
Check to see if the client wants a file, open it if needed and start pumping the client
Fill up msg with data 
void SV_WriteDownloadToClient( client_t *cl , msg_t *msg )
	int curindex;
	int rate;
	int blockspersnap;
	int idPack = 0, missionPack = 0, unreferenced = 1;
	char errorMessage[1024];
	char pakbuf[MAX_QPATH], *pakptr;
	int numRefPaks;

	if (!*cl->downloadName)
		return;	// Nothing being downloaded

	if (!cl->download) {
 		// Chop off filename extension.
		Com_sprintf(pakbuf, sizeof(pakbuf), "%s", cl->downloadName);
		pakptr = Q_strrchr(pakbuf, '.');
			*pakptr = '\0';

			// Check for pk3 filename extension
			if(!Q_stricmp(pakptr + 1, "pk3"))
				const char *referencedPaks = FS_ReferencedPakNames();

				// Check whether the file appears in the list of referenced
				// paks to prevent downloading of arbitrary files.
				numRefPaks = Cmd_Argc();

				for(curindex = 0; curindex < numRefPaks; curindex++)
					if(!FS_FilenameCompare(Cmd_Argv(curindex), pakbuf))
						unreferenced = 0;

						// now that we know the file is referenced,
						// check whether it's legal to download it.
						missionPack = FS_idPak(pakbuf, "missionpack");
						idPack = missionPack || FS_idPak(pakbuf, BASEGAME);


		cl->download = 0;

		// We open the file here
		if ( !(sv_allowDownload->integer & DLF_ENABLE) ||
			(sv_allowDownload->integer & DLF_NO_UDP) ||
			idPack || unreferenced ||
			( cl->downloadSize = FS_SV_FOpenFileRead( cl->downloadName, &cl->download ) ) < 0 ) {
			// cannot auto-download file
				Com_Printf("clientDownload: %d : \"%s\" is not referenced and cannot be downloaded.\n", (int) (cl - svs.clients), cl->downloadName);
				Com_sprintf(errorMessage, sizeof(errorMessage), "File \"%s\" is not referenced and cannot be downloaded.", cl->downloadName);
			else if (idPack) {
				Com_Printf("clientDownload: %d : \"%s\" cannot download id pk3 files\n", (int) (cl - svs.clients), cl->downloadName);
				if (missionPack) {
					Com_sprintf(errorMessage, sizeof(errorMessage), "Cannot autodownload Team Arena file \"%s\"\n"
									"The Team Arena mission pack can be found in your local game store.", cl->downloadName);
				else {
					Com_sprintf(errorMessage, sizeof(errorMessage), "Cannot autodownload id pk3 file \"%s\"", cl->downloadName);
			else if ( !(sv_allowDownload->integer & DLF_ENABLE) ||
				(sv_allowDownload->integer & DLF_NO_UDP) ) {

				Com_Printf("clientDownload: %d : \"%s\" download disabled", (int) (cl - svs.clients), cl->downloadName);
				if (sv_pure->integer) {
					Com_sprintf(errorMessage, sizeof(errorMessage), "Could not download \"%s\" because autodownloading is disabled on the server.\n\n"
										"You will need to get this file elsewhere before you "
										"can connect to this pure server.\n", cl->downloadName);
				} else {
					Com_sprintf(errorMessage, sizeof(errorMessage), "Could not download \"%s\" because autodownloading is disabled on the server.\n\n"
                    "The server you are connecting to is not a pure server, "
                    "set autodownload to No in your settings and you might be "
                    "able to join the game anyway.\n", cl->downloadName);
			} else {
        // NOTE TTimo this is NOT supposed to happen unless bug in our filesystem scheme?
        //   if the pk3 is referenced, it must have been found somewhere in the filesystem
				Com_Printf("clientDownload: %d : \"%s\" file not found on server\n", (int) (cl - svs.clients), cl->downloadName);
				Com_sprintf(errorMessage, sizeof(errorMessage), "File \"%s\" not found on server for autodownloading.\n", cl->downloadName);
			MSG_WriteByte( msg, svc_download );
			MSG_WriteShort( msg, 0 ); // client is expecting block zero
			MSG_WriteLong( msg, -1 ); // illegal file size
			MSG_WriteString( msg, errorMessage );

			*cl->downloadName = 0;
		Com_Printf( "clientDownload: %d : beginning \"%s\"\n", (int) (cl - svs.clients), cl->downloadName );
		// Init
		cl->downloadCurrentBlock = cl->downloadClientBlock = cl->downloadXmitBlock = 0;
		cl->downloadCount = 0;
		cl->downloadEOF = qfalse;

	// Perform any reads that we need to
	while (cl->downloadCurrentBlock - cl->downloadClientBlock < MAX_DOWNLOAD_WINDOW &&
		cl->downloadSize != cl->downloadCount) {

		curindex = (cl->downloadCurrentBlock % MAX_DOWNLOAD_WINDOW);

		if (!cl->downloadBlocks[curindex])
			cl->downloadBlocks[curindex] = Z_Malloc( MAX_DOWNLOAD_BLKSIZE );

		cl->downloadBlockSize[curindex] = FS_Read( cl->downloadBlocks[curindex], MAX_DOWNLOAD_BLKSIZE, cl->download );

		if (cl->downloadBlockSize[curindex] < 0) {
			// EOF right now
			cl->downloadCount = cl->downloadSize;

		cl->downloadCount += cl->downloadBlockSize[curindex];

		// Load in next block

	// Check to see if we have eof condition and add the EOF block
	if (cl->downloadCount == cl->downloadSize &&
		!cl->downloadEOF &&
		cl->downloadCurrentBlock - cl->downloadClientBlock < MAX_DOWNLOAD_WINDOW) {

		cl->downloadBlockSize[cl->downloadCurrentBlock % MAX_DOWNLOAD_WINDOW] = 0;

		cl->downloadEOF = qtrue;  // We have added the EOF block

	// Loop up to window size times based on how many blocks we can fit in the
	// client snapMsec and rate

	// based on the rate, how many bytes can we fit in the snapMsec time of the client
	// normal rate / snapshotMsec calculation
	rate = cl->rate;
	if ( sv_maxRate->integer ) {
		if ( sv_maxRate->integer < 1000 ) {
			Cvar_Set( "sv_MaxRate", "1000" );
		if ( sv_maxRate->integer < rate ) {
			rate = sv_maxRate->integer;
	if ( sv_minRate->integer ) {
		if ( sv_minRate->integer < 1000 )
			Cvar_Set( "sv_minRate", "1000" );
		if ( sv_minRate->integer > rate )
			rate = sv_minRate->integer;

	if (!rate) {
		blockspersnap = 1;
	} else {
		blockspersnap = ( (rate * cl->snapshotMsec) / 1000 + MAX_DOWNLOAD_BLKSIZE ) /

	if (blockspersnap < 0)
		blockspersnap = 1;

	while (blockspersnap--) {

		// Write out the next section of the file, if we have already reached our window,
		// automatically start retransmitting

		if (cl->downloadClientBlock == cl->downloadCurrentBlock)
			return; // Nothing to transmit

		if (cl->downloadXmitBlock == cl->downloadCurrentBlock) {
			// We have transmitted the complete window, should we start resending?

			//FIXME:  This uses a hardcoded one second timeout for lost blocks
			//the timeout should be based on client rate somehow
			if (svs.time - cl->downloadSendTime > 1000)
				cl->downloadXmitBlock = cl->downloadClientBlock;

		// Send current block
		curindex = (cl->downloadXmitBlock % MAX_DOWNLOAD_WINDOW);

		MSG_WriteByte( msg, svc_download );
		MSG_WriteShort( msg, cl->downloadXmitBlock );

		// block zero is special, contains file size
		if ( cl->downloadXmitBlock == 0 )
			MSG_WriteLong( msg, cl->downloadSize );
		MSG_WriteShort( msg, cl->downloadBlockSize[curindex] );

		// Write the block
		if ( cl->downloadBlockSize[curindex] ) {
			MSG_WriteData( msg, cl->downloadBlocks[curindex], cl->downloadBlockSize[curindex] );

		Com_DPrintf( "clientDownload: %d : writing block %d\n", (int) (cl - svs.clients), cl->downloadXmitBlock );

		// Move on to the next block
		// It will get sent with next snap shot.  The rate will keep us in line.

		cl->downloadSendTime = svs.time;
Exemple #2

Load saved bans from file.
static void SV_RehashBans_f( void )
	int index, filelen;
	fileHandle_t readfrom;
	char *textbuf, *curpos, *maskpos, *newlinepos, *endpos;
	char filepath[MAX_QPATH];

	// make sure server is running
	if ( !com_sv_running->integer ) {

	serverBansCount = 0;

	if ( !sv_banFile->string || !*sv_banFile->string )

	Com_sprintf( filepath, sizeof( filepath ), "%s/%s", FS_GetCurrentGameDir(), sv_banFile->string );

	if ( (filelen = FS_SV_FOpenFileRead( filepath, &readfrom )) >= 0 )
		if ( filelen < 2 )
			// Don't bother if file is too short.
			FS_FCloseFile( readfrom );

		curpos = textbuf = (char *)Z_Malloc( filelen, TAG_TEMP_WORKSPACE );

		filelen = FS_Read( textbuf, filelen, readfrom );
		FS_FCloseFile( readfrom );

		endpos = textbuf + filelen;

		for ( index = 0; index < SERVER_MAXBANS && curpos + 2 < endpos; index++ )
			// find the end of the address string
			for ( maskpos = curpos + 2; maskpos < endpos && *maskpos != ' '; maskpos++ );

			if ( maskpos + 1 >= endpos )

			*maskpos = '\0';

			// find the end of the subnet specifier
			for ( newlinepos = maskpos; newlinepos < endpos && *newlinepos != '\n'; newlinepos++ );

			if ( newlinepos >= endpos )

			*newlinepos = '\0';

			if ( NET_StringToAdr( curpos + 2, &serverBans[index].ip ) )
				serverBans[index].isexception = (qboolean)(curpos[0] != '0');
				serverBans[index].subnet = atoi( maskpos );

				if ( serverBans[index].ip.type == NA_IP &&
					(serverBans[index].subnet < 1 || serverBans[index].subnet > 32) )
					serverBans[index].subnet = 32;

			curpos = newlinepos + 1;

		serverBansCount = index;

		Z_Free( textbuf );
Exemple #3

Load saved bans from file.
static void SV_RehashBans_f(void)
	int index, filelen;
	fileHandle_t readfrom;
	char *textbuf, *curpos, *maskpos, *newlinepos, *endpos;
	char filepath[MAX_QPATH];
	serverBansCount = 0;
	if(!sv_banFile->string || !*sv_banFile->string)

	if(!(curpos = Cvar_VariableString("fs_game")) || !*curpos)
		curpos = BASEGAME;
	Com_sprintf(filepath, sizeof(filepath), "%s/%s", curpos, sv_banFile->string);

	if((filelen = FS_SV_FOpenFileRead(filepath, &readfrom)) >= 0)
		if(filelen < 2)
			// Don't bother if file is too short.

		curpos = textbuf = Z_Malloc(filelen);
		filelen = FS_Read(textbuf, filelen, readfrom);
		endpos = textbuf + filelen;
		for(index = 0; index < SERVER_MAXBANS && curpos + 2 < endpos; index++)
			// find the end of the address string
			for(maskpos = curpos + 2; maskpos < endpos && *maskpos != ' '; maskpos++);
			if(maskpos + 1 >= endpos)

			*maskpos = '\0';
			// find the end of the subnet specifier
			for(newlinepos = maskpos; newlinepos < endpos && *newlinepos != '\n'; newlinepos++);
			if(newlinepos >= endpos)
			*newlinepos = '\0';
			if(NET_StringToAdr(curpos + 2, &serverBans[index].ip, NA_UNSPEC))
				serverBans[index].isexception = (curpos[0] != '0');
				serverBans[index].subnet = atoi(maskpos);
				if(serverBans[index].ip.type == NA_IP &&
				   (serverBans[index].subnet < 1 || serverBans[index].subnet > 32))
					serverBans[index].subnet = 32;
				else if(serverBans[index].ip.type == NA_IP6 &&
					(serverBans[index].subnet < 1 || serverBans[index].subnet > 128))
					serverBans[index].subnet = 128;
			curpos = newlinepos + 1;
		serverBansCount = index;

Check to see if the client wants a file, open it if needed and start pumping the client
Fill up msg with data 
void SV_WriteDownloadToClient( client_t *cl , msg_t *msg )
	int curindex;
	int rate;
	int blockspersnap;
	int idPack, missionPack;
	char errorMessage[1024];

	if (!*cl->downloadName)
		return;	// Nothing being downloaded

	if (!cl->download) {
		// We open the file here

		Com_Printf( "clientDownload: %d : begining \"%s\"\n", cl - svs.clients, cl->downloadName );

		missionPack = FS_idPak(cl->downloadName, "missionpack");
		idPack = missionPack || FS_idPak(cl->downloadName, "baseq3");

		if ( !sv_allowDownload->integer || idPack ||
			( cl->downloadSize = FS_SV_FOpenFileRead( cl->downloadName, &cl->download ) ) <= 0 ) {
			// cannot auto-download file
			if (idPack) {
				Com_Printf("clientDownload: %d : \"%s\" cannot download id pk3 files\n", cl - svs.clients, cl->downloadName);
				if (missionPack) {
					Com_sprintf(errorMessage, sizeof(errorMessage), "Cannot autodownload Team Arena file \"%s\"\n"
									"The Team Arena mission pack can be found in your local game store.", cl->downloadName);
				else {
					Com_sprintf(errorMessage, sizeof(errorMessage), "Cannot autodownload id pk3 file \"%s\"", cl->downloadName);
			} else if ( !sv_allowDownload->integer ) {
				Com_Printf("clientDownload: %d : \"%s\" download disabled", cl - svs.clients, cl->downloadName);
				if (sv_pure->integer) {
					Com_sprintf(errorMessage, sizeof(errorMessage), "Could not download \"%s\" because autodownloading is disabled on the server.\n\n"
										"You will need to get this file elsewhere before you "
										"can connect to this pure server.\n", cl->downloadName);
				} else {
					Com_sprintf(errorMessage, sizeof(errorMessage), "Could not download \"%s\" because autodownloading is disabled on the server.\n\n"
                    "The server you are connecting to is not a pure server, "
                    "set autodownload to No in your settings and you might be "
                    "able to join the game anyway.\n", cl->downloadName);
			} else {
        // NOTE TTimo this is NOT supposed to happen unless bug in our filesystem scheme?
        //   if the pk3 is referenced, it must have been found somewhere in the filesystem
				Com_Printf("clientDownload: %d : \"%s\" file not found on server\n", cl - svs.clients, cl->downloadName);
				Com_sprintf(errorMessage, sizeof(errorMessage), "File \"%s\" not found on server for autodownloading.\n", cl->downloadName);
			MSG_WriteByte( msg, svc_download );
			MSG_WriteShort( msg, 0 ); // client is expecting block zero
			MSG_WriteLong( msg, -1 ); // illegal file size
			MSG_WriteString( msg, errorMessage );

			*cl->downloadName = 0;
		// Init
		cl->downloadCurrentBlock = cl->downloadClientBlock = cl->downloadXmitBlock = 0;
		cl->downloadCount = 0;
		cl->downloadEOF = qfalse;

	// Perform any reads that we need to
	while (cl->downloadCurrentBlock - cl->downloadClientBlock < MAX_DOWNLOAD_WINDOW &&
		cl->downloadSize != cl->downloadCount) {

		curindex = (cl->downloadCurrentBlock % MAX_DOWNLOAD_WINDOW);

		if (!cl->downloadBlocks[curindex])
			cl->downloadBlocks[curindex] = Z_Malloc( MAX_DOWNLOAD_BLKSIZE );

		cl->downloadBlockSize[curindex] = FS_Read( cl->downloadBlocks[curindex], MAX_DOWNLOAD_BLKSIZE, cl->download );

		if (cl->downloadBlockSize[curindex] < 0) {
			// EOF right now
			cl->downloadCount = cl->downloadSize;

		cl->downloadCount += cl->downloadBlockSize[curindex];

		// Load in next block

	// Check to see if we have eof condition and add the EOF block
	if (cl->downloadCount == cl->downloadSize &&
		!cl->downloadEOF &&
		cl->downloadCurrentBlock - cl->downloadClientBlock < MAX_DOWNLOAD_WINDOW) {

		cl->downloadBlockSize[cl->downloadCurrentBlock % MAX_DOWNLOAD_WINDOW] = 0;

		cl->downloadEOF = qtrue;  // We have added the EOF block

	// Loop up to window size times based on how many blocks we can fit in the
	// client snapMsec and rate

	// based on the rate, how many bytes can we fit in the snapMsec time of the client
	// normal rate / snapshotMsec calculation
	rate = cl->rate;
	if ( sv_maxRate->integer ) {
		if ( sv_maxRate->integer < 1000 ) {
			Cvar_Set( "sv_MaxRate", "1000" );
		if ( sv_maxRate->integer < rate ) {
			rate = sv_maxRate->integer;

	if (!rate) {
		blockspersnap = 1;
	} else {
		blockspersnap = ( (rate * cl->snapshotMsec) / 1000 + MAX_DOWNLOAD_BLKSIZE ) /

	if (blockspersnap < 0)
		blockspersnap = 1;

	while (blockspersnap--) {

		// Write out the next section of the file, if we have already reached our window,
		// automatically start retransmitting

		if (cl->downloadClientBlock == cl->downloadCurrentBlock)
			return; // Nothing to transmit

		if (cl->downloadXmitBlock == cl->downloadCurrentBlock) {
			// We have transmitted the complete window, should we start resending?

			//FIXME:  This uses a hardcoded one second timeout for lost blocks
			//the timeout should be based on client rate somehow
			if (svs.time - cl->downloadSendTime > 1000)
				cl->downloadXmitBlock = cl->downloadClientBlock;

		// Send current block
		curindex = (cl->downloadXmitBlock % MAX_DOWNLOAD_WINDOW);

		MSG_WriteByte( msg, svc_download );
		MSG_WriteShort( msg, cl->downloadXmitBlock );

		// block zero is special, contains file size
		if ( cl->downloadXmitBlock == 0 )
			MSG_WriteLong( msg, cl->downloadSize );
		MSG_WriteShort( msg, cl->downloadBlockSize[curindex] );

		// Write the block
		if ( cl->downloadBlockSize[curindex] ) {
			MSG_WriteData( msg, cl->downloadBlocks[curindex], cl->downloadBlockSize[curindex] );

		Com_DPrintf( "clientDownload: %d : writing block %d\n", cl - svs.clients, cl->downloadXmitBlock );

		// Move on to the next block
		// It will get sent with next snap shot.  The rate will keep us in line.

		cl->downloadSendTime = svs.time;
Exemple #5
unsigned int _GeoIP_seek_record ( unsigned long ipnum ) {

	fileHandle_t file;

	int depth;
	unsigned int x;
	unsigned char stack_buffer[2 * MAX_RECORD_LENGTH];
	const unsigned char *buf = stack_buffer;
	unsigned int offset = 0;

	const unsigned char * p;
	int j;

	FS_SV_FOpenFileRead("GeoIP.dat", &file);

		Com_Printf("File Read error.\n");
		return 0;

	unsigned char *data; = malloc(1024*1024*2);
	if(!FS_Seek(file, 0, SEEK_SET)){
		FS_Read(data , 1024*1024*2, file);
	unsigned int foffset;

	for (depth = 31; depth >= 0; depth--) {
		/* read from disk */
		foffset = (long)RECORD_LENGTH * 2 *offset;

		if(!FS_Seek(file, foffset, FS_SEEK_SET)){
			FS_Read(stack_buffer , RECORD_LENGTH * 2, file);
		/* simply point to record in memory */
//		buf = data + (long)RECORD_LENGTH * 2 *offset;
		if (ipnum & (1 << depth)) {
			/* Take the right-hand branch */
			if ( RECORD_LENGTH == 3 ) {
				/* Most common case is completely unrolled and uses constants. */
				x =   (buf[3*1 + 0] << (0*8))  + (buf[3*1 + 1] << (1*8))  + (buf[3*1 + 2] << (2*8));

			} else {
				/* General case */
				p = &buf[2*j];
				x = 0;
				do {
					x <<= 8;
					x += *(--p);
				} while ( --j );

		} else {
			/* Take the left-hand branch */
			if ( RECORD_LENGTH == 3 ) {
				/* Most common case is completely unrolled and uses constants. */
				x =   (buf[3*0 + 0] << (0*8))  + (buf[3*0 + 1] << (1*8))  + (buf[3*0 + 2] << (2*8));
			} else {
				/* General case */
				p = &buf[1*j];
				x = 0;
				do {
					x <<= 8;
					x += *(--p);
				} while ( --j );

		if (x >= BEGIN_OFFSET) {
			//gi->netmask = gl->netmask = 32 - depth;
			return x - BEGIN_OFFSET;
		offset = x;
	/* shouldn't reach here */
	Com_PrintError("Traversing Database for ipnum = %lu - Perhaps database is corrupt?\n",ipnum);
	return 0;
Exemple #6

Helper to reload a "serverRcon_t" type of file
Returns number of entries loaded
static int SV_RehashServerRconFile(convar_t *fileName, int maxEntries, serverRcon_t buffer[])
	int index, filelen, numEntries = 0;
	fileHandle_t readfrom;
	char *textbuf, *curpos, *maskpos, *newlinepos, *endpos, filepath[MAX_QPATH];

	if(!fileName->string || !*fileName->string)
		goto exit;

	if(!(curpos = Cvar_VariableString("fs_game")) || !*curpos)
		curpos = BASEGAME;

	Com_sprintf(filepath, sizeof(filepath), "%s/%s", curpos, fileName->string);

	if((filelen = FS_SV_FOpenFileRead(filepath, &readfrom)) < 0)
		Com_Printf("SV_RehashServerRconFile: failed to open %s\n", filepath);
		goto exit;

	if(filelen < 2)
		// Don't bother if file is too short.
		goto exit;

	curpos = textbuf = (char*)Z_Malloc(filelen);

	filelen = FS_Read(textbuf, filelen, readfrom);

	endpos = textbuf + filelen;

	for(index = 0; index < maxEntries && curpos + 2 < endpos; index++)
		// find the end of the address string
		for(maskpos = curpos + 2; maskpos < endpos && *maskpos != ' '; maskpos++);

		if(maskpos + 1 >= endpos)

		*maskpos = '\0';

		// find the end of the subnet specifier
		for(newlinepos = maskpos; newlinepos < endpos && *newlinepos != '\n'; newlinepos++);

		if(newlinepos >= endpos)

		*newlinepos = '\0';

		if(NET_StringToAdr(curpos + 2, &buffer[index].ip, NA_UNSPEC))
			buffer[index].isexception = (qboolean)(curpos[0] != '0');
			buffer[index].subnet = atoi(maskpos);

			if(buffer[index].ip.type == NA_IP && (buffer[index].subnet < 1 || buffer[index].subnet > 32))
				buffer[index].subnet = 32;
			else if(buffer[index].ip.type == NA_IP6 && (buffer[index].subnet < 1 || buffer[index].subnet > 128))
				buffer[index].subnet = 128;

		curpos = newlinepos + 1;

	numEntries = index;

	return numEntries;
Exemple #7

  Reads versionmap.cfg which sets up a mapping of client version to installer to download
void SV_ParseVersionMapping( void ) {
	int handle;
	char *filename = "versionmap.cfg";
	char *buf;
	char *buftrav;
	char *token;
	int len;

	len = FS_SV_FOpenFileRead( filename, &handle );
	if ( len >= 0 ) { // the file exists

		buf = (char *)Z_Malloc( len + 1 );
		memset( buf, 0, len + 1 );

		FS_Read( (void *)buf, len, handle );
		FS_FCloseFile( handle );

		// now parse the file, setting the version table info
		buftrav = buf;

		token = COM_Parse( &buftrav );
		if ( strcmp( token, "RTCW-VersionMap" ) ) {
			Z_Free( buf );
			Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "invalid versionmap.cfg" );

		Com_Printf( "\n------------Update Server-------------\n\nParsing version map..." );

		while ( ( token = COM_Parse( &buftrav ) ) && token[0] ) {
			// read the version number
			strcpy( versionMap[ numVersions ].version, token );

			// read the platform
			token = COM_Parse( &buftrav );
			if ( token && token[0] ) {
				strcpy( versionMap[ numVersions ].platform, token );
			} else {
				Z_Free( buf );
				Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "error parsing versionmap.cfg, after %s", versionMap[ numVersions ].version );

			// read the installer name
			token = COM_Parse( &buftrav );
			if ( token && token[0] ) {
				strcpy( versionMap[ numVersions ].installer, token );
			} else {
				Z_Free( buf );
				Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "error parsing versionmap.cfg, after %s", versionMap[ numVersions ].platform );

			if ( numVersions >= MAX_UPDATE_VERSIONS ) {
				Z_Free( buf );
				Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "Exceeded maximum number of mappings(%d)", MAX_UPDATE_VERSIONS );


		Com_Printf( " found %d mapping%c\n--------------------------------------\n\n", numVersions, numVersions > 1 ? 's' : ' ' );

		Z_Free( buf );
	} else {
		Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "Couldn't open versionmap.cfg" );
Exemple #8
void LAN_LoadCachedServers() {

#if defined RTCW_SP
	// TTimo: stub, this is only relevant to MP, SP kills the servercache.dat (and favorites)
	// show_bug.cgi?id=445
	  int size;
	  fileHandle_t fileIn;
	  cls.numglobalservers = cls.nummplayerservers = cls.numfavoriteservers = 0;
	  cls.numGlobalServerAddresses = 0;
	  if (FS_SV_FOpenFileRead("servercache.dat", &fileIn)) {
		  FS_Read(&cls.numglobalservers, sizeof(int), fileIn);
		  FS_Read(&cls.nummplayerservers, sizeof(int), fileIn);
		  FS_Read(&cls.numfavoriteservers, sizeof(int), fileIn);
		  FS_Read(&size, sizeof(int), fileIn);
		  if (size == sizeof(cls.globalServers) + sizeof(cls.favoriteServers) + sizeof(cls.mplayerServers)) {
			  FS_Read(&cls.globalServers, sizeof(cls.globalServers), fileIn);
			  FS_Read(&cls.mplayerServers, sizeof(cls.mplayerServers), fileIn);
			  FS_Read(&cls.favoriteServers, sizeof(cls.favoriteServers), fileIn);
		  } else {
			  cls.numglobalservers = cls.nummplayerservers = cls.numfavoriteservers = 0;
			  cls.numGlobalServerAddresses = 0;
#elif defined RTCW_MP
	int size;
	fileHandle_t fileIn;
	cls.numglobalservers = cls.nummplayerservers = cls.numfavoriteservers = 0;
	cls.numGlobalServerAddresses = 0;
	if ( FS_SV_FOpenFileRead( "servercache.dat", &fileIn ) ) {
		FS_Read( &cls.numglobalservers, sizeof( int ), fileIn );
		FS_Read( &cls.nummplayerservers, sizeof( int ), fileIn );
		FS_Read( &cls.numfavoriteservers, sizeof( int ), fileIn );
		FS_Read( &size, sizeof( int ), fileIn );
		if ( size == sizeof( cls.globalServers ) + sizeof( cls.favoriteServers ) + sizeof( cls.mplayerServers ) ) {
			FS_Read( &cls.globalServers, sizeof( cls.globalServers ), fileIn );
			FS_Read( &cls.mplayerServers, sizeof( cls.mplayerServers ), fileIn );
			FS_Read( &cls.favoriteServers, sizeof( cls.favoriteServers ), fileIn );
		} else {
			cls.numglobalservers = cls.nummplayerservers = cls.numfavoriteservers = 0;
			cls.numGlobalServerAddresses = 0;
		FS_FCloseFile( fileIn );
	int size;
	fileHandle_t fileIn;
	char filename[MAX_QPATH];

	cls.numglobalservers = cls.numfavoriteservers = 0;
	cls.numGlobalServerAddresses = 0;

	if ( com_gameInfo.usesProfiles && cl_profile->string[0] ) {
		Com_sprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "profiles/%s/servercache.dat", cl_profile->string );
	} else {
		Q_strncpyz( filename, "servercache.dat", sizeof( filename ) );

	// Arnout: moved to mod/profiles dir
	//if (FS_SV_FOpenFileRead(filename, &fileIn)) {
	if ( FS_FOpenFileRead( filename, &fileIn, qtrue ) ) {
		FS_Read( &cls.numglobalservers, sizeof( int ), fileIn );
		FS_Read( &cls.numfavoriteservers, sizeof( int ), fileIn );
		FS_Read( &size, sizeof( int ), fileIn );
		if ( size == sizeof( cls.globalServers ) + sizeof( cls.favoriteServers ) ) {
			FS_Read( &cls.globalServers, sizeof( cls.globalServers ), fileIn );
			FS_Read( &cls.favoriteServers, sizeof( cls.favoriteServers ), fileIn );
		} else {
			cls.numglobalservers = cls.numfavoriteservers = 0;
			cls.numGlobalServerAddresses = 0;
		FS_FCloseFile( fileIn );
#endif // RTCW_XX
