/****************************************************************************** * Function Name : FSMC_NAND_Test * Description : NAND test * Input : None * Output : None * Return : None * Attention : None *******************************************************************************/ void FSMC_NAND_Test(void) { uint16_t index; NAND_ADDRESS WriteReadAddr; //FSMC_NAND_Init(); // already done in main printf("\r\n-------------------- NAND FLASH TEST -------------------------"); /* NAND memory address to write to */ WriteReadAddr.Zone = 0x00; WriteReadAddr.Block = 0x00; WriteReadAddr.Page = 0x00; /* Erase the NAND first Block */ FSMC_NAND_EraseBlock(WriteReadAddr); /* Fill the buffer to send */ for (index = 0; index < NAND_PAGE_SIZE; index++ ) { NAND_TxBuffer[index] = index; } /* Write data to FSMC NAND memory */ FSMC_NAND_WriteSmallPage(NAND_TxBuffer, WriteReadAddr, 1); /* Read back the written data */ FSMC_NAND_ReadSmallPage (NAND_RxBuffer, WriteReadAddr, 1); if( memcmp( (char*)NAND_TxBuffer, (char*)NAND_RxBuffer, NAND_PAGE_SIZE ) == 0 ) { printf("\r\n - Result : Nand Flash is OK"); } else { printf("\r\n - Result : Nand Flash is error"); } }
/******************************************************************************* * Function Name : NAND_Read * Description : Read sectors * Input : None * Output : None * Return : Status *******************************************************************************/ uint16_t NAND_Read(uint32_t Memory_Offset, uint32_t *Readbuff, uint16_t Transfer_Length) { NAND_ADDRESS phAddress; phAddress = NAND_GetAddress(Memory_Offset / NAND_PAGE_SIZE); if (phAddress.Zone != CurrentZone) { CurrentZone = phAddress.Zone; NAND_BuildLUT(CurrentZone); } if (LUT [phAddress.Block] & BAD_BLOCK) { return NAND_FAIL; } else { phAddress.Block = LUT [phAddress.Block] & ~ (USED_BLOCK | VALID_BLOCK); FSMC_NAND_ReadSmallPage ( (uint8_t *)Readbuff , phAddress, Transfer_Length / NAND_PAGE_SIZE); } return NAND_OK; }
/******************************************************************************* * Function Name : NAND_Copy * Description : Copy page * Input : None * Output : None * Return : Status *******************************************************************************/ static uint16_t NAND_Copy (NAND_ADDRESS Address_Src, NAND_ADDRESS Address_Dest, uint16_t PageToCopy) { uint8_t Copybuff[2048]; for ( ; PageToCopy > 0 ; PageToCopy-- ) { FSMC_NAND_ReadSmallPage ((uint8_t *)Copybuff, Address_Src , 1 ); FSMC_NAND_WriteSmallPage ((uint8_t *)Copybuff, Address_Dest, 1 ); FSMC_NAND_AddressIncrement(&Address_Src); FSMC_NAND_AddressIncrement(&Address_Dest); } return NAND_OK; }
/** * @brief Main program. * @param None * @retval : None */ int main(void) { /* System Clocks Configuration */ RCC_Configuration(); /* PF.06, PF.07 and PF.08 config to drive LD1, LD2 and LD3 *****************/ /* Enable GPIOF clock */ RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOF, ENABLE); /* Configure PF.06, PF.07 and PF.08 as Output push-pull */ GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_6 | GPIO_Pin_7 | GPIO_Pin_8; GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz; GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_Out_PP; GPIO_Init(GPIOF, &GPIO_InitStructure); /* Enable the FSMC Clock */ RCC_AHBPeriphClockCmd(RCC_AHBPeriph_FSMC, ENABLE); /* FSMC Initialization */ FSMC_NAND_Init(); /* NAND read ID command */ FSMC_NAND_ReadID(&NAND_ID); /* Verify the NAND ID */ if((NAND_ID.Maker_ID == NAND_ST_MakerID) && (NAND_ID.Device_ID == NAND_ST_DeviceID)) { /* NAND memory address to write to */ WriteReadAddr.Zone = 0x00; WriteReadAddr.Block = 0x00; WriteReadAddr.Page = 0x00; /* Erase the NAND first Block */ status = FSMC_NAND_EraseBlock(WriteReadAddr); /* Write data to FSMC NAND memory */ /* Fill the buffer to send */ Fill_Buffer(TxBuffer, BUFFER_SIZE , 0x66); status = FSMC_NAND_WriteSmallPage(TxBuffer, WriteReadAddr, PageNumber); /* Read back the written data */ status = FSMC_NAND_ReadSmallPage (RxBuffer, WriteReadAddr, PageNumber); /* Verify the written data */ for(j = 0; j < BUFFER_SIZE; j++) { if(TxBuffer[j] != RxBuffer[j]) { WriteReadStatus++; } } if (WriteReadStatus == 0) { /* OK */ /* Turn on LD1 */ GPIO_SetBits(GPIOF, GPIO_Pin_6); } else { /* KO */ /* Turn on LD2 */ GPIO_SetBits(GPIOF, GPIO_Pin_7); } } else { /* Turn on LD3 */ GPIO_SetBits(GPIOF, GPIO_Pin_8); } while(1) { } }
void Task1 (void *pdata) { NAND_IDTypeDef NAND_ID; NAND_ADDRESS WriteReadAddr; char pStr[64]; u8 nFlag; __IO uint32_t PageNumber = 2; pdata = pdata; /* Prevent compiler warning */ RCC_AHBPeriphClockCmd(RCC_AHBPeriph_FSMC, ENABLE); FSMC_NAND_Init(); /* NAND memory address to write to */ WriteReadAddr.Zone = 0x00; WriteReadAddr.Block = 0x00; WriteReadAddr.Page = 0x00; /* Erase the NAND first Block */ status = FSMC_NAND_EraseBlock(WriteReadAddr); Fill_Buffer(TxBuffer, BUFFER_SIZE , 0x66); status = FSMC_NAND_WriteSmallPage(TxBuffer, WriteReadAddr, PageNumber); status = FSMC_NAND_ReadSmallPage (RxBuffer, WriteReadAddr, PageNumber); for(;;) { FSMC_NAND_ReadID(&NAND_ID); sprintf(pStr, "Nand Flash ID = %02X,%02X,%02X,%02X ", NAND_ID.Maker_ID, NAND_ID.Device_ID, NAND_ID.Third_ID, NAND_ID.Fourth_ID); // UART_Print(pStr); nFlag = 1; if ((NAND_ID.Maker_ID == 0xEC) && (NAND_ID.Device_ID == 0xF1) && (NAND_ID.Third_ID == 0x80) && (NAND_ID.Fourth_ID == 0x15)) { // UART_Print("Type = K9F1G08U0A\n\r"); nFlag = 2; } else if ((NAND_ID.Maker_ID == 0xEC) && (NAND_ID.Device_ID == 0xF1) && (NAND_ID.Third_ID == 0x00) && (NAND_ID.Fourth_ID == 0x95)) { // UART_Print("Type = K9F1G08U0B\n\r"); nFlag = 3; } else if ((NAND_ID.Maker_ID == 0xEC) && (NAND_ID.Device_ID == 0xF1) && (NAND_ID.Fourth_ID == 0x15)) { // UART_Print("Type = K9F1G08U0M\n\r"); nFlag = 6; } else if ((NAND_ID.Maker_ID == 0xAD) && (NAND_ID.Device_ID == 0xF1) && (NAND_ID.Third_ID == 0x80) && (NAND_ID.Fourth_ID == 0x1D)) { // UART_Print("Type = HY27UF081G2A\n\r"); nFlag = 4; } else { // UART_Print("Type = Unknow\n\r"); nFlag = 5; } OSTimeDly(500); } }