );
   if ( window == (Window) NULL ) throw( "cannot open window" );
   destination = window;
   gc = ::XCreateGC( display, window, 0, 0 );
   changed = true; // Why it has to be here and not at the top, I dont know

   fl_add_canvas_handler( mainWin->mainCanvas, Expose, expose_callback, (void *) this );
   fl_add_canvas_handler( mainWin->mainCanvas, ButtonPress, buttonRelease_callback, (void *) this );
   fl_add_canvas_handler( mainWin->mainCanvas, ButtonRelease, buttonRelease_callback, (void *) this );
   fl_set_scrollbar_return( mainWin->scroll_h, FL_RETURN_CHANGED );
   fl_set_scrollbar_return( mainWin->scroll_v, FL_RETURN_CHANGED );
   fl_set_object_callback( mainWin->scroll_h, scroll_callback, (long) this );
   fl_set_object_callback( mainWin->scroll_v, scroll_callback, (long) this );
   cmap = fl_get_canvas_colormap( mainWin->mainCanvas );

   action_color[moveForward].red = 0x0000; //  Forward color
   action_color[moveForward].green = 0x0000;
   action_color[moveForward].blue = 0xFFFF;
   action_color[turnRight].red = 0x0000; //  Turn Right
   action_color[turnRight].green = 0x0000;
   action_color[turnRight].blue = 0xFFFF;
   action_color[turnLeft].red = 0x0000; //  Turn Left
   action_color[turnLeft].green = 0x0000;
   action_color[turnLeft].blue = 0xFFFF;
   action_color[eat].red = 0x0000; //  Eat
   action_color[eat].green = 0xFFFF;
   action_color[eat].blue = 0xFFFF;
   action_color[breed].red = 0xFFFF; //  Breed
   action_color[breed].green = 0x0000;
   action_color[breed].blue = 0xFFFF;
   action_color[fight].red = 0xFFFF; //  Fight
   action_color[fight].green = 0xFFFF;
   action_color[fight].blue = 0x0000;   

   if ( ! neo->startoffDisplaying ) neo->keepDrawing = false;

#define offscreen
#ifdef offscreen
   pixmap = XCreatePixmap( display, window, mainWin->mainCanvas->w, mainWin->mainCanvas->h,
			   DefaultDepth( display, screen ) );
Exemple #5
void NeoWindow::Refresh( Boolean forceRedraw ) { // Blit the pixmap to the window, optionally after 
   if ( changed || forceRedraw ) Draw( true );   // forcing a redraw onto the pixmap
   Window window = FL_ObjWin( mainWin->mainCanvas );
   destination = window;
   if ( pixmap != (Pixmap) NULL ) destination = pixmap;
   if ( destination == pixmap ) {
      int w = (int) mainWin->mainCanvas->w;
      int h = (int) mainWin->mainCanvas->h;
      XCopyArea( display, pixmap, window, gc, 0, 0, w, h, 0, 0 );
      destination = window;
      ::XFlush( display );
Exemple #6
void NeoWindow::RedrawNNetPlot() {
   if ( nnet_plot == NULL ) return;
   Window window = FL_ObjWin( nnet_plot->mainCanvas );
   int index = neo->output_creature;
   if ( index >= 0 ) { // Only need to redraw network structure if we're looking at a new bug
      if ( index != nnet_plot->mainCanvas->u_ldata ) DrawNetworkStructure();
   } else {
      ::XSetForeground( display, gc, fl_get_pixel( FL_COL1 ) ); //  Clear the whole damn thing
      ::XFillRectangle( display, window, gc, 0, 0, 450, 300 );
   nnet_plot->mainCanvas->u_ldata = index;
   ::XFlush( display );
Exemple #7
void NeoWindow::Draw( Boolean draw_creatures ) {
   HandleScrollbars( NULL );
   Window window = FL_ObjWin( mainWin->mainCanvas );
   destination = window;
   if ( pixmap != (Pixmap) NULL ) destination = pixmap;
   XSetForeground( display, gc, BlackPixel( display, screen ) );
   ::XFillRectangle( display, destination, gc, 0, 0, mainWin->mainCanvas->w, 
		     mainWin->mainCanvas->h );
   if ( neo->setup && neo->keepDrawing ) {
      for ( long y = 0; y < neo->terrain_size; y ++ ) {
	 for ( long x = 0; x < neo->terrain_size; x ++ ) {
	    DrawAt( x, y, false );
      if ( draw_creatures ) {
	 Creature **ptr = &( neo->ppCreatureList[0] );
	 for ( int i = 0; i < neo->max_index; i ++ ) {
	    Creature *creature = *ptr++;
	    if ( creature != (Creature *) NULL ) RedrawCreature( i );
   changed = false;
Exemple #8
int image_displaysetup() 
/* Inicializa las ventanas, la paleta de colores y memoria compartida para visualizacion*/ 
    XGCValues gc_values;
    XWindowAttributes win_attributes;
    XColor nuevocolor;
    int pixelNum, numCols;
    int allocated_colors=0, non_allocated_colors=0;

    image_win= FL_ObjWin(fd_guixforms->ventana0);
    XGetWindowAttributes(display, image_win, &win_attributes);  
    screen = DefaultScreen(display);

    XMapWindow(display, image_win);
    /*XSelectInput(display, image_win, ButtonPress|StructureNotifyMask);*/
    gc_values.graphics_exposures = False;
    image_gc = XCreateGC(display, image_win, GCGraphicsExposures, &gc_values);  
    /* Utilizan el Visual (=estructura de color) y el colormap con que este operando el programa principal con su Xforms. No crea un nuevo colormap, sino que modifica el que se estaba usando a traves de funciones de Xforms*/
    vmode= fl_get_vclass();
    if ((vmode==TrueColor)&&(fl_state[vmode].depth==16)) 
      {printf("display: truecolor 16 bpp\n");
      imagenA_buf = (char *) malloc(SIFNTSC_COLUMNS*SIFNTSC_ROWS*2);    
      imagenA = XCreateImage(display,DefaultVisual(display,screen),win_attributes.depth, ZPixmap,0,imagenA_buf,SIFNTSC_COLUMNS, SIFNTSC_ROWS,8,0);
      imagenB_buf = (char *) malloc(SIFNTSC_COLUMNS*SIFNTSC_ROWS*2);    
      imagenB = XCreateImage(display,DefaultVisual(display,screen),win_attributes.depth, ZPixmap,0,imagenB_buf,SIFNTSC_COLUMNS, SIFNTSC_ROWS,8,0);
      return win_attributes.depth;
    else if ((vmode==TrueColor)&&(fl_state[vmode].depth==24)) 
      { printf("display: truecolor 24 bpp\n");
      imagenA_buf = (char *) malloc(SIFNTSC_COLUMNS*SIFNTSC_ROWS*4); 
      imagenA = XCreateImage(display,DefaultVisual(display,screen),24, ZPixmap,0,imagenA_buf,SIFNTSC_COLUMNS, SIFNTSC_ROWS,8,0);
      imagenB_buf = (char *) malloc(SIFNTSC_COLUMNS*SIFNTSC_ROWS*4); 
      imagenB = XCreateImage(display,DefaultVisual(display,screen),24, ZPixmap,0,imagenB_buf,SIFNTSC_COLUMNS, SIFNTSC_ROWS,8,0);
      return win_attributes.depth;
    else if ((vmode==PseudoColor)&&(fl_state[vmode].depth==8)) 
	numCols = 256;
	for (pixelNum=0; pixelNum<numCols; pixelNum++) 
	    /*if (XAllocColor(display,DefaultColormap(display,screen),&nuevocolor)==False) tabla[pixelNum]=tabla[pixelNum-1];*/
	    if (XAllocColor(display,fl_state[vmode].colormap,&nuevocolor)==False) {tabla[pixelNum]=tabla[pixelNum-1]; non_allocated_colors++;}
	    else {tabla[pixelNum]=nuevocolor.pixel;allocated_colors++;}
	printf("display: depth= %d\n", fl_state[vmode].depth); 
	printf("display: colormap got %d colors, %d non_allocated colors\n",allocated_colors,non_allocated_colors);

	imagenA_buf = (char *) malloc(SIFNTSC_COLUMNS*SIFNTSC_ROWS);    
	imagenA = XCreateImage(display,DefaultVisual(display,screen),8, ZPixmap,0,imagenA_buf,SIFNTSC_COLUMNS, SIFNTSC_ROWS,8,0);
	imagenB_buf = (char *) malloc(SIFNTSC_COLUMNS*SIFNTSC_ROWS);    
	imagenB = XCreateImage(display,DefaultVisual(display,screen),8, ZPixmap,0,imagenB_buf,SIFNTSC_COLUMNS, SIFNTSC_ROWS,8,0);

	pixel8bpp_rojo = fl_get_pixel(FL_RED);
	pixel8bpp_blanco = fl_get_pixel(FL_WHITE);
	pixel8bpp_amarillo = fl_get_pixel(FL_YELLOW);
	return win_attributes.depth;
	perror("Unsupported color mode in X server");exit(1);
    return win_attributes.depth;