char *FS_BuildOSPath( const char *base, const char *game, const char *qpath ) {
	char	temp[MAX_OSPATH];
	static char ospath[4][MAX_OSPATH];
	static int toggle;
	toggle = (++toggle)&3;	// allows four returns without clash (increased from 2 during fs_copyfiles 2 enhancement)

	Com_sprintf( temp, sizeof(temp), "/%s/%s", game, qpath );
	FS_ReplaceSeparators( temp );	
	Com_sprintf( ospath[toggle], sizeof( ospath[0] ), "%s%s", base, temp );
	return ospath[toggle];
char *FS_BuildOSPath( const char *qpath )
	char	temp[MAX_OSPATH];
	static char ospath[2][MAX_OSPATH];
	static int toggle;
	toggle ^= 1;		// flip-flop to allow two returns without clash

	Com_sprintf( temp, sizeof(temp), "/%s/%s", fs_gamedirvar->string, qpath );

	FS_ReplaceSeparators( temp );	
	Com_sprintf( ospath[toggle], sizeof( ospath[0] ), "%s%s", 
		fs_basepath->string, temp );
	return ospath[toggle];
Exemple #3
char *FS_BuildOSPath( const char *base, const char *game, const char *qpath ) {
	char	temp[MAX_OSPATH];
	static char ospath[4][MAX_OSPATH];
	static int toggle;
	//toggle ^= 1;		// flip-flop to allow two returns without clash
	toggle = (++toggle)&3;	// allows four returns without clash (increased from 2 during fs_copyfiles 2 enhancement)

	if( !game || !game[0] ) {
		game = fs_gamedir;

	Com_sprintf( temp, sizeof(temp), "/%s/%s", game, qpath );
	FS_ReplaceSeparators( temp );	
	Com_sprintf( ospath[toggle], sizeof( ospath[0] ), "%s%s", base, temp );
	return ospath[toggle];
Exemple #4
char *FS_BuildOSPath( const char *qpath )
	char	temp[MAX_OSPATH];
	static char ospath[2][MAX_OSPATH];
	static int toggle;
	toggle ^= 1;		// flip-flop to allow two returns without clash

	// Fix for filenames that are given to FS with a leading "/" (/botfiles/Foo)
	if (qpath[0] == '\\' || qpath[0] == '/')

	Com_sprintf( temp, sizeof(temp), "/%s/%s", fs_gamedirvar->string, qpath );

	FS_ReplaceSeparators( temp );	
	Com_sprintf( ospath[toggle], sizeof( ospath[0] ), "%s%s", 
		fs_basepath->string, temp );
	return ospath[toggle];
Exemple #5

Qpath may have either forward or backwards slashes
static char *FS_BuildGOBPath(const char *qpath )
	static char path[2][MAX_OSPATH];
	static int toggle;
	toggle ^= 1;		// flip-flop to allow two returns without clash

	if (qpath[0] == '\\' || qpath[0] == '/')
		Com_sprintf( path[toggle], sizeof( path[0] ), ".%s", qpath );
		Com_sprintf( path[toggle], sizeof( path[0] ), ".\\%s", qpath );

//	FS_ReplaceSeparators( path[toggle], '\\' );
	FS_ReplaceSeparators( path[toggle] );
	return path[toggle];
Exemple #6

Internal function to filesystem. Conventions apply:
    - files should hold at least MAX_LISTED_FILES
    - *count_p must be initialized in range [0, MAX_LISTED_FILES - 1]
    - depth must be 0 on the first call
void Sys_ListFiles_r(const char  *path,
                     const char  *filter,
                     unsigned    flags,
                     size_t      baselen,
                     int         *count_p,
                     void        **files,
                     int         depth)
    WIN32_FIND_DATAA    data;
    HANDLE      handle;
    char        fullpath[MAX_OSPATH], *name;
    size_t      pathlen, len;
    unsigned    mask;
    void        *info;

    // optimize single extension search
    if (!(flags & FS_SEARCH_BYFILTER) &&
        filter && !strchr(filter, ';')) {
        if (*filter == '.') {
        len = Q_concat(fullpath, sizeof(fullpath),
                       path, "\\*.", filter, NULL);
        filter = NULL; // do not check it later
    } else {
        len = Q_concat(fullpath, sizeof(fullpath),
                       path, "\\*", NULL);

    if (len >= sizeof(fullpath)) {

    // format path to windows style
    // done on the first run only
    if (!depth) {
        FS_ReplaceSeparators(fullpath, '\\');

    handle = FindFirstFileA(fullpath, &data);
    if (handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {

    // make it point right after the slash
    pathlen = strlen(path) + 1;

    do {
        if (!strcmp(data.cFileName, ".") ||
            !strcmp(data.cFileName, "..")) {
            continue; // ignore special entries

        // construct full path
        len = strlen(data.cFileName);
        if (pathlen + len >= sizeof(fullpath)) {

        memcpy(fullpath + pathlen, data.cFileName, len + 1);

        if (data.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) {
            mask = FS_SEARCH_DIRSONLY;
        } else {
            mask = 0;

        // pattern search implies recursive search
        if ((flags & FS_SEARCH_BYFILTER) && mask &&
            depth < MAX_LISTED_DEPTH) {
            Sys_ListFiles_r(fullpath, filter, flags, baselen,
                            count_p, files, depth + 1);

            // re-check count
            if (*count_p >= MAX_LISTED_FILES) {

        // check type
        if ((flags & FS_SEARCH_DIRSONLY) != mask) {

        // check filter
        if (filter) {
            if (flags & FS_SEARCH_BYFILTER) {
                if (!FS_WildCmp(filter, fullpath + baselen)) {
            } else {
                if (!FS_ExtCmp(filter, data.cFileName)) {

        // strip path
        if (flags & FS_SEARCH_SAVEPATH) {
            name = fullpath + baselen;
        } else {
            name = data.cFileName;

        // reformat it back to quake filesystem style
        FS_ReplaceSeparators(name, '/');

        // strip extension
        if (flags & FS_SEARCH_STRIPEXT) {
            *COM_FileExtension(name) = 0;

            if (!*name) {

        // copy info off
        if (flags & FS_SEARCH_EXTRAINFO) {
            info = copy_info(name, &data);
        } else {
            info = FS_CopyString(name);

        files[(*count_p)++] = info;
    } while (*count_p < MAX_LISTED_FILES &&
             FindNextFileA(handle, &data) != FALSE);
