 * Function Name : SPI_DRV_DmaMasterInit
 * Description   : Initializes a SPI instance for master mode operation to work with DMA.
 * This function uses a dma driven method for transferring data.
 * this function initializes the run-time state structure to track the ongoing
 * transfers, ungates the clock to the SPI module, resets the SPI module, initializes the module
 * to user defined settings and default settings, configures the IRQ state structure, enables
 * the module-level interrupt to the core, and enables the SPI module.
 * This initialization function also configures the DMA module by requesting channels for DMA
 * operation.
void SPI_DRV_DmaMasterInit(uint32_t instance, spi_dma_master_state_t * spiDmaState)
    uint32_t baseAddr = g_spiBaseAddr[instance];

    /* Clear the state for this instance.*/
    memset(spiDmaState, 0, sizeof(* spiDmaState));

    /* Enable clock for SPI*/

    /* configure the run-time state struct with the source clock value */
    spiDmaState->spiSourceClock = CLOCK_SYS_GetSpiFreq(instance);

    /* Reset the SPI module to it's default state, which includes SPI disabled */

    /* Init the interrupt sync object.*/
    OSA_SemaCreate(&spiDmaState->irqSync, 0);

    /* Set SPI to master mode */
    SPI_HAL_SetMasterSlave(baseAddr, kSpiMaster);

    /* Set slave select to automatic output mode */
    SPI_HAL_SetSlaveSelectOutputMode(baseAddr, kSpiSlaveSelect_AutomaticOutput);

    /* Set the SPI pin mode to normal mode */
    SPI_HAL_SetPinMode(baseAddr, kSpiPinMode_Normal);

    if (FSL_FEATURE_SPI_FIFO_SIZEn(instance) != 0)
        /* If SPI module contains a FIFO, enable it and set watermarks to half full/empty */
        SPI_HAL_SetFifoMode(baseAddr, true, kSpiTxFifoOneHalfEmpty, kSpiRxFifoOneHalfFull);

        /* Set the interrupt clearing mechansim select for later use in driver to clear
         * status flags
        SPI_HAL_SetIntClearCmd(baseAddr, true);
    /* Save runtime structure pointers to irq handler can point to the correct state structure*/
    g_spiStatePtr[instance] = spiDmaState;

     * Request DMA channel for RX and TX FIFO
    /* This channel transfers data from RX FIFO to receiveBuffer */
    if (instance == 0)
        /* Request DMA channel for RX FIFO */
        DMA_DRV_RequestChannel(kDmaAnyChannel, kDmaRequestMux0SPI0Rx, &spiDmaState->dmaReceive);
        /* Request DMA channel for TX FIFO */
        DMA_DRV_RequestChannel(kDmaAnyChannel, kDmaRequestMux0SPI0Tx, &spiDmaState->dmaTransmit);
        /* Request DMA channel for RX FIFO */
        DMA_DRV_RequestChannel(kDmaAnyChannel, kDmaRequestMux0SPI1Rx, &spiDmaState->dmaReceive);
        /* Request DMA channel for TX FIFO */
        DMA_DRV_RequestChannel(kDmaAnyChannel, kDmaRequestMux0SPI1Tx, &spiDmaState->dmaTransmit);

    /* Enable SPI interrupt.*/

    /* SPI system Enable */
void SPI_MasterTransferCreateHandleDMA(SPI_Type *base,
                                       spi_dma_handle_t *handle,
                                       spi_dma_callback_t callback,
                                       void *userData,
                                       dma_handle_t *txHandle,
                                       dma_handle_t *rxHandle)
    dma_transfer_config_t config = {0};
    uint32_t instance = SPI_GetInstance(base);

    /* Set spi base to handle */
    handle->txHandle = txHandle;
    handle->rxHandle = rxHandle;
    handle->callback = callback;
    handle->userData = userData;

    /* Set SPI state to idle */
    handle->state = kSPI_Idle;

    /* Set handle to global state */
    s_dmaPrivateHandle[instance].base = base;
    s_dmaPrivateHandle[instance].handle = handle;

/* Compute internal state */
    handle->bytesPerFrame = ((base->C2 & SPI_C2_SPIMODE_MASK) >> SPI_C2_SPIMODE_SHIFT) + 1U;
    handle->bytesPerFrame = 1U;

    /* If using DMA, disable FIFO, as the FIFO may cause data loss if the data size is not integer
       times of 2bytes. As SPI cannot set watermark to 0, only can set to 1/2 FIFO size or 3/4 FIFO
       size. */
    if (FSL_FEATURE_SPI_FIFO_SIZEn(base) != 0)
        base->C3 &= ~SPI_C3_FIFOMODE_MASK;


    /* Set the non-change attribute for Tx DMA transfer, to improve efficiency */
    config.destAddr = SPI_GetDataRegisterAddress(base);
    config.enableDestIncrement = false;
    config.enableSrcIncrement = true;
    if (handle->bytesPerFrame == 1U)
        config.srcSize = kDMA_Transfersize8bits;
        config.destSize = kDMA_Transfersize8bits;
        config.srcSize = kDMA_Transfersize16bits;
        config.destSize = kDMA_Transfersize16bits;

    DMA_SubmitTransfer(handle->txHandle, &config, true);

    /* Set non-change attribute for Rx DMA */
    config.srcAddr = SPI_GetDataRegisterAddress(base);
    config.destAddr = 0U;
    config.enableDestIncrement = true;
    config.enableSrcIncrement = false;
    DMA_SubmitTransfer(handle->rxHandle, &config, true);

    /* Install callback for Tx dma channel */
    DMA_SetCallback(handle->txHandle, SPI_TxDMACallback, &s_dmaPrivateHandle[instance]);
    DMA_SetCallback(handle->rxHandle, SPI_RxDMACallback, &s_dmaPrivateHandle[instance]);