void _SHOWSTRING( const char *string, const char *name, const char *file, int line) { if(__debug_level >= DEBUGLEVEL_Reports) { _INDENT(); if(debug_file == (BPTR)NULL) { if(string != NULL) kprintf("%s:%ld:%s = 0x%08lx \"%s\"\n",file,line,name,string,string); else kprintf("%s:%ld:%s = NULL \"\"\n",file,line,name); } else { if(string != NULL) FPrintf(debug_file,"%s:%ld:%s = 0x%08lx \"%s\"\n",file,line,name,string,string); else FPrintf(debug_file,"%s:%ld:%s = NULL \"\"\n",file,line,name); Flush(debug_file); } } }
void moveInfoApplyCriterion( MoveInfo *theMoveInfo, SourceCriterionFunc theSourceCriterion, CriterionFunc theCriterion ) { Stack *sourceStack, *destStack; Move *theMove; int i, j; #ifdef DEBUG FPrintf( Output(), "0x%lx: ", theMoveInfo ); #endif for( i = 0; i < boardNumStacks(); i++ ) { if( !theSourceCriterion( sourceStack = &theMoveInfo->mi_Stacks[i] )) continue; for( j = 0; j < boardNumStacks(); j++ ) { if( i == j ) continue; destStack = &theMoveInfo->mi_Stacks[j]; if(( theCriterion( sourceStack, destStack ))&& ( theMove = moveAlloc( i, j ))) { moveAddTail( &theMoveInfo->mi_Moves, theMove ); #ifdef DEBUG FPrintf( Output(), "(%ld->%ld)", i, j ); #endif } } } #ifdef DEBUG FPrintf( Output(), "\n" ); #endif }
void _INDENT(void) { if(program_name_len > 0) { if(debug_file == (BPTR)NULL) kprintf("(%s) ",program_name); else FPrintf(debug_file,"(%s) ",program_name); } if(__debug_level >= DEBUGLEVEL_CallTracing) { int i; if(debug_file == (BPTR)NULL) { for(i = 0 ; i < indent_level ; i++) kprintf(" "); } else { for(i = 0 ; i < indent_level ; i++) FPrintf(debug_file," "); } } }
void ConsolePrintWarning(MSGVEC *msgvecP) { TCHAR format[80]; TCHAR *msgtextP; // Print the primary warning message. msgtextP = GetMessageText(msgvecP->code); StrPrintf (format, msgtextP, msgvecP->param[0], msgvecP->param[1], msgvecP->param[2], msgvecP->param[3], msgvecP->param[4], msgvecP->param[5], msgvecP->param[6], msgvecP->param[7]); FPrintf (stderr, _T("\nWarning: %s\n"), format); // Print the (optional) secondary warning message. if (msgvecP->subcode) { msgtextP = GetMessageText(msgvecP->subcode); StrPrintf (format, msgtextP, msgvecP->subparam[0], msgvecP->subparam[1], msgvecP->subparam[2], msgvecP->subparam[3], msgvecP->subparam[4], msgvecP->subparam[5], msgvecP->subparam[6], msgvecP->subparam[7]); FPrintf (stderr, _T("%s\n"), format); } }
void opponentPrintSequence( MoveInfo *theMoveInfo ) { FPrintf( Output(), "[" ); while( theMoveInfo->mi_Parent ) { FPrintf( Output(), "(%ld->%ld)", theMoveInfo->mi_SrcStack, theMoveInfo->mi_DestStack ); theMoveInfo = theMoveInfo->mi_Parent; } FPrintf( Output(), "]\n" ); }
/* ================= Error For abnormal program terminations ================= */ void Error( const char *error, ...) { char out_buffer[4096]; char tmp[4096]; va_list argptr; va_start (argptr,error); vsprintf (tmp, error, argptr); va_end (argptr); sprintf( out_buffer, "************ ERROR ************\n%s\n", tmp ); FPrintf( SYS_ERR, out_buffer ); #ifdef DBG_XML DumpXML(); #endif //++timo HACK ALERT .. if we shut down too fast the xml stream won't reach the listener. // a clean solution is to send a sync request node in the stream and wait for an answer before exiting Sys_Sleep( 1000 ); Broadcast_Shutdown(); exit (1); }
void _SHOWPOINTER( void *pointer, const char *name, const char *file, int line) { if(__debug_level >= DEBUGLEVEL_Reports) { char *fmt; _INDENT(); if(pointer != NULL) fmt = "%s:%ld:%s = 0x%08lx\n"; else fmt = "%s:%ld:%s = NULL\n"; if(debug_file == (BPTR)NULL) { kprintf(fmt,file,line,name,pointer); } else { FPrintf(debug_file,fmt,file,line,name,pointer); Flush(debug_file); } } }
void Sys_FPrintf( int flag, const char *format, ... ) { char out_buffer[4096]; va_list argptr; /* filter verbose messages */ if( (flag == SYS_VRB) && (verbose == qfalse) ) return; /* catch current stage */ if( !strncmp( format, "--- ", 4) ) { strncpy( currentStage, format + 4, sizeof(currentStage) - 1 ); char *p = strstr( currentStage, " ---" ); if( p != NULL ) p[ 0 ] = 0; } /* print */ va_start( argptr, format ); vsprintf( out_buffer, format, argptr ); va_end( argptr ); /* send */ FPrintf (flag, out_buffer); }
int main (int argc, char ** argv) { struct Library *base1, *base2; BPTR seglist; FPuts(Output(), (STRPTR)"Testing peropener.library\n"); base1=OpenLibrary((STRPTR)"peropener.library",0); base2=OpenLibrary((STRPTR)"peropener.library",0); FPrintf(Output(), (STRPTR)"base1=%lx, base2=%lx\n", base1, base2); if (base1 != NULL) CloseLibrary(base1); if (base2 != NULL) CloseLibrary(base2); FPuts(Output(), (STRPTR)"\nTesting perid.library\n"); base1=OpenLibrary((STRPTR)"perid.library",0); base2=OpenLibrary((STRPTR)"perid.library",0); FPrintf(Output(), (STRPTR)"base1=%lx, base2=%lx\n", base1, base2); seglist = LoadSeg((CONST_STRPTR)"peropenertest_child"); if (seglist != (BPTR)NULL) { RunCommand(seglist, 10*1024, "\n", -1); UnLoadSeg(seglist); } else { FPrintf(Output(), (STRPTR)"Failed to load peropenertest_child\n"); } if (base1 != NULL) CloseLibrary(base1); if (base2 != NULL) CloseLibrary(base2); Flush (Output ()); return 0; }
void Sys_Printf( const char *format, ... ){ char out_buffer[4096]; va_list argptr; va_start( argptr, format ); vsprintf( out_buffer, format, argptr ); va_end( argptr ); FPrintf( SYS_STD, out_buffer ); }
void opponentPrintStacks( Stack *theStacks ) { Card loCard, hiCard; int i, *stackNoPtr; for( i = *(stackNoPtr = tempStacks); i < NUM_STACKS; i = *(++stackNoPtr)) { if( theStacks[i].st_NumCards ) { loCard = theStacks[i].st_Cards[0]; hiCard = theStacks[i].st_Cards[theStacks[i].st_NumCards-1]; FPrintf( Output(), "[%s%s,%s%s]", RankToStr[cardRank(loCard)], SuitToStr[cardSuit(loCard)], RankToStr[cardRank(hiCard)], SuitToStr[cardSuit(hiCard)] ); } else FPrintf( Output(), "[EMPTY]" ); } }
int identify(CONST_STRPTR filename, BOOL verbose) { int rc = RETURN_OK; BPTR lock = Lock(filename, ACCESS_READ); if (lock != NULL) { struct DataType *dt = ObtainDataType(DTST_FILE, lock, TAG_DONE); if (dt != NULL) { struct DataTypeHeader *dth = dt->dtn_Header; if (!verbose) { Printf ( "%s:\t%s/%s\n", filename, gid2string(dth->dth_GroupID), dth->dth_Name ); } else { ULONG gid = AROS_LONG2BE(dth->dth_GroupID), id = AROS_LONG2BE(dth->dth_ID); Printf ( "File: %s\n" "Type: %s/%s\t(GID: %.4s, ID: %.4s)\n" "DT Basename: %s\n\n", filename, gid2string(dth->dth_GroupID), dth->dth_Name, (CONST_STRPTR) &gid, (CONST_STRPTR) &id, dth->dth_BaseName ); } } else { FPrintf(Error(), ERROR_HEADER": Could not obtain datatype for file.\n"); rc = RETURN_FAIL; } UnLock(lock); } else { PrintFault(IoErr(), ERROR_HEADER); rc = RETURN_FAIL; } return rc; }
void Sys_FPrintf (int flag, const char *format, ...) { char out_buffer[4096]; va_list argptr; if ((flag == SYS_VRB) && (verbose == qfalse)) return; va_start (argptr, format); vsprintf (out_buffer, format, argptr); va_end (argptr); FPrintf (flag, out_buffer); }
/* Open and initialize AmiSSL */ static BOOL Init(void) { BOOL is_ok = FALSE; if (!(SocketBase = OpenLibrary("bsdsocket.library", 4))) FPrintf(GetStdErr(), "Couldn't open bsdsocket.library v4!\n"); #if defined(__amigaos4__) else if (!(ISocket = (struct SocketIFace *)GetInterface(SocketBase, "main", 1, NULL))) FPrintf(GetStdErr(), "Couldn't get Socket interface!\n"); #endif else if (!(AmiSSLMasterBase = OpenLibrary("amisslmaster.library", AMISSLMASTER_MIN_VERSION))) FPrintf(GetStdErr(), "Couldn't open amisslmaster.library v" MKSTR(AMISSLMASTER_MIN_VERSION) "!\n"); #if defined(__amigaos4__) else if (!(IAmiSSLMaster = (struct AmiSSLMasterIFace *)GetInterface(AmiSSLMasterBase, "main", 1, NULL))) FPrintf(GetStdErr(), "Couldn't get AmiSSLMaster interface!\n"); #endif else if (!InitAmiSSLMaster(AMISSL_CURRENT_VERSION, TRUE)) FPrintf(GetStdErr(), "AmiSSL version is too old!\n"); else if (!(AmiSSLBase = OpenAmiSSL())) FPrintf(GetStdErr(), "Couldn't open AmiSSL!\n"); #if defined(__amigaos4__) else if (!(IAmiSSL = (struct AmiSSLIFace *)GetInterface(AmiSSLBase, "main", 1, NULL))) FPrintf(GetStdErr(), "Couldn't get AmiSSL interface!\n"); #endif #if defined(__amigaos4__) else if (InitAmiSSL(AmiSSL_ErrNoPtr, &errno, AmiSSL_ISocket, ISocket, TAG_DONE) != 0) #else else if (InitAmiSSL(AmiSSL_ErrNoPtr, &errno, AmiSSL_SocketBase, SocketBase, TAG_DONE) != 0) #endif FPrintf(GetStdErr(), "Couldn't initialize AmiSSL!\n"); else is_ok = TRUE; if (!is_ok) Cleanup(); /* This is safe to call even if something failed above */ return(is_ok); }
void _DPRINTF_HEADER( const char *file, int line) { if(__debug_level >= DEBUGLEVEL_Reports) { _INDENT(); if(debug_file == (BPTR)NULL) kprintf("%s:%ld:",file,line); else FPrintf(debug_file,"%s:%ld:",file,line); } }
void _SHOWMSG( const char *string, const char *file, int line) { if(__debug_level >= DEBUGLEVEL_Reports) { _INDENT(); if(debug_file == (BPTR)NULL) { kprintf("%s:%ld:%s\n",file,line,string); } else { FPrintf(debug_file,"%s:%ld:%s\n",file,line,string); Flush(debug_file); } } }
void opponentStoreMoveSequence( MoveInfo *theMoveInfo ) { MoveInfo *aMoveInfo; Move *aMove; #ifdef DEBUG FPrintf( Output(), "Best sequence now: " ); opponentPrintSequence( theMoveInfo ); #endif while( aMove = moveRemHead( MoveSequence )) moveFree( aMove ); for( aMoveInfo = theMoveInfo; aMoveInfo->mi_Parent; aMoveInfo = aMoveInfo->mi_Parent ) { if( aMove = moveAlloc( aMoveInfo->mi_SrcStack, aMoveInfo->mi_DestStack )) moveAddHead( MoveSequence, aMove ); } }
void Sys_Printf( const char *format, ... ) { char out_buffer[4096]; va_list argptr; /* catch current stage */ if( !strncmp( format, "--- ", 4) ) { strncpy( currentStage, format + 4, sizeof(currentStage) - 1 ); char *p = strstr( currentStage, " ---" ); if( p != NULL ) p[ 0 ] = 0; } /* print */ va_start( argptr, format ); vsprintf( out_buffer, format, argptr ); va_end( argptr ); /* send */ FPrintf( SYS_STD, out_buffer ); }
__saveds __asm ULONG GROM_Generate (a2 Object *Win, a1 SW_IDATA **idata) { UBYTE fspec[FMSIZE]; BPTR fp = NULL; ULONG x, Cost1 = (ULONG)(idata[2]), Cost2 = (ULONG)(idata[3]); UBYTE DoneText[] = "\33c\33bDone:\33n Registration form saved to file %s\n\n" "Email to " SRK_EMAIL " or send by postal mail to:\n\n" " %s Registration\n" " 405 Pulsar St.\n" " Fort Collins, CO 80525 USA\n\n" "See the above file for more information.\n\n" "Thank you for registering %s!"; UBYTE ErrText[] = "\33c\33bError:\33n Unable to open registration file %s."; UBYTE *Prog = (UBYTE *)(idata[1]); AddPart(strcpy(fspec, "RAM:"), Prog, FMSIZE); strcat(fspec, ".Regform"); for (x=0; RG_ParseTable[x].Keyword; x++) { UBYTE *Val; get((*idata)->Gads[x], MUIA_String_Contents, &Val); if (RG_ParseTable[x].Required && (!Val || !Val[0])) { MUI_Request(Win, (*idata)->RegWin, 0,NULL, "*_Ok",(char *) "\33c\33bError:\33n No value suppled for required " "field '%s'\n", RG_ParseTable[x].Keyword, NULL); goto Done; } } if (!(fp = Open(fspec, MODE_NEWFILE))) { MUI_Request(Win, (*idata)->RegWin, 0,NULL, "*_Ok",(char *)ErrText, fspec, NULL, NULL); goto Done; } FPrintf(fp, "E-mail this form to %s with the subject line:\n" " CMD REGISTER %s\n\n" "Registration cost is US $%ld for E-Mail registration and\n" "US $%ld for postal mail registration. E-Mail registration\n" "will receive a keyfile shortly. Postal registration should\n" "allow 4 weeks and include a disk and self addressed stamped\n" "envelope. Checks can be made payable to ShadowWorks Software.\n\n" "Registration request for %s\n\n", SRK_EMAIL, Prog, Cost1, Cost2, Prog); for (x=0; RG_ParseTable[x].Keyword; x++) { UBYTE *Val; get((*idata)->Gads[x], MUIA_String_Contents, &Val); if (Val && Val[0]) FPrintf(fp, "%-10s = %s\n", RG_ParseTable[x].Keyword, Val); } Close(fp); fp = NULL; MUI_Request(Win, (*idata)->RegWin, 0,NULL, "*_Ok",(char *)DoneText, fspec, Prog, Prog); set(Win, MUIA_Window_Open, FALSE); Done: if (fp) Close(fp); return 0; }
/* Connect to the specified server, either directly or through the specified * proxy using HTTP CONNECT method. */ static int ConnectToServer(char *host, short port, char *proxy, short pport) { struct sockaddr_in addr; char buffer[1024]; /* This should be dynamically alocated */ BOOL is_ok = FALSE; char *s1, *s2; int sock; /* Create a socket and connect to the server */ if ((sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) >= 0) { memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr)); addr.sin_family = AF_INET; if (proxy && pport) { addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(proxy); /* This should be checked against INADDR_NONE */ addr.sin_port = htons(pport); } else { addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(host); /* This should be checked against INADDR_NONE */ addr.sin_port = htons(port); } if (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(addr)) >= 0) { /* For proxy connection, use SSL tunneling. First issue a HTTP CONNECT * request and then proceed as with direct HTTPS connection. */ if (proxy && pport) { /* This should be done with snprintf to prevent buffer * overflows, but some compilers don't have it and * handling that would be an overkill for this example */ sprintf(buffer, "CONNECT %s:%ld HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n", host, (long)port); /* In a real application, it would be necessary to loop * until everything is sent or an error occurrs, but here we * hope that everything gets sent at once. */ if (send(sock, buffer, strlen(buffer), 0) >= 0) { int len; /* Again, some optimistic behaviour: HTTP response might not be * received with only one recv */ if ((len = recv(sock, buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1, 0)) >= 0) { /* Assuming it was received, find the end of * the line and cut it off */ if ((s1 = strchr(buffer, '\r')) || (s1 = strchr(buffer, '\n'))) *s1 = '\0'; else buffer[len] = '\0'; Printf("Proxy returned: %s\n", buffer); /* Check if HTTP response makes sense */ if (strncmp(buffer, "HTTP/", 4) == 0 && (s1 = strchr(buffer, ' ')) && (s2 = strchr(++s1, ' ')) && (s2 - s1 == 3)) { /* Only accept HTTP 200 OK response */ if (atol(s1) == 200) is_ok = TRUE; else FPrintf(GetStdErr(), "Proxy responce indicates error!\n"); } else FPrintf(GetStdErr(), "Amibigous proxy responce!\n"); } else FPrintf(GetStdErr(), "Couldn't get proxy response!\n"); } else FPrintf(GetStdErr(), "Couldn't send request to proxy!\n"); } else is_ok = TRUE; } else FPrintf(GetStdErr(), "Couldn't connect to server\n"); if (!is_ok) { CloseSocket(sock); sock = -1; } } return(sock); }
int main(void) { out = Output(); slot1 = AllocTaskStorageSlot(); FPrintf(out, "Got slot %ld\n", slot1); slot2 = AllocTaskStorageSlot(); FPrintf(out, "Got slot %ld\n", slot2); FreeTaskStorageSlot(slot2); FPrintf(out, "Freed slot %ld\n", slot2); slot2 = AllocTaskStorageSlot(); FPrintf(out, "Got slot %ld\n", slot2); slot3 = AllocTaskStorageSlot(); FPrintf(out, "Got slot %ld\n", slot3); SetTaskStorageSlot(slot1, 69); FPrintf(out, "Stored value 69 in slot %ld\n", slot1); FPrintf(out, "Checking value in subtask\n"); struct Process *proc = CreateNewProcTags( NP_Entry, printslot1, NP_Name, "Check slot1", NP_Synchronous, TRUE, TAG_DONE ); assert(proc != NULL); FreeTaskStorageSlot(slot1); FPrintf(out, "Freed slot %ld\n", slot1); slot1 = AllocTaskStorageSlot(); FPrintf(out, "Got slot %ld\n", slot1); FreeTaskStorageSlot(slot2); FPrintf(out, "Freed slot %ld\n", slot2); FreeTaskStorageSlot(slot1); FPrintf(out, "Freed slot %ld\n", slot1); FreeTaskStorageSlot(slot3); FPrintf(out, "Freed slot %ld\n", slot3); return 0; }
static void printslot1(void) { FPrintf(out, "Value slot %ld: %ld\n", slot1, GetTaskStorageSlot(slot1)); }
/* The program expects at most four arguments: host in IP format, port * number to connect to, proxy in IP format and proxy port number. * If last two are specified, host can be in any format proxy will * understand (since this is an example for SSL programming, host name * resolving code is left out). * * Default values are "", 443. If any proxy parameter is * omitted, the program will connect directly to the host. */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char buffer[4096]; /* This should be dynamically allocated */ const char *request = "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"; BOOL is_ok = FALSE; X509 *server_cert; SSL_CTX *ctx; BIO *bio_err; SSL *ssl; if (Init()) { /* Basic intialization. Next few steps (up to SSL_new()) need * to be done only once per AmiSSL opener. */ SSLeay_add_ssl_algorithms(); SSL_load_error_strings(); /* Note: BIO writing routines are prepared for NULL BIO handle */ if((bio_err = BIO_new(BIO_s_file())) != NULL) BIO_set_fp_amiga(bio_err, GetStdErr(), BIO_NOCLOSE | BIO_FP_TEXT); /* Get a new SSL context */ if((ctx = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_client_method())) != NULL) { /* Basic certificate handling. OpenSSL documentation has more * information on this. */ SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths(ctx); SSL_CTX_set_verify(ctx, SSL_VERIFY_PEER | SSL_VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT, NULL); /* The following needs to be done once per socket */ if((ssl = SSL_new(ctx)) != NULL) { int sock; /* Connect to the HTTPS server, directly or through a proxy */ if (argc > 4) sock = ConnectToServer(argv[1], atol(argv[2]), argv[3], atol(argv[4])); else sock = ConnectToServer(argv[1] ? argv[1] : (char *)"", argc > 2 ? atol(argv[2]) : 443, NULL, 0); /* Check if connection was established */ if (sock >= 0) { int ssl_err = 0; /* Associate the socket with the ssl structure */ SSL_set_fd(ssl, sock); /* Perform SSL handshake */ if((ssl_err = SSL_connect(ssl)) >= 0) { Printf("SSL connection using %s\n", SSL_get_cipher(ssl)); /* Certificate checking. This example is *very* basic */ if((server_cert = SSL_get_peer_certificate(ssl))) { char *str; Printf("Server certificate:\n"); if((str = X509_NAME_oneline(X509_get_subject_name(server_cert), 0, 0))) { Printf("\tSubject: %s\n", str); OPENSSL_free(str); } else FPrintf(GetStdErr(), "Warning: couldn't read subject name in certificate!\n"); if((str = X509_NAME_oneline(X509_get_issuer_name(server_cert), 0, 0)) != NULL) { Printf("\tIssuer: %s\n", str); OPENSSL_free(str); } else FPrintf(GetStdErr(), "Warning: couldn't read issuer name in certificate!\n"); X509_free(server_cert); /* Send a HTTP request. Again, this is just * a very basic example. */ if ((ssl_err = SSL_write(ssl, request, strlen(request))) > 0) { /* Dump everything to output */ while ((ssl_err = SSL_read(ssl, buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1)) > 0) FWrite(Output(), buffer, ssl_err, 1); FFlush(Output()); /* This is not entirely true, check * the SSL_read documentation */ is_ok = ssl_err == 0; } else FPrintf(GetStdErr(), "Couldn't write request!\n"); } else FPrintf(GetStdErr(), "Couldn't get server certificate!\n"); } else FPrintf(GetStdErr(), "Couldn't establish SSL connection!\n"); /* If there were errors, print them */ if (ssl_err < 0) ERR_print_errors(bio_err); /* Send SSL close notification and close the socket */ SSL_shutdown(ssl); CloseSocket(sock); } else FPrintf(GetStdErr(), "Couldn't connect to host!\n"); FPrintf(GetStdErr(), "before SSL_free()\n"); SSL_free(ssl); } else FPrintf(GetStdErr(), "Couldn't create new SSL handle!\n"); FPrintf(GetStdErr(), "before SSL_CTX_free()\n"); SSL_CTX_free(ctx); } else FPrintf(GetStdErr(), "Couldn't create new context!\n"); FPrintf(GetStdErr(), "before Cleanup()\n"); Cleanup(); } FPrintf(GetStdErr(), "before end of main()\n"); return(is_ok ? RETURN_OK : RETURN_ERROR); }
void _SHOWVALUE( unsigned long value, int size, const char *name, const char *file, int line) { if(__debug_level >= DEBUGLEVEL_Reports) { char *fmt; switch(size) { case 1: fmt = "%s:%ld:%s = %ld, 0x%02lx"; break; case 2: fmt = "%s:%ld:%s = %ld, 0x%04lx"; break; default: fmt = "%s:%ld:%s = %ld, 0x%08lx"; break; } _INDENT(); if(debug_file == (BPTR)NULL) kprintf(fmt,file,line,name,value,value); else FPrintf(debug_file,fmt,file,line,name,value,value); if(size == 1 && value < 256) { if(debug_file == (BPTR)NULL) { if(value < ' ' || (value >= 127 && value < 160)) kprintf(", '\\x%02lx'",value); else kprintf(", '%lc'",value); } else { if(value < ' ' || (value >= 127 && value < 160)) FPrintf(debug_file,", '\\x%02lx'",value); else FPrintf(debug_file,", '%lc'",value); } } if(debug_file == (BPTR)NULL) { kprintf("\n"); } else { FPrintf(debug_file,"\n"); Flush(debug_file); } } }